Pavel Kalenda

Pavel Kalenda
CoalExp · seismology

RNDr., CSc.


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September 2003 - February 2017
The Czech Academy of Sciences
  • Researcher


Publications (172)
Abstract— The sound production from the Morávka fireball has been examined in detail making use of infrasound and seismic data. A detailed analysis of the production and propagation of sonic waves during the atmospheric entry of the Morávka meteoroid demonstrates that the acoustic energy was produced both by the hypersonic flight of the meteoroid (...
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Read more about the monograph and the related research in supplementary material. Contents: 1. INTRODUCTION 2. EARTHQUAKE PREDICTABILITY / ACCIDENTALITY (Kalenda) 3. THEORY OF EXTERNAL FORCES (Neumann, Kalenda, Skalský, Kopf, Wandrol) 4. EXPERIMENTS WITH SEISMICITY AND TESTS OF EFFECTS (Kalenda, Málek, Skalský, Ostřihanský) 5. VERTICAL STATIC PEND...
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We developed recursive procedure, which allows estimation of the part of solar energy accumulated in the Earth´s crust and estimation of the half-time of the heat radiation/accumulation parameter. This kind of parameter can show time during which one half of the accumulated energy is released back to space. The theoretical relationships were verifi...
Conference Paper
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Abstrakt Byly zkoumány možné fyzikální mechanismy stojící v pozadí excitace dvou hlavních komponent nezávislých magnetických pozaďových polí, které byly detekovány pomocí Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Zharkovou et al. (2015). Bylo zjištěno, že optimální fyzikálně konzistentní aproximací modré křivky (=1.PC) je vzájemný ráz všech planet s nejvě...
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Depressions containing partially molten rocks were investigated in Quaternary pebbly sedi-ments in Alpine foreland in Bavaria, Germany. Ruins of limekilns from 18-19th centuries are abundant around Seeshaupt. They are usually associated with earthworks for fuel feeding and protection from wind. Depressions contain partially molten stones from furna...
The theory of mantle convection currents as the cause of lithospheric plate movements has several major problems, including the absence of an adequate energy source. As shown in our previous contribution, an unbiased interpretation of geochemical data does not support the assumptions of a significant amount of radionuclides in the lower mantle or e...
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Is there a link between business cycles and solar activity? The latest data on economic indicators (GDP, wages, pensions, inflation) in the Czech Republic for the last 33 years showed that the claim of a number of predecessors that business cycles in the medium and long term probably reflect the effects of solar activity on the weather and climate...
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The theory of continental drift was published as early as 1912, but the mechanism and energy source of this motion has not yet been elucidated. In many cases, the generally accepted model of convection currents in the mantle contradicts observations such as the spreading of the ocean floor, the extension of rifts from triple points to all sides, th...
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The theory of continental drift was published as early as 1912, but the mechanism and energy source of this motion has not yet been elucidated. In many cases, the generally accepted model of convection currents in the mantle contradicts observations such as the spreading of the ocean floor, the extension of rifts from triple points to all sides, th...
Conference Paper
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The most recent M7.8 earthquake on Feb 6, 2023, struck Turkey/Syria at 03:17 LT, and with a more than 100 km rupture, that was one of the deadliest this decade. A second M7.5 earthquake hit the region nine hours later. We study critical lithosphere/atmosphere /ionosphere coupling processes, the modified Earth’s EM environment, and precede the earth...
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Water management is based on long-term planning based on an idea of the future development of natural water resources (i.e. climatic conditions - especially rainfall patterns) and air temperatures) and future water needs. Climate variability is therefore at the centre of water managers' attention. We analysed 2 opposing hypotheses - 1) the hypothes...
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Globally, the climate is different today than it was before 1960. The country has fewer cold and snow days in winter, more tropical days in summer, more torrential rain and longer periods without rain. On the scale of human life, the most distinct climatic period is a period of about 60 years. This period may be a reflection of the period of Jupite...
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Kráterem číslo 4 u Emmertingu v pozdně glaciální terase řeky Alz se podrobněji zabývali Rösler et al. (2006). Přímé důkazy o impaktu nenašli, v podstatě však ukázali, že neexistuje životaschopná alternativa. Nic na tom nemění ani pochopitelné námitky proti teorii považující tento kráter za součást dopadového pole s více než 100 dochovanými impaktní...
Some information about two impact craters at Emmerting (Germany), including the first meteorite fragment found. The text is in Czech.
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The climate changes have many natural cycles since galactic origin up to planetary beat. The 62.5-year eccentricity cycle of Jupiter has a special position, which is reflected in all climatic parameters on Earth – temperature, AMO, PDO, LOD, positions of pressure structures in the atmosphere, direction and magnitude of water flow in the oceans or p...
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Abstrakt Za období posledních cca 660 mil. let máme geologické záznamy jak o změnách klimatu na Zemi, tak o změnách sluneční aktivity. Nejdelší známé klimatické cykly mají délky cca 150 mil. let a chladné periody velice dobře časově korelují s orogeny a současně erozními periodami. Za posledních cca 5 mil. let je velice dobře zdokumentováno střídán...
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There are at least 2 independent mechanisms of magnetic field generation on the Sun - toroidal and poloidal Toroidal field is generated mainly by Ju-Sa beat with a period of about 20 years as cos4 (lonJu-lonSa). Poloidal field is generated by torsional forces, especially of Jupiter, acting on tidal "bulges", caused by tidal forces of Me, Ve, Earth...
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We presented the results of penetration depth tests of new kind of pulse type georadar - Roteg. The maximal penetration depth was in karst conditions up to 850 m and on lake up to 12 m. The theoretical penetration depth of this kind of georadar should be up to 1800 m above dry sand, 1500 m above wet compact limestones, 180 m above wet sand.
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Precipitation and flow cycles in the Czech Republic and the surrounding Central Europe after 1800 are moderated by extraterrestrial effects on the radiant power of the Sun and on the movement of the Earth's atmosphere and water. The cycles are manifested by alternating dry and water periods of different lengths.
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In the development of synoptic situations in Central Europe, cyclical changes were recognized, the periods of which are comparable to the length of the database (1946–2019). Basic periods close to 62.5 years, ie the period of eccentricity of Jupiter, were found in the most significant types of synoptic situations (B, Wc, Ap3 and most summer types).
The purpose of the research was to verify the extraordinary big theoretical penetration depth of new developed georadar in the real conditions of karsts areas. The new kind of the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) – Roteg – was developed in 2013 (RTG-Tengler 2013). Its technical parameters (pulse peak on the transmitting antenna 20 kV or more, and the...
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Rocks affected by very short thermal pulse, commonly with deformation, at several sites in eastern Bavaria (south-eastern Germany). For comparison, also expansion of mica in plasma torch is shown. Presentation in Czech.
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Solar activity, climate, CO2
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Anotace Zařízení se používá pro měření relativních pohybů v horizontální rovině a současně měření náklonů ve vertikální rovině mezi skalními bloky nebo částmi staveb. V případě variací pohybů v rámci Hookova zákona je možno použít zařízení pro zjišťování velikosti a směru působící síly (napětí) v horizontální rovině. Zařízení lze použít také pro mě...
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The paper deals with the mechanisms that cause alternating periods of drought and wetness in the Czech Republic. We will answer the question of whether the expectation of a catastrophic drought is in line with the mechanisms known so far, explain the sudden end of the 2014–2019 drought period and justify the catastrophic rainfall in August 2002.
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Knowledge of the causes of the periodicity of solar activity enables its retrospective reconstruction and subsequent projections of future development. Because planetary influences on the Sun are cyclical and well predictable, it is possible to predict the future development of solar activity. From the predicted solar activity in the near future fo...
A network of vertical static pendulums (tiltmeters) has been in operation in Central Europe since July 2007. Hundred and eighty three seismic events of magnitude 7 and greater have occurred worldwide (EMSC) during the ten-year period. Several kinds of tilt anomalies were recognised within days up to months before the mainshocks. The most typical an...
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Analysis of planetary beat cycles and their reflection in geology and climate.
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A new kind of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) ”Roteg“ was tested at generally known speleological sites in the Czech Republic. The first examined site – the Hranice Abyss located in the Hranice Karst – is the deepest underwater cave in the world. This GPR is characterised by much higher pulse power, antennas with rather high voltage (5–15 kV), and,...
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Pohyb vody a tepla na Zemi představuje z fyzikálního hlediska chaotický systém, jehož chování je v detailu nepředpověditelné. Avšak v mnohaletých řadách lze vypozorovat, že dochází ke kvazicyklickým změnám rozložení povrchové teploty a srážek. Tyto změny se nazývají klimatické cykly. Jedním z významných vlivů, které cykly způsobuje, je proměnná slu...
Experiment Findings
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The coronavirus pandemic allowed a global climate experiment by shutting down the global economy and hence stopping the CO 2 production. The drop in CO 2 concentrations was observed at the Mauna Loa Observatory 35 days after the Chinese holidays and stop of production. The increase of CO 2 concentration to the previous values, which followed the se...
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The new kind of georadar receiver (GPR) called “Roteg” was built between 2012 and 2018. This Roteg GPR is specified by its wide spectral diapason from 100 kHz to 1 GHz. The wide dynamic range allows using extremely powerful sparking transmitters (by different manufacturers). Using wide range antennas allows to process data in the whole reflective s...
Conference Paper
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The new kind of georadar receiver (GPR) called "Roteg" was built between 2012 and 2018. This Roteg GPR is specified by its wide spectral diapason from 100 kHz to 1 GHz. The wide dynamic range allows using extremely powerful sparking transmitters (by different manufacturers). Using wide range antennas allows to process data in the whole reflective s...
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We found the prolongation of the Pekarna cave and new lower corridors. We compared the geordar measurements with the doodlebag measurement and old geophysical measurements.
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The detection of new caves in the prolongation of Alberice cave.
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We found new corridors from Martelova Chamber, Škocjanske jame, Slovenia by the new kind of georadar. Our detection was confirmed by the discovery of theese corridors by the speleologists from Gregor Žiberna speleology club from Divača.
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I compared the possibilities of geophysical methods with doodlebug in the case of new cave detection and discoveries.
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Analysis of initial seismological observations at the newly established seismic station at Pražmo in Beskydy Mountains is presented in this study. The PRAZ station represents the easternmost station at the territory of the Czech Republic currently and it is supposed that this station will contribute to detection of mining induced events from the Up...
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Ground penetrating radar (GPR) named “Roteg” was used to detect known and unknown passages of Divaška Jama and Trhlovca caves in SW Slovenia. “Roteg’s” main characteristics are an extraordinary high power output (20 MW) and high voltage on antennas (up to 20 kV), which allows penetration more than ten times deeper than common GPRs. During the measu...
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We developed recursive procedure, which allows estimation of the part of solar energy accumulated in the Earth´s crust and estimation of the half-time of the heat radiation/accumulation parameter. This kind of parameter can show time during which one half of the accumulated energy is released back to space. The theoretical relationships were verifi...
Conference Paper
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Abstrakt Všechny klimatické modely předpokládají, že na klima na Zemi má vliv aktivita Slunce (sluneční konstanta), avšak že jeho působení je velice krátkodobé díky rychlé tepelné výměně mezi oceánem a atmosférou (IPCC 2015). Důsledkem tohoto předpokladu je jen malá klimatická teplotní citlivost na rychle se měnící aktivitu Slunce. Protože na zákla...
Conference Paper
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V letech 2016 a 2017 byla odhadnuta hmotnost hypotetické IX. planety na 10 hmotností Země na základě gravitačního působení trans-Neptunických objektů (TNO), které mají zcela nenáhodně synchronizovány své orbity (Batygin and Brown 2016, Witze 2016, Leon et al. 2017). Na základě modelu sluneční aktivity (Kalenda a Málek 2006, 2008, Mörner 2012, Salva...
Conference Paper
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The results of the divining rod and the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) measurements in the immediate foreground of the Pekárna Cave in the Moravian Karst in 2015 and 2016 accelerated next common activities. The new branches of the Pekárna cave and the parallel corridor westerly from the main Pekárna cave corridor was found. The drainage mainly to t...
Conference Paper
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With the help of new kind of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) „Roteg“ with large penetration depth, we measured the profiles westerly and northerly from Martelova Dvorana chamber in Škocjanske Jame cave with the aim to find the fossil corridors of upper cave level at a depth of 60 – 100 m below the surface. We found three important cavities (maybe co...
Conference Paper
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The Albeřická Cave in the Krkonoše Mountains is developed in a steeply laid body of calcite crystalline limestone in the north-south direction. The permanently flooded areas within the first tens of meters continue to the northwest of the dry part of the cave. The measurement by the "Roteg" GPR indicated these permanently flooded areas, but did not...
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We recognised during the deformation measurements in the underground so called "thermoelastic waves", which are generated on the surface by solar irradiance. We derived the recursive procedure for the heat transfer and accumulation in the whole crust. We showed that the accumulation of the solar irradiance is not in the form of heat, but in the for...
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This work has focused on issues from the fields of geophysics and geomechanics, using methods, approaches and experience from applied mechanics. The introduction to the dissertation formulates the general hypothesis that the behaviour of the Earth’s crust is influenced by exogenous factors to a greater extent than has been previously thought. Based...
Technical Report
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A new kind of GPR, called "Roteg" was used for detection of unknown caves and cavities east of Planinska Jama. Planinska Jama itself was detected on one of profiles at the depth of 180 m below the surface,i.e. 450 m a.s.l.. An unknown part of this cave was detected at the same level, approximately 100 m outside the known corridors, and two other ca...
Technical Report
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Report describes the first results of tilt and temperature measurements in Trebiciano Abyss 2014 - 2017.
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Controversial presentation at VSB-Technical University of Ostrava about the new kind of GPR called ”Roteg” with extremly high voltage on antenna (up to 20 kV), extremly big power output (up to 20 MW of pulse) and extremly large penetration depth (up to 750 m in limestones). Many examples of radarograms from Czech Republic (Moravian Karst, Hranice A...
Conference Paper
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Divining rod measurements and measurements with a new type of the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) “Rotegˮ took place in the immediate foreland of the Pekárna Cave in the Moravian Karst between 2015 and 2016. Both types of measurements produced new insights into the continuation of the Pekárna Cave itself and the cavities beneath and around it. The r...
Conference Paper
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We verified the penetration depth in karst above the Postojna Cave–Planinska Jama Cave system (Slovenia) using a new model of ground-penetrating radar “RTG”. We measured 13 profiles 50–210 m above the known chambers and corridors and we were able to register the radar reflections from ceilings of caves on the active underground Pivka River even fro...
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Methodology of prediction of Natural Hazards. L´Aquila case as an example. Highway D8 (Czech Republic) case as a solution.
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We analysed the anomalously excited microseisms at the OKC seismic station (Czech Republic) during the period between 2007 – 2011. We showed that the time distribution of the anomalous microsesims is similar to the LOD (Length Of the Day) variations. The biggest number of anomalous microsesisms was excited in the period when LOD (differential) was...
Conference Paper
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Several geophysical methods have been used since 2003 on the plateau above Holštejnská Cave with the aim to find the continuation of the cave towards Macocha Abyss. The results of gravity measurement and VLF method verified the prolongation of the cave until the east-west tectonics of Nová Rasovna. The next continuation of the cave was not unambigu...
Conference Paper
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We proved parameters and a depth range of the new kind of a georadar RTG in the conditions of the Moravian karst. We concluded that this georadar RTG is able to detect reflections of roof of caves or tectonics from depths of 40 – 50 m even at the localities with the thick sedimentary and soil cover of up to 12 m. The reflections from depths of 100...
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Presentation (in Czech) for the Agricultural Union of Czech Republic
We present results of a study of the seismicity and the geoelectric structure of the Eastern Carpathians. After the evaluation of the seismicity, new methods of processing and analyzing seismic data are developed, which allow constructing an averaged horizontal-layered velocity model of the crust in the Carpathian region of Ukraine, tracing the sei...
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Results of geophysical and mineralogical analyses from impact strewn field Chiemgau.
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The presentation describes many tilt and IR anomalies before the strongest earthquakes 2007 - 2015.
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Many scientific methods have been developed during the last decade, which are able, in fact, to detect the precursors, which precede the strongest earthquakes. We show the results of two of them – the tilt measurement by vertical static pendulums in Europe and the IR measurement by satellites from space. The case study verified retrospectively that...
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The Prokop mine was established in 1832. In between 1910 and 1975 many of long-term tidal observations were made especially in the depths below 1000 m, to be out of temperature changes and noise at the surface. In the 1960´s, after the International Geophysical Year (1958), the deepest tidal station started its operation. After finishing the mining...
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The presentation describes the actual state of the network of tiltmeters - vertical static pendulums - and the important results of the measurements during last 7 years.
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The mainstream has fought against new hypotheses for centuries by well-known methods: burning the books, burning the people (G.Bruno, J. Hus), criminalising the scientists (Copernicus, Tesla (patents), …). In the 20th century, the “democratic principles” were used for this war – no grant support for new ideas, no publicity, no publications accepted...
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The Chelyabinsk superbolide of February 15, 2013, was caused by the atmospheric entry of a ~19 m asteroid with a kinetic energy of 500 kT TNT just south of the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia. It was a rare event; impacts of similar energy occur on the Earth only a few times per century. Impacts of this energy near such a large urban area are expected...
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This document is considered as essential material, which comprehensively summarizes and specifies the possible sources of generation of microseisms that were found during our long-term experimental observations and analyses of the characteristics of secondary microseisms. We started the detail analyses of microseisms recorded at the solitary broad...
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Annual drift is typical for microseisms. We propose a model based on thermoelastic wave generation that explains the highest microseisms during winter using higher stress level at the same time. If we remove the average influence of the background stress from the microseisms, we obtain the residual microseisms, which show the semiannual periods wit...
The scientific hypothesis of Global Warming (GW) and its recent variant Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is not just a question of science anymore as it has becomde a part of politics. Therefore, we can see the consequences of it in our wallets (directly or indirectly). Our paper analyses the development of the GW and/or AGW hypothesis from the p...
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The collapse of the chambers roof and the increasing of seismic activity were observed in chambers at Slovmag a.s. Lubeník mine on August 26, 2013. The tilt measurement at the opposite side of the mining area in Lubeník and in Beregovo (Ukraine) showed that this fall of roof had wider consequences. The analysis of the meteorological conditions in C...
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The international journal of Pattern Recognition in Physics was a good journal that might have become a renowned forum for important scientific papers. Its termination due to a straightforward conclusion on solar variability in relation to climate change is not only to be regretted as an unreasonable constraint on academic freedom but also excoriat...
Conference Paper
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The European network of tiltmeters – vertical static pendulums – was established in 2007 (Neumann and Kalenda 2010, Kalenda et al. 2012). Two pendulums were installed in the Prokop Gallery in Příbram at a depth of 2 m and 96 m below the surface. Another pendulum was installed in Cave No.13C in the Moravian Karst at a depth of 60 m below the surface...
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The seismic network can be used for the localization of the fireball trajectory in the atmosphere. The types of sonic or blasting waves, created during the meteorid’s penetration of the atmosphere, are discussed. The practical use of the localization based on cylindrical or spherical waves is shown on the examples of fireballs Morávka (2000), Břecl...
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The annual drift is typical for microseisms. We propose the model based on the generation of thermoelastic waves, which explains the highest microseisms during winter by higher stress level in the same time. If we remove the average influence of the stress background from the microseisms, we obtain the residua of microseisms, which show the semiann...
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We analysed in the paper the possible purpose of the Great Cursus in the Stonehenge area. We analysed the ephemeride of Sun and Moon and we found that the border lines of Great Cursus could help to determine the mutual position of all of three bodies – Earth, Moon and Sun, which repeats once per saros (app. 18 years). The moonrise in the beginning...
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The measurement of deformations of the elevator shaft in the Skutina fortress between the 2nd floor and the depth of 33 m below the surface took place in 2009. These measurements showed that, in addition to the tides, the diurnal thermoelastic wave deforms the body of the bunker, particularly in the NS direction. The amplitude of this deformation d...
Conference Paper
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The deformation measurement of rock mass in the depth and mathematical modelling solved the old question of Wegener´s theory “What is the main engine for the lithosphere movement?”.The solar energy, which reaches the Earth, is two orders higher than the energy of all earthquakes and volcanoes. Only a small part of the solar energy is accumulated in...
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Resume The vertical static pendulums can measure the changes of horizontal stress in real time. The stress waves result from the nonlinear behaviour of the massif. The „stress waves“ precede the strongest EQs and they are detectable everywhere before M7.5 EQs. The first precursors before M7 EQs are detectable week before the mainshock. The respons...
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We present results from our prospective testing of rock deformation measurements (Neumann & Kalenda 2010) in combination with atmospheric pre-earthquake signals (thermal radiation data from several polar orbit satellites) observed during 2013 and related to the major seismic events of M7+.We designed an atmospheric pre-earthquake signals approach a...
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We present a new model of lithosphere-plates movement based on three pillars: 1) The thermoelastic wave, which was described first of all by Berger (1975), 2) The ratcheting mechanism, which was described for asphalt buckling and/or lithosphere evolution by J. Croll (2006, 2007), and 3) the solar irradiance energy, as quantified by IPCC (2007). The...
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1) Grants If a scientist has a completely new idea, he has only limited possibilities how to realize it (it means to study the literature in the given scientific field, to measure the new data, to evaluate the results and to publish them). For example, Peter Higgs (Higgs boson) couldn’t obtain a grant now, because he has published only 10 papers si...
Conference Paper
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Lot of confusions, misinformation, false solidarity, efforts to misuse geoethics and other unethical activities in favour of the top Italian seismologists responsible for a bad and superficial evaluation of the situation 6 days prior to the earthquake – that is a general characteristics for the whole period of 5 years separating us from the horribl...
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More than seven years of experience with the measurement of micro deformations of massif by vertical static pendulums, caused by changes of horizontal components of tectonic stress, showed that the lithosphere plates can transfer the tectonic stress to the distance, comparable with the circumference of the Earth. The strong deformations were observ...
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We present methodologies for the multi-parameter observations of pre-earthquake phenomena and their retrospective/prospective testing. The hypothesis that the strongest earthquakes depend on the global stress field leads to global observations and a multi-parameter and multi-sensors approach. In 2012 we performed coordinated tests of several geoph...
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Static vertical pendulums have been installed in mines or caves in Central Europe since 2007. The two dimensional optical measurement of tilt of rock mass and continuous full digital on-line evaluation of results makes possible to detect small tilt of the surroundings with resolution of tens of nanoradians or deformation of the surroundings in the...