Paulo N Figueiredo

Paulo N Figueiredo
Getúlio Vargas Foundation | FGV · Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration - EBAPE

Ph.D from SPRU -- Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex, UK
Full professor of technology and innovation management in emerging markets.


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October 1999 - present
Getúlio Vargas Foundation
  • Professor (Full)


Publications (91)
Notwithstanding the financial innovations of the digital era, globally, 1.4 billion people are still excluded from the formal financial system, thus precluding them from achieving financial health and wellness. Financial innovations, such as financial technology or fintech, have gained increasing global attention as powerful tools for financial inc...
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This paper investigates how inter-organizational learning in networks and global value chains (GVCs) has contributed to resilience in Poland's food processing and clothing industries. The Polish economy has been widely accepted as resilient since Poland's transition from a planned to a market economy. Through drawing on the regional resilience lite...
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Este estudo inédito do professor Paulo Negreiros Figueiredo, publicado pela FGV Editora no livro Capacidade Tecnológica e Inovação: Desafios para a Transição Industrial e Econômica do Brasil, objetiva contribuir para superar a insuficiência sistêmica de capacidade tecnológica para inovações significativas no Brasil. Tem-se no Brasil uma nova opor...
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Resumo A acumulação de um conjunto de habilidades e recursos intensivos em conhecimento para mudar tecnologias existentes ou para criar novas tecnologias, ou seja, a capacidade tecnológica, em nível de empresas e indústrias, é um dos insumos vitais para a transição de países para níveis progressivamente mais elevados de desenvolvimento industrial e...
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Este documento apresenta uma versão parcial do estudo em desenvolvimento sobre o processo de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas para atividades de produção e de inovação, suas fontes e impactos na performance competitiva, em nível de empresas, no setor de biotecnologia para saúde humana no Brasil. Considerando a alta importância estratégica des...
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Este artigo oferece uma breve reflexão sobre a natureza do investimento em pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) no Brasil. Seu objetivo é proporcionar alguns insumos para avançar no debate sobre esse tema na sociedade brasileira. Desde 1999, o Brasil tem aumentado de maneira consistente o seu investimento em P&D, considerado um dos insumos para inovaçã...
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This book synthesizes and interprets existing knowledge on technology upgrading failures as well as lessons from successes and failures in order to better understand the challenges of technology upgrading in emerging economies. The objective is to bring together in one volume diverse evidence regarding three major dimensions of technology upgrading...
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This book synthesizes and interprets existing knowledge on technology upgrading failures as well as lessons from successes and failures in order to better understand the challenges of technology upgrading in emerging economies. The objective is to bring together in one volume diverse evidence regarding three major dimensions of technology upgrading...
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Despite exhaustive research on technology upgrading in firms from emerging economies—latecomer firms—we still know little about micro-level learning strategies underlying technological innovation capability accumulation, also known as technology upgrading intensity, particularly in natural resource-intensive industries. Through an empirically groun...
This study examines the relationships between aspects of firm-level innovation performance from the perspective of under-researched process industries in an emerging economy. We consider primary evidence from 63 firms in five Brazilian process industries over a 10-year period to examine firm-level innovation input and output performance. Our result...
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This study examines the process of accumulation of technological capabilities for innovation and the role of the underlying processes of technological learning in the projects REMAX and TORC30 (Brazilian Army’s weapons system)(TORC30), from 1999 to 2016. Based on primary and secondary empirical evidence, on a scale that identifies levels of technol...
Although multinational enterprises (MNEs) from advanced economies have increasingly internationalised their innovation activities, including R&D, into emerging economies, we have an incomplete understanding of how subsidiaries in these contexts create the technological capabilities to innovate. Based on a single-case qualitative study of a Brazilia...
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Resumo Esta edição temática do Cadernos EBAPE.BR buscou como objetivo provocar uma reflexão voltada à arquitetura de uma agenda de pesquisa crítica sobre o campo das estratégias de inovação e das organizações em economias emergentes e suas implicações originais na academia brasileira. O conjunto de artigos aprovados nesta edição revela o espectro d...
Muito embora haja vários estudos que apontem para a importância do uso da literatura infantil e de atividades lúdicas para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, ainda há escassez de estudos que avaliem não apenas a incidência, mas a maneira como tais atividades são usadas em escolas, principalmente em um contexto distante dos centros economicamente de...
Building on Lee and Malerba’s (2017) framework, we explore how leading firms in Brazil’s forestry and pulp industry responded to windows of opportunity, in learning terms, shaping an early entry into path-creation technological catch-up, shifting that industry into a globally leading position. Drawing on an in-depth inductive study based on 50 year...
Este documento apresenta uma breve reflexão sobre a natureza do investimento em pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) no Brasil. Comenta certos desafios relacionados a este tema na economia brasileira e oferece alguns insumos para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas. O investimento do Brasil em P&D tem aumentado continuamente ao longo dos últimos 15...
This study examines how small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that are knowledge-intensive service firms (hereafter “knowledge-intensive service SMEs”) accumulate innovative technological capabilities through learning linkages with large mining companies and other industry stakeholders in the Brazilian mining industry. Drawing on detailed, long-term,...
This article examines how a least developed country-based social business first creates operational capabilities (OCs) and then, over time, builds innovative capabilities (ICs) to fulfil a social need, be self-sustainable and achieve inclusive innovation. This relationship is examined in Bangladesh's Grameen Danone Foods Limited (GDFL) by integrati...
Accumulation of indigenous innovative capabilities in firms in developing economies (‘latecomer firms’) may contribute to sustainable industrial development. To enhance understanding of capability accumulation processes in latecomer firms, this study examines inter- and intra-firm variations in the levels and time scales of micro-level capability a...
This article is concerned with the characteristics of technological capabilities for agricultural innovation in indigenous public research organisations in developing economies. This issue is examined in the context of the Brazilian Corporation for Agricultural Research (Embrapa), in relation to the soybean industry. EMBRAPA's technological capabil...
Este documento e um dos produtos do projeto intitulado “Acumulacao de Capacidades Tecnologicas e Fortalecimento da Competitividade Industrial no Brasil: Analise Empirica e Recomendacoes Praticas para Politicas Publicas e Estrategias Empresariais”2. Esse projeto esta sendo executado no âmbito do Programa de Pesquisa Aprendizagem Tecnologica e Inovac...
Este documento é um dos produtos do projeto intitulado “Acumulação de Capacidades Tecnológicas e Fortalecimento da Competitividade Industrial no Brasil: Análise Empírica e Recomendações Práticas para Políticas Públicas e Estratégias Empresariais”2. Esse projeto está sendo executado no âmbito do Programa de Pesquisa Aprendizagem Tecnológica e Inovaç...
Este artigo examina o processo de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas e suas implicações para o aprimoramento de performance operacional em uma empresa da indústria química no Brasil (1980-2007). As evidências indicam que os esforços para acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas inovadoras permitiram à empresa aprimorar sua performance operacional...
This article examines outcomes that are achieved by latecomer firms by accumulating innovative capabilities. By drawing on fieldwork evidence from pulp and paper firms in Brazil from 1950 to 2010, it was found that (1) firms accumulated innovative capabilities that allowed them to become world leaders in the eucalyptus forestry segment of the globa...
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This article explores how a subsidiary of a multi-national enterprise (MNE) in an emerging economy embeds with multiple knowledge sources, both in its corporate network (internal) and in the host country (external), to create the capability to undertake innovative activities. Drawing on first-hand and intra-firm field evidence over the lifetime of...
Technical Report
Although much has been written about organizational-level learning, there is a dearth of empirical studies that explore the role of changes in the nature of firm-centred learning mechanisms in affecting inter-firm differences and similarities in the accumulation of innovation capabilities, especially among firms from emerging economies, known as la...
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This chapter draws on previous research to set the context for the new empirical studies in subsequent chapters. It opens by elaborating on basic ideas about latecomer firms, catching up, and innovation capabilities at different stages of economic growth, and then.addresses two sets of questions. The first concerns the kinds of pathways, sequences,...
This chapter analyzes the accumulation of technological capabilities among Brazilian firms in three sectors: steel, pulp and paper, and aerospace. Its central concern is to evaluate the degree to which the abandonment of import-substitution industrialization and the movement toward greater openness may have impacted the process of capability accumu...
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This article reviews research in the past 25 years on learning processes as a source of innovation capability building in firms from developing/emerging economies, which are known as latecomers. We find that if latecomer firms make limited efforts to acquire and create the resources required to innovate, they will (1) deepen their innovative capabi...
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This paper is concerned with innovation capability accumulation paths and the role of learning processes in MNE-subsidiaries in emerging economies. Drawing on evidence from subsidiaries of the ICT industry in Brazil (1996-2008) we found: 1) variability across the subsidiaries in terms of the manner in which they improved their innovation performanc...
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We examine the innovation performance of MNE subsidiaries and their embeddedness in sources of local knowledge in a policy framework within the context of an emerging economy. Based on first-hand evidence from multiple case studies, we found that: (1) there was variability between the subsidiaries in terms of the cumulative manner and speed at whic...
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This paper explores variability across a set of subsidiaries in a given local context and the same industry in terms of innovative performance as an outcome of the manner and extent to which they embed within both corporate (internal) and local (external) counterparts. By drawing on fieldwork evidence of seven subsidiaries operating in Brazil (1996...
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This article presents the preliminary report of the research project entitled "Innovative technological capability in firms of the tourism sector: a study of the hotels in the city of Rio de Janeiro during the 1990-2008 period". The objective of this project is to apply and evaluate an analytical model of technological capability and underlying lea...
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RESUMO Este artigo examina o relacionamento entre acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas e os processos subjacentes de aprendizagem. Este relacionamento é examinado na empresa Invensys Appliance Controls Ltda no Brasil, durante o período de 1981 a 2003. Trata-se de uma empresa metal-mecânica, fornecedora da indústria de linha branca. A métrica para...
Most of the studies that describe the building of innovation capability in emerging and developing economies have focused on the ways in which latecomer firms develop continuously towards advanced capability levels along existing technological trajectories, particularly for the assembled products industries, especially in Asia. A slightly different...
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A despeito da profusão de estudos sobre aprendizagem como fonte de construção de competências tecnológicas em empresas, a maioria tem examinado esse relacionamento pela perspectiva intraempresarial. Neste artigo, examina-se o papel dos fluxos interempresariais de conhecimento na construção de capacidades de produção e de inovação em empresas subsid...
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There still is a scarcity of studies examining the dynamics of the accumulation of innovative capabilities. This paper examines such issue in eight software companies in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, finding that: there were inter and intra-company differences in terms of speeds of capability accumulation for specific technological functions; young...
Most of the studies that describe the building of innovation capability in emerging and developing economies have focused on the ways in which latecomer firms develop continuously towards advanced capability levels along existing technological trajectories, particularly for the assembled products industries, especially in Asia. A slightly different...
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A despeito da profusão de estudos sobre capacidade tecnológica em nível de empresas ao longo dos últimos 30 anos, há escassez de estudos sobre similaridades e diferenças entre empresas do mesmo setor industrial, em termos de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas e suas implicações para o aprimoramento de indicadores de performance técnico-econômic...
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Despite the profusion of studies of firm-level technological capabilities studies, over the past 30 years, there is a scarcity of analyses on similarities and differences across firms, of the same industrial sector, in terms of types and levels, direction and rate of accumulation of technological capabilities and their implications for the improvem...
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Este artigo enfoca os méritos e limitações de duas grandes abordagens existentes sobre mensuração de capacidades tecnológicas inovadoras. A primeira baseia-se em uma perspectiva macro derivada de surveys de inovação; a segunda, uma perspectiva micro, baseia-se em mensuração de tipos e níveis de capacidades para funções tecnológicas específicas em n...
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Resumo Embora exista uma ampla quantidade de estudos sobre capacidades tecnológicas tanto no contexto de economias industrializadas como no de economias emergentes, ainda há uma carência de estudos que examinem a dinâmica (velocidade) do processo de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas, especialmente no contexto de subsidiárias de empresas transn...
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Resumo Embora exista uma ampla quantidade de estudos sobre capacidades tecnológicas tanto no contexto de economias industrializadas como no de economias emergentes, ainda há uma carência de estudos que examinem a dinâmica (velocidade) do processo de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas, especialmente no contexto de subsidiárias de empresas transn...
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Over the past few years there has been a renewed interest by governments, companies and academics in the role of entrepreneurship in innovation and economic growth. There has also been a proliferation of studies on education for entrepreneurship in industrialised and developing countries. However, by addressing ‘entrepreneurship’ in terms of SMEs a...
Although much has been written about the implications of the structural reforms of the 1990s for industrial progress in developing countries, especially in Latin America, less attention has been given to the role of meso and micro factors in sector and firm-level technological capability building. Most existing studies are based on aggregate analys...
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This paper investigates empirically the importance of technological catch-up in explaining productivity growth in a sample of countries since the 1960s. New proxies for a country's absorptive capability--based on data for students studying abroad, telecommunications and publications--are tested in regression models. The results indicate that absorp...
There have been several respected studies, from a capability-based perspective, pointing to the emergence of a new division of innovative labour in the pharmaceutical industry over the past decades. We still, however, miss empirical evidence relative to the implications of collaborative arrangements, like strategic alliances, for the innovative cap...
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Athough there is a profusion of studies related to strategic alliances and technological capacities which evaluate the issues individually, there is a scarcity of studies with empirical evidence relative to the implications of strategic alliances at the technological capacity configuration. Drawing on a scrutiny of specialised databases (Galé, Dial...
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Despite the profusion of studies on innovation systems, there still is a scarcity of empirical treatment of this issue in the context of developing countries. This article examines the interactions between firm-level technological capabilities and supporting organisations of the innovation system drawing on a sample of forty-six firms and twenty-ni...
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Evidence of rates of capability accumulation in developing countries is crucial to further our understanding of timing of the process by which firms and industries move from production into innovative stages of technological progress. It is also a key input to support decision?making on resources allocation for industrial development. Although this...
Athough there is a profusion of studies related to strategic alliances and technological capacities which evaluate the issues individually, there is a scarcity of studies with empirical evidence relative to the implications of strategic alliances at the technological capacity configuration. Drawing on a scrutiny of specialised databases (Galé, Dial...
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Muito embora haja uma vasta literatura sobre as implicações das competências técnico-organizacionais para o desempenho de organizações, vários destes estão concentrados no ambiente industrial. Ao mesmo tempo, não existem muitos estudos sobre estas competências em organizações não governamentais (ONGs). Este artigo examina as implicações da competên...
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Muito embora haja uma vasta literatura sobre as implicações das competências técnico-organizacionais para o desempenho de organizações, vários destes estão concentrados no ambiente industrial. Ao mesmo tempo, não existem muitos estudos sobre estas competências em organizações não governamentais (ONGs). Este artigo examina as implicações da competên...
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Estudos sobre estratégia empresarial, em especial os desenvolvidos a partir dos anos 1990, têm dado especial ênfase aos aspectos de capacidades tecnológicas e inovação como fontes de vantagens competitivas. Essa abordagem, no entanto, ainda é escassa na literatura, em especial nos países localizados em economias em desenvolvimento. À luz de modelos...
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Este artigo examina, pela perspectiva intra-empresarial, as implicações dos processos subjacentes de aprendizagem para a trajetória de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas. Esse relacionamento é examinado, à base de um estudo de caso individual, em uma empresa de transmissão de energia elétrica no Norte do Brasil de 1990 a 2004. A métrica para ex...
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Based on an intra-company standpoint, this article examines the implications of underlying learning processes in the accumulation of technological capability in an electrical energy transmission company in Northern Brazil from 1990 to 2004. The framework for examining the accumulation of technological capability distinguishes between routine (the u...
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The focus of this article is to examine the extent to which firms in the electronics industry in Malaysia and Brazil (Manaus) have developed significant levels of innovative technological capabilities (TCs). By examining whether innovative capabilities have spread to these two late-industrialising countries, the article seeks to add new evidence to...
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This article focuses on the implications of the intra-firm learning processes for the direction and rate of latecomer firm-level technological capability accumulation. This relationship is examined in a capital goods firm – producer of equipment and complete plants for pulp and paper mills – during its lifetime of 24 years. Using a single case stud...
This chapter seeks to contribute to the debate on the issues of globalization of firm-level innovative technological capability and industrial strategy in the late-industrializing context. Although these issues have been examined since the early 1970s in the late-industrializing literature, it becomes increasingly important today as globalization a...
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Although there are several studies of innovation in the information andcommunication (ICT) industry, there still is a scarcity of studies on organisationleveltechnological capability in the ICTs sector in the context of late-industrialisation.This article examines types and levels of technological capability in a sample of18 ICTs institutes in Braz...
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This article focuses on knowledge transfer from technological infrastructure to industry, from the perspective of an innovation incubator - a rare category of incubator that starts up inside of a corporation and becomes independent. This experience is examined through the Genius Institute of Technology, a spin-off from Gradiente Eletrônica S/A. Opt...
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This paper focuses on the implications of learning processes for technological capability accumulation and performance improvement. These relations are evaluated through a single case study in the steelmaking unit of Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (1997-2001). Recently developed frameworks in literature on technological capability accumulation and...
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This article offers a contribution to the management of the industrial development process in the context of developing economies, particularly Brazil. The article clarifies certain terminologies relative to technological capability accumulation and industrial innovation. Finally, the article presents a metric, followed by a brief empirical applica...
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This paper examines empirical evidence of the technological capabilities of firms in the industrial pole of Manaus, in a developing area of northern Brazil. It also investigates the links these firms have with supporting organizations of the innovation system such as universities, research institutes or business incubators. Firms’ capabilities are...
This article seeks to add new empirical evidence, from a late-industrialising standpoint, to the literature related to the way in which Research and Technology Institutes (RTIs) contribute to building up a National System of Innovation (NSI). This study is based on a sample of 11 RTIs in Brazil that are dedicated to the Information and Communicatio...
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Este artigo enfoca as implicações dos processos de aprendizagem para acumulação de competências tecnológicas e aprimoramento da performance técnico-econômica. Esta relação é examinada por meio do estudo de caso individual na unidade de aciaria da Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (1997-2001). São usadas estruturas analíticas, desenvolvidas recentement...
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The focus of this paper is the extent to which firms in the electronics industry in Malaysia and Brazil (Manaus) developed significant innovative technological capabilities. By examining whether innovative capabilities have spread to these two late-industrializing countries, the paper seeks to add new evidence to the debate over internationalizatio...
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The theme of industrial innovation strategies was formally brought into thegovernment agenda in Brazil during the late-1960s. Since then, there has been aprofusion of studies based on descriptions and analysis relative to the design andimplementation of industrial innovation strategies. Despite the merit of the existingworks in this field in Brazil...
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This paper focuses on the implications of the intra-firm learning processes for technological capability accumulation. Drawing on a single case study methodology, this relationship is examined in Kvaerner Pulping do Brasil (1980-2000). The framework for capability accumulation, tailored to the capital goods industry - supplier of equipment and comp...
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This paper is concerned with the application of frameworks in order to explain how key features of the intra-firm learning processes influence inter-firm differences in technological capability accumulation in the late-industrializing or latecomer context. This relationship is examined in two of the largest steel firms in Brazil over their lifetime...
The focus of this paper is how key features of the underlying learning processes influence inter‐firm differences in technological capability‐accumulation paths and, in turn, operational performance improvement in the latecomer context. This set of relationships is examined in two large steel companies in Brazil over their lifetimes of 40 and 60 ye...
The focus of this paper is how the key features of the underlying learning processes influence inter-firm differences in paths of technological capability-accumulation in the late-industrialising context. This relationship is examined in two of the largest steel firms in Brazil over their lifetime of 40 and 60 years. The issues of ‘technological ca...
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Adjunct Professor in the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (EBAPE-FGV) Praia de Botafogo, 190 5th floor room 526 22253-900 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil Tel + Abstract This paper builds analytical frameworks in order to examine the role of key features of the underlying learning processes in influenc...
This paper focuses on the practical implications of technological capability-accumulation paths for inter-firm differences in operational performance improvement in the late-industrialising context. This relationship is examined over the lifetime of two large steel firms in Brazil: USIMINAS (1956–1997) and CSN (1938–1997). The study has found that...
The theme of industrial innovation strategies was formally brought into the government agenda in Brazil during the late-1960s. Since then, there has been a profusion of studies based on descriptions and analysis relative to the design and implementation of industrial innovation strategies. Despite the merit of the ex- isting works in this field in...
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This paper seeks to contribute to the debate relative to industrial technological capability building in association with changes into a liberalised and globalized economic regime implemented from the early 1990s in several late-industrialising countries. During the past few years certain generalisations have held that such policy changes had a per...
This paper builds on influential studies of technological catch-up (e.g. Lim and Lee, 2001) to examine a slightly different kind of "path-creating" capability accumulation trajectory in latecomer natural resource-processing industries across discontinuous policy regimes. Drawing on multiple-case evidence from 13 forestry, pulp and paper firms in Br...
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Despite the proliferation of studies on the creation of firms' capabilities (learning) and on the nature of capabilities (as sources of firms' competitive advantage), especially from the early 1990s, there have been only a few studies addressing some of the 'outcomes' of learning and capabilities for the improvement in firms' performance. Additiona...


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