Pelusa Orellana

Pelusa Orellana
University of the Andes (Chile) | UANDES · School of Education

Ph D in Education, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


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The EVOC Spanish Vocabulary Assessment: improving our understanding of Chilean elementary students' receptive vocabulary and its relation with reading comprehension.
Additional affiliations
March 2015 - present
University of the Andes (Chile)
  • Associate Dean for Research


Publications (52)
El objetivo del estudio fue explorar la calidad de las interacciones de 8 diadas madre-hijo de sectores desfavorecidos, durante un programa de 12 sesiones de práctica guiada de lectura compartida de cuentos. Desde un enfoque microanalítico, se examinaron 163 secuencias IRS (inicio, respuesta, seguimiento) en 24 sesiones videograbadas al inicio, med...
A survey completed by 22 literacy clinic directors indicated that clinics share beliefs and instructional practices. Literacy clinics provide a context in which children are taught to read and write by clinicians who are training to be literacy teachers. As best practices in reading instruction are debated, effective clinical assessment and instruc...
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Introduction Reading comprehension is considered a key ability for students in teacher education programs. Methods Data from 72 students enrolled in a Chilean school of education was used to estimate the contribution of reading proficiency in first-semester academic performance using regression analysis. Results Reading comprehension made a signi...
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Las prácticas familiares de lenguaje y alfabetización impactan en el desarrollo del niño. El objetivo del estudio fue examinar la factibilidad de la versión virtual de un programa presencial de mejora de estas habilidades. Se implementaron talleres grupales dirigidos a padres para promover la autoeficacia parental y prácticas de alfabetización. Est...
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Learning to read for children with Down syndrome is relevant because of the impact this ability has on learning and the development of autonomy. Previous research has described reading development in this population, but it is not clear if the process and precursors are the same in a transparent language like Spanish. This study explores performanc...
There is good evidence that peer tutoring, when used in a structured manner can lead to attainment gains in English reading. Transferability of the technique to other languages and educational contexts are less well studied. This paper reports results from a Phase 2 exploratory trial designed to establish if peer tutoring, in the form of Paired Rea...
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The resiliency of literacy clinics was tested during 2020–2021, as many pivoted from in-person (F2F) to online or 3-way remote learning because of the COVID-19 pandemic. University-based literacy clinics advance teacher education, provide services to K-12 students who may need instructional support, and are a laboratory for research. The purpose of...
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En las últimas décadas han surgido distintas iniciativas de alfabetización familiar para contribuir al desarrollo de las habilidades de lectura y escritura a través de experiencias lingüísticas tempranas de alta calidad, que compensan las brechas de origen socioeconómico en la población infantil. Este estudio da cuenta de las mejoras obtenidas por...
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La competencia narrativa ha sido definida como un puente entre el lenguaje oral y escrito, dado que se adquiere antes del aprendizaje formal de la lectura y ha demostrado ser un factor relevante para la comprensión lectora y el aprendizaje escolar. Este estudio examina la tarea de comprensión narrativa propuesta por Paris y Paris (2003) y adaptada...
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A lo largo de las últimas cuatro décadas, los estudios psicolingüísticos han confirmado cada vez más que el desarrollo lingüístico no termina en la infancia temprana, sino que continúa durante los años escolares, y va más allá de la adolescencia e incluso ya entrada la adultez. Los estudios sobre la adquisición del lenguaje han mostrado que durante...
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Si bien la bibliografía especializada ha descrito la existencia de un efecto posiblemente no causal entre vocabulario receptivo y comprensión lectora, y la posibilidad de un efecto acumulativo entre lectura de palabras y vocabulario, no se ha explorado si el efecto de vocabulario receptivo en comprensión lectora es invariante según los niveles de v...
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Exposure to an adverse prenatal environment can influence fetal development and result in long-lasting changes in the offspring. However, the association between maternal exposure to stressful events during pregnancy and the achievement of pre-reading skills in the offspring is unknown. Here we examined the association between prenatal exposure to...
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El uso de resultados de mediciones de vocabulario ayuda a los docentes a monitorear los avances de sus estudiantes y a tomar decisiones pedagógicas para promover el aprendizaje. Este estudio tiene por objetivo adaptar la interpretación del instrumento EVOC, para medir amplitud de vocabulario, en 1.662 estudiantes de entre 6 y 14 años, a partir de b...
There is good evidence that peer tutoring, when used in a structured manner can lead to attainment gains in English reading. Transferability of the technique to other languages and educational contexts are less well studied. This is a protocol for a Phase 2 exploratory trial designed to establish if peer tutoring, in the form of Paired Reading can...
Este estudio explora la experiencia de uso de una plataforma digital para ejercitar comprensión lectora y vocabulario según las percepciones de alumnos de enseñanza básica. Se analizaron 493 encuestas aplicadas a estudiantes chilenos de 3º, 4º, 5º y 6º básico de establecimientos subvencionados. Las encuestas son complementadas con respuestas obteni...
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This study examined the role of reading motivation in reading comprehension achievement of 1070 Chilean third, fourth, and fifth-grade students enrolled in public and private schools. Students were assessed in Spanish reading comprehension and were administered the Motivation to Read Profile from Gambrell, Palmer, Codling and Mazzoni (1996), at the...
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Este estudio describe la creación y validación de una prueba adaptativa y autoadministrada de vocabulario en español para estudiantes de kínder a octavo año básico.Usando un corpus de un millón de palabras,provenientes de textos escolares,se seleccionaron palabras de distinta frecuencia y dificultad. Se confeccionaron ítems siguiendo el formato del...
We examined early elementary children’s reading motivation in four different countries. Results revealed that reading motivation is a stable construct in countries like Chile, Finland, Greece, and the United States. Motivation to read followed similar patterns across the countries, with increased scores at the end of the school year. This trend dif...
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This study describes the implementation of repeated interactive read-aloud, as an activity to increase the vocabulary and semantic awareness of Chilean preschool students in vulnerable contexts. This research involved 47 prekindergarten students, divided into the experimental and control groups. Teachers and assistants of the experimental group rec...
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En este estudio exploramos los niveles de motivación y desempeño lector de 1290 estudiantes chilenos de tercero, cuarto y quinto año básico, con el fin de conocer los niveles de interés por la lectura y habilidades de comprensión en distintas dependencias escolares (municipal, particular subvencionada y particular pagada). Así mismo, se intentó det...
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Este estudio analiza el desarrollo de la motivación lectora en estudianteschilenos que se inician en el proceso lector. Usando la versiónen español de la Encuesta Yo y Mi Perfil Lector, desarrollada por Marinak,Malloy, Gambrell y Mazzoni en 2015, evaluamos a 302 estudiantesal inicio y final del año escolar. Los resultados muestran un descenso enla...
In this study, we compared the types of texts found in two metropolitan areas (Santiago, Chile, and San Antonio, TX, USA) as a way of documenting the sponsorship of literacy within these two communities. We found (roughly) equal number of texts across the sites but interesting patterns within each. San Antonio's texts were primarily sponsored by in...
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Few instruments have been suitably translated and validated for measuring motivational aspects linked to reading in the Spanish-speaking world. The present study was aimed at psychometrically validating the Gambrell, Palmer, Codling, and Mazzoni's Motivation to Read Survey (MTS; 1996), which comprises 2 subscales: reader's self-concept and value of...
Converging evidence has demonstrated that there are cognitive and emotional factors that impact reading ability. While the relationship between reading motivation and reading achievement has been widely documented in the literature, the question of how much variation can be accounted for by reading motivation, when cognitive and linguistic aspects...
Although Chilean adolescent students have significantly improved the quality of reading ability in the last decade, reading scores at the elementary levels seem to stagnate, and gender and socioeconomic gaps in reading achievement have not been narrowed despite the efforts to provide students with book access and research-based reading instruction....
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Background Natural disasters increase the level population stress, including pregnant women, who can experience prenatal maternal stress, affecting the fetus and triggering perinatal complications, such as low birth weight, smaller head circumference, etc. However, little is known about effects of earthquake on perinatal outcomes. Objective To eva...
Background: Natural disasters increase the level population stress, including pregnant women, who can experience prenatal maternal stress, affecting to the fetus and trigger perinatal complications, such as low birth weight, smaller head circumference, etc. However, little is known about effects of earthquake on perinatal outcomes. Objective: To ev...
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Background: Natural disasters increase the level population stress, including pregnant women, who can experience prenatal maternal stress, affecting to the fetus and trigger perinatal complications, such as low birth weight, smaller head circumference, etc. However, little is known about effects of earthquake on perinatal outcomes. Objective: To ev...
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The purpose of the study was to develop a computer-based adaptive Chilean Spanish Reading Vocabulary test for use in Chile. Although Spanish vocabulary tests exist, some are based on outdated Spanish dictionary corpora (e.g.,TEVI, Echeverria, Herrera, & Segure, 1996), none are specific to vocabulary derived from texts, and none provide normative in...
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An intervention that includes effective coaching practices can have positive impact on students and teachers. • Observations and immediate feedback were key elements for teachers to achieve changes in their practices. • Using students’ scores as information to adapt instructional practices and contents facilitated the acquisition of specific phonol...
This study describes the implementation of a program to enhance phonological awareness in Kindergarten Chilean students from a low-income background. The intervention included a special professional development course designed for teachers, to help them reflect and modify their practices, where classroom observations and feedback on instruction bec...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences between the amounts of time that U.S. and Chilean students spend on conventional academic reading, extracurricular reading, and Facebook and also to report the types of materials they prefer to read. The study surveyed students in the United States (n = 1,265) and Chile (n = 2,076) across...
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Dialect is an adaptive reading assessment designed to diagnose Spanish reading difficulties. It is an almost entirely self-administered test . Presents a significant advantage in contexts where classrooms have more than 40 students, where there are no reading specialists, or where teachers do not have expertise in reading diagnosis. Dialect was cre...
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El presente estudio investigó la factibilidad de utilizar el marco mayéutico, un constructo inédito, como herramienta para evaluar la cantidad y calidad de argumentos producidos por los alumnos, en discusiones denominadas Seminarios Paideia. Se analizaron siete transcripciones de seminarios usando métodos no paramétricos y análisis descriptivos. Lo...
In this study, we examine the social practices related to literacy in classrooms in Chile in order to examine school-based literacy practices. We also examined the constraints and affordances literacy learning offered Chilean students. Through our case study and cross-case analysis, we discovered that although the classrooms contained an assortment...
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El presente estudio describe el desarrollo, pilotaje y validación de la prueba PRAP instrumento creado para evaluar la habilidad de reconocer palabras en español de los estudiantes de kínder a tercer año básico, en Chile. El instrumento se basa en un enfoque diagnóstico que va del todo a las partes, cuya principal premisa es que la comprensión lect...
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This study examined the relationship between English and Spanish word recognition abilities of rst and second graders in bilingual schools, in a Spanish-speaking context. Word recognition is an important contributor to comprehension (Clark, 2004). Factors associated with word recognition ability include the nature of the language, since it is easie...
The current study describes the introduction of seminar discussions in a literature course to track students’ growth in argument production across the semester. Sixteen students enrolled in a required teacher education course were asked to plan and facilitate a 50-minute seminar discussion on a literary text, following the Paideia Seminar protocol....
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The current study describes the development of an Ipad-based assessment tool to identify Spanish reading difficulties of Kindergarten through third-grade students. The tool follows a whole-to-part approach to reading diagnosis, and provides valuable information about reading development from the perspective of each subprocess. The tool was validate...
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El presente estudio analiza la calidad del ambiente letrado y de las estrategias didácticas usadas por educadoras de párvulos en 147 salas de preescolar de distintos niveles socioeconómicos en Chile. Para recopilar los datos se usó la herramienta ELLCO (Early Language and Literacy Observation Tool), que incluye autoinformes, listas de cotejo, entre...
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RESUMEN El presente artículo señala los avances en la investigación del desa-rrollo de las habilidades y estrategias de argumentación durante dis-cusiones literarias. La primera parte describe la importancia del desa-rrollo de estrategias argumentativas y los principales enfoques teóri-cos utilizados en el estudio de la argumentación. En la segunda...
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Resumen ¿Cómo lograr que se optimicen los procesos cognitivos? ¿Cómo mejorar la calidad de los aprendizajes de los niños? Estas son las grandes inte-rrogantes que se plantean profesores y todos quienes trabajan en educa-ción. Una propuesta innovadora para revertir esta situación es el progra-ma de Aula Socrática, introducido en USA por Mortimer Adl...


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