Pawel GrygielJagiellonian University | UJ · Institute of Pedagogy
Pawel Grygiel
Doctor of Philosophy
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Research interests: social network, loneliness, peer rejection and acceptance, stigma, discrimination, religiosity.
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October 2017 - present
January 2014 - present
October 1995 - December 2002
October 1987 - December 1992
Publications (101)
People diagnosed with bipolar disorder (BD) commonly experience self-stigma, which negatively affects various health outcomes. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the mechanisms through which self-stigma may contribute to suicidality among bipolar patients by investigating the mediating roles of loneliness and depressive symptoms. A total...
This study uses a cross-lagged panel network model with a sample of 4,333 children (Mage = 11.06, SD = 0.73; 50.8% girls at T1) to examine the relationship between loneliness and depressive symptoms over a two-year period. The cross-sectional network shows that loneliness is strongly associated with sadness, perceived parental pressure, and boredom...
Aim of the study: To investigate prospective relationships between depressive symptoms and loneliness among people with psychotic disorders. Subject and methods: A total of 147 patients were recruited at baseline, of which 100 (68%) were followed up six months later. A cross-lagged panel model was used to analyze the data. Results: We found a recip...
In this study, we explored the relationships among children's creative imagery abilities, their theory of mind (ToM) and loneliness. A large sample (N = 743) of primary school-age children (M age = 9.3 years, SD = 0.45 years) solved two performance tasks (creative imagery and ToM) and provided self-reported frequencies of feelings of loneliness. We...
Objective: The main aim of this study was to investigate the mutual relationship between perceptions of peer relationship quality and position in positive and negative peer networks among young people from late childhood to early adolescence. Method: A cross-lagged panel model of three waves of data was conducted using a large representative sample...
This 2-year longitudinal study investigated the bidirectional relations between the development of theory of mind (ToM) and academic competences in a sample of 270 deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) children (M age at Wave 1 = 7.52 years, SD = 0.99; 58.5% boys and 41.5% girls). Across three waves (10 months apart), children were assessed for their ToM...
Previous research suggests that negative views on homosexuality are fostered by higher levels of religiosity. Little is known, however, about what meanings religious people attribute to homosexuality, how these meanings connect with each other, what kind of network they form, and which of them are central.
The research was con...
Previous studies demonstrate a high prevalence of depression and loneliness among adolescents. Although they often co‐occur, the relationship between symptoms of depression and loneliness remains poorly understood. This study investigates: (a) the symptoms of depression that are connected to loneliness; (b) the role played by loneliness...
The present article describes the development and validation of the Informational and Normative Conformity Scale (SKI-N), a brief self-report tool capturing adolescents' general propensity to adopt a conformist attitude, and the underlying motives for doing so. The presentation includes a description of scale construction and an assessment of the p...
Existing research proves the connection between religion and social attitudes toward
biopolitical topics. The purpose of our analyses was to deepen reflection on these connections. We explored the internal pluralization of religiosity and ideological self-placement and their significance for orientations toward abortion, in vitro fertilization, and...
Cyberbullying has recently attracted attention due to its increasing prevalence and serious consequences for both victims and perpetrators. The objective of this population-based study was to examine the determinants of a person becoming a perpetrator of cyberbullying, including personal resources (emotional self-regulation, self-esteem, internal l...
The main goal of the analysis presented in this paper is to examine the dynamics of
including other-sex peers in the peer networks of early adolescents, aged 11 (at T1) and 13 (at T2), and the relationship between sex heterophily and changes in the sense of peer integration. The analysis was conducted using the Latent Difference Score (LDS) model w...
Cel pracy
Analiza zakresu, społeczno-demograficznych i klinicznych predyktorów oraz konsekwencji ujawniania problemów ze zdrowiem psychicznym przez osoby z zaburzeniami psychotycznymi.
147 osób z rozpoznaniem zaburzeń psychotycznych (kategorie F20-F29 wg ICD-10) zostało zbadanych za pomocą kwestionariuszy do oceny zakresu i konsekwencji uja...
Service users commonly keep their mental illness secret in order to avoid rejection. However, this stigma-coping orientation is not necessarily effective and may lead to a number of negative psychological consequences. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the roles of various aspects of personal stigma in predicting secre...
The main aim of the study, conducted in Poland, was to compare the academic achievement of 1552 (at Time 1) students without disabilities in three educational settings: general, without students with disabilities, inclusive (with co-teaching), with three to five students with disabilities, and inclusive (without co-teaching), with one to two studen...
The aim of this paper is to present the procedure of the Polish adaptation of Enabling Practices Scale (EPS) by I. Dempsey (1995) from the Newcastle University and to present the psychometric properties of the adapted tool (reliability, factor structure, external validity and measurement stability). The scale was developed as a tool for diagnosing...
You can download the article for free until the 13th of July 2022 using this link: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1f7kn3AhveuoCN
Previous research reveals relations between theory of mind (ToM) and cognitive outcomes, but mostly among typically developing children.
To study these relations in children with developmental difficultie...
Szkoła jest dla nastolatków podstawowym miejscem wchodzenia w relacje z rówieśnikami i zawierania przyjaźni (Humenny, Grygiel, 2017). Wysokie kompetencje społeczne odpowiadają za ich jakość (Flannery, Smith, 2016; Pakaslahti i in., 2016). W opracowaniu tym przyglądamy się kompetencjom społecznym ostrołęckich uczniów oraz omawiamy rolę szkoły w ich...
The present study tested the longitudinal relations among children's theory of mind (ToM), sensitivity to criticism, school engagement, and academic achievement. One hundred and twenty-one school-age typically developing children completed a ToM task (understanding of faux pas), sensitivity to criticism task (emotional reaction and motivation for i...
Cyberbullying has recently attracted attention because of its increasing occurrence and serious consequences for victims. The purpose of the study was to examine the prevalence rates of cyberbullying and the association between cyberbullying and protective/risk factors (cognitive empathy, assertiveness, cooperation, pro-social behaviour...
Publikacja wieńczy cykl badań prowadzonych w latach 2018–2021 na rzecz kwalifikacji w dwóch wybranych sektorach. W przyjętej koncepcji wykorzystano różne metody i techniki badań społecznych: zarówno jakościowe, jak i ilościowe oraz podejście oparte na analizie przypadku, co miało na celu integrację danych pozyskiwanych z różnych źródeł i ukazanie w...
International prospective register of systematic reviews: A meta-analysis of the relationship between position in the peer network and loneliness among school-age children and adolescents
Currently, a considerable proportion of children and adolescents suffer from anxiety and mood disorders that impairing all aspects of their everyday life, such as emotional and cognitive development, school performance and psychosocial functioning.
From the perspective of the evidence-based practice movement, particularly important are studies that...
A growing body of research on theory of mind (ToM) highlights its significance for childhood social outcomes. Extending the developmental scope of this work, the current study investigated links between advanced ToM abilities and peer attachment in adolescence. Polish adolescents (16 to 18 years old; N = 302; 57.6% girls) completed two advanced ToM...
Previous research shows that deficits in social relationships increase the risk of depression. This study tests the hypothesis that among early adolescents, their status in their peer network (likeability/dislikeability) will be associated with depressive symptoms but only indirectly, through the subjective perception of this status (positive/negat...
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja procedury polskiej adaptacji skali Family–Professional Partnership Scale (FPPS) opracowanej przez Jean A. Summers z zespołem Beach Center on Disability, Uniwersytetu Kansas oraz przedstawienie właściwości psychometrycznych adaptowanego narzędzia (rzetelności, struktury czynnikowej, trafności zewnętrznej oraz stabilno...
Deficits in social skills are common among people with psychosis and may contribute to the severity of the stigmatization they experience. The aim of the present research was to shed light on the mechanisms through which lack of interpersonal competence may lead to an increased exposure to stigma by investigating the mediating effects of...
Previous research has shown that the development of theory of mind (ToM) depends on various individual and social factors, but very little research has examined the role of the natural educational environment in the development of ToM in middle childhood.
In accordance with the importance of social factors in development, in this longitudinal study...
The relationship between position in a peer network (liking, disliking, popular, unpopular), its perception (metaperception), and loneliness were studied in a sample of 629 pupils (221 from grade 5 and 408 from grade 6 of primary school). The analyses conducted (Multiple Indicators , Multiple Causes Models-MIMIC-and SEM) first of all showed that am...
Attitudes toward people with disabilities are a frequent subject of studies. However, there are few complex studies with personal explanatory variables. Thus, in our study we have conducted an analysis at both the individual and classroom level, as well as we have examined between-levels interactions.
1525 students without disab...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of anti-stigma training led by people who had previously experienced mental health crises (i.e., "experts by experience") on various aspects of participants' attitudes towards the people with mental illness.
The three-hour workshops were attended by 185 people; the trainin...
Tajemnica tajemnic, czyli o gotowości do ujawniania tajemnic w relacjach rówieśniczych przez uczniów na progu wczesnej adolescencji 1 Abstrakt W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań indywidualnych oraz związanych ze strukturą klasowych relacji rówieśniczych uwarunkowań gotowości do dzielenia się tajemnicami przez uczniów na progu wczesnej adolescen...
We compared the effectiveness of two programs for developing social skills, 'Play Time/Social Time' (PT/ST) and 'I Can Problem Solve' (ICPS), in improving the social skills and theory of mind (ToM) of preschoolers with ASD. The experiment took place in a classroom setting. Fifty-two children attended and data were analyzed with latent growth curve...
This longitudinal study examines the extent to which a school classroom (inclusive vs. special education) is meaningful for theory of mind (ToM) development among children with mild intellectual disability.
Materials and Methods
The participant group consisted of 166 primary school‐aged children (M = 8.1, SD = 0.99), 79 of whom attended...
The main aims of this study were to further validate the Children’s Social Understanding Scale (CSUS), which is a parent-report measure developed by Tahiroglu and colleagues, and to fill in some gaps in the existing research. Our study included more than 700 Polish parents from a diverse educational background who had children with disabilities, in...
Hope is a key component of personal recovery. There is limited evidence regarding the association of hope with the level of functioning in individuals with psychosis. It is also not clear which dimensions of hope are most strongly related to clinical recovery. Thus, this study aims to explore the relationships of hope and its dimensions...
Assessing theory of mind (ToM) with reliable and valid measures is important, as ToM plays a significant role in children’s social and cognitive functioning. With this in mind, a thorough analysis of the Theory of Mind scale and the Faux Pas Recognition Test was conducted. Over 750 school-age (M age = 7.7) children with disabilities (mild intellect...
Celem prowadzonych analiz było zweryfikowanie znaczenia jakości przyjaźni dla samotności młodych adolescentów z uwzględnieniem różnić międzypłcio-wych. Przeprowadzone analizy (n = 629 uczniów V i VI klas szkół podstawo-wych) wskazują, że: (1) jakość relacji przyjacielskich (przy kontroli informacji o liczbie przyjaciół i poziomie lubienia przez rów...
Abstrakt Artykuł poświęcony jest relacjom między dwoma procesami zachodzącymi wśród uczniów kończących drugi etap nauki w szkole podstawowej: (1) włącza-niem osób innej płci w sieci koleżeńskie oraz (2) zmianami poczucia integracji rówieśniczej. Analiza przeprowadzona została w modelach latentnej krzywej rozwojowej (dynamika heterofilii) oraz laten...
To examine the roles of loneliness and clinician- and self-rated depressive symptoms as predictors of the subjective quality of life (QoL) in psychosis.
This cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 207 patients diagnosed with psychotic disorders. They were assessed with self-reported measures of QoL, loneliness and depr...
In this article based on a nationwide EWD longitudinal study - the following phenomenon was analysed: (1) diversity of peer relations based on gender of children in the third grade of a primary school, and (2) changes, to which it is subjected between the third and fifth grade. Using a variety of estimation methods (including the SAOM models) it wa...
The article discusses the specific character of changes in the assessment of the sense of social integration in the classroom between primary school third- and sixth-graders, and their social, demographic and cognitive determinants, with special consideration given to a pupil’s position in the sociometric network. The analysis of latent growth curv...
Research suggests that primary school teachers grade the reading and writing skills of girls higher than of boys, even when they have the same level of ability. In this article, we try to verify this hypothesis. We analysed (a) teachers’ grades (prepared particularly for the purpose of this research), and (b) achievement test results, which control...
In this study – based on a Polish nationwide, representative sample of third grade primary school pupils – we analysed the relationships between position within the peer network, its structural features (cohesion, hierarchy) and preferences for heterophily (PH), i.e. the frequency of choosing children of the other sex as liked. The analysis used tw...
The overall aim of this study is to review problems relating to the acculturation of Ukrainian
students during their initial period of study abroad in Poland. More importantly, our objective
was to recognize the fears and difficulties these students experience and examine the strategies
of coping with major stressors. Based on group interviews we i...
To elucidate the mechanism through which internalized stigma reduces the quality of life (QoL) of people with mental illness by exploring the mediating roles of self-esteem and sense of coherence (SOC).
A cross-sectional analysis of 229 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia or affective disorders was undertaken to test a sequentia...
This article presents the first study to have considered in one model the analysis of such social determinants of the satisfaction with studying abroad as discrimination, size of peer networks and loneliness. Statistical analyses were conducted in two stages. The preliminary stage was focused on analysis the factor structure of three tools: the Sat...
The purpose of this article was to examine the relationship between friendship ties and creativity. Based on the homophily hypothesis, we predicted friendship ties would more likely occur between people similar to each other on creativity-related attributes. We also predicted students would be more likely to report friendship ties with peers who ha...
The present investigation is the first examination of the factor structures, reliability, external validity, longitudinal invariance, and stability of the De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale (DJGLS), as used with early adolescents. It is based on a two-wave, large, representative sample of Polish primary school pupils. The results demonstrate that th...
The article discusses the specific character of changes in the evaluation of the sense of social integration in the classroom between third and sixth graders in primary school, and their social, demographic and cognitive determinants, with special consideration given to the position in the sociometric network. The analysis of latent growth curves –...
Loneliness is an established risk factor for numerous negative health outcomes. The aims of the present study were to compare the levels of loneliness between patients with psychotic disorders and members of the general population and to identify factors independently associated with loneliness in psychosis.
A total of 207 patien...
In longitudinal data, changes in constructs over time can only be sensibly interpreted if the measured variables are assumed to be invariant across time. This article uses the empirical example of The Perceived Peer Integration Questionnaire (PPI) and three rounds of the nationwide study on School conditions of education effectiveness (N = 4349) to...
This study reports relationships between general academic self-concept and
achievement in grade 3 and grade 5. Gender-specific effects were investigated using a
longitudinal, two-cycle, 3-year autoregressive cross-lagged panel design in a large, representative
sample of Polish primary school pupils (N= 4226). Analysis revealed (a) reciprocal
W tym rozdziale omówiono strukturę czynnikową skali Jenny de Jong Gierveld (Jong Gierveld i Kamphuls, 1985) na podstawie badania przeprowadzonego na reprezentatywnej ogólnopolskiej próbie uczniów piątych klas szkół podstawowych. W pierwszej części tekstu przedstawiono zarys teorii zjawiska samotności, korelaty subiektywnego wymiaru izolacji społecz...
Podstawowym celem tego rozdziału jest przedstawienie praktycznego zastosowania wykrywania zróżnicowanego funkcjonowania pozycji testowej (differential item functioning, DIF) metodą wielu wskaźników i wielu przyczyn (multiple indicators, multiple causes, MIMIC), na przykładzie pomiaru dokonywanego za pomocą skali stygmatyzacji Kwestionariusza piętna...
W pierwszej części rozdziału przedstawiono koncepcję analizy czynnikowej oraz jej dwóch podstawowych odmian: analizy eksploracyjnej i konfirmacyjnej. Kolejna część dotyczyć będzie charakterystyki – stosowanych w ramach analiz czynnikowych – metod w przypadku analiz zmiennych dyskretnych (dychotomicznych lub porządkowych) oraz ich związków (wzajemna...
W tej części zostaną omówione podstawowe informacje związane z przygotowywaniem
danych i ich modelowaniem w Mplusie, w tym modeli wykorzystanych między innymi w rozdziale 21. Przybliżymy historię powstania tego programu, a następnie omówimy podstawowe zasady związane z przygotowaniem plików do analiz. Skupimy się na wyjaśnieniu budowy pliku poleceń...
People with psychotic disorders frequently become targets of discrimination, which may have devastating effects on their social relations and lead to the feelings of loneliness. This study has explored whether self-esteem and support seeking serve as mediators in the relationship between experiences of discrimination and loneliness.
A total of 110...
W socjologii, psychologii czy badaniach edukacyjnych zmierzamy do tego, aby dowiedzieć się czegoś, co nie jest bezpośrednio obserwowalne, badamy postawy, właściwości psychiczne i umiejętności. O ile eksploracyjna analiza czynnikowa jest narzędziem powszechnie stosowanym, o tyle konfirmacyjna analiza czynnikowa, modelowanie IRT czy modele klas ukryt...
Stigmatization can exert a variety of pernicious effects on the lives of persons with mental illnesses. The purpose of this study was to explore factors related to the psychosocial impact of stigma among 229 people receiving psychiatric treatment: 123 with schizophrenia [International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10): F20] and 106...
Objective: The main aim of the current study was to investigate the links between ADHD diagnosis and the objective and subjective dimensions of social relationships among children from primary schools. Method: We used the data from 36 regular classrooms, consisting of 718 students, with each containing at least one child with an established clinica...
Individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are characterized by a number of social deficits. The aim of the current study was to investigate the associations between ADHD diagnosis and social relationships among children from primary schools. Findings revealed that ADHD may contribute to both objective (social isolation) and s...