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Paulina Gołaska-Ciesielska

Paulina Gołaska-Ciesielska
Independent Researcher

Postdoctoral Researcher


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To read about my current research and clinical work please visit www.wspieranierelacji.pl (only in Polish). My research focuses on psychodynamics of autism spectrum. I am particularly interested in: 1) Exploring the links between autism spectrum and mentalization; 2) Identifying differences between autistic and psychotic states of mind; 3) Adopting relational approach in the therapy of children and adults on autism spectrum.
Additional affiliations
March 2015 - May 2015
Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik des Kindes/Jugendalters
  • Visiting researcher
  • Participation in AMIS research project “Analyzing pathways from childhood maltreatment to internalizing symptoms & disorders in children and adolescents"
October 2011 - February 2016
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
  • PhD Student
  • Lectures in: diagnosis and therapy of children with autism spectrum disorders, psychopathology, family counselling, special education and therapy
October 2011 - June 2016
Various higher education institutions
  • Lecturer
  • Lectures in: developmental psychopathology, child and adolescent clinical psychology, diagnosis and therapy of children with developmental disorders, early intervention for children with autism spectrum disorders, family counselling
October 2011 - February 2016
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Field of study
  • Special Education/ Child Psychopathology (Doctoral thesis: “Parental Attitudes and Reflective Functioning of Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders”)
October 2007 - October 2013
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Field of study
  • Psychology (Master’s thesis: “Empathizing and Executive Functions of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders”)
October 2006 - June 2011
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Field of study
  • Special Education (Master’s thesis: “Stress of Fathers of Children with Autism”)


Publications (68)
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Broszura dla (psycho)terapeutów i innych specjalistów współpracujących z dorosłymi osobami W SPEKTRUM AUTYZMU
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Addressing methodological issues, I try to clarify relations between radical constructivism and the theories used as a basis of study by describing how social influences experienced by individuals are constructed. Also, I welcome the way other methodological questions may enrich future research by raising the issue of personal contact and inclusi...
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Context • Numerous analyses emphasize the historical variability and social construction of the autism category. As a result, many beliefs and stereotypes about autism function unconsciously in social awareness as background knowledge. > Problem • We present the results of a survey concerning the social perception of autism and we draw attention to...
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In this paper, we present the results of an online survey concerning the social perception of people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The analysis of the online survey conducted in Poland from March to May 2020, in which 355 Polish speaking respondents took part and which consisted of two parts: closed-ended questions and open-ended statements...
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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), as a neurodiverse developmental pattern, affects between one and two individuals in every 100 people. Autistic individuals experience different challenges in every decade of their lives. he difficulties in sensorimotor functioning, emotional codes, communication and cognition, albeit causing emotional distress, form...
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Podręcznik „Autyzm relacyjnie. (Re)integracja społeczna dzieci ze spektrum autyzmu mających trudności w funkcjonowaniu w grupie rówieśniczej” opisujący podstawowe zasady podejścia relacyjnego w pracy z dziećmi ze spektrum autyzmu. Zawiera również propozycję programu szkolenia dla terapeutów relacyjnych. Publikacja powstała w ramach projektu Wielkop...
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O dwóch typach komunikacji osób w spektrum - zależnej od warunków zewnętrznych, poziomu bodźców w otoczeniu
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O potrzebie i rozumieniu relacji w terapii osób ze spektrum autyzmu
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Relational approach to autism is a specific way of understanding needs of the child with development disorders based on three strong fundaments – psychoanalysis, development psychology and psychopathology. It is a result of complex research of typical development and identification of caretaker’s intuitive reactions, which support the child best an...
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A brief proposal of a model of mental development and functioning inspired by Stefan Szuman
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Doctoral thesis: “Parental Attitudes and Reflective Functioning of Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders”); open access: https://repozytorium.amu.edu.pl/handle/10593/14197
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poster in English
Gołaska P. (2014). The Broad Autism Phenotype Theory. CER Comparative European Research. Proceedings Research Track. London: SCIEMCEE, p. 152-156
Gołaska P. (2013). Psychosexual development of a child. A relational perspective. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on MMK 2013 International Masaryk Conference for Ph.D. students and young researchers vol. 4, p. 2490-2496. ISBN 978-80-87952-00-9
Empathizing and Executive Functions in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Trambacz S., Gołaska P. (2013). Gluten-free and caseine-free diet in therapy of children with autism – a fad or necessity? A review of scientific and popular-scientific publications. Standardy Medyczne, 10, p. 338-345. ISNN: 2080-5438
Gołaska P. (2013). Stress of parents of children with autism. Subjective experiences of mothers and fathers of children with ASD diagnosis. A review of research. In: M. Baranowska-Szczepańska, M. Gołaszewski (Eds.). Relacje interpersonalne w badaniach młodych naukowców (p. 53-68). Poznan: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Handlu i Usług. ISBN 83-61449-84-...
Tresenberg E., Gołaska P. (2013). Tourist activity of families with children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. In: Z. Młynarczyk, A. Zajadacz (Eds.) Uwarunkowania i plany rozwoju turystyki. Tom X. Wybrane przyrodnicze, społeczne i ekonomiczne aspekty turystyki. Seria Turystyka i Rekreacja – Studia i Prace (p. 107-122). Poznan: Bogucki...
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Gołaska P. (2013). The etiology of Autism Spectrum Disorders. A review of selected theories. Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna, 1(13), p. 8-14. ISNN 1644-6313 (open access: http://www.gazeta.psychiatria.com.pl/index.php/wydawnictwa/2013-vol-13-no-1/etiologia-zaburzen-ze-spektrum-autyzmu-przeglad-wybranych-koncepcji?aid=223)
Gołaska P., Stawicka M. (2013). The emotional abuse in infants and toddlers – the long-term effects, psychological mechanisms and prevention. In: I. Korpaczewska (Ed.). Dziecko krzywdzone. Oblicza przemocy i pomoc ofiarom (p. 24-45). Szczecin: Szczecińska Szkoła Wyższa Collegium Balticum. ISBN 978-83-61-082-61-3
Gołaska P. (2013). Early symptoms of autism in children. A review of research. In: H. Krauze-Sikorska, M. Klichowski, K. Kuszak (Eds.). Świat małego dziecka (p. 237-255). Poznan: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM. ISNN 0083-4254, ISBN 978-83-232-2637-6
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Trambacz S., Gołaska P. (2013). Bodiliness and disability. Body image and attractiveness of adults with severe intellectual disability. Studia Edukacyjne, 25, p. 209-220. ISBN 978-83-232-2610-9, ISSN 1233-6688
Gołaska P. (2012). The comorbidity of autism and Down syndrome. Controversies and diagnostic difficulties. REMEDIUM. Prevention and promotion of a healthy lifestyle, 11 (237), p. 24-25. ISSN 1230-7769
Artykuł stanowi przegląd wybranych światowych badań naukowych dotyczących dzieci i młodzieży dotkniętych różnego rodzaju ograniczeniami sprawności. Wyniki kwerendy wskazują z jednej strony na szerokie zainteresowania badaczy zarówno pod względem rodzajów niepełnosprawności doświadczanych przez dzieci, jak i problemów rozwojowych czy psychospołeczny...
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Gołaska P. (2012). Anna Freud’s pedagogy as an example of application of psychoanalysis in education. In: A. Gil, I. Zakowicz, J. Dwornik (Eds.). Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk. Debiuty 2011 (I). Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Fundacja ProScientiaPublica, p. 166-175. ISSN 2299-2014, ISBN 978-83-60425-76-3 (open acces: http://cejsh.icm.edu.pl/cejsh/element/bwmeta1.el...
Gołaska P., Nowotnik A. (2012). Parental capacity to treat the child as a psychological agent and child’s development – a broader perspective. Conference Proceedings: International Masaryk Conference for Ph.D. Students and Young Researchers 2012. Hradec Kralove: MAGNANIMITAS. Vol. III. 2012, p. 2037-2047. ISBN 978-80-905243-3-0, ETTN 042-12-12017-1...
Stress of fathers of children with autism
Gołaska P. (2011). „The Little Prince” by A. Saint-Exupéry – a psychological analysis. Psychoanalysis and Art, 3/2011, p. 44-49.
Gołaska P., Boch M. (2011). Münchausen syndrome by Proxy. Diagnostic hybrid or reality? REMEDIUM. Prevention and promotion of a healthy lifestyle, 9(223), p. 6-13. ISSN 1230-7769
Gołaska P., Trambacz S. (2011). Selective Eating in Children with Autism with Intestinal Disorders and Sensory Disorders. In: M. Kuczera (Ed.). Nowe trendy w naukach przyrodniczych tom II. Creative Science − Monografia 2011. Cracow: CREATIVETIME, p. 177-186. ISBN 978-83-63058-05-0
Gołaska P. (2011). Cognitive deficits of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. A review of theories. REMEDIUM. Prevention and promotion of a healthy lifestyle, 10(224), p. 29-34. ISSN 1230-7769
Trambacz S., Gołaska P. (2011). A biomedical perspective on autism – etiology, symptomatology and therapy. In: M. Kuczera (Ed.) Młodzi naukowcy dla polskiej nauki. Część II. Nauki Przyrodnicze. Tom II. Cracow: CREATIVETIME, p. 202-212. ISBN 978-83-63058-01-2


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