Per Nikolaj BukhAalborg University · Department of Business and Management
Per Nikolaj Bukh
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Per Nikolaj Bukh (, M.Sc., PhD, professor at the Department of Economics and Management at Aalborg University, Denmark. He has published a large number of books and articles on subjects such as Activity-Based Costing, Balanced Scorecard, budgeting, strategy, Intellectual Capital reporting, benchmarking and formula funding. His latest research is primarily concerned with the design of management accounting and control systems within public sector.
In addition to his research activities, Per Nikolaj Bukh often contributes to postgraduate programs and conferences. Further Per Nikolaj Bukh consults on the design of management control systems, performance management, cost accounting, formula funding and performance budgeting.
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November 2000 - December 2003
January 2004 - December 2005
October 1995 - September 1998
August 1991 - July 1995
September 1984 - July 1991
Publications (92)
Intellectual capital statements are ‘new’ forms of reporting whose object is knowledge management activities. Based on 17 firms’ work to develop intellectual capital statements, this paper analyses them as managerial technologies making knowledge amenable to intervention. Aspects of actor-network-theory are mobilised to suggest that the intellectua...
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine whether information on intellectual capital (non-financial information on knowledge based resources) is disclosed in Danish IPO prospectuses. Further, to analyse whether this voluntary disclosure has changed in the period from 1999 to 2001 and to analyse what factors can explain the amount of disclo...
This paper aims to explore how the introduction of new accounting information influences the understandings of cost-consciousness. Furthermore, the paper explores how managers use accounting information to shape organizational members’ understanding of changes, and how focusing on cost-consciousness influence professional culture within soc...
– This paper aims to investigate reasons for going Beyond Budgeting and the practical issues organizations face when they change their management accounting system based on inspiration from the Beyond Budgeting model.
– The authors apply a case study approach. The primary data source is interviews. The case comp...
This paper examines how a public sector organization combined management control systems (MCS) to comply with increased uncertainty and conflicting objectives of tight budget control, flexibility, and quality care simultaneously. It also analyzes how middle managers interpret management control intentions and manage conflicting objectives,...
En faelles tilskudsmodel for museer med forskellige mål Når ressourcerne er begraensede i den offentlige sektor, skal der prioriteres. Selvom der f.eks. er udbredt enighed om, at Danmark har brug for et forsvar, at der skal stilles gratis undervisning til rådighed, og at en vaerdig aeldrepleje skal prioriteres, så findes der ikke alment accepterede...
This study examines how budgeting and forecasting are used in a bank that abandoned the corporate budget but later reintroduced it. Although companies that implement Beyond Budgeting may reintroduce budgets, how companies returning to traditional budgeting maintain Beyond Budgeting elements and incorporate them into the budgeting process has not be...
This study examines, based on a case study approach using sensemaking as an analytical lens, the consequences of tight budget control in social sector organizations. We investigate how middle managers from two Danish municipalities in social services create meaning and enact changes in practices and budgeting principles when confronted with demands...
Although it's a niche topic, those interested in management accounting and control in the public sector may find the book useful. While the book is in Danish, it remains accessible to readers who are reasonably well-versed in Scandinavian languages.
Results-based funding models are not neutral tools because the results they promote reflect specifi...
This study focuses on ratcheting and budget behavior in nonprofit museums. Specifically, the authors examine how performance compared with the budget affects future revenue budgets, and how this differs from the extant literature focused on for-profit organizations. The study focuses specifically on the relationship between museums and th...
LEON-princippet angiver, at patienter skal behandles på det laveste effektive omkostningsniveau. Denne artikel har til formål at vurdere, om et tilsvarende princip kan anvendes uden for sundhedsvæsnet, så medarbejderkompetencer anvendes bedst muligt, og den mest omkostningseffektive opgaveorganisering realiseres. Der foretages først en afklaring af...
This paper examines how managers in a Danish municipality balance tight budgetary control with flexibility when providing quality services. Using the levers of control framework as an analytical lens, the study shows how managers tackle complexities and uncertainties using accounting information and interactive control processes. Furthermore, it de...
This paper studies how performance funding of education is perceived by principals, teachers and administrative staff and management. The dysfunctionality of performance measures often reflects how the measures prevent an organisation from achieving its goals. This paper proposes that perceptions of dysfunctionality can be analysed by separ...
High-stakes testing is meant to create a positive washback effect on student learning. Performance funding can raise stakes. However, it is not often used, and its washback is uncertain. The purpose of this paper is to examine performance-funding programs based on students’ exam results. We study principals’ perceptions and interpretations of how t...
Denne bog introducerer en række grundlæggende måder en virksomhed samt dens økonomi og strategi kan beskrives på. Bogen viser desuden, hvordan en virksomhed kan styres med udgangspunkt i budgetter og økonomistyring. Dermed adresserer bogen centrale opgaver og problemstillinger i alle slags virksomheder: Både store og små erhvervsvirksomheder samt i...
Med henblik på at reducere andelen af lavt praesterende elever ved afgangseksamenerne i folkeskolen vedtog Folketinget i 2016 den såkaldte skolepulje. Formålet var at give udvalgte skoler et økonomisk incitament til at reducere andelen af lavtpraesterende elever. Denne artikel fokuserer på, hvordan skoleledere opfattede skolepuljen og de initiative...
Tildelingsmodeller er budgetmodeller, der tildeler ressourcer fra et overliggende styrings-niveau til decentrale udførerenheder ved anvendelse af matematiske formler. Denne form for budgetmodel vil altid repræsentere en incitamentsstruktur. Effektbaserede tildelings-modeller er karakteriseret ved, at de indebærer incitamenter, der fremmer effektska...
Tildelingsmodeller er budgetmodeller, der tildeler ressourcer fra et overliggende styringsniveau til decentrale udførerenheder ved anvendelse af matematiske formler. De er baseret på tildelingskriterier, der kan omfatte både cost-drivere og resultatmål. Denne form for budgetmodel vil altid udgøre en incitamentsstruktur. Effektbaserede tildelingsmod...
Denne artikel undersøger, hvordan ledere i en kommunal socialforvaltning anvender og fortolker omkostningsinformation. Specifikt fokuseres der på, hvordan aendringer i det sociale arbejde initieres, når nye metoder til omkostningsstyring - og som konsekvens heraf en mere omkostningsbevidst adfaerd introduceres. Tidligere forskning har vist blandede...
I de senere år er fokus øget både på den effekt, der opnås af de offentlige indsatser, og på de ressourcer, der medgår. Det nødvendiggør aendringer i den økonomiske styring, og i den måde ressourcetildelingsmodellerne fungerer på. Artiklen saetter fokus på ledelsesrummet, der drejer sig om, hvilke beslutninger man kan traeffe, hvilke konsekvenser a...
I de senere år er fokus øget både på den effekt, der opnås af de offentlige indsatser, og på de ressourcer, der medgår. Det nødvendiggør ændringer i den økonomiske styring, og i den måde ressourcetildelingsmodellerne fungerer på. Artiklen sætter fokus på ledelsesrummet, der drejer sig om, hvilke beslutninger man kan træffe, hvilke konsekvenser af b...
When organizations engage in learning from each other through self‐governed networks, they may encounter challenges regarding confidentiality. This is particularly true if external accountability needs of the network participants conflict with internal accountability among participants and/or network‐level objectives. This study shows how important...
Purpose—This paper explores how the introduction of new accounting information influences understandings of cost-consciousness. Furthermore, the paper explores how managers use accounting information to shape organizational members’ understanding of changes, and how focusing on cost-consciousness influence professional culture within social service...
Dynamikkerne, kompleksiteten og de vilde problemer på socialområdet har ofte indebåret, at socialt arbejde har været opfattet som svært styrbart ud fra et økonomisk perspektiv. I denne artikel analyseres det, hvordan en kommune efter finanskrisen reorganiserede økonomistyringen for at sikre en mere stram budgetstyring samtidig med at de decentrale...
Det er viktig at offentlige virksomheter holder budsjettene sine, selv om budsjettoverholdelse ikke er den offentlige sektorens hovedformål. I de siste årene har oppmerksomheten økt om effekten av offentlig innsats og om ressursene som går med i produksjonen. Det har ført til endringer i den økonomiske styringen og i utformingen av ressurstildeling...
For at realisere sammenhængsreformens såvel som ledelseskommissionens visioner er der brug for klare mål og strategier samt helt nye organisations- og styringsformer. Der skal skabes et fornyet fokus på datadrevet ledelse, og effekt skal være det centrale omdrejningspunkt for hele det danske velfærdssamfund.
Bogen er struktureret i tre temaer: (1...
Bogen handler om at skrive opgaver i forbindelse med en uddannelse. Hovedformålet er at skabe en overskuelig vejledning til brug for både den førstegangsskrivende, der måske står lidt famlende over for det at skulle skrive en opgave, og for den mere erfarne, som har brug for nogle konkrete anvisninger på, hvorledes forskellige elementer af en opgav...
– The purpose of this paper is threefold: to investigate why and how companies in voluntary networks engage in performance benchmarking; how requirements for a standardised chart of accounts are handled; and what the role of regulatory pressure is.
– The paper is based on a longitudinal case study of an establis...
Bogen består af 19 kapitler med fokus på økonomistyring. Indholdet spænder fra kapitler om de virksomheds- og samfundsmæssige betingelser for at styre virksomheder over økonomistyringens teknikker til kapitler om økonomistyringens rolle i praksis og som forskningsfelt. Kapitlerne er skrevet af førende forskere og giver tilsammen et billede af centr...
Intellectual capital (IC) consists of human capital, organizational capital, and relational capital, and their relationships. It has been said to be important to explain the difference between market value and book value of a firm, but measurement of IC is more likely to be important because it forms a starting point for understanding and managing...
The field of business models has, as is the case with all emerging fields of practice, slowly matured through the development of frameworks, models, concepts and ideas over the last 15 years. New concepts, theories and models typically transcend a series of maturity phases.
Balanced scorecard er et strategisk ledelsesværktøj, der giver ledelsen overblik over virksomhedens processer, kunder og markeder samt dens organisatoriske kompetencer. Ved at sætte konkrete mål og fokusere på kritiske succesfaktorer kan virksomheden opnå excellente resultater.
Per Nikolaj Bukh og Karina Skovvang Christensen giver en grundig genne...
Benchmarking has become popular as a way of evaluating the efficiency of public organizations. This article illustrates how three public companies in the supply sector perceive the implementation of regulatory benchmarking, how they react, what actions are initiated and what dilemmas it involves. Emphasis is put on assessing whether benchmarking re...
The purpose of this paper is to study the role of strategic information in the process of analyzing and understanding a specific company. Special emphasis is given to how forward‐looking information becomes important in relation to establishing a perception of market value by financial sell‐side analysts.
The em...
The purpose of this paper is to report the findings of a study of how dispositional factors of motivation rooted in personality interact with participative budgeting to affect budget goal commitment.
The study is based on a survey among bank managers from a Scandinavian regional bank. To assess the motivational...
This study focuses on how financial analysts understand the strategy of a health care company and which elements, from such a strategy perspective, they perceive as constituting the cornerstone of a health care company's business model. The empirical part of this study is based on semi-structured interviews with analysts following a large health ca...
The purpose of this research project is to compare the nature and extent of voluntary intellectual capital disclosures (ICD) by UK and Australian biotechnology companies. The motivating research question was whether the nature and extent of voluntary ICD by preparers of financial report data in these countries reflected the relative maturit...
enne bog handler om handler om driftsøkonomi, fusioner og strategi samt økonomiske teorier og tanker – og indholdet er i høj grad relevant for alle, som interesserer sig for ledelse og økonomi. Bogen er lavet som et festskrift til professor Ole Øhlenschlæger Madsen i anledning af at han i 2009 går på pension.
En mængde erfarne ledere og forskere...
The article focuses on how managerial options in relation to development and sharing of knowledge in projects can be extended by analysing project management from two different, but complementary, knowledge management perspectives: An artefact oriented and a process oriented perspective. Further, the article examines how a similar project managemen...
During the last decade many calls for improving disclosure practices in relation to intellectual capital and intangibles have been uttered in the standard-setting, academic and business communities. There seem to be two types of solutions to this problem. One angle of attack is to seek to improve transparency through implementation of global accoun...
The article focuses on how managerial options in relation to development and sharing of knowledge in projects can be extended by analysing project management from two different, but complementary, knowledge management perspectives: an artefact-oriented and a process-oriented perspective. Further, the article examines how a similar project managemen...
In many firms and in many industrialised countries, innovation is regarded as fundamental to growth and wealth creation. However, it is not easy to define a measure of innovation that is a leading indicator for value creation. This would imply a linear model of knowledge as a simple input to value-creating processes. Instead, intellectual capital i...
The purpose of this paper is to show how three similar utility companies have adopted intellectual capital statements as a management technology, incorporated it into existing practices, developed and adapted it.
The paper is based on ethnomethodology using accounts where the data collection was mainly through s...
Budgettet er en central del af virksomhedens økonomistyring, men det er ikke alle økonomistyringens opgaver, der kan tilgodeses alene med udgangspunkt i budgettet. I denne artikel sætter vi fokus på budgettets motiverende rolle, både i forbindelse med budgetlægningsprocessen, selve budgettet og i relation til budgetopfølgningen. Formålet er at vurd...
Increasing competition and demanding customers in the financial retail sector has become a challenge to the sector's traditional management accounting systems. Few financial institutions have accounting systems that allow them to identify the profitability of customer segments, and the relationship between customer related activities, customer loya...
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to propose and illustrate the use of a set of rules to make an analytical reading of the indicators of an intellectual capital statement possible. Design/methodology/approach – The paper proposes a model to analyze intellectual capital statements and applies this model to an intellectual capital statement and...
Der er nu mere end 15 år siden, at Activity Based Costing (ABC) blev introduceret; og modellen har i sin grundstruktur vaeret fuldt udviklet naesten lige så laenge. Danske virksomheder har i stor udstraekning taget ABC til sig, men mange oplever, at ABC-modellen set i lyset af et stort ressourceforbrug både i design-og anvendelsesfasen ikke er så b...
The Odense regionof the Danish Tax Authorities developed an aspiration to ‘prevent unfair competition’ rather than to control taxpayers and firms. It signals a changed ambition both in relation of a conventional conception of what the public sector may be and also a possible departure from the streamlined New Public Sector where atten- tion to stra...
This paper compares balanced scorecard and intellectual capital and finds important differences between their theoretical underpinnings, which suggest that the breath of indicators will work differently in organisations.
Analysing texts about balanced scorecard and intellectual capital, the paper discusses not t...
The paper reports on public sector organisations'/institutions' work to develop knowledge management and intellectual capital statements. Building on experiences collected during 2001-2002 where 26 public sector institutions in Denmark sought to develop intellectual capital statements, this paper discusses their experiences and in particular, it ad...
Intellectual capital is an important value driver in today’s organizations. Traditional financial statements do not provide the relevant information for managers or investors to understand how their resources – many of which are intangible – create value in the future. Intellectual capital statements are designed to bridge this gap by providing inf...
Examines the new challenges that have been posed by the information society and the new demands posed on management. The term “knowledge-based economy” has become universal, the rules of business are being rewitten and the industrial era enterprise models are no longer adequate to meet the dynamic condition of a changing world market. Companies hav...
This paper discusses the differences and complementarities of the two guidelines for managing, measuring and reporting intellectual capital (IC) that has been developed by the Meritum research group and the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, respectively. IC is closely related to knowledge management and the guidelines describe...
Many firms have started disclosing information on intellectual capital. Financial analysts, however, ask for more disclosure related to strategy and often find intellectual capital statement less relevant. Drawing on results from a study of disclosure of information on intellectual capital in Danish initial public offering (IPO) prospectuses, this...
On the basis of empirical illustrations from five Danish firms this paper discusses how the objects of intellectual capital statements were constructed. These objects were the activities that defined knowledge management, and the intellectual capital statements monitored these through depicting a particular narrativised strategy for managing knowle...
Both intellectual capital reports and balanced scorecards relate corporate strategy and integrated performance management systems, and they both expand reporting beyond the financial view with categories of customers, processes, and employees. This paper discusses their differences and complementarities based on an analysis of their use in one mid-...
This paper introduces a framework for analysing intellectual capital statements. It is suggested that the three-way model of intellectual capital (human, organisations and structural) can be developed in its descriptive and its prescriptive qualities. Another model is offered which relate intellectual capital indicators to the firm’s knowledge stra...
Skandia’s intellectual capital supplements are pioneering forms of communication that inform internal as well as external readers of the attempts to manage and create value from intellectual resources. These supplements to the financial accounting statement communicate not only in numbers but also in stories and illustrations about the challenges f...
For at klare sig under de nutidige konkurrencevilkår er det næsten blevet en naturlov, at der skal satses på faktorer som innovationsevne, videndeling og udvikling af produkter og serviceydelser. Desuden er det en betingelse, at virksomheden kan bevare, tiltrække og udvikle de rigtige videnressourcer i form af medarbejdere, kunder, processer og tek...
This article analyses the development of intellectual capital statements in 19 Danish firms. These statements are discussed in order to show how they work in relation to knowledge-management activities. Based on survey and interview data from the firms that have collaborated in developing intellectual capital statements, the article focuses on why...
I modify the uniform-price auction rules in allowing the seller to ration bidders. This allows me to provide a strategic foundation for underpricing when the seller has an interest in ownership dispersion. Moreover, many of the so-called "collusive-seeming" equilibria disappear.
This paper examines the stability of the size and profile of benefit segments in the European corporate market for cash management services. Based on a questionnaire returned by more than 600 firms in 1996 and 1998, a relationship-oriented segment, a commitment-oriented segment, a transaction-oriented segment, and a bank rating-oriented segment are...
In the financial retail sector competitive pressure seems to challenge the traditional management accounting systems, which often does not allow the identification of profitable customer relationships. Drawing on a stage model and data from management accountants, branch managers and frontline employees in Danish financial service companies, this a...
This paper discusses the relationship between intellectual capital and knowledge management. Based on five empirical examples, it suggests that intellectual capital statements are complex forms of measuring, reporting and acting at the same time. Measurement and process conflate, because there is little attempt to measure the “true” value of intell...
This article provides evidence of the criteria for choice of a cash management bank adopted by European corporate customers. The results indicate that service quality is the most important criterion for choice of bank followed by pricing and relationship. Based on these findings, relationship- and transaction-oriented strategies are discussed. It i...
Outlines the adaptation process in the distribution channel structure of the retail banking sector as a consequence of the introduction of electronic channels, such as telephone banking, PC banking and Internet banking. Based on responses from 42 retail banks in Denmark, their distribution channel strategies are described and their relation to sele...
Videnregnskabet er et af de nye ledelseskoncepter, som i de seneste par �r har f�et stor opm�rksomhed. I denne artikel beskrives kortfattet, hvad et videnregnskab er, hvad det kan indeholde og hvad det kan bruges til. En r�kke virksomheder har offentliggjort rapporter, der kan betegnes som videnregnskaber, men videnregnskabets karakter vil blive me...
At present most European banks can only be considered domestic banks in the sense that they are operating in one country only. However, this situation is changing because the integration of Europe makes borders less important, and both the banks and their customers tend to become more internationally oriented. Further, the European banking sector i...
Provides evidence of the criteria for the choice of domestic cash management banks adopted by large European firms. A questionnaire completed by 1,129 corporate customers from 20 European countries indicates that service quality is the most important criterion for choice of domestic cash management banking, followed by pricing and relationship. Usi...
Traditionelt er budgettet set som det centrale økonomistyringsredskab, men der har i litteraturen såvel som blandt mange praktikere været kritik både af den nytte man har af budgettet og af de ressourcer, der er forbundet med dets udarbejdelse. Samtidig er mange virksomheder begyndt at bruge nye teknikker; både som supplement til budgettet og for a...
Denne artikel beskriver, hvorledes økonomistyring skal designes med udgangspunkt i en forståelse for, hvorledes modeller og teknikker har forskellige roller i den samlede økonomistyringsmodel. Det diskuteres, hvordan formålet med modellerne afgør, om de er komplementære eller alternativer og det vises, hvordan forskellige typer økonomistyringsmodel...
Industrial consumers' use of single, dual or multiple sourcing strategies indicate, for example, how loyal they are towards their suppliers and whether they are transaction-oriented or relationship-oriented. in consequence, information about buyers' sourcing strategies is useful for sellers when evaluating and targeting different customer segments....