Patrick Roigk

Patrick Roigk
Robert-Bosch Krankenhaus · Geriatrics

Dr. biol. hum.


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April 2016 - present
Robert-Bosch Krankenhaus
  • Research Associate
March 2015 - August 2016
Esslingen University of Applied Sciences
  • Master's Student


Publications (43)
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Background Geriatric rehabilitation aims at increasing physical and social activity and maintaining the functional reserve of older people. However, the continuity of geriatric rehabilitation in the outpatient setting is limited due to a lack of structured aftercare programs. In order to overcome this, a three-month multimodal home-based interventi...
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Background Vertebral and pelvic fractures are associated with a significant burden of negative health and psychosocial outcomes. The number of vertebral and pelvic fractures is increasing in an aging society. Vertebral and pelvic fractures are increasingly significant injuries for individuals and society. However, few epidemiological studies have e...
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Background Structured aftercare programs are implemented to facilitate the transition from rehabilitation centers to patients’ home environments. Taking the program GeRas as an example, this paper aims to evaluate the influence of patient-related factors on the implementation of the geriatric aftercare program GeRas from patients' and providers' pe...
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Background In Germany, geriatricians deliver acute geriatric care during acute hospital stay and post-acute rehabilitation after transfer to a rehabilitation clinic. The rate patients receive acute geriatric care (AGC) or are transferred to post-acute rehabilitation (TPR) differs between hospitals. This study analyses the association between the tw...
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Bewegungsfördernde Programme, die Kraft, Gleichgewicht und Ausdauer verbessern, können nachhaltig helfen, die Sicherheit auf den Beinen zu erhöhen und damit die Lebensqualität möglichst lange zu erhalten. Einige Projektbeispiele aus dem Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus Stuttgart, veröffentlicht im Osteoporose Gesundheitsmagazin des BfO.
Zusammenfassung Die Bedeutung der Wirbelkörperfrakturen, die zu einer Krankenhauseinweisung führen nimmt zu. Dieser Anstieg ist nicht nur demographisch bedingt. Die Fallzahlen der LWK-, BWK- und HWK Frakturen sind altersadjustiert in den letzten 15 Jahren um weit mehr als 100% angestiegen. Ein ähnlicher Anstieg wird auch für die Beckenfrakturen beo...
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Background Geriatric rehabilitation aims to maintain the functional reserves of older adults in order to optimize social participation and prevent disability. After discharge from inpatient geriatric rehabilitation, patients are at high risk for decreased physical capacity, increased vulnerability, and limitations in mobility. As a result, ageing i...
In Germany, different models of orthogeriatric co-management have been implemented in certified geriatric trauma centers. So far, it is not clear how the different models are implemented and what influence the certification has on the structures and processes within the centers. The present study examined the extent of cooperation between surgery a...
Auch Menschen mit hohem Pflegebedarf haben Anspruch auf Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen. Für sie kann eine Mobile (Geriatrische) Rehabilita­tion im eigenen Wohnumfeld indiziert sein. Für beruflich Pflegende stellt diese Rehabilitationsform ein neues und attraktives Arbeitsfeld dar.
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Nutrition and hydration are fundamental aspects of healthcare, especially in the care of older people, particularly those in hospitals or in long-term care facilities. Worldwide, nurses are ‘best-placed’ coordinators of interdisciplinary nutritional management and care processes. Even so, it is essential that nurses collaborate with other healthcar...
Background: To reduce falls and their consequences, evidence-based and consensus-based recommendations are needed for risk stratification, screening, assessment, and fall prevention as well as treatment. In 2020, the Federal Falls Prevention Initiative (BIS) published recommendations for physical training for falls prevention as a group or individ...
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Background Fragility fractures are one of the leading causes of disability in older adults. Yet, evidence for effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of preventive approaches combining bone health and fall prevention is rare. Objective To conduct a health-economic evaluation of the German osteoporotic fracture prevention program in rural areas (OFRA)...
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Background Fractures are a major health problem in aging societies. Preventive approaches combining bone health and fall prevention are rare. The osteoporotic fracture prevention program in rural areas (OFRA) is a health care fund-driven program for older people in randomly selected districts in Germany. The components of the program were falls pre...
Guideline/rationale for geriatric rehabilitation in a ortho-geriatric setting as supported by the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie (DGOU) and the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geriatrie (DGG)
This third edition of a trusted resource brings together the latest literature across multiple fields to facilitate the understanding and prevention of falls in older adults. Thoroughly revised by a multidisciplinary team of authors, it features a new three-part structure covering epidemiology and risk factors for falls, strategies for prevention a...
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A healthy nutritional intake is required to prevent malnutrition. Furthermore, nutrition is associated with improved quality of life in older adults. Simultaneously, many factors influence nutritional intake in later life. Onset and progression of acute or chronic diseases and a reduced dietary intake play a crucial role in developing malnutrition....
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BackgroundOFRA is a large health insurance fund-driven program which aims to reduce the risk of falls and fractures in older people living in rural areas. The programme offered specific mobility and falls prevention classes and bone density measurement by a DXA scan free of charge to more than 10,000 people, and was promoted by staff of the health...
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Objective To investigate variation of care dependency after hip fracture across German regions based on the assessment by the German statutory long-term care insurance. Data sources/study setting Patient-level statutory health and long-term care insurance claims data from 2009–2011 and official statistical data from Germany. Study design We perfo...
Background Urinary incontinence is a widespread health-related problem predominately occurring in older adults. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the management of urinary incontinence in routine care in a geriatric rehabilitation clinic. Methods A prospective observational study without a control group was conducted betwee...
Ein Problem des Alters sind Osteoporose bedingte Frakturen, sogenannte Fragilitätsfrakturen. Auf die Zunahme des Anteils älterer PatientInnen mit Fragilitätsfrakturen sind die Versorgungssysteme in Deutschland und anderen europäischen Ländern jedoch bisher nicht ausreichend vorbereitet. Deshalb initiierte das Fragility Fracture Network (FFN) ein eu...
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Heat waves increase the morbidity and mortality in Germany, particularly of older patients in need of care. Due to climate change the number of heat waves in Germany will increase threefold by the end of the century. In addition, the proportion of patients at risk will grow due to demographic change. Therefore, the Government and the Federal States...
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Der erste Vortrag befasste sich mit den Hintergründen des FFN-Projektes und dessen Umsetzung im deutschsprachigen Raum. Ein erster Workshop zur Translation der Inhalte des Kerncurriculums in die Praxis fand im Oktober 2018 im Rahmen des EuGMS Kongresses in Berlin statt. Im Vortrag wurde der aktuelle Stand des Projektes und die zukünftige Entwicklun...
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Am 27. März 2019 fand in München die Auftaktveranstaltung "Hitzeassoziierte Gesundheitsprobleme in der stationären Pflege - Maßnahmenplan für vollstationäre Pflegeeinrichtungen zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel" statt. Die Präsentation zeigt zentrale Inhalte der Forschungsarbeit am RBK zum Thema, gibt einen Überblick zur Zielgruppe eines Maßnahmenpl...
Beweglichkeit im Alter Stürze und Frakturen gehören zu den häufigsten Ursachen für Mobilitätseinschränkungen und Pflegebedürftigkeit. Erleidet ein Bewohner in einer Pflegeeinrichtung eine Hüftfraktur infolge eines Sturzes, so verdoppelt sich das Risiko, in den ersten drei Monaten nach Fraktur zu versterben. Diese Kaskade kann jedoch durchbrochen we...
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Stürze und sturzbedingte Verletzungen gehören zu den großen Herausforderungen heutiger industrieller Gesellschaften. Die bekanntermaßen effektiven gruppenbasierten Trainingsprogramme sind jedoch gerade in ländlichen Gebieten unzureichend verfügbar. Ziel Nach erfolgreicher Implementation der Trittsicher-Bewegungskurse in...
Objectives: Hip fractures are common consequences of falls in older adults and, among other negative health outcomes, often lead to care dependence in the long term. Until 2016, the German long-term care insurance classified care recipients according to a standardized classification system consisting of 3 care levels. It was based on required assi...
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Background: Falls and fractures are extremely frequent in long-term care facilities (LTCFs). Therefore, a fall and fracture prevention program was started in nearly 1000 LTCFs in Bavaria/Germany between 2007 and 2010. The components of the program were exercise classes, the documentation of falls, environmental adaptations, medication reviews, the...
Background: Specific training reduces the risk of falls and fall-related injuries in older persons. The availability of specific exercise programs in Germany, especially in rural areas is scarce. Therefore, a healthcare fund driven program osteoporotic fracture prevention program in rural areas (OFRA) (German name: "Trittsicher durchs Leben") was...
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Malnutrition and dehydration are important aspects of the care of older people, particularly those in hospitals or in long-term care facilities. Many older people do not eat and drink adequately during hospital stays, and following hip fracture many patients achieve only a half of their recommended daily energy, protein and other nutritional requir...
Vorgestellt wurde das Programm "Trittsicher durchs Leben", welches derzeit zu einem der größten Bewegungs- und Sturzpräventionsprogramme für den ländlichen Raum in Deutschland gehört. Darüber hinaus wurde ein Einblick zu den ersten Ergebnissen der Struktur- und Prozessevaluation gegeben.
Hintergrund: Stürze treten in Pflegeeinrichtungen häufig auf. Aus diesem Grund wurde in den Jahren 2007 – 2010 ein Sturz- und Frakturpräventionsprogramm in nahezu 1000 bayerischen Pflegeeinrichtungen nach den Vorgaben des „Ulmer Modells“ implementiert. Einen zentralen Bestandteil des Programms bildet ein gruppenbasiertes Kraft- und Balancetraining....
Nationale und internationale Studien zeigen, dass Maßnahmen zur Sturzprävention zu einer Reduktion von Stürzen und sturzbedingten Verletzungen führen können. Voraussetzungen hierfür ist die Unterstützung der Mitarbeitenden in den Pflegeeinrichtungen durch das Management aber auch die fachliche Zusammenarbeit im therapeutischen Team. Anhand vorliege...
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Background Fragility fractures are one of the leading causes for disability in old people. The main underlying mechanisms are osteoporosis and falls. Evidence-based measures to prevent either falls or fractures are available. However, coordinated preventive approaches combining bone health and fall prevention are rare.The objective of the study is...


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