Patrick Cohendet

Patrick Cohendet
HEC Montréal | HEC Montreal · Department of International Business


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Publications (221)
The fuzzy front end is the critical initial step of an innovation process during which new ideas emerge. This step's functioning is well understood when the ideas produced are in line with the organisation's directions or roadmap. In that case, there are a variety of managerial methods available to guide, filter and control the development of ideas...
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Open innovation (OI) events are potent instruments for the development of dynamic ecosystems. However, the literature analyses the structure and mechanisms of OI events insufficiently to demonstrate their efficacy, making it difficult to justify the investments necessary for their success. With better data confirming their impact, funding for OI ev...
Medical tourism has become one of the fastest-growing service industries in the 21st century. The purpose of this chapter is to advance the idea that the growth of medical tourism is influenced not only by the innovation in medical technology but also by the overall innovation environment in a country. Conducting a fixed effect regression analysis,...
Communitech and the dynamics of innovation commons within a collaborative space This article analyzes the dynamics of innovation that emerges and develops in certain emblematic collaborative spaces that are at the origin of the formation of real innovation ecosystems. The study focuses on the case of Communitech Hub in Waterloo (Ontario) which is a...
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The objective of the paper is to highlight the process behind the design and development of Centech, a world-class incubator located in Montreal and recognized as one of the most successful university incubators in the world. Centech is housed in a cultural heritage building, the old Dow Planetarium, situated in the heart of the innovative district...
The dynamics of the knowledge commons: the role of a living lab as an open innovation intermediary in the health ecosystemIn a context of open innovation, an increasing role is played by innovation intermediary devices that articulate the knowledge of heterogeneous actors in the health ecosystem. This article presents the case study of a living lab...
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The present article aims at analyzing the dynamics of innovation that emerges and develops in some iconic collaborative spaces that are epicenters of a technological or artistic revolution. The study focuses on three cases (the Homebrew Computer Club, the TransMedTech institute, and the elBulli restaurant). The results highlight some important comm...
This chapter explains the contribution of Routines Dynamics to the topic of transfer and routine replication. In order to do so, we adopt a chronological presentation of existing studies and describe the concept of routine replication. We identify two strands to study the replication of routines, each of them conceptualizing routine replication dif...
Innovation policies are increasingly questioned by researchers and policymakers in the face of the changing economy and with regards to the role played by local grassroots initiatives in driving structural change at the regional level. This paper aims to enrich existing policy frameworks by emphasizing the notion of local commons as a means to driv...
As the digital transformation impacts many sectors of the economy, actors in the construction industry—and more specifically in megaproject initiatives—have to adapt to new technologies and processes. Megaprojects are commonly undertaken to build essential infrastructures such as roads, dams, buildings, or even smart cities or districts, and usuall...
This volume brings together empirical and conceptual papers that investigate the challenges of organizing creativity in the innovation journey in and across different empirical contexts. Seen as the basis for innovating new products, processes or services, organizing creativity is studied as intentional efforts that occur in teams, organizations, a...
Conference Paper
We examined the role of Open Innovation events in innovation ecosystems and specifically how they help those ecosystems function better. To that end, we categorized the different types of Open Innovation events, identified the best practices for each stakeholder at such events, and provided indicators of event success for each type of contributor t...
The concept of the ecosystem is becoming increasingly important in economics and management. Members of the business ecosystem also include suppliers, major producers, competitors and other stakeholders. The notion of an innovation ecosystem differs from that of an innovation network in that it emphasizes the importance of informal actors in comple...
We explore the growth, scope and impact of the academic literature that has arisen around the concept of innovation ecosystems. We highlight some of the most important definition, the place of innovation policies and the future accomplishments that could be made.
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This contribution investigates the dynamics of knowledge creation at the local level, building, in particular, on the interactions between formal and informal entities. Two theoretical constructions are brought together in order to do so: the middleground concept and the notion of commons. By associating these two concepts, the goal is to introduce...
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In this chapter we review the two streams of routines research which address the concept of routines transfer and replication. The first stream, inspired by the capability perspective on routines, focuses on routines transfer as straightforward replication. The second stream draws instead on the transformational understanding of routines based on a...
L’industrie aérospatiale poursuit sa croissance de façon très marquée avec près de 7,8 milliards de passagers annuels attendus d’ici 2036, par rapport à 4,3 milliards en 2018 (International Air Transport Association, 2016 ; International Civil Aviation Organization, 2019). Cette industrie, qui avait des perspectives favorables avant la pandémie de...
The concept of ecosystem plays a central role in the recent debates on the unfolding of a new regime of innovation. In this paper, we contribute to these debates by clarifying the distinction between the emerging concept of ‘ecosystem of innovation’ from the established concept of ‘business ecosystems.’ Re-interpreting the case of the historical de...
This chapter aims to analyze how Ubisoft Montreal's studio was able to respond to a major crisis: the cancellation of the production of a blockbuster (a game with a sales potential of more than 5 million units) due to a lack of originality and strategic differentiation. Such a situation can be interpreted as a case of extreme management, insofar as...
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In this chapter, the authors enter the world of ballet to be inspired by artistic teams. This original point of view proposes a complementary understanding of the dynamics of routines replication where preserving the authenticity of the project’s intent is emphasized over economic efficiency considerations. The authors propose that analyzing the re...
Conference Paper
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L'article s'appuie sur une étude de cas réalisée dans le cadre d'un programme de recherche mandaté par le Consortium de Recherche et d'Innovation en Aérospatiale au Québec (CRIAQ) et une équipe d'une trentaine de chercheurs de HEC Montréal et Polytechnique Montréal. L'étude explore les opportunités que représentent l'intégration des services et pro...
In this article, we attempt to show how the reconciliation of the international business and economic geography perspectives allows a more refined analysis of the interplay between current business dynamics and local/global spaces of knowledge creation, leading to innovation. Our aim is to develop a framework to highlight how in some specific clust...
Conference Paper
Drawing from the literature on dynamic capabilities that focuses on the social context of collectives such as project teams, we aim to explore the role of such groups in sensing and seizing opportunities, and further our understanding of the micro foundations of dynamic capabilities, which we situate at the collective level. Our analysis is grounde...
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Innovation is about continuously pursuing better, more efficient solutions, and organizations allocate vast resources to achieve this goal. One challenge is the access to and exploitation of information, as teams attempt to harness existing knowledge to design solutions efficiently. This article is concerned with two of the earliest stages of the c...
Les entrepreneurs ne travaillent pas en vase clos. Ils font partie d’une communauté qui, bien souvent, contribue à faire d’eux des bâtisseurs. Lorsque la connexion est forte et authentique, elle permet aux deux groupes de se renforcer mutuellement. Puisque ces interrelations peuvent revêtir de nombreuses formes, nous vous présentons quatre exemples...
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L’approche présentée ici propose que la capacité des entreprises à créer, à innover et à s’adapter est intrinsèquement associée à leur capacité à transformer leurs structures internes dans le but de gérer les idées. Pour caractériser l’organisation de l’entreprise, nous suivons la longue tradition qui distingue les structures formelles et informell...
Conference Paper
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This paper aims at analyzing the role that can be played by artefacts in order to stimulate intrapreneurial routines within large organizations. It analyzes the development and implementation of a toolkit and of new managerial practices to frame, format and promote intrapreneurial ideas within the main studio of a multinational video-game company....
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Location plays a major role in the building of artistic, technological or scientific movements that emerge in specific locations before achieving a worldwide reach. However, a deeper understanding is needed about the interplay of local/global knowledge dynamics in the epistemic construction of a movement. Based on an in-depth longitudinal study of...
L’innovation dans les entreprises connait aujourd’hui un bouleversement profond et irreversible. Il y a quelques annees encore, elle etait stimulee selon des methodes formelles, du laboratoire de R&D jusqu’a la mise sur le marche. Toutefois, de nos jours, l’innovation tire sa source principale des communautes, c’est-a-dire des groupes sociaux infor...
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Peut-on imaginer une action collective pour l'innovation la ou les participants ne sont ni experimentes ni formes a la conception ou a la creation collaborative ? C'est le pari du co-design, qui reussit a rassembler des citoyens pour resoudre des enjeux qui les concernent directement.
Within undirected networks, scientists have shown much interest in presenting power-law features within complex networks. For instance, Barabási and Albert (1999) claimed that a common property of many large networks was that vertex connectivity follows scale-free power-law distribution, and in another study Barabási et al. (2002) showed power law...
Conference Paper
Big data analytics enables organizations to process massive amounts of data in shorter amounts of time and with more understanding than ever before. Many uses have been found to take advantage of this tools and techniques, especially for decision making. However, little applications have been found in the first stages of innovation, namely problem...
Innover ! Etre créatif ! Voilà le leitmotiv aujourd'hui en management et en stratégie. Le management de l'innovation et de la créativité est à la fois un élément central de la théorie et de la pratique du management tout en étant à part. Parce que ce champ tire sa force d'autres disciplines académiques et des fonctions connexes de l'entreprise, ce...
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Ferran Adrià is one of the most recognized chefs in the world. His restaurant, elBulli, was awarded five times the title of the Best Restaurant in the World. Through an analysis of the last 30 years of the creative journey of elBulli, this contribution highlights that Adrià and his team of chefs succeeded in articulating two different processes: i)...
Since the 1960s, various methods have been used by major space agencies to measure the economic returns to space-related research and development. A number of approaches have been taken, including microeconomic analyses of specific technologies and macroeconomic modeling of long-term productivity gains. Most of these approaches have estimated very...
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OVERVIEW: Drawing on a case study at Ubisoft, a major creative firm in the videogame industry, this article shows how a firm can nurture and engage with its knowing communities to fuel the front end of innovation. Actions taken by management can catalyze four types of knowing community activities: unscripted internal activities, which are emergent,...
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A large crowdsourcing project managed by Fiat Brazil involved more than 17,000 participants from 160 different nationalities over 15 months. Fiat promoted a dialogue with an enthusiastic community by linking car experts, professionals, and lay people, through which more than 11,000 ideas were selected and developed to create a concept car using a c...
This article argues that local knowledge building and global (nonlocal) knowledge-accessing practices in economic development are intrinsically interwoven. They generate fundamental feedback loops, which are channeled through and lead to ongoing knowledge circulation. To better understand the nature of the specific mechanisms and conditions underly...
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This article aims to clarify how epistemic communities dynamically shape the process of knowledge creation in a localized context and how the evolving interaction between different members of these communities enables knowledge to transit from its locus of emergence to the global market. It is argued that these dynamics rest on a series of clashes...
The aim of this contribution is to proceed to an in-depth exploration of the micro-context of the origin of routines and of their intimate link with organizational creativity. Our view is that organizational creativity orchestrates continuous interactions between different types of routines, operating at different levels of the organization. More p...
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Patrick Cohendet was previously dean of the Faculty of Economics at Strasbourg University (1982–1985), vice president of the University of Strasbourg (1991–1992), member of the Conseil des Applications de l'Académie des Sciences in Paris (1994–2002), and chairman of the International Business Department at HEC Montréal (2007–2008). He was also visi...
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Les gestionnaires sont de plus en plus convaincus que la generation et le developpement d’idees representent des enjeux prioritaires pour l’organisation. Gerer strategiquement les idees permet a leur organisation d’innover plus souvent, plus rapidement ou plus radicalement. Cela peut contribuer, d’une part, a maintenir des parts de marche ou a en g...
The evolutionary theory of the firm operates on the traditional distinction between entrepreneurs (agents in charge of creating resources) and managers (agents in charge of allocating resources). The evolutionary perspective would be consistent, and stronger, if it recognized the entrepreneur's involvement in both the creation and the allocation of...
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La globalisation se manifeste comme une dynamique qui dessine des convergences à l’échelle planétaire : elle rapproche producteurs et consommateurs ; elle encourage le dialogue entre régulateurs nationaux et internationaux ; elle tend à abolir les frontières physiques et mentales, en s’appuyant sur des moyens de communication, de traitement et de t...
The aim of this contribution is to analyze the period of collective research extending from the emergence of the first innovative idea to the moment when a patent can be written and claimed. The authors argue that the period of collective research is characterized by the building of public or semipublic good in order to equip the innovative idea wi...
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This paper explores the purposeful design and development of a community of practice within a professional bureaucracy. The view of communities of practice has shifted from fundamentally organic entities to ones that can be deliberately designed and developed and they have frequently been presented as a panacea for knowledge sharing and creation, a...
La globalisation se manifeste comme une dynamique qui dessine des convergences à l’échelle planétaire : elle rapproche producteurs et consommateurs ; elle encourage le dialogue entre régulateurs nationaux et internationaux ; elle tend à abolir les frontières physiques et mentales, en s’appuyant sur des moyens de communication, de traitement et de t...
La theorie comme la pratique des affaires ont semble obeir a deux croyances : les marches devraient etre flexibles et les entreprises devaient chercher a optimiser la performance individuelle de leurs employes. Ces croyances reposent sur l'idee que, pour faire face a une information qui est inegalement distribuee, peut etre cachee ou manipulee, il...
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Grandadam D., Cohendet P. and Simon L. Places, spaces and the dynamics of creativity: the video game industry in Montreal, Regional Studies. The aim of this paper is to understand better the dynamics of situated creativity by reconsidering the formation of externalities in cities. What is suggested is that these externalities are not due to the pro...
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The aim of this contribution is to proceed to an in-depth exploration of the micro-context of the origin of routines and of their intimate link with organizational creativity. Our view is that organizational creativity orchestrates continuous interactions between different types of routines, operating at different levels of the organization. More p...
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Firms manufacturing video games and player communities enjoying the games are closely related, not only in a producer-user way, but also in co-development, testing and diffusion activities. This paper explores these tight relationships. The interaction between firms and user communities in this industry has drastically increased in intensity and qu...
Creativity in a city requires that new knowledge and innovative ideas transit permanently through three different layers of the city: the underground, the middleground and the upperground. The underground is comprised of creative individuals who are not immediately linked to the commercial and industrial world and whose culture lies outside the cor...
Ce livre est le manuel d'initiation idéal pour comprendre l'ensemble des problématiques économiques. Sa structure simple et claire, son volume raisonnable et son contenu complet et à jour permettent de dégager les fondamentaux du cours. • Les chapitres de microéconomie présentent les fonctions de production, de coûts et d'offre sur un marché, les p...
Technical Report
RÉINVENTER L’INNOVATION L‟innovation est devenue l‟un des principaux leviers de la compétition. Celle-ci se joue aussi aujourd‟hui sur les manières d‟innover elles-mêmes. Promu entre autres par l‟économiste Chesbrough, et mis en øe uvre par les plus grandes entreprises, un modèle d‟innovation ouverte est en train de s‟imposer contre l‟ancien modèle...
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Sharing Roles and Responsibilities in the Management of Communities of Practice A community of practice is a group of individuals who share an interest and exchange their knowledge and skills in a creative manner in order to enhance organizational performance. Over the past few years, communities of practice have been gaining in popularity in organ...
Managing Communities of Practice in the Telecommunications Industry: A Comparison of Bell and Orange Communities of practice bring together groups of individuals who share a concern or a passion for a subject and who develop their expertise in a given field through regular interaction. In principle, these communities should facilitate organizationa...
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La propriete intellectuelle (PI) joue un role strategique dans les industries creatives ou la creativite est un processus collectif impliquant des acteurs aux interets contradictoires, conduisant a un “dilemne de la PI”. Les firmes veulent s’approprier le travail creatif et lutter contre l’imitation; les communautes creatives souhaitent un regime d...
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The following contribution aims to analyze the sources of creativity in a modern, highly innovative and “stylised” company that does not rely on traditional sources of innovation (large R&D units, research cooperative agreements, R&D contracts with university centres, etc.). We show that the theories of the innovative firm have to be coupled with t...
The aim of this contribution is to depict and analyze the dynamics of situated creativity by presenting an anatomy of the creative city and an understanding of the emergence and formation of creative processes in these particular local ecologies of knowledge. We propose to study the anatomy of the creative city by defining three different layers—th...


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