Paweł NetzelUniversity of Agriculture in Karakow Poland · Department of Forest Resurces Management
Paweł Netzel
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February 2019 - present
March 2015 - July 2017
October 1990 - November 2014
Publications (40)
=NOTE: This poster won 2nd best poster award during the EnviLink conference.=
The superpixel algorithm is one of the image segmentation techniques in which pixels are divided into clusters by their color, intensity and texture in order to simplify and reduce image complexity. Superpixels are used in the process of image classification, identifying...
Over the past decade, the presence of mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. austriacum) in Scots pine stands has increased in many European countries. Understanding the factors that influence the occurrence of mistletoe in stands is key to making appropriate forest management decisions to limit damage and prevent the spread of mistletoe in the future. There...
Warmer and drier conditions increase forest mortality worldwide. At the same time, nitrogen deposition, longer growing seasons and higher atmospheric CO 2 concentrations may increase site productivity accelerating forest growth. However, tree physiological studies suggest that increased site productivity can also have adverse effects , reducing ada...
Discretization of global climate simplifies the spatial variability of climates. The Köppen–Geiger classification (KGC), and more recently, clustering of global climate grids, discretize the landmass into several zones corresponding to qualitatively distinct climate types. However, quantitatively, in terms of local climatograms, such zones have sig...
Fluctuations in weather conditions, particularly precipitation and water availability, may strongly affect growth rate patterns and lead to interannual height growth variation. Consequently, height growth models developed using airborne laser scanning (ALS) data collected at short time intervals may over-or underestimate long-term height growth tre...
In the paper, we review selected existing solutions of raster map calculators and
propose a new approach for map calculation tools. The main criteria to select
raster maps calculators was the ability to run them in batch mode and to use
them in external scripts. Such a working method is common in the processing and
modeling of massive datasets. We...
Variation in tree stem form depends on species, age, site conditions, etc. Stem taper models that estimate stem diameter at any height and volume should comply with this complexity. In the paper, we propose new methods taking into account both unbiased estimates and stem variability: (i) an expert model based on an artificial neural network (ANN) a...
Monitoring global land cover changes is important because of concerns about their impact on environment and climate. The release by the European Space Agency (ESA) of a set of worldwide annual land cover maps covering the 1992–2015 period makes possible a quantitative assessment of land change on the global scale. While ESA land cover mapping effor...
In 1976, Berry created a very simple model describing artificial night sky brightness due to light emitted by cities. He used several assumptions and simplifications, due to which, map calculated with this model does not properly describes the night sky brightness. Especially, this is the case for highly urbanized areas. We used Berry's idea, but w...
GeoPAT 2 (Geospatial Pattern Analysis Toolbox) is a standalone suite of modules written in C and dedicated to analysis of large Earth Science datasets in their entirety using spatial and/or temporal patterns. Global scale, high resolution spatial datasets are available but are mostly used in small pieces for local studies. GeoPAT enables studying t...
Monitoring global land cover changes is important because of concerns about their impact on environment and climate. To enable such monitoring we present a global, GIS-based database of land cover changes during the 1992–2015 period. The database uses the new ESA global time series of land cover maps at 300m resolution (CCI-LC). The spatial unit of...
Climate and climate change are among the scientific topics most widely recognized by the public. Thus, climatologists seek out effective ways of communicating results of their research to various constituencies—a task made difficult by the complexity of the concept of climate. The current standard for communicated variability of climate on the glob...
The United States is increasingly becoming a multi-racial society. To understand multiple consequences of this overall trend to our neighborhoods we need a methodology capable of spatio-temporal analysis of racial diversity at the local level but also across the entire U.S. Furthermore, such methodology should be accessible to stakeholders ranging...
We present a data-mining approach to climate classification and analysis. Local climates are represented as time series of climatic variables. A similarity between two local climates is calculated using the dynamic time warping (DTW) function that allows for scaling and shifting of the time axis to model the similarity more appropriately than a Euc...
In 1976 Berry introduced a simple mathematical equation to calculate artificial night sky brightness at zenith. In the original model cities, considered as points with given population, are only sources of light emission. In contrary to Berry׳s model, we assumed that all terrain surface can be a source of light. Emission of light depends on percent...
Classifying the land surface into climate types provides means of diagnosing relations between Earth's physical and biological systems and the climate. Global climate classifications are also used to visualize climate change. Clustering climate datasets provides a natural approach to climate classification, but the rule-based Köppen-Geiger classifi...
Geospatial Pattern Analysis Toolbox (GeoPAT) is a collection of GRASS GIS modules for carrying out pattern-based geospatial analysis of images and other spatial datasets. The need for pattern-based analysis arises when images/rasters contain rich spatial information either because of their very high resolution or their very large spatial extent. El...
We present a method for assessing land cover change on a continental scale and with high spatial resolution. This is a postclassification method, but instead of tracking transitions of land cover classes on a cell-by-cell basis, the method measures the change at a tile level by quantifying a difference between local patterns of land cover at two di...
The objective of this paper is to present the concept of a novel system, known as HydroProg, that aims to issue flood warnings in real time on the basis of numerous hydrological predictions computed using various models. The core infrastructure of the system is hosted by the University of Wrocław, Poland. A newly-established computational centre pr...
Rapid development of computer technology together with the growing availability of giga-scale data sources brings new possibilities to geo-spatial analysis [1, 2]. We define giga-scale datasets as those having size exceeding 109 cells, regardless of their physical scale. They may represent local regions at ultra-high resolution (of the order of cen...
Remote sensing provides repetitive coverage of the terrestrial landmass with imagery data of relatively high resolution and consistent quality. Availability of such data coupled with advances in image processing algorithms makes possible auto-detection of changes in Earth's surface features. Land cover change is the most popular form of surface cha...
A novel system for computing predictions of river stages in real time, based on the concept of multimodelling, has been recently designed and built at the University of Wrocław, Poland. The system, known as HydroProg, has been launched in August 2013, and its first experimental basin is the upper Nysa Kłodzka basin (SW Poland) above the outlet in t...
The vast amount of data collected by satellites via remote sensing is a valuable resource, however, it lacks machine search capabilities. In particular, large land cover datasets, such as the 30-m/cell NLCD 2006 covering the entire conterminous United States, are rarely analyzed as a whole due to the lack of tools beyond the basic statistics and SQ...
The WRF model has been used to make forecasts for ozone, using an artificial neural network.
Labeling of connected components in an image or a raster of non-imagery
data is a fundamental operation in fields of pattern recognition and
machine intelligence. The bulk of effort devoted to designing efficient
connected components labeling (CCL) algorithms concentrated on the
domain of binary images where labeling is required for a computer to
This paper describes a method for analyse the spatial distribution of
solar energy potential based on calculated solar irradiation with use of
GIS (Geographical Information System). Program GIS GRASS gives
opportunity to create spatial distribution of solar radiation which is
taking into account such important elements like: terrain, atmosphere,
Models of atmospheric pollutant transport need information about the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). The most important characteristics for such applications are the parameterisation of the stable boundary layer (SBL) and the mixing layer height (MLH). Recently, many different schemes have been employed to calculate the SBL heigh...
The weather research and forecasting model has been applied to derive information on meteorological variables for the period with high concentrations of PM10 (1-30 December 2009) in SW Poland. Three one-way nested domains have been used and the results for the innermost domain have been compared with surface and radiosonde meteorological measuremen...
The paper presents results of mobile SODAR measurements of spatial variability of inversion layer height during fair weather conditions. Variability of the inversion reached over 50% compared to the reference station. There was neither decay of inversion in the centre of the city, nor a significant increase of its height.
The paper describes the methods used in climate research in Wrocław. The first systematic observations were begun in 1791. After World War II investigations of the city climate were continued at the Meteorological Observatory of Wrocław University. The complex automatic system of meteorological measurements was initiated in the year 1997. The resea...
The ridges of the Western Sudety are well exposed to the humid maritime air masses that are mainly associated with westerly atmospheric circulation. Fog is the most frequently observed atmospheric phenomenon, being present on average 45% of the time, with 250–300 days with fog per year. This study on temporal variation of fog in both daily and annu...
A successful implementation of interoperable SDI requires three types of specifications: information model description, binding rules, and best practice guidelines. These are covered by the 191xx series of ISO standards, INSPIRE documents and OGC specifications. They set out the direction for the SDI implementation. This paper focuses on implementi...
Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a concept of services, architecture and infrastructure that is being widely adopted in a geospatial information domain. It provides foundation for searching, obtaining and viewing spatial information in a distributed environment. The key actors on the scene are service providers and service consumers interacti...
GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) is a widely used open source desktop GIS system. Its architecture is modular – each of its functions (or a group of functions) is implemented as separate program module running in the common GRASS environment. WPS (Web Processing Service) is the web services specification developed by OGC (Open G...