Paulo Miguel De Bodas TerassiUniversity of São Paulo | USP · Department of Geography
Paulo Miguel De Bodas Terassi
PhD in Physical Geography - University of São Paulo.
Postdoctoral Researcher (Department of Geography, University of São Paulo)
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Publications (84)
Occult precipitation (OP) is considered as the sum of water collected by fog when no rainfall occurs. As well as fog associated with drizzle when it occurs simultaneously but is not recorded by a conventional rain gauge. The objective of this article is to analyze synoptic conditions influencing occult precipitation occurrences in Aparados da Serra...
Trends and breaks in historical series of extreme daily rainfall in watershed in the eastern region of Paraná State Tendencias y discontinuidades en series históricas de lluvias diarias extremas en cuencas del leste del estado de Paraná Resumo: No atual contexto da crise climática, diversas pesquisas apontam para o aumento da frequência e magnitude...
A precipitação está associada à reposição hídrica do planeta terra. Desta forma, a sua distribuição temporal é importante na medida em que se torna fundamental para as atividades humanas. Com isso, avaliar a variabilidade espaço-temporal das chuvas é fundamental para o planejamento e a gestão territorial. O objetivo do estudo destina-se a avaliar a...
Natural climate phenomena (tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and droughts) are responsible for socioeconomic losses and the loss of numerous lives in the globalized world, with drought being the phenomenon of greatest magnitude and causing the most damage to the production chain, potentially compromising the water security of a country. Thus, the aim...
The objective of this article is to investigate the possible correlations between vegetation indices and surface temperature in the Cananéia–Iguape Coastal System (CICS), in São Paulo (Brazil). Vegetation index data from MODIS orbital products were used to carry out this work. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Enhanced Veget...
This study aimed to correlate the values of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) with rainfall in the mangrove of the Cananéia-Iguape Coastal System (CICS), in the state of São Paulo. For the development of this research, rainfall data were used, obtained from the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) sens...
The escalating frequency and intensity of extreme climate events pose significant challenges in the context of the climate crisis, leading to substantial human and economic losses. This study aims to assess trends and disruptions in extreme climate indicators, focusing on precipitation and air temperature, within the watersheds of eastern Paraná st...
Among the meteorological variables, rain is most important for maintaining life on Earth, but its constant lack has altered the climate of several regions and caused great damage to society. The objective of this study is to assess the occurrence of anomalous rainfall episodes associated with El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phases in the munici...
Daily violations of air quality have an impact on urban populations and cause damage to the environment. Thus, the study evaluated the violations of the daily concentrations of SO2, NO2, and PM10, in regions of the State of São Paulo (SSP), based on the National Environment Council (CONAMA) resolution no 491/2018 and the World Health Organization (...
The objective of this research is to select the best orbital sensor for rainfall estimates (monthly and annual scales) and to analyze the frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall events and their trends and disruptions based on the use of satellite rainfall product data for the Cananeia-Iguape Coastal System (CICS). Data from four satellite rain...
Climate studies in watersheds are very important for the water resources planning and management because they indicate climate extremes potentialities and risks. This paper aimed to identify homogeneous rainfall sectors associated with the evaluation of possible changes trends in rainfall series in the Alto Jacuí Watershed (AJW), Rio Grande do Sul...
Knowledge of the atmospheric patterns associated with the occurrence of extreme rainfall events can support the prediction of impacts, minimizing the human and material losses. Thus, this research evaluated the performance of the atmospheric systems responsible for the occurrence of extreme rainfall events in Curitiba and Paranaguá, eastern region...
O conhecimento dos padrões atmosféricos associados à ocorrência de eventos pluviais extremos pode subsidiar a previsão de impactos, minorando a perda de vidas humanas e bens materiais. Sendo assim, esta pesquisa avaliou a atuação dos sistemas atmosféricos responsáveis pela ocorrência de eventos pluviais extremos em Curitiba e Paranaguá, região Lest...
In this study, we evaluated extreme climate indicators for precipitation and temperature in the Brazilian Legal Amazon (BLA) from 1961 to 2021. Data from 38 National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) weather stations with a record failure rate less than 12% were used, and RClimDex software and the Mann–Kendall test, Pettitt test, standard normal hom...
As variações espaciais e temporais da precipitação respondem a diferentes processos e expressam as interações entre os atributos e os fatores do clima. Dessa forma, é importante destacar que as técnicas de agrupamento permitem investigações que partam das semelhanças e das diferenças regionais dos atributos climáticos, no caso a precipitação. O obj...
No atual contexto da crise climática, diversas pesquisas apontam para o aumento da frequência e magnitude dos eventos extremos que no contexto brasileiro ênfase é dada aos pluviométricos. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa objetivou identificar a ocorrência de tendências e descontinuidades das chuvas máximas diárias anuais em bacias hidrográficas do lest...
Este trabalho buscou correlacionar os valores do Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada (NDVI) com a precipitação pluvial no manguezal do Sistema Costeiro Cananéia-Iguape. Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, os dados de precipitação pluvial do sensor Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Stations e os dados do NDVI do Moderate...
The objective of this research is to analyze the rainfall anomalies from the Rainfall Anomaly Index (IAC) in relation to the phenomenon El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), in the municipality of Viçosa-MG, through data from automatic and conventional stations for 1925 to 2018. Descriptive statistics revealed that the dry season occurs in winter (A...
This research aims to evaluate the impact and repercussions of sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) on the spatiotemporal variability of precipitation in the Upper Iguaçu (UIW), Upper Ribeira (URW), and Coastal (CW) watersheds, located in the eastern region of the state of Paraná and the southern region of Brazil. Methodological procedures used...
This study assesses the frequency and intensity of rainfall and determines the optimal methods for estimating extreme rainfall in the Itacaiúnas River watershed (IRW), situated in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. Daily rainfall data from 1988 to 2018 were acquired from the Brazilian National Water Agency (ANA) and the National Institute of Meteorology...
In recent years, we have noticed a substantial change in the weather patterns of several regions worldwide, resulting in socioeconomic losses due to the lack or excess of precipitation. This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of precipitation anomalies in the municipality of Rio Branco - Acre (AC), Brazil, by applying the Rainfall Anomaly In...
This study analyzed the spatial and temporal variability of hydrological processes of precipitation, evapotranspiration, discharge, water storage, runoff, and a dryness index in the Mearim River basin, in the Amazon-Cerrado transition in Brazil. Furthermore, we investigated whether the changes found are due to land use and land cover change (LULC)...
The wind is one of the most important and studied variables globally, essential to several sectors, for example, energy. Therefore, this study assesses the wind regime and analysis trends in three locations within the Paraná state, Brazil. The historical series were recorded between 1976 and 2010 at conventional meteorological stations belonging to...
The is paper aims objective evaluate the contribution occult of precipitation and its monthly and seasonal variability in Aparados da Serra National Park, between 2017 and 2018. The PO is understood as any deposit of water from clouds, fog or mist on the earth's surface not recorded byconventional rain gauges. Data were collected from November 2017...
The integrated analysis of climatic attributes is essential for the knowledge of atmospheric dynamics and atmospheric mechanisms responsible for the rainfall generation in a certain region. Therefore,this paper aimed to analyze the prevailing atmosphericcharacteristics and determinate the weather types responsible for rainfall genesis by applicatio...
The present study aims to analyze the intensity of daily extreme rainfall and trends for precipitation in Castro, Curitiba and Paranaguá stations, located in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Historical series of rainfall registered by the Brazilian National Institute of Meteorology were used considering the period from 1976 to 2015. The Mann-Kendall an...
Satellite precipitation estimates are used as an alternative or as a supplement to the records of the in situ stations. Although some satellite precipitation products have reasonably consistent time series, they are often limited to specific geographic areas. The main objective of this study was to evaluate CHIRPS version 2, MSWEP version 2, and PE...
This study aims to characterize the wind regime in the state of Rio de Janeiro (SRJ), Brazil, and relate it to the physiographic aspects and influence of meteorological systems, based on 12 Brazilian National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) automatic meteorological stations, for the period from 2008 to 2019. Box plots are used for the assessment o...
Studies are scarce on the application of normality and homogeneity tests for rainfall series in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Therefore, this study applies normality and homogeneity tests in a 71-year time series (1943–2013) of rainfall, seeking to identify which tests were most indicated in the evaluation of the normality and homogeneity of...
In recent years, rainfall has been more studied due to intense events and droughts, which interfere with human activities. The state of Rio de Janeiro has been experiencing these extreme climatic events on a frequent basis, which need to be constantly evaluated on the aspects of numerical and observational modeling. Based on the above, the objectiv...
The knowledge of intensity and frequency of rainfall allows establishing predictive measures to minimize impacts caused by high volume of rainfall totals in a region. Therefore, the objective is to evaluate daily rainfall for Paraná slope of the Itararé watershed (PSIW) and to verify the spatiotemporal trend of intense and extreme daily rainfall. R...
Brazilian biomes are home to a significant portion of the world’s biodiversity, with a total of 14% of existing species and still concentrate 20% of the world’s water resources. However, changes in biomes have a direct impact on rainfall patterns and water recycling. Based on this, the objective was to evaluate the variability of rainfall in the fo...
This research is premised to understand the high spatial rainfall variability for the study area from the influence of attributes such as maritimity, orography and the diversity of atmospheric mechanisms for rainfall generation. The goal of this research is to measure the pluviometric variability and the occurrence of extreme rainfall events for th...
O presente estudo objetiva a identificação das áreas homogêneas de precipitação pluvial da bacia hidrográfica do Alto Jacuí no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram selecionados os dados de 27 postos pluviométricos, localizados na bacia e próximos a ela, com uma série histórica de 31 anos (1980 a 2010). A metodologia aplicada neste trabalho correspond...
Este trabalho objetiva avaliar o regime dos ventos nos municípios de Curitiba e Paranaguá (PR). Utilizaram-se os dados diários das estações meteorológicas convencionais de Curitiba e Paranaguá, pertencentes ao Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia para o período de 1976 a 2010. Em Curitiba verificou-se o predomínio de ventos de nordeste e leste associ...
This paper aims to evaluate the application of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) for the monthly (SPI-1), quarterly (SPI-3) and annual (SPI-12) scales for Paraná slope of the Itararé watershed (PSIW). Were used the rainfall data from fourteen pluviometric stations obtained from the Paraná Water Institute and the Paraná Agronomic Institute...
This paper aims to estimate erosion potential and to evaluate the frequency and intensity of daily rainfall in the Alto Iguaçu river watershed, Paraná-Brazil. Were used the daily, monthly and annual rainfall data of twenty one rain gauges in the forty years temporal serie (1976-2015). The rainfall erosivity estimates were calculated from the equati...
Studies about the wind speed and direction characteristics are relevant to several society sectors, both environment and economy. This paper aims to evaluate the winds regime in multiple scales (annual, monthly and hourly) in the Curitiba and Paranaguá municipalities (PR). Were used the time data (12, 18 and 0 GMT) of the conventional meteorologica...
The objectives of this study are: i) to evaluate the annual and monthly variability of rainfall and air temperature and ii) to quantify the components of the climatological water balance, in the municipality of Resende (RJ). The monthly pluviometric data and temperature were obtained from INMET between 1995 and 2017. The time series had faults and...
Drought indices allow for the characterization of drought events, being the most widely used the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), which is recommended by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) as the standard drought index. The objectives of this study are: i) to characterize the variation of annual SPI index in the state of Rio de Jane...
This paper aims to evaluate the application of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) for the monthly (SPI-1), quarterly (SPI-3) and annual (SPI-12) scales for Paraná slope of the Itararé watershed (PSIW). Were used the rainfall data from fourteen pluviometric stations obtained from the Paraná Water Institute and the Paraná Agronomic Institute...
Rainfall is the climatic attribute of greater expression and importance in the tropical climate regions due to the occurrence of high annual totals. This paper aims to analyze rainfall totals in the annual, monthly and daily scales, as well as the intensity and frequency of daily rainfall records using the quantil technique in localities of the nor...
Resumo O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o regime de vento nas estações meteorológicas dos municípios de Duque de Caxias e Petrópolis localizadas, respectivamente, na base (A603) e no topo (A610) da Serra do Mar - Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. O WRPLOT foi usado na elaboração das rosas de vento e histogramas. Comparou-se a persistência da direção do vent...
Drought severity in regions North and Northwest of Rio de Janeiro state (SRJ) was
evaluated using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) for the monthly (SPI-1)
and annual (SPI-12) scales, as well as its relationship with El Niño - Southern
Oscillation (ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Data of 14 rainfall
stations from a time series...
This paper aims to evaluate the rainfall erosivity estimates for the Piquiri watershed by
means of delimiting sectors and periods of greater rainfall erosivity, investigating the orographic
performance and the extreme ENSO phases influence. Were used data of forty rain gauge stations
provided by Instituto das Águas do Paraná to the period between 1...
This article aims to characterize the temporal and interannual variability of rainfall in the State of Rio de Janeiro (ERJ) between 1979 and 2009. For this, rainfall data of 99 conventional and automatic rainfall meteorological stations distributed in the regions were used. Data faults were filled with data from product 3B43 of the TRMM satellite a...
This study aimed to evaluate drought variability based on Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) in localities in northern region of Parana State and its relationship with El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Rainfall of five meteorological stations 40 years time series, obtained from Agronomic Institute of Paraná, National Institute of Meteorology...
This study presents the application of the methodology proposed by Pinto and Alfonsi (1974) to estimate the air temperature in the drainage basin of Piquiri River, Paraná State, Brazil. This methodology is an alternative for the development of climatic studies in drainage basis that do not have sufficient meteorological data. The methodology was ap...
This paper aims to characterize the rainfall spatial distribution in the watersheds of the eastern region of the Paraná State, considering as the main parameters the orographic infuence of the Serra do Mar and maritime of the Atlantic Ocean.Rainfall data were obtained from 54 pluviometric stations and from eight meteorological stations, which compr...
Este trabalho objetiva delimitar as regiões pluviométricas homogêneas tendo com base a análise de
agrupamento para a bacia hidrográfica do rio Piquiri - Paraná. Utilizaram-se os dados de quarenta
postos pluviométricos administrados pelo Instituto das Águas do Paraná para o período de 1976 a
2015. O principal procedimento metodológico utilizado nest...
This paper aims to identify the orographic effect and their influence to the rainfall spatial distribution and rainfall erosivity estimates for the Ribeira and Coastal watersheds in the annual and monthly scale. Were obtained the rainfall data from 32 raingauges stations provided by Paraná Water Institute, the National Water Agency (NWA) and Energy...
The Rio de Janeiro city and it metropolitan area presents physiographic attributes such as the existence of massifs, lagoons, urban forest, mangroves and Guanabara Bay, which interact with local and mesoscale wind circulation. This paper aims is to evaluate the wind pattern circulation in Guanabara Bay from 2003 to 2013. Were used the data from MET...
doi: 10.12957/geouerj.2017.22422
O clima funciona como um insumo de energia para a bacia hidrográfica e desempenha o papel de controlar ouinfluenciar diversos componentes da dinâmica socioambiental desse recorte espacial. Dessa forma, o presentetrabalho objetiva propor o zoneamento climático da área de estudo e identificar prováveis problemas ambi...
The objectives of this study are to use a clustering technique to identify homogeneous rainfall regions in the watersheds of the eastern region of the state of Paraná and to associate the spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall with the influences of orography, the ocean and regional atmospheric dynamics. Rainfall data were obtained from 54 p...
Research concerning rainfall spatio-temporal behavior provides help to the planning of many sectors, while the knowledge of rainfall erosivity allows identifying areas and periods in which soil conservation measures are a priority. Based on this, this paper aims to evaluate the rainfall variability and the erosivity in Pirapó, Paranapanema III and...
O presente trabalho objetiva espacializar e avaliar o potencial erosivo médio e máximo das chuvas nas escalas anual e mensal para a unidade hidrográfica Pirapó, Paranapanema III e IV, situada no Terceiro Planalto Paranaense. Foram obtidos os dados de chuva de trinta e cinco postos pluviométricos junto ao Instituto das Águas do Paraná e de cinco est...