Pedro M. Romero-FernandezUniversidad de Cádiz | UCA · Department of Business Management
Pedro M. Romero-Fernandez
Business and Administration
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Publications (51)
In today's highly competitive and dynamic markets, managerial function has grown increasingly complex. Managers must cultivate a wide range of skills to effectively respond to environmental changes. These competencies are necessary at various levels: (i) at the strategic level, managers should be proficient in analyzing organizational opportunities...
Contributing to sustainability no longer remains an optional activity. Institutional pressures exert a major influence on organisations towards the adoption of sustainability. However, the literature shows how these pressures are necessary but remain insufficient. This chapter focuses on how there is a certain organisational discretion regarding th...
Faced with the need to develop more responsible models of human resource management (HRM), the aim of this research is to develop a measurement instrument that allows the systematic assessment of sustainable HRM systems. The research provides a comprehensive framework of analysis for evaluating HRM sustainability by relying on the sustainability ap...
Assuming that a company's institutional context influences its sustainability approach and its human resources management (HRM), this article compares firms' sustainable HRM systems across countries. Despite the presence of a supranational government, different social models exist in Europe according to the level of social protection in each countr...
Considering that markets today are characterized by high levels of competition and dynamism, the managerial function is becoming increasingly complex. Managers need to develop a series of skills to be able to respond to these changes in the environment. These competences must cover a broad spectrum: (1) at the strategic level, analyzing opportuniti...
The aim of this article is to contribute to understanding the importance of considering the effect of employees’ perceptions of Socially Responsible Human Resource Management (SR-HRM) on employee commitment. Results, applied to different levels of the organization (HR managers, line managers and employees) show, on one hand, that there is a relatio...
Socially responsible human resource management (SR‐HRM) is becoming increasingly important for academics and managers. The interface between HRM and corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the subject of analysis in this article. It adopts a contextual perspective to analyze whether the institutional context influences the implementation of social...
This paper sheds light on the relevance of socially responsible human resource management (SR‐HRM) and its link to the generation of value for companies. Based on the synergistic assumptions of the configurational approach, the article tests the association of SR‐HRM policies on intellectual capital (IC) dimensions (human, social and organizational...
Adopting a sustainability approach in management has become an imperative for organizations. This article addresses this challenge by establishing the criteria for the implementation of a human resource management (HRM) system based on an approach of corporate social responsibility (CSR). It also provides a measurement scale for CSR in the field of...
The current recession has caused a large number of companies to reevaluate their valuable resources and ways to preserve and invest those resources. Given the relevance of employees as key stakeholders, developing a socially responsible orientation in human resource management for taking care of workers and their needs must be an essential process...
Nowadays, family businesses (FBs) have become a distinctive organizational model, not only for preserving the values of their founders in times of technological, political and economical changes but also for fostering a different kind of organization surrounded by emotional ties. This is particularly interesting to the human resource management (HR...
The integration of socially responsible behaviour has become a strategic priority for companies in recent years. Academic contributions that merge the fields of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and human resource management (HRM) have been expanding, demonstrating a broad sweep of benefits reflected in greater levels of commitment, motivation,...
In this paper we focus on the role of the human resources department, specifically in the area of labour relations, analysing how collective bargaining and collective agreement can be key mechanisms for the development of corporate social responsibility (CSR) through the incorporation of CSR practices that can currently be found in different instru...
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasingly viewed as a strategic management tool for companies to draw in candidates. In this arena, international responsible rankings such as ‘The Great Place to Work’, ‘Family Responsible Employer Index (FREE)’ or ‘The Best Companies for Working Mothers’ put emphasis on the value of responsible behaviou...
The need to embed business ethics in the teaching of management disciplines has at times given rise to a debate as to whether ethics should be taught as a stand-alone course or in an embedded manner . So far , the
majority of opinions favors a consensus that both approaches are relevant and should be used complementarily for optimal results. This...
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is acquiring great relevance in academic and professional fields as a tool which enables an increase in business competitiveness and sustainable development. Additionally, a growing number of authors have started to consider CSR as an internal capability that allows firms to attract and retain a qualified workf...
The main objective of this project lies in providing new methodological tools to students in line with the new requirements of the European Higher Education Area. Along these lines, we try to improve the teaching-learning relationship through the use of Information Technology and Communication. Concretely, our proposal will be tested in the subject...
The aim of this paper is to analyze the profile of companies that implement socially responsible human resource policies as well as to study their connection with a intangible asset of great value like intellectual capital. Literature review shows that the different use of corporate social responsibility policies provide different economic and fina...
During the last decades, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is being considered between academics and professionals as a strategic tool able to increase organizational competitiveness and financial performance. Those companies that are meeting the social, ethical and environmental concerns of their stakeholders (shareholders, employees, customer...
De un tiempo a esta parte, se viene demostrando que desarrollar políticas de responsabilidad social permite a las empresas incrementar sus beneficios económicos, gracias a la influencia que estas acciones presentan sobre variables externas como la imagen de marca, la reputación o la lealtad de sus clientes. El presente artículo va más allá y analiz...
The purpose of this study is to examine how workgroup diversity can be managed through specific strategic human resource management systems. Our review shows that ‘affirmative action’ and traditional ‘diversity management’ approaches have failed to simultaneously achieve business and social justice outcomes of diversity. As previous literature has...
En los últimos años, la evidencia empírica advierte que, aunque la actividad emprendedora por parte de las mujeres se ha incrementado, sigue siendo menor a la de sus homólogos masculinos. Recientes trabajos analizan los factores que pueden explicar dicha diferencia de género, detallando dos barreras fundamentales: externas (relacionadas con el ento...
Over the past years, several researchers have analysed the relational dynamics that takes place inside and between organizations (concept, mediating and moderating variables, effects, etc.) considering it as a resource capable of contributing to the orientation and the strategic positioning of the organizations, and, as a last resort, to the suppor...
The purpose of this study is to develop a conceptual framework in order to analyse the relationship between corporate social responsibility and strategic human resource (HR) management. Thus far, both disciplines have advanced in isolation. Therefore, this paper aims to examine if a combination of these research lines can provide competitive advant...
Past empirical studies have demonstrated that differences among group members may have both positive and negative effects
on decision-making processes. As direct models have failed to explain such intricate consequences, recent work has begun to
propose models that are more complex by including mediating and moderating variables. In general, the li...
Over the past years, several researchers have analysed the relational dynamics that takes place inside and between organizations concept, mediating and moderating variables, effects, etc. considering it as a resource capable of contributing to the orientation and the strategic positioning of the organizations, and, as a last resort, to the support...
Despite the social and political changes over the past decade that have taken place in the field of work, it is obvious that participation of women in managerial posts is limited. This paper supports the principle of equal opportunity of access to these posts for women and aims to examine the occupational segregation that exists in the labour marke...
The objective of this paper is to analyse the strategic importance of team working, a structural and organisational choice that is rapidly gaining importance within businesses. To do so, the article draws on the Resource-based View (RBV) of the Firm, a recurrent paradigm in this field of research, which helps to describe the conditions under which...
La dirección de los recursos humanos (DRH) se ha nutrido, en las últimas décadas, de aportaciones provenientes del pensamiento estratégico, organizativo, sociológico y económico. Esta realidad ha contribuido a configurarla como un campo en el que conviven una multiplicidad de enfoques teóricos, aproximaciones y metodologías de investigación. En est...
Drawing on Snow and Thomas's (Journal of Management Studies, 31 (1994), pp. 457–480) matrix, we empirically explore the state of the art in human resource management (HRM) research. The data were obtained through a questionnaire directed to HRM scholars all over the world, in which they were asked about their particular theoretical and methodologic...
The paper presents a research project studying critical issues concerning the development of a conceptual framework for studying the relationship between diversity�s effects and social networks dimension. Much of the existing literature recognizes the need to value and manage diversity and the potential benefits of doing so. But there is another gr...
There are few researches on the field of human resources in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), since most of them focus their approaches on large organizations. The other hand, in spite of the importante of human resources management in these kind of organizations due to their great capacity of creating employment, as well as the major role...
The literature on social capital has expanded rapidly in recent years. There is a growing interest in `social capital¿ and as a consequence of this, several definitions of this concept have been proposed. Although the definitions exhibit some consistencies, the terminology used varies, and there are substatial differences in the way social capital...
El campo de los recursos humanos puede considerarse como un ámbito de investigación relativamente joven. Desde que a finales de la década de los setenta, diversos trabajos proponen una aproximación diferente en la que se abandona la vieja orientación administrativista, al tiempo que se aboga por una reorientación de la investigación (Galbraith & Na...
The transformation of actual societies draws organizations characterised more than ever by diverse workforces. Under this new circumstance, strategic human resource management models must be reconsidered, to break the classic assumption that employees constitute a generic and homogeneous category. In this sense, this paper defines diversity as a mu...
From its origins at the end of the 1970s, strategic human resource management has developed quickly. After its uncertain first steps, the number of models and explanations proposed grew exponentially, especially after some theoretical revisions presented in the 1990s. The present explosion of literature requires a systematic revision of the state o...
Many different models have been recently proposed to explain the contribution of human resource management to organizational performance, drawing on diverse theoretical frameworks and using many different methodologies. Trying to shed light on the complex state of the art in this field of research, this paper proposes an analysis of the discipline,...
There is no shortage of literature studying the relationships between the various processes of human resources management, considered individually, and the strategy of the company. Nevertheless, studies that adopt a joint approach are scarce. In this study, working from the universalist, contingent and configurational perspectives, we seek to ident...
The knowledge-based theory argues that the strategy of internal diversification reflects a process of branching-out, combination and transformation of the organization’s traditional knowledge bases. From this theory, this paper has the purpose to describe the cycles and phases in the process of knowledge creation that lead to the creation of new kn...
Spanish firms have undertaken significant internal changes, including those related to human resources management, in order to adapt to new circumstances of market competitiveness. Length of the contractual relationship is one of the most important of these changes (contracts for an unlimited versus limited period). Available data show that the hum...
La gestión de los recursos humanos ha sufrido diferentes fases o etapas en su evolución que pueden relacionarse con la experimentada sobre la concepción que se ha tenido del individuo y su comportamiento en las organizaciones. En las últimas décadas, la perspectiva estratégica ha llevado a la necesidad de analizar en qué medida la gestión de estos...
This study examines the extent to which human resource (HR) training (content and context) is contingent on business strategy (i.e. classified according to Miles and Snow (1984) typology—‘Designing strategic human resource systems’, Organizational Dynamics, 13, 36–52) as well as the characteristics of the work process. Sixty-five Spanish organizati...
The relationship between the degree and typology of innovation and corporate performance has been extensively treated from the Management's literature. Although the empirical contributions do not have similar conclusions on the direction or nature of the relationship between these variables. The aim of this paper is to increase the knowledge on the...
This study examines the extent to which human resource (HR) training (content and context) is contingent on business strategy (i.e. classified according to Miles and Snow (1984) typology - 'Designing strategic human resource systems', Organizational Dynamics, 13, 36-52) as well as the characteristics of the work process. Sixty-five Spanish organiza...