Paulina Jiménez-Huidobro

Paulina Jiménez-Huidobro
University of Bonn | Uni Bonn · Bonner Institut für Organismische Biologie

B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.


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May 2019 - May 2021
University of Bonn
  • PostDoc Position
January 2016 - May 2016
University of Alberta
  • T.A. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates
September 2015 - December 2015
University of Alberta
  • T.A. Palaeobiology of lower Vertebrates


Publications (27)
Braincase descriptions of lepidosaurian clades (Rhynchocephalia and Squamata) are scarce, and paleoneurological studies are even scarcer when compared to other reptiles. Regarding paleoneurology sensu stricto, so far mosasauroids and snakes (the latter by means of a single published study) remain the better known lepidosaur groups. Further comparis...
Mosasauroidea sensu Caldwell (2012), inclusive of Aigialosauridae +Mosasauridae, are known from the Cenomanian to the end of the Maastrichtian. Their fossil record is poor and incomplete in the Cenomanian, with the dense part of their fossil record beginning in the Turonian and continuing to the Maastrichtian (Russell, 1967). The oldest records fro...
The reassessment of a lower jaw fragment of a mosasaur from the upper Maastrichtian of central Chile(Q.3105) indicates that the specimen does not belong to Plotosaurus, as previously suggested by Frey et 2016. The specimen does not show the characteristics of Plotosaurus, such as the long projection anterior to the anteriormost tooth socket o...
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Tylosaurinae (Williston, 1897), is reconstructed in most analyses as the sister group of the Plioplatecarpinae (Dollo, 1884). The most distinctive characteristic of the group is an elongated edentulous rostrum on the premaxilla. Members of the tylosaurine subfamily are divided into two genera: Tylosaurus (Marsh, 1874), and Taniwhasaurus (Hector, 18...
We here report on the smallest-known, neonate-sized Tylosaurus specimen, FHSM VP-14845, recovered from the lower Santonian portion of the Niobrara Chalk exposed in Kansas, U.S.A. Lacking any associated adult-sized material, FHSM VP-14845 comprises fragmentary and associated cranial bones, here considered to represent a single neonatal individual wi...
Mosasaurs assigned to the genus Tylosaurus have been reported from the North Atlantic Circle Basin, including the Western Interior Seaway in North America and Europe, from the Turonian of Chihuahua, Mexico, to the early Maastrichtian of Belgium. The youngest record of Tylosaurus in North America is from the middle Campanian of the Pierre Shale, Sou...
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Herein, we present a revision of mosasauroid lizards (basal aigialosaurs + derived mosasaurids) from the Upper Cretaceous marine sediments associated with various Gondwanan landmasses. In stratigraphic terms, the Gondwanan fossil record of mosasaurs begins with basal mosasauroids from the carbonate platforms of the Middle East, in modern Israel. Th...
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Mosasauroids were a successful lineage of squamate reptiles (lizards and snakes) that radiated during the Late Cretaceous (95–66 million years ago). They can be considered one of the few lineages in the evolutionary history of tetrapods to have acquired a fully aquatic lifestyle, similarly to whales, ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs. Despite a long his...
Nexus file with the dataset analysed herein using contingent coding. (NEX)
Nexus file with the dataset analysed herein using multistate coding. (NEX)
New characters list for the dataset used herein. (DOCX)
Bayesian trees. Majority rule consensus trees obtained from the four different prior and hyperprior choice combinations performed herein. (PDF)
Character maps on trees derived from all the analyses performed herein. (PDF)
Late Jurassic lizards from Solnhofen, Germany, include some of the oldest known articulated lizard specimens, sometimes including soft tissue preservation. These specimens are thus very important to our understanding of early squamate morphology and taxonomy, and also provide valuable information on squamate phylogeny. Eichstaettisaurus schroederi...
Tylosaurus nepaeolicus (Cope, 1874), from the lower Smokey Hill Chalk upper Coniacian of Kansas is reassessed and compared to T. kansasensis Everhart, 2005, its sympatric contemporary from the same formation; both are compared to a later species from the upper Smoky Hill Chalk, T. proriger (Cope, 1869). Tylosaurus nepaeolicus (Cope, 1874) is virtua...
Redescription of Hainosaurus bernardi Dollo, 1885a, from the early Maastrichtian of the Ciply Phosphatic Chalk of Belgium, results in a reassignment of the taxon to the genus Tylosaurus Marsh, 1872, because the genus Hainosaurus cannot be diagnosed independent of Tylosaurus. The diagnosis of Hainosaurus bernardi by Dollo, 1885a, is reviewed, and th...
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Se presenta la primera síntesis de los hallazgos de mosasaurios (Squamata: Mosasauroidea) del Cretácico Superior de Chile. Casi la totalidad de los materiales recolectados hasta ahora provienen de diferentes localidades de la costa de Chile central, junto con una única localidad en el extremo sur del país, cuyas edades varían entre el Maastrichtian...
We report the first revision of fossil amphibian ocurrences from Chile. The samples and publications available allow the recognition of two different anurans assigned to Eocene and Pleistocene-Holocene levels in southern and central Chile, one of which is represented by various ontogenetic stages. Additionally, a basal tetrapod is known from the Ca...
Conference Paper
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Cold Lake is situated in east-central Alberta, near the southern boundary of the modern boreal forest. The lake is about 23 km wide and up to 100 m deep. Post-glacial vertebrate remains were recovered from three localities (French Bay, Murray Island, and Alberta-Saskatchewan border site) occurring at comparatively shallow depths in restricted litto...
Bufo atacamensis es una especie que se distribuye desde la II a la IV región de Chile. Se ha observado que las poblaciones de la II Región presentan mayores niveles de desecación de las pozas, donde se lleva a cabo el desarrollo larval, en comparación a las poblaciones de la IV Región. Se evaluó mediante experimentos de jardín común, el efecto de l...
The assimilation efficiency of Bufa spintulosus tadpoles from four localities in Chile was evaluated for two different ternperatures (15 and 25 degrees C) and two different diets (low nutritional quality diet (LQD): 22.28 mg a W; high nutritional quality diet (HQD): 47.53 mg g N-1) using ash as a market of digestion. Results Showed that geographic...
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The assimilation efficiency of Bufo spinulosus tadpoles from four localities in Chile was evaluated for two different temperatures (15 and 25 ºC) and two different diets (low nutritional quality diet (LQD): 22.28 mg g N-1; high nutritional quality diet (HQD): 47.53 mg g N-1) using ash as a marker of digestion. Results showed that geographic origin...


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