Patricia Guadarrama or Guadarrama-Chávez

Patricia Guadarrama or Guadarrama-Chávez
National Autonomous University of Mexico | UNAM · Facultad de Ciencias, Unidad Multidisciplinaria de Docencia e Investigación, Sisal, Yucatán



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Publications (43)
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Background: Coastal dune scrub vegetation is established on a substrate that favors biodiversity, but this is currently restricted to small patches. Objective: To determine the status of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in this vegetation under different anthropo- genic pressures and to propose actions addressing its conservation and restor...
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This study describes the arbuscular mycorrhizal status of Coccothrinax crinita, an endemic endangered palm species native to western Cuba. Habitat destruction and local unregulated exploitation have caused population decline in its natural habitat and, consequently, C. crinita is on the verge of extinction. The survival of this species in stressed...
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This study describes the arbuscular mycorrhizal status of Coccothrinax crinita, an endemic endangered palm species native to western Cuba. Habitat destruction and local unregulated exploitation have caused population decline in its natural habitat and, consequently, C. crinita is on the verge of extinction. The survival of this species in stressed...
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Background: Soil flooding and salinity can be limiting for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), yet they are found in mangrove ecosystems. Arbuscular mycorrhizal association could influence the functioning of mangrove ecosystems, but little is known about its roll and balance in these dynamic systems. Question: What is the status of the arbuscular...
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are obligate symbionts that establish a mycorrhizal interaction with nearly 80% of terrestrial vascular plants. However, their diversity in tropical low flooding forest (TLFF) has not been characterized, and their distribution patterns in natural environments are not fully clear. Our objective was to determine the...
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are present in a great variety of ecosystems, including wetlands. However, little is known regarding the environmental factors that affect their abundance, diversity and development within the rhizosphere of their hosts in flooded soils. This study had the objective of describing the edaphic environment and the my...
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Se presenta una síntesis exhaustiva de los estudios sobre la ecología de la micorriza arbuscular en diferentes ecosistemas y agroecosistemas de México.
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The State Reserve Ciénegas y Manglares de la Costa Norte de Yucatán was decreed in 2010; however, there are no studies on the vegetation taxonomic composition that is the most important characteristic of plant communities. The present work was aimed to generate a floristic list as well as to recognize the different plant communities and association...
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The presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in wetlands is widespread. Wetlands are transition ecosystems between aquatic and terrestrial systems, where shallow water stands or moves over the land surface. The presence of AMF in wetlands suggests that they are ecologically significant; however, their function is not yet clearly understood. W...
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Background: The wetlands provide important ecosystem services, but also represent a limiting environment for the organisms which are distributed there. However, these limiting factors can be overcome thanks to the biotic interactions established by the organisms. Study species: Acoelorraphe wrightii is a palm inhabiting coastal wetlands and is fou...
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The remnant trees in casttle have a significant ecological importance because they alter the microhabitat and also affect biological interactions. Ali these factors improve mycorrhizal fungi establishment and forest vegetation species proliferation. The objective of this study was to determine space-temporal variation of the morphospecies of arbusc...
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p> <!--[if gte mso 9]> Nota sobre la florística y estado de conservación de remanentes de vegetación de duna costera de Isla del Carmen, Campeche, México </p
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Plant species that successfully establish in environments of recent formation, such as barrier islands, exhibit life history traits that allow them to efficiently capture nutrients and water, such ability may be largely due to interactions these plants establish with mutualistic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The goal of this work was to chara...
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Ruderal plants may serve as temporary hosts of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), by maintaining the availability of active propagules in the soil, which in turn favors rapid colonization of roots of cultivated species during the agricultural cycle. The goals of this study were to: 1) estimate the richness of ruderal plant species in an agricultur...
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Coccothrinax readii, is a palm endemic to the Yucatan coast, its successful establishment in stressful environments suggests that factors such as mycorrhizal association may determine its success, the question arose in this work, assess environmental conditions which states and to describe their particular characteristics related to the anatomy of...
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Fire causes a reduction of plant cover due to the death of several structures, especially of those that are not isolated from high temperatures; such as seeds and fruits. After a disturbance the availability of diaspores is crucial for the recovery of the community. This work studied the composition and abundance of the seed rain in the xerophytic...
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Fire causes a reduction of plant cover due to the death of several structures, especially of those that are not isolated from high temperatures; such as seeds and fruits. After a disturbance the availability of diaspores is crucial for the recovery of the community. This work studied the composition and abundance of the seed rain in the xerophytic...
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Cover crop species represent an affordable and effective weed control method in agroecosystems; nonetheless, the effect of its use on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) has been scantily studied. The goal of this study was to determine root colonization levels and AMF species richness in the rhizosphere of maize plants and weed species growing unde...
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The vegetation of the Magdalena river basin is continuously removed. The ecological restoration strategies include the use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, since these fungi may increase the establishment and survivorship of plants in the field. To identify the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi species from Quercus rugosa's rhizosphere and to estimate t...
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Surprising little is known about the factors controlling Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) fungal diversity and distribution patterns. A better understanding of these factors is necessary before mycorrhizas can be effectively managed for their benefits in ecosystem restoration and agriculture. The goal of this chapter is to examine the relationships betw...
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Through the seedling emergence method we studied the effects of fire on the soil seed bank of a xerophytic shrubland in two consecutive years. We compared its composition and abundance in two sites, one burned and one unburned. An important proportion of seeds died due to the high temperatures reached by fire. In addition, species richness and, div...
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Through the seedling emergence method we studied the effects of fi re on the soil seed bank of a xerophytic shrubland in two consecutive years. We compared its composition and abundance in two sites, one burned and one unburned. An important proportion of seeds died due to the high temperatures reached by fi re. In addition, species richness and, d...
The tropical rain forest is losing forest coverage at a rate of 2% annually, which has contributed to an increase in carbon emissions and has reduced carbon sequestering. The causes of deforestation are primarily anthropogenic, including forest exploitation, clearing for crop and livestock use, and the development of urban infrastructure, among oth...
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Twenty five species and seven genera of micorrhizal arbuscular fungi (AMF) are reported for the region of Nizanda, Oaxaca, Mexico. To this end, soil samples were taken randomly, during the rainy and the dry seasons, in corn fields, secondary vegetation areas, as well as in primary tropical dry forest. Spores were isolated, identified and propagatio...
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p>The influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on the growth and surv ival of seedlings of a light dependent (Piper auritum) and a shade tolerant (Rollinia jimenezii) tree species was analyzed in the context of degraded environments derived from the tropical rain fo rest at Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico. An experiment with three factors , so...
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Se reportan 25 especies y siete géneros de esporas de hongos micorrizógenos arbusculares (HMA) para la región de Nizanda, Oaxaca, México. Para ello, se tomaron al azar muestras de suelo, en lluvia y secas, incluyendo parcelas de cultivo de maíz, áreas de vegetación secundaria y selva baja caducifolia. Se aislaron las esporas, se identificaron y se...
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In general, according to previous studies, pioneer species do not require arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to increase their growth and survival in tropical systems. The aim of this study was to determine the dependence response to AMF of Heliocarpus appendiculatus, a pioneer species, at different phosphorus (P) levels. In a greenhouse experiment...
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The effects of arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) fungi on growth and survival of two pioneer tropical plant species were studied in a greenhouse experiment for 6 months. One, an early pioneer species (Heliocarpus appendiculatus Turcz., Tiliaceae) and the second, a late pioneer species (Stemmadenia donnell-smithii (Rose) Woodson, Apocynaceae). Three growi...
El matorral xerófilo del derrame del Xitle ha sido destruido casi completamente por el desarrollo urbano de la ciudad de México. La Reserva Ecológica del Pedregal de San Ángel (1.77 km2) protege una de las porciones remanentes más importantes. A pesar de su estatus de protección, esta comunidad vegetal continúa siendo afectada por invasión de espec...
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El matorral xerófilo del derrame del Xitle ha sido destruido casi completamente por el desarrollo urbano de la ciudad de México. La Reserva Ecológica del Pedregal de San Ángel (1.77 km2) protege una de las porciones remanentes más importantes. A pesar de su estatus de protección, esta comunidad vegetal continúa siendo afectada por invasión de espec...
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The main goal of this study was to discuss the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plant settlement and growth. This mutualistic association is important for the nutrient acquisition, protection against water stress and pathogens of the soil, as well as competitive advantages with other vegetation and its influence in the substrate stabiliza...
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 The aim of this study was to compare mycorrhizal abundance and diversity in sites with different regimes of disturbance in a tropical rain forest at Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico. Arbuscular mycorrhizal spores were quantified at two sites: closed canopy and gaps in the forest. Data were recorded during dry, rainy, and windy ("nortes") seasons. Spo...
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The main goal of this study was to discuss the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plant settlement and growth. This mutualistic association is important for the nutrient acquisition, protection against water stress and pathogens of the soil, as well as competitive advantages with other vegetation and its influence in the substrate stabiliza...


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