Pawel SzewczykUniversity of Applied Sciences in Nysa
Pawel Szewczyk
Doctor of Medicine
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Publications (8)
Przedmiot badań: Wpływ suplementacji beta-alaniny na wyniki sportowców osiągane przez sportowców. Tematykę podjęto ze względu na stosowanie różnych, nie zawsze o udokumentowanej skuteczności, suplementów diety u szerokiej rzeszy sportowców o różnym stopniu wytrenowania. Beta-alanina, jako jedna z sześciu substancji, klasyfikowana jest jako środek o...
English below
Kofeina jest jednym z najpopularniejszych środków ergogenicznych stosowanych przez sportowców na różnym poziomie wytrenowania, w celu poprawy zdolności fizycznych. Liczne badania wykazały, że suplementacja kofeiną może znaleźć zastosowanie w wielu dyscyplinach sportu jak m.in.: bieganie, jazda na rowerze, pływanie, sporty zespołowe,...
Creatine is an amino acid derivative, which play a key role in the process of energy production in human body. Creatine is synthetized with participation of 3 amino acids arginine, glycine and methionine and is accumulated as a free creatine and phosphocreatine (PCr), mainly in skeletal muscles. PCr is a high-energy phosphate source of energy, used...
Physical activity is an important part of life to safe human health. It ensures the proper functioning of the body and enables the maintenance of a dynamic balance, called homeostasis. Pro-health function is fulfilled when physical exercise is well-balanced and preceded by an appropriate body preparation, used as far as possible and adapted to the...
The COVID-19 pandemic and abiding restrictions have affected every life domain. Sleep disturbances are a major health issue that is linked with a higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome, obesity, and psychological burdens. Research of sleeping disorders among vegetarian and non-vegetarian subpopulations is limited. The aim of the study was to asses...
Elevated BMI is associated with increased risk of not only cardiovascular (CVD) morbidity and mortality, but also lower risk of depression, type 2 diabetes, inflammation, carciongenesis. Vegetarian diet contributes to lower CVD risk and lower BMI.
Assessment of the diet quality during the COVID-19 pandemic among vegetarian and non-v...
Melatonin is a hormone mostly produced in the pineal gland. Its essential role is to regulate human circadian rhythm. Endogenous tryptophan is converted into melatonin. The transformation consists of 4 stages during which the serotonin is produced. The concentration of melatonin depends on age and lighting conditions – blue light suppresses a produ...
The use of dietary supplements, especially by physically active people, is very common and concerns 22% of the entire Polish population as well as 86% of people practicing sports. The supplementation is associated with attention to health and figure. It is used to support the efficiency of the body during effort, it speeds up the period of regenera...