Pedro MayorAutonomous University of Barcelona | UAB · Department of Health and Animal Anatomy
Pedro Mayor
Interdisciplinarity approach between the biological, health and social ciences
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- Researcher
June 2005 - present
June 2005 - present
Publications (163)
Peccaries (collared peccary—CP—and white-lipped peccary—WLP) are an essential source of protein and income for rural communities in the Amazon region. Since 1980s, researchers in the Amazon have reported recurrent local disappearances of WLP populations. Although such disappearances impact the species conservation and the food security of rural soc...
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0276297.].
Culturally, chelonians are important sources of nutrition and income for rural and urban people in tropical rainforests, but urban trade can cause declines in wild populations. This study analyses the urban chelonian trade and its trends to better understand the impact on free-living populations in the Northern Peruvian Amazon. We studied the urban...
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Hepatitis E virus (HEV) are zoonotic pathogens posing
significant health concerns in rural Amazonia, a region marked by high endemicity, poverty, and limited healthcare access. However, the epidemiology of HBV and HEV in this ecosystem remains underexplored. This study examines the circulation of HBV and HEV at the human...
The species Cuniculus paca is highly subject to predation, whether natural or anthropogenic, and the ability of species to withstand different levels of depredation depends directly on their reproductive dynamics. However, there is little literature on the developmental biology of this species, and so the aim of this paper was to describe the fetal...
Collecting and preserving biological samples in the field, particularly in remote areas in tropical forests, prior to laboratory analysis is challenging. Blood samples in many cases are used for nucleic acid‐based species determination, genomics or pathogen research. In most cases, maintaining a cold chain is impossible and samples remain at ambien...
Toxoplasma gondii is a ubiquitous zoonotic protozoan parasite that infects a wide variety range of warm-blooded animals. This study describes the epidemiological scenario of T. gondii in an indigenous community that relies on subsistence hunting in a well-conserved and isolated area of the Peruvian Amazon. The high seropositivity against T. gondii...
Oil has been extracted from the Western Amazon since the 1920s, leading to severe environmental contamination due to frequent occurrence oil spills and the dumping of produced water. Local inhabitants, along with environmental and human rights organizations, have reported the adverse effects of oil-related pollution on their livelihoods and the eco...
Given the ongoing environmental degradation from local to global scales, it is fundamental to develop more efficient means of gathering data on species and ecosystems. Local ecological knowledge, in which local communities can consistently provide information on the status of animal species over time, has been shown to be effective. Several studies...
Subsistence hunting of mammals by rural people has been permitted in the Peruvian Amazon since 1976. Research has shown that the brocket deer, peccaries, and large rodents can be hunted sustainably in terra firme (non-flooded) forests, whereas the slower reproducing tapir and primates are vulnerable to overhunting and should not be hunted. Hunting...
Subsistence hunting is a widespread human activity in Brazilian Amazonia, rooted in diverse and complex socioecological universes and intrinsic to a continental-wide region. In this sense, hunting needs to be understood in its whole complexity, encompassing material factors as well as immaterial attributes of peoples and cultures that use wildlife...
Malaria parasites are known to infect a variety of vertebrate hosts, including ungulates. However, ungulates of Amazonia have not been investigated. We report for the first time, the presence of parasite lineages closely related to Plasmodium odocoilei clade 1 and clade 2 in free-ranging South American red-brocket deer (Mazama americana; 44.4%, 4/9...
The ability of a species to withstand human impact depends on its life history characteristics, including social, ranging, and reproductive activity. The genera Lagothrix and Cacajao are more susceptible to anthropic action than small-sized primates due to their slower life histories, more restricted geographical ranges, and lower population densit...
The lowland paca (Cuniculus paca) is a nocturnal, widespread, and solitary large-sized rodent in the family Cuniculidae, and one of the most frequently hunted mammals in the Neotropical forests of Latin America. We assembled the first complete mitochondrial genome of lowland paca using three closely related hystricognath species as reference sequen...
When diagnosing malaria, testing employs blood samples using either microscopy, the current gold standard or molecular diagnostic tests (more sensitive but significantly more expensive). In Plasmodium spp. screening programs in at-risk populations where there are not many resources available, dried blood on filter paper is used to ease t...
Thirteen black agouti (Dasyprocta fuliginosa) male fetuses, acquired in two areas of the Amazon Forest, were used for the purpose of morphologically describing the fetal male urogenital organs with a focus on addressing histological and macroscopic aspects. The organs of interest were dissected and photographed in situ and ex situ. Fragments were c...
Polycystic Echinococcosis (PE), a neglected life- threatening zoonotic disease caused by the cestode Echinococcus vogeli, is endemic in the Amazon. Despite being treatable, PE reaches a case fatality rate of around 29% due to late or missed diagnosis. PE is sustained in Pan- Amazonia by a complex sylvatic cycle. The hunting of its infected intermed...
Caiman crocodilus is among the most abundant and widely distributed predators in the Neotropical region. These animals consume prey such as crustaceans, birds, small mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and fish, which can carry infective larval forms of nematodes. Brevimulticaecum has few studies on its morphology available, lacking detailed images. The...
Primates within the Alouatta genus (howler monkeys) inhabit a wide range of environments due to their flexible folivorous-frugivorous diet. However, the feeding ecology of Alouatta species that inhabit continuous and difficult-to-access forest environments, such as the Amazon, is poorly known. In this study, we compared diet composition, seed size,...
The morphological features of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) in mammals reflect a species' food niche breadth and dietary adaptations. For many wild mammals, the relationship between the structure of the GIT and diet is still poorly understood, for example, the GIT for frugivorous primates is usually classified as unspecialized and h...
This study describes the bone development during the intrauterine phase of the black agouti (Dasyprocta fuliginosa), discussing its relationship with the species’ adaptive strategies and comparing it with other precocial and altricial species. We analyzed 33 conceptuses (four embryos and twenty-nine fetuses) obtained through collaboration with loca...
This study evaluated the follicular atresia, cell proliferation, and anti-Mullerian hormone action in Aotus nancymae and Sapajus macrocephalus during three sexual phases (follicular, luteal, and gestational). Follicular quantification and immunolocalization of Caspase-3 protein, B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL-2), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA),...
Scientists have warned for several years that food systems have become major drivers of environmental degradation, malnutrition, and food insecurity. In this paper, we present arguments from specialists that suggest that in the transition to more sustainable food systems, biodiversity and food security can be mutually supportive rather than conflic...
Scientists have warned for several years that food systems have become major drivers of environmental degradation, malnutrition, and food insecurity. In this paper, we present arguments from specialists that suggest that in the transition to more sustainable food systems, biodiversity and food security can be mutually supportive rather than conflic...
Studies of the reproductive functional morphology of chelonians are important to understand the reproductive physiology, anatomy, and endocrinology of these species. However, data on the reproduction of this group have been difficult to obtain because of their cryptic habits and as a result the consequent inefficiency of conventional field methods...
Infectious diseases are increasingly emerging and spreading globally, ending up being considered a threat to biodiversity. In the Amazon region, repeated disappearance episodes of local populations of white-lipped peccaries have been reported during the last decades. These population crashes remain poorly understood, but current knowledge suggests...
46 RESUMO O presente trabalho é fruto de um estudo que teve por objetivo caracterizar o impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 no consumo da fauna silvestre e de seus subprodutos destinados à alimentação, analisando se os consumidores associam a carne de caça ao contágio do novo coronavírus e, consequentemente, se acreditam que o consumo frequente de anim...
Many vertebrate species undergo population fluctuations that may be random or regularly cyclic in nature. Vertebrate population cycles in northern latitudes are driven by both endogenous and exogenous factors. Suggested causes of mysterious disappearances documented for populations of the Neotropical, herd-forming, white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pec...
Esta obra se ha desarrollado mediante la colaboración entre los miembros de la Unidad
de Anatomía Veterinaria de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), España, y del Área
de Morfofisiología del Instituto de Salud y Producción Animal de la Universidad Federal Ru�ral de la Amazonía (ISPA / UFRA), Belém, Pará, Brasil.
La idea de elaborar este m...
El Atlas que presentamos en formato de libro electrónico aporta 325 imágenes, secuencia�das y comentadas, que hemos considerado representativas de la anatomía seccional del perro. El trabajo abarca todas las regiones corporales a través de los diferentes planos anatómicos (trans�versal, sagital y dorsal), y pretende acercar al estudiante el conocim...
O Atlas que apresentamos em formato de livro eletrônico traz 325 imagens, sequenciadas e comentadas, que consideramos representativas da anatomia secional do cão. O trabalho abrange todas as regiões do corpo através dos diferentes planos anatômicos (transversal, sagital e dorsal), e visa aproximar o aluno do conhecimento e compreensão da anatomia t...
Terrestrial arthropod groups, including insects, spiders, and millipedes, represent an important food resource for primates. However, species consumed and patterns and rates of arthropod-related feeding for most frugivorous primates are still poorly known. We examined stomach contents of 178 Amazonian primate specimens of nine genera and three fami...
Haemosporidians are a widespread group of blood parasites transmitted by vectors. Despite their relevance for bird conservation, few studies have been conducted in the Amazonia and even less in terrestrial wild birds. We analysed blood samples from 168 game birds, collected from 2008 to 2015 by subsistence hunters of an indigenous rural community i...
Reúne los resúmenes de los trabajos presentados en el Primer Congreso Internacional sobre Amazonia Peruana: Investigación para el Desarrollo, Perspectivas y Retos (CONIAP 2020) desarrollado de manera virtual desde la ciudad de Iquitos, Perú, del 23 al 27 de noviembre del año 2020. El CONIAP contó con la asistencia virtual de más de mil personas de...
Filarial nematode infections are common in primates, but have received little attention in the Neotropics. Epidemiological data on filarial infections in primates are still too sparse to fully understand the complex of this parasitism, especially because of the difficulty in studying the ecology and epidemiology of wild primates.. We describe natur...
The study of fetal development allows for evaluating the different strategies adopted by mammal species to maximize neonatal survival. Autonomous locomotion is fundamental for newborns to perform foraging activities and increases newborn survival from predation. In this study, we assess the gestational bone development of 53 collared (CP, Pecari ta...
Knowledge on the nutritional and sensory characteristics of wild meat provides a better basis for its use as food, ultimately expanding studies in gastronomy areas and stimulating the development of new products. This review aims to present information on the use of wild meat, with a focus on collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu). The biological chara...
En este libro se presentan los primeros seis protocolos donde se discuten metodologías
concretas, como el uso de cámaras trampa, un sistema participativo de colecta
biológica, el uso de drones para el monitoreo de fauna silvestre y metodologías para
el estudio fisicoquímico y organoléptico de carne y subproductos de reptiles. Además,
se incluyen do...
Host-parasite relationships can be directly affected by host’s biological aspects and environmental factors, which influence both the survival of infective forms and the incidence of parasites. However, logistical difficulties in accessing biological samples for parasitological studies makes the Amazon Forest into a poorly known region in relation to...
1. Effective estimation of wildlife population abundance is an important component of population monitoring, and ultimately essential for the development of conservation actions. Diurnal line-transect surveys are one of the most applied methods for abundance estimations. Local ecological knowledge (LEK) is empirically acquired through the observati...
El monitoreo de poblaciones de fauna es uno de los componentes principales en proyectos de conservación, ya que permite evaluar el estado de las poblaciones silvestres y mejorar la base científica para la toma de decisiones sobre su manejo. El material biológico procedente de la fauna nos proporciona información valiosa sobre todas las funciones fi...
There are few studies describing the eating habits of non-human primates (NHPs)
that provide information related to the use of food resources of the ecosystem in the
Amazon Forest. The objectives of the study were (1) to determine the composition of the
diet of six species of NHPs and (2) to evaluate the amplitude and diversity of their diets
O Atlas de Anatomia de Espécies Silvestres Amazônicas é uma obra dividida em tres volumes, devido à grande extensão de material gráfico que dispõe. Este segundo volume que apresentamos, traz uma breve descrição dos órgãos que pertencem ao aparelho respiratório, do coração, dos grandes vasos e do baço (com aproximadamente 315 imagens) de diferentes...
O Atlas de Anatomia de Espécies Silvestres Amazônicas é uma obra dividida em tres volumes, devido à grande extensão de material gráfico que dispõe. O terceiro volume, que apresentamos aqui, traz a descrição de órgãos pertencentes aos órgãos urinários, e órgãos reprodutivos femininos e masculinos (com aproximadamente 550 imagens) de diferentes espéc...
O Atlas de Anatomia de Espécies Silvestres Amazônicas é uma obra dividida em tres volumes, devido à grande extensão de material gráfico que dispõe. O primeiro volume, que apresentamos aqui, traz uma breve descrição taxonômica das espécies de mamíferos estudadas, e além, da descrição de órgãos pertencentes ao aparelho digestório (com aproximadamente...
El Atlas de Anatomía de Especies Silvestres de la Amazonía es una obra desarrollada
por la Unidad de Anatomía Animal de la Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). El trabajo de campo se ha realizado en diversos lugares
de la Amazonía peruana. La primera versión del Atlas se publicó en lengua castellana
en forma de pág...
El Atlas de Anatomía de Especies Silvestres de la Amazonía es una obra desarrollada por la Unidad de Anatomía Animal de la Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) e FundAmazonia. El trabajo de campo se ha realizado en diversos lugares de la Amazonía peruana. La primera versión del Atlas se publicó en lengua castellana...
El Atlas de Anatomía de Especies Silvestres de la Amazonía es una obra desarrollada por la Unidad de Anatomía Animal de la Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). El trabajo de campo se ha realizado en diversos lugares de la Amazonía peruana. La primera versión del Atlas se publicó en lengua castellana en forma de pág...
Filarial nematode infections are common in primates, but have received little attention in the Neotropics.
Epidemiological data on filarial infections in primates are still too sparse to fully understand the complex of this
parasitism, especially because of the difficulty in studying the ecology and epidemiology of wild primates.. We
describe na...
Durante siglos, los Pueblos Indígenas de la Amazonía han sufrido la opresión y el abuso de los colonizadores, quienes consideraron que su reconocimiento como ciudadanos debe pasar por la adopción de los modelos de la cultura occidental. No obstante, en los últimos años los modelos indígenas han empezado a valorarse, admitiéndose que éstos ofrecen c...
Trematodes of the genus Cotylophoron cause mucosal lesions in pre-stomachs and in small intestine in cattle, generating losses in animal production. In the Northeastern Peruvian Amazon, the presence of Cotylophoron panamensis in the 16.7% (4/24) in free-living red brocket deers (Mazama americana) in areas distant from livestock farming suggests the...
Many wildlife conservation projects aim to change the perceptions of local communities through conservation education programs. However, few assess whether and how these programs effectively promote shifts in community perceptions and attitudes towards wildlife conservation. We designed an educational program focused on communicating to local inhab...
The Amazon is a highly biodiverse region and home of indigenous communities, where wild meat represents a significant source of animal protein. The white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) and collared peccary (Pecari tajacu) are the most frequently hunted species, contributing up to 70% in term of biomass consumed. The decrease and disappearance of e...
The trade in wild meat is an important economic component of rural people's livelihoods, but it has been perceived to be among the main causes of the decline of wildlife species. Recently, the COVID‐19 pandemic has brought to light an additional concern of wildlife markets as a major human‐health challenge. We analyzed data from the largest longitu...
A total of 13 metacestodes were collected from the lung and parietal pleura from a red brocket deer (Mazama americana) from the Peruvian Amazon. All metacestodes were identified as cysticerci of Taenia omissa by morphological and molecular analyzes. Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 sequences from the new isolate T. omissa had more than 96.8% identity...
Este es un catálogo a color de semillas obtenidas a partir de la colecta de tractos digestivos de animales de caza de subsistencia en Amazonía oeste, en tres cuencas del departamento de Loreto, Perú
Studies related to morpho-physiology improve the understanding of biological mechanisms in non-human primates (NHP), contributing to research in several areas, especially those of assisted reproduction and biomedicine. The genera Aotus and Sapajus are important considerations in conducting studies related to reproductive biology and biomedical rese...
The drivers of periodic population cycling by some animal species in northern systems remain unresolved ¹ . Mysterious disappearances of populations of the Neotropical, herdforming white-lipped peccary ( Tayassu pecari , henceforth “WLP”) have been anecdotally documented and explained as local events resulting from migratory movements or overhuntin...
Hunting for wild meat in the tropics provides subsistence and income for millions of people. Methods have remained relatively unchanged since the introduction of shotguns and battery‐powered incandescent flashlights, but the short battery life of such flashlights has limited nocturnal hunting. However, hunters in many countries throughout the tropi...
People throughout the world are adapting to alternative livelihoods as climate change transforms the earth. The western Amazon basin has recently gone through extreme flood levels that resulted in population declines of species used for wild meat, principally white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari), collared peccary (Pecari tajacu), red brocket deer...
Wild animals are an important source of food and income throughout the Amazon basin, particularly for forest-dependent communities living in the more remote regions. Through interviews in 51 households within 16 communities in the Jutaí River Extractive Reserve, Amazonas, Brazil, we determined animal taxa consumed and frequency of wild meat consump...
Understanding the repertoire of hunting techniques used by traditional peoples in tropical forests is crucial for recognizing the role of traditional knowledge in hunting activities, as well as assessing the impact of harvests on game species. We describe the hunting techniques used across Amazonia by Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples for hunti...
Studying the timing of the main events of embryonic and fetal development may clarify the strategies adopted by species to maximize neonatal survival and the consequences of these events for their life history. This study describes bone development during the fetal phase of the lowland paca (Cuniculus paca), comparing it with other precocial or alt...