Patricia Renou-MaissantUniversity Paris Nanterre · UFR SEGMI
Patricia Renou-Maissant
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September 1993 - present
Publications (49)
Jel classification: L26 M13 Q55 Keywords: Eco-innovation Start-ups typology Data analysis methods Internal and external drivers A B S T R A C T The purpose of this paper is to identify the drivers of eco-innovation in start-ups. Firstly, a discriminant analysis (DA) is applied to study what is distinctive about eco-innovative start-ups as compared...
Environmental issues have become a major concern for policymakers faced with the threat of global warming. The Euro-pean Climate Energy Package is an ambitious plan which drives the trajectories of European countries in three directions: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the share of renewable energy and improving energy efficiency. Thi...
This paper studies the role played by the features of the local knowledge base and the regional environmental support in the entry of new green tech-based firms. We compute a set of specific knowledge indicators which capture the recombination of technologies that make up green technologies in French départements (NUTS3 regions) for the period 2003...
L’article propose un cadre d'évaluation permettant de comparer empiriquement les performances des EPCI normands en termes de Développement Durable (DD) et selon six dimensions : Environnement et Ressources Naturelles, Transition Énergétique, Mobilité Durable, Dynamisme Économique, Cohésion Sociale et Solidarité, Gouvernance et Citoyenneté. Considér...
Environmental issues have become a major concern for policymakers faced with the threat of global warming. An ambitious plan "The European Climate Energy Package" drives trajectories of European countries in three directions: reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), increasing the share of renewable energy and improving energy e ciency. Considering...
Since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations, sustainability has been a key priority for European governments. While previous studies have investigated the associations between indicators of sustainable development, few have directly considered a multidimensional approach to assess and compare the performance of reg...
L’article propose un cadre d'évaluation permettant de comparer empiriquement les performances des EPCI normands en termes de Développement Durable (DD) et selon six dimensions : Environnement et Ressources Naturelles, Transition Énergétique, Mobilité Durable, Dynamisme Économique, Cohésion Sociale et Solidarité, Gouvernance et Citoyenneté. Considér...
The aim of this contribution is to establish a typology of European entrepreneurship countries with respect to variables related to entrepreneurial activity and economic development. Using a combination of multidimensional data analyses allows us to extend the concept of 'entrepreneurial regimes' and leads to the distinction of five such entreprene...
The paper proposes an evaluation framework for comparing empirically the performance of Norman EPCIs in terms of sustainable development. The concept of sustainability is based on six dimensions: environment and natural resources, energy transition, sustainable mobility, economic dynamism, social cohesion and solidarity, and governance and citizens...
The paper proposes an evaluation framework for empirically comparing the performance of French departments in terms of sustainable development. The concept of sustainability is apprehended from six dimensions: environment and natural resources, energy transition, sustainable mobility, economic dynamism, social cohesion and solidarity, and governanc...
The paper proposes an evaluation framework for comparing empirically the performance of Norman EPCIs in terms of sustainable development. The concept of sustainability is based on six dimensions: environment and natural resources, energy transition, sustainable mobility, economic dynamism, social cohesion and solidarity, and governance and citizens...
In this paper, we empirically investigate the effects of oil price changes on inflation over the period 1991-2016 for eight industrial countries: the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, and the UK. In doing so, we use an oil-augmented Phillips curve with unobserved components and we consider time-varying coefficients. T...
The aim of this contribution is to establish a typology of European entrepreneurship countries with respect to variables related to entrepreneurial activity and economic development. Using a combination of multidimensional data analyses allows us to extend the concept of "entrepreneurial regimes" proposed by Audretsch and Fritsch (2002), and leads...
Résumé : La transition énergétique vers des énergies bas-carbone est aujourd’hui un paradigme dominant des politiques publiques liées à l’énergie. L’objectif de cet article est de proposer un état des lieux de la
transition énergétique en France et plus précisément d’évaluer les performances des régions en matière de diversification du bouquet éner...
The purpose of this article is to establish a typology of entrepreneurship for OECD countries over the 1999–2012 period. Our aim is to draw a distinction between managerial and entrepreneurial economies, to identify groups of countries with similar economic and entrepreneurial activity variables, and to determine the economic and institutional driv...
The purpose of this article is to establish a typology of entrepreneurship for OECD countries over the 1999–2012 period. Our aim is to draw a distinction between managerial and entrepreneurial economies, to identify groups of countries with similar economic and entrepreneurial activity variables, and to determine the economic and institutional driv...
Transition towards low-carbon energy sources is a dominant paradigm of public energy policies today. This article conducts an inventory of energy transition in the European Union over the period 2000-2015. Multidimensional data analysis methods are employed in order to develop temporal and spatial typologies of the energy transition with respect to...
We analyze the persistence effects in the empirical relationship between announcement releases and return volatilities of four major companies of the French stock market using high frequency data over the period 1995–1999. Besides its institutional stability, this sample period avoids the econometric difficulties inherent to simultaneous news arriv...
The purpose of this article is to establish a typology of entrepreneurship for OECD countries over the 1999–2012 period. Our aim is to draw a distinction between managerial and entrepreneurial economies, to identify groups of countries with similar economic and entrepreneurial activity variables, and to determine the economic and institutional driv...
L’objet de cet article est d’étudier empiriquement laconvergence internationale des marchés des actions, à partirde l’analyse temporelle des primes de risque ex post et,d’identifier dans quelle mesure les composantes des primespermettent d’expliquer ce mouvement de convergenceobservé sur 11 marchés boursiers durant la période 1984-2007.Pour ce fair...
We study the influences of new-firm startups on growth at the regional and macroeconomic level in France using a quarterly data base over the 1993-2011 period. We find that fluctuations in GDP are an early indicator of new-firm startups. Nevertheless, the most important relationships are found between the unemployment rate and new-firm startups.
In this article, we analyse the relationships between unemployment rates and new-firm start-up rates in France. Using a quarterly data basis covering the period 1993 to 2011, we identify, thanks to data analysis methods, different classes that show different types of development among the French regions. For each of these classes, the existence of...
In this paper, we study the links between new-firm startups, growth domestic product (GDP) and unemployment rate in France using a quarterly data basis over the 1993-2011 period. Interactions are analyzed, in the short and long run, in two main dimensions: the regional and the national dimensions. Fluctuations in GDP are an early indicator...
This paper aims to suggest the best forecasting model for the semiconductor market. A wide range of alternative modern econometric modeling approaches have been implemented, and a large variety of criteria and tests have been employed to assess the out-of-sample forecasting accuracy at various horizons. The results suggest that if a VECM can be an...
The aim of this article is to investigate the links between semiconductor sales and various macroeconomic, financial, industrial variables including inventories, equipment orders or semiconductor sector stock index. Statistical properties of these variables are studied. Both short-run and long-run interactions are analysed. On the short-run, our re...
Over the past fifteen years, European gas markets have radically changed. In order to build a single European gas market, a new regulatory framework has been established through three European Gas Directives. The purpose of this article is to investigate the impact of the reforms in the natural gas industry on consumer prices, with a specific focus...
Euro area money demand revisited: a wealth effect in time-varying environment
The paper presents an empirical analysis of the demand for money in the euro area (M3) over the period 1981-2008. To explain the rapid growth of money since 2001, wealth variables are taken into account though real stock and house prices. Two different estimation techniqu...
L’article propose une analyse empirique de la demande de monnaie (M3) dansla zone euro sur la période 1981-2008. Pour expliquer la croissance rapide del’agrégat M3 depuis 2001, des variables de richesse relatives aux prix des actifsfinanciers et immobiliers en termes réels sont introduites. Deux méthodes d’estimationsont utilisées : un modèle vecto...
L'objet de cet article est d'étudier les processus de convergence nominale et réelle dans les pays de l'Union européenne. Des méthodes de la statistique exploratoire multidimensionnelle sont employées afin de réaliser des regroupements de pays, d'identifier des similitudes ou des dissemblances entre pays relativement à un ensemble de critères. La c...
The analysis of substitution among energy sources remains one of the main issues in energy economy and policy. The extent of substitution in energy demand can bring about important changes in energy balance sheets and cause profound changes in energy supply. An obvious example is the substitution of oil for natural gas, which has occurred in many c...
L’objet de cet article est l’étude de la convergence structurelle des comportements de demande de monnaie dans six pays européens (Allemagne réunifiée, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Royaume-Uni) avant la mise en place de l’euro en 1999. Nous effectuons une analyse dynamique des changements structurels qui affectent les coefficients (éla...
The purpose of this article is to present an analysis of interfuel substitution in the industrial sector of seven major OECD countries over the 1960-1993 period. Flexible functional forms, such as generalized Box-Cox and Fourier are used to provide estimates of price elasticities from annual data for each country. Results outline changes in behavio...
[fre] Dans cet article, nous étudions les substitutions énergétiques intervenues dans le secteur industriel hors sidérurgie des sept grands pays de l'OCDE sur la période 1960-1993 par l'intermédiaire des formes fonctionnelles flexibles Box-Cox généralisée et Fourier. Ces fonctions ont permis de mettre en exergue une modification des comportements s...
Selon les modeles de type " revenu permanent - cycle de vie ", la consommation agregee des menages ne reagit qu'aux chocs de politique monetaire consideres comme durables. Cependant, dans les faits, on observe une " sensibilite excessive " de la consommation aux variations du revenu courant, qui peut etre interpretee comme le signe de l'existence d...
Macroeconomic and sectoral regulation of the demography of firms by Jean Bonnet and Patricia Renou-Maissant
The purpose of this article is to study the renewal of the productive system in France along two dimensions: a macroeconomic dimension supplemented by a branch analysis. The determinants of the demography of firms at macroeconomic level, cap...
L'objet de cet article est de comparer empiriquement les performances des indices monétaires de simple somme et de Divisia en tant qu'indicateurs de la politique monétaire en France. L'analyse fait appel à plusieurs critères : comparaisons des indices de simple somme et de Divisia, équations de demande de monnaie, étude de la coïntégration, tests d...
The purpose of this article is to present an analysis of interfuel substitution in the industrial sector of seven major OECD countries (the United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Italy) over the 1960–1993period. Translog models are used to provide estimates of price elasticities from annual data for each country. Resu...
Cet article propose d'évaluer le degré de rapprochement de six pays européens (Allemagne réunifiée, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas et Royaume-Uni) en termes de structure économique par le biais de tests sur les paramètres structurels des fonctions de demande de monnaie. Plus précisément, nous étudions l'homogénéité des besoins d'encaisses réelle...
L'objet de cet article est de mettre en évidence les relations de complémentarité ou de substituabilité entre les actifs monétaires en France. Plus précisément, il fournit une estimation quantitative du degré de substituabilité existant entre les divers actifs monétaires. Le modèle retenu est issu de la théorie microéconomique du consommateur. Il s...
Alternative energy analysis has become an essential concern of energy economists since the upheaval in the energy balance structure of the industrialized countries over the course of the last three decades. The final energy consumption distribution among the various sources of energy has changed greatly in those sectors where the best substitution...