Paulo Pamplin

Paulo Pamplin
Federal University of Alfenas | UNIFAL · Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia (ICT)


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Publications (21)
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Pesquisa sobre a colonização de insetos aquáticos apontam os impactos antrópicos como determinantes para a estruturação desta comunidade. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar o processo de colonização da assembleia de Chironomidae em riachos com diferentes graus de impactos antrópicos. Em nove córregos localizados no município de Poços de C...
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Uma das áreas científicas que apresenta um dos maiores vieses de interdisciplinaridade, as Ciências Ambientais vêm se fortalecendo de forma rápida, uma vez que contempla a integração dos diversos saberes, abarcando toda a sua diversidade e complexidade, inferindo que as particularidades das diferentes áreas devem ser compreendidas de forma integrad...
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Uma das áreas científicas que apresenta um dos maiores vieses de interdisciplinaridade, as Ciências Ambientais vêm se fortalecendo de forma rápida, uma vez que contempla a integração dos diversos saberes, abarcando toda a sua diversidade e complexidade, inferindo que as particularidades das diferentes áreas devem ser compreendidas de forma integrad...
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As mudanças vividas em decorrência das alterações ambientais, teceram marcas contundentes na história da humanidade. Dos grandes acidentes de vazamento de substâncias tóxicas e de petróleo, à contaminação de água, solo e alimentos pelo uso excessivo de agrotóxicos até a emergência de doenças, como atualmente a Covid-19 que vem afetar e alterar noss...
Purpose The São Lourenço River (SLR) is used to supply potable waters for the cities of São Lourenço da Serra and Juquitiba, but receives the residues from the water treatment plants (WTPs) and sewage treatment plants (STPs), respectively. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impacts of the discharges of Juquitiba’s WTP and STP on the quali...
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Lemna sp. growth inhibition test standardized protocols suggest the use of compounds such as 3,5-dichlorophenol as reference substances for checking the test organism’s sensitivity routinely. However, this and other recommended chemicals present risks to human health and to the environment. Sodium chloride (NaCl) appears as a less toxic alternative...
The aim of this paper was to study the life cycle, the annual secondary production, and the spatial and temporal variation of the species Campsurus truncatus and C. violaceus in two reservoirs in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Campsurus truncatus was recorded in 11 months and had a multivoltine lifecycle with a secondary production of 4.61 g.m⁻².year⁻¹. Cam...
Conference Paper
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O presente trabalho objetivou analisar os efeitos da monocultura de Eucalyptus sp. sobre a qualidade ambiental de riachos no planalto de Poços de Caldas. Foram analisados 08 riachos inseridos na sub- bacia do Córrego dos Moinhos nos meses de maio e junho de 2014. Para tanto, foram medidas algumas variáveis limnológicas como pH, oxigênio dissolvido,...
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The present work reports the finding of an introduced annelid, Lumbriculus variegatus Müller, 1774, in freshwaters of Minas Gerais (Brazil). The Family Lumbriculidae has a Holartic distribution and in recent years was introduced in aquatic environments of Patagonia (Argentina). This is the first report of the family in Brazil. The samples were coll...
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Antihypertensive pharmaceuticals, including the beta-blockers, are one of the most detected therapeutic classes in the environment. The ecotoxicity of propranolol hydrochloride and losartan potassium was evaluated, both individually and combined in a binary mixture, by using the Lemna minor growth inhibition test. The endpoints evaluated in the sin...
Conference Paper
In Brazil, there are protected areas by specific legislation, called Conservation Units - UC's. The Environmental Protected Area - APA Ecological Sanctuary of Pedra Branca covers an area of 119 square kilometers and belongs to the Atlantic Forest biome with the presence of vegetation types of rock fields of altitude and riparian vegetation. Inserte...
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São Lourenço River (SLR) is part one of the Ribeira de Iguape River basin, and provides water to supply the cities of São Lourenço da Serra and Juquitiba. The SLR also receives large amounts of pollution from these municipalities. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the impacts of the release of residues from water treatment (WTP) and was...
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In the community of Barra Grande located at the coast of Piauí, the wives of fishermen, locally known as "marisqueiras" (female shellfish catcher), extract from the mangrove various kinds of shellfish for commercial purposes and a great amount for subsistence. For a better understanding, data on the activity of "marisqueiras", concepts of conservat...
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O estudo da percepção pode contribuir de forma significativa parasubsidiar propostas de conservação de espécies animais. Este estudoconsistiu em verificar quais os tipos de relações perceptivas que osalunos do ensino fundamental do município de Ilha Grande (PI)possuem acerca do jacaré (Caiman crocodilus), visando contribuir paraplanos de educação a...
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Benthic communities are highly relevant in the study of aquatic ecosystems, both for their role in the functioning of the ecosystem and also as markers or indicators of paleo-conditions. Their distribution, as in other communities, is conditioned by abiotic and biotic factors and to their interactions, which determine the structure of the community...
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In the present study, we report the presence of the nereidid polychaete Laeonereis acuta near to the estuarine areas of Parnaíba River, extending its distribution towards the north of the northeastern Brazilian coast.
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Composition and distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates at Americana Reservoir (SP, Brazil). The structure of benthic community at the Americana Reservoir was studied in two distinct periods of one year comprised between 1997-1998. Field sampling was conducted in dry and rainy periods in 15 and 13 sites, respectively. Nutrient (nitrate, nitrite,...
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The species richness of Oligochaeta was evaluated in two reservoirs belonging to Tietê River system, Bariri and Ponte Nova Reservoirs. 360 sediment samples were taken in each reservoir at 90 sampling stations using a Van Veen grab (378cm²), in the months January, April, July and October 2001. A total of 12.826 oligochaete specimens were collected,...
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Pretendeu-se através do presente trabalho avaliar a qualidade ambiental, particularmente da água e do sedimento da represa de Americana (SP, Brasil) com ênfase no estudo da comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos e parâmetrosecotoxicológicos. Localizada no município de Americana ('22 GRAUS' e quarenta e quatro segundos de latitude sul e 'quaren...


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