![Patrik Voštinár](https://i1.rgstatic.net/ii/profile.image/545386997743617-1507041801640_Q128/Patrik-Vostinar.jpg)
Patrik VoštinárMatej Bel University · Department of Computer Science
Patrik Voštinár
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD.) - Professor (Associate)
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Patrik Voštinár currently works at the Department of Computer Science, Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici. Patrik does research in Information Science, Programming Languages and Software Engineering. Their current project is '003-TTU-4/2015'.
Publications (72)
Technology companies are constantly developing
new devices and various software that make it easier for users
to work with smart devices. Some devices develop faster and
some slower. In this post, we will focus on developing games for
the Tobii Eye Tracking device, with which we will control the
computer without a mouse and keyboard, using only our...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT The ChatGPT tool has become one of the most popular applications of artificial intelligence, which is used to obtain answers to questions, but especially to solve tasks from various fields. We have encountered opinions that some answers of the ChatGPT are accurate, and others are wrong, or that students will not be able to solve t...
There are a large number of professions in the world today. Some professions are disappearing, and some new ones are emerging. However, they all have something in common: the need to manage them. Throughout its history, humanity has developed several constantly changing forms of management. For this reason, school absolvents must enter the labour m...
Currently, there is an increasing demand for specialists in the field of computer science. However, for many children computer science is not as inter esting as it could be. They learn many topics in a very short time and usually do not have the motivation to continue their studies in Computer Science. The solu tion could be teaching through games....
The aim of this article is to present activities for marginalized
children aimed at developing algorithmic thinking and the basics
of programming. Children from these groups have more problems
in schools when learning informatics, mainly due to the absence
of IT technology - computers and tablets in their homes. Some
children do not even have...
Electroencephalography (EEG) and a braincomputer interface (BCI) are relatively young technologies, that in some cases could replace the classic computer mouse control. We are using EEG and BCI to control computer games, which have always been very popular with people of all ages. In the paper, we focus on using the Epoc helmet for controlling two...
Due to the massive popularity of smartphones among people of all ages, Augmented Reality is becoming a commonly available technology for which we do not need to have special equipment, just an ordinary cheap smartphone with a camera. In this paper, we will deal with the use of Augmented Reality in education through the popular Merge cube, which has...
Virtual reality (VR) technology has undergone a huge breakthrough in development and distribution over the last few years. Now it is becoming an increasingly popular tool not only in the field of creating computer games but also in industry and educational process. From the beginning, VR devices were big, uncomfortable, and very expensive. For this...
Applications based on virtual, extended, or mixed reality are rapidly gaining momentum in the sector of education worldwide because they have the potential to allow new forms of education and transform educational experiences into a new quality. Their use is expanding from commercial games and services to various science-research areas (healthcare,...
Informatika patrí medzi predmety, ktoré sa neustále vyvíjajú. Učitelia, ktorí ju učia na základných a stredných školách sa musia neustále učiť nové technológie, nástroje a programovacie jazyky, aby zaujali svojich žiakov. Z tohto dôvodu sme na Katedre informatiky FPV UMB začali robiť vzdelávacie stretnutia pre učiteľov informatiky v rámci banskobys...
Cieľom tohto článku je prezentovať metodiku tvorby modelov
umelej inteligencie na rozpoznávanie obrázkov. Tieto modely je
potom možné používať v programovacích prostrediach, vhodných
na výučbu programovania pre deti. V príspevku opisujeme
metodiku s názvom „Hľadaj.“, pomocou ktorej vytvoríme model
umelej inteligencie na rozpoznávanie obrázkov....
V tomto článku sa venujeme sumarizácií všetkých aktivít, ktoré sa
pod patronátom IT Akadémie odohrávali na katedre informatiky
FPV UMB v Banskej Bystrici. V uplynulom náročnom období,
poznačenom pandémiou koronavírusu vzniklo v spolupráci
s ďalšími informatickými pracoviskami na Slovensku množstvo
inovatívnych metodík pre ZŠ a SŠ, niekoľko uče...
Virtual, augmented and mixed reality (VR, AR and MR) infiltrated not only gaming, industry, engineering, live events, entertainment, real estate, retail, military, etc., but as surveys indicate, also healthcare and education. In all these areas there is a lack of software development experts for VR, AR and MR to meet the needs of practice. Therefor...
Computer Science is nowadays very popular and requested in almost all companies. Many companies would like to have more IT professionals. Therefore we would like to motivate students from the beginning of their education to learn Computer Science, especially programming. There are many educational aids, which could be used for showing students, tha...
Teaching Computer Science in all level of education is not easy, because most students are scared of the programming. Therefore, most of the teachers in Slovak schools prefer to teach special software for a spreadsheet editor, presentation programs, etc. This contribution deals with our experience of using an educational board BBC micro:bit in the...
Students in primary and secondary schools in
Slovak republic are not very interested in study computer
science, especially programming. At our department, we are
trying to motivate primary and secondary school students to
learn programming through multiple activities, such as
computer science extracurricular activity and doing
workshops in primary...
The concept of a smart home is getting more and
more popular for people of all ages. You can meet the term
smart home not only on the web, but also in schools.
Students can solve their seminar works on smart home
topics such as “Is my home smart” or “how will the future
home looks like”, etc. With popular educational board BBC
micro:bit students ca...
The scientific articles have been recently enormously devoted to the issue of augmented, virtual,
and mixed reality and are already being fully established in our normal life. They infiltrated into
gaming, industry, medical, manufacturing, etc. However, the area of education (especially in
Slovakia) is still lagging behind and is influenced by the...
Studying pedagogical sciences for Computer Science subject nowadays does not meet with great interest of students in Slovakia. Education of young generation in this area is strongly affected by small number of well qualified teachers as well as lack of high-quality teaching materials resulting to deplorable knowledge of the pupils. The very same si...
Teaching Computer Science in primary and secondary schools in Slovakia is not easy, because most students are scared of the programming. This contribution deals with our experience of using an educational board BBC micro:bit in educational process. We will explain some of our prepared tasks for teaching programming concepts, which we used for teach...
Jobs with Computer Science are very popular and requested in almost all companies. Companies cannot fill these positions, because there are not many IT professionals. The solution could be to motivate students on all levels of education to learn Computer Science, especially programming. There are many educational aids, which could be used for showi...
Studying pedagogical sciences for Computer Science subject nowadays does not meet with great interest of students in Slovakia. Education of young generation in this area is strongly affected by small number of well qualified teachers as well as lack of high-quality teaching materials resulting to deplorable knowledge of the pupils. The very same si...
Cieľom nášho článku je prezentovať kľúčové informácie, ale najmä splnenie cieľov projektu KEGA
009KU-4/2017 „Inovatívne metodiky v predmete informatika v sekundárnom vzdelávaní“. Na
katedre informatiky, Fakulty prírodných vied Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici bolo
vytvorených a v rámci informatického krúžku aj overených v priebehu 2 rokov...
Virtual, augmented and mixed reality (VR, AR and MR) is now enjoying popularity not only in gaming, but as surveys indicate, also in the health care, engineering, live events, entertainment, real estate, retail, military, education, etc. The aim of this article is to show various possibilities of human interaction with emerging technologies in thre...
In this contribution we are focusing on creation of mixed reality composed of panoramatic video, into
which an animation of 3D model of object is added. In the research conducted at Department of
Computer Science, Faculty of Natural Sciences at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica (Slovakia)
we are dealing with the question how is it possible to...
Nowadays the web pages are a necessity not just for business. Creating static web pages is nothing special, even the young pupils are capable to create static web pages through some WYSIWYG editors. Students from Slovak high schools focused on computer science are able to create static web pages in HTML and CSS. Some of them are also familiar with...
This paper deals with the topic of education in field of using mobile application Esko as a tool for developing communicative competence in Slovak as a hereditary language. Using educational mobile applications in the current school environment is becoming increasingly popular not only in the Slovak schools. The paper introduces the application ESK...
V súčasnosti sú informačné a komunikačné technológie bežnou súčasťou vyučovacieho procesu na Slovensku. Školy disponujú projektormi a počítačmi vo väčšine učební. Učitelia si musia pripravovať materiály, alebo hľadať už existujúce materiály na internete. V príspevku predstavíme e-learningový kurz didaktika planimetrie a stereometrie, ktorý je vhodn...
Minecraft is the most popular sandbox video game, which was released in 2011. Since it was released
it has been winning numerous awards and accolades. Minecraft enables players in a three-dimensional
environment place and breaks various types of blocks. There are several types of Minecraft versions.
In November 2016 has been released Minecraft: Edu...
Vzdelávanie v oblasti algoritmizácie a programátorských zručností je základnou a neoddeliteľnou súčasťou všetkých informaticky orientovaných študijných programov. Toto vzdelávanie však spravidla býva orientované na vývoj softvérových produktov v podobe aplikácií pre desktop, web alebo mobilné zariadenia. Našim cieľom je motivovať študentov pomocou...
Žijeme v dobe, kde sa mobilné aplikácie stali neoddeliteľnou súčasťou každodenného života. Existuje veľa nástrojov, technológií a spôsobov, ako vytvárať aplikácie pre mobilné zariadenia. Cieľom tohto príspevku je ukázať možnosti programovania mobilných aplikácií natívnym, webovým a hybridným spôsobom. Príspevok sa zameriava na vývoj mobilnej apliká...
Microcontrollers are becoming more and more popular at people of all ages. Microcontroller Arduino is widespread in the world. As it turned out at our Department of Computer Science, learning Arduino for beginners is sometimes difficult because working with Arduino requires some knowledge of hardware parts and programming skills. For beginners we t...
Článok popisuje najmä robotiku na informatickom krúžku pre deti z druhého stupňa základných škôl. Budúci učitelia informatiky a študenti aplikovanej informatiky sú na krúžku lektormi sprevádzajúci žiakov. Hlavným cieľom je poskytnúť budúcim učiteľom a študentom aplikovanej informatiky možnosť vzdelávať a nadobúdať skúsenosti so žiakmi zamerané hlav...
Internet je v súčasnosti neodmysliteľnou súčasťou každodenného života nielen mladých ľudí. Ľudia používajú internet v škole, v práci, vo voľnom čase. Tento trend bude pokračovať a preto je nevyhnutné sa mu prispôsobiť dostatočnými znalosťami práce na internete. Používať internet bez problémov dokážu už žiaci na základných školách. Firemné prostredi...
V súèasnom modernom svete, ktorý je bohatý na informaèné a komunikaèné technol
ógie (IKT) sa èoraz èastej¹ie stretávame s pojmom þvyu¾itie IKT vo vyuèovaní
matematikyÿ. Cieµom informatizácie ¹kolstva je zvy¹ovanie efektivity vyuèovacieho
procesu, prièom ¾iak nie je len pasívnym prijímateµom informácii, ale predov¹etkým
aktívnym úèastníkom výuèby. N...
This contribution talks about the importance of STEM education and our experiences at Matej Bel University and Ján Bakoss primary and lower secondary school. We chose Computer Science as an appropriate subject where STEM education can be added. Tangible technological devices such as Parrot Jumping Sumo drone or Airblock drone were used among studen...
V tomto článku prezentujeme výpočtové myslenie ako proces riešenia úloh, ktorý pozostáva z metód riešenia úloh a intelektuálnych postupov. Pričom sa zameriavame na dekompozíciu problému, hľadanie rovnakých vzorov, tvorbu modelu, vytvorenie algoritmu a overovanie riešenia problému. Výpočtové myslenie nám umožňuje pochopiť komplexný problém, dekompon...
Technologies in the current world are constantly changing. These changes are al-so reflected in the teaching process. In the slovak schools Computer Science sub-ject uses mostly programming language Scratch. We wanted to try out a new toy as a way for programming and STEM education- modular and programmable drone Airblock. In this contribution we w...
The aim of our article is to describe the issue of verifying knowledge using our created
Universal testing system and to compare existing testing systems with our UTS. Testing is important part of teaching process. Before the year 2009 the LMS Moodle didn’t have good testing possibilities, so we decided to create our own testing system UTS. In our...
Súčasná generácia žiakov považuje informačno-komunikačné zariadenia ako bežnú súčasť ich života. Na Slovensku prebehlo veľké množstvo výskumov začleňovania IKT do vyučovacieho procesu. Pojem e-learning je všeobecne známi, učitelia sa snažia motivovať žiakov záujmovými hodinami s využitím počítačov. Pre žiakov sú takéto hodiny pomaly bežné, ničím za...
The paper deals with creating electronic course for preparing future mathematics teachers. We
created an interactive course in Moodle for Graph theory. Using Dynamic Geometry programs
makes the learning process more effective and more attractive. The great advantage of these
programs is the ability to use it with e-learning courses. The main advant...
In this article, we focus on creating a mobile mathematical application Roman numerals for the
practice of conversion of Roman numerals to Arabic numbers. The application is free and could be
used by students, teachers and parents. Another aim of this application was to show the teachers and
students how they can create a mobile application without...
The article is focused on the importance of information and communication technologies used in
mathematical education. Currently there are many different geometric software for computers and
tablets. These programs allow users to draw geometric shapes and allow them to dynamically change
their shapes. We created an interactive course in Learning Ma...
Currently, mobile devices are very popular among people of all ages.
After tablets appeared on the market, mobile devices started to be widely used
in firms, schools as well as in free time. Nowadays, mobile application stores offer
a lot of applications. In these stores we can find also applications aimed to be
used as supplements during education...
The paper deals with procedures, which should be created before programming of applications. The main goal of the paper is to describe the documents that teachers of informatics could start to use within programming teaching at all educational stages. In the paper three documents (Feasibility Study, Software Requirements Specification and Design Do...
The main aim of the contribution is to show newly-created subject Web Technologies 4, which is being taught at the Department of Informatics of FNS MBU from the academic year 2016/2017. The course deals with the development of mobile applications for the Android operating system.
The article deals with creating applets in mathematics software GeoGebra.
GeoGebra contains a large number of tools that can be used in teaching. In case that
users need some tool, that GeoGebra doesn't have, they can create this tool themselves.
The article described the possibility of using JavaScript programming language in
mathematics software...
In this article we are focusing on developing mathematical mobile applications
without programming skills. We will show you how to create mathematical application
in environment App Inventor.
In this article we are focusing on creating electronic course for preparing future mathematics teachers. The course is created in system LMS Moodle. We will deal with creating eLearning lesson from Graph theory. We will show some possible ways of working with software GeoGebra in Graph theory. In GeoGebra we created new applets for the work with gr...
In this article we are focusing on issues related to the development of electronic study material in Moodle. We will deal with didactic issues related to the development of interactive e-course in discrete mathematics in Moodle. We will show some specific aspects of the implementation dynamic applets created in GeoGebra into e-course. Our e-learnin...
In the current school environment, tablets and mobile telephones are gradually becoming standard integral teaching aids. Although terms such as the “informatisation of education” may be increasingly encountered, we should not forget, though, about the use of information-communication technologies in mathematics. The aim of education informatisation...
In the current school environment, tablets and mobile telephones are gradually becoming standard integral teaching aids. Although terms such as the “informatisation of education” may be increasingly encountered, we should not forget, though, about the use of information-communication technologies in mathematics. The aim of education informatisation...
In the current school environment, tablets and mobile telephones are gradually becoming standard integral teaching aids. Although terms such as the “informatisation of education” may be increasingly encountered, we should not forget, though, about the use of information-communication technologies in mathematics. The aim of education informatisation...