Patricia Faraldo Cabana

Patricia Faraldo Cabana
Universidade da Coruña | UDC · Department of Public Law



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December 2010 - April 2016
Universidade da Coruña
  • Professor (Full)


Publications (87)
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One of the most influential considerations in the courts’ attitude towards penal fines is their affordability for low-income offenders. European literature devoted much energy to addressing the use of imprisonment as a substitute penalty in default of payment and the subsequent overcrowding of prisons with poor people who could not paid their fines...
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This article offers a comprehensive analysis of the historical development of the penal fine as a sanction from the point of view that the changing meaning of money influences the perceived appropriateness of fines as a punishment for every type of offence, or only certain offences. As it is shown here, a series of associations based on the idea of...
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In recent years the interrelation of the trafficking of cultural property with other forms of organised crime has gained prominence in EU policies on the protection of cultural heritage. This article analyses how the EU has conceptualized and operationalized this overlap in terms of describing the phenomenon and designing countermeasures. Through a...
Biometrics covers a variety of technologies used for the identification and authentication of individuals based on their behavioral and biological characteristics. A number of new biometric technologies have been developed, taking advantage of our improved understanding of the human body and advanced sensing techniques. They are increasingly being...
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The controversial trial of five men accused of gang-raping a young woman during the 2016 San Fermín festival and their conviction not for rape, but for a lesser crime of sexual abuse in 2018, known as La Manada (the Wolf-Pack) case, brought the Spanish law under intense public scrutiny. The case led to an outpouring of protests across the country a...
Although male trafficking constitutes a considerable part of the human trafficking flow, men are rarely identified as victims. Victims of labor-related trafficking, mainly men, are being overlooked. The same happens with the marginal but not negligible percentage of male victims of sexual exploitation. Identification is crucial to promptly assist,...
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The purpose of this paper is to assess the level of international, non-Anglo-American involvement in the editorial boards and content of the leading international journals of criminology and criminal law to investigate a reported bias against non-Anglo-American material. The research employed editorial board and content analysis of ten leading jour...
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En este trabajo se explica la relevancia de la STJUE (Sala Primera) de 26 de marzo de 2020, asunto C-2/19, para el reconocimiento mutuo de las decisiones relativas a la suspensión de la ejecución de las penas privativas de libertad que no imponen otra condición que la de no volver a delinquir durante el plazo de suspensión. Además, se propone su ap...
Framework Decision 2008/947/JHA explicitly combines offenders’ rehabilitation with other purposes, such as the improvement of the protection of victims. This article provides one of the first analysis of the aim of ‘victim protection’ in the Framework Decision and of its limited usefulness. The relationship between victims’ right after sentencing a...
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En este trabajo se estudian los problemas dogmáticos que suscita la intervención de dos o más personas en las agresiones sexuales cualificadas por el acceso carnal o conductas asimiladas, cometidas contra personas mayores de edad: desde la calificación como autores o partícipes de los intervinientes que aplican violencia o intimidación, pero no lle...
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En este trabajo se analizan los problemas que suscita el tratamiento penal del apoderamiento de bienes encontrados en yacimientos arqueológicos por parte del descubridor. El objetivo es valorar qué aporta a estos efectos el nuevo delito de expolio, introducido por la reforma de 2015, a la hora de afrontar esos problemas. El estudio tiene en cuenta...
This paper addresses the evolution of socio-legal theories concerning the use of monetary sanctions from a specific theoretical perspective – the “political economy of punishment” originally developed by Rusche and Kirchheimer. In particular, the paper explores the often-overlooked chapter on fines in Rusche and Kirchheimer’s work. Their reflection...
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En este trabajo se analiza el nivel de aplicación del reconocimiento mutuo de resoluciones de libertad vigilada en España, hasta el momento muy escaso pese a que el número de beneficiarios potenciales de la medida (condenados extranjeros de nacionalidad comunitaria) es significativo. Para valorar las razones de esta falta de aplicación, se estudian...
Offenders’ rehabilitation is the declared objective of the transfer of foreign offenders to their country of nationality/origin or permanent residence in Framework Decisions 2008/909/JHA and 2008/947/JHA. The driving rationale behind is that allowing foreign offenders to serve their sentence close to home is a significant instrument in improving th...
En los últimos años, tanto la comunidad internacional —a través de medidas propias de hard law y soft law—, como los Estados se han empeñado en mejorar la efectividad de los mecanismos de prevención y represión del blanqueo de bienes y del decomiso, sobre todo en el contexto de la corrupción y el crimen organizado. Pese a este esfuerzo normativo, e...
Community service is today one of the most significant alternatives to imprisonment, but there is still much discussion and conflicting accounts of its origins, while little is known about the ideology that helped to introduce and spread this criminal justice innovation. Throughout the 19th century, unpaid work without deprivation of freedom was co...
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En este artículo se analiza la pena de disolución de los partidos políticos declarados responsables de la comisión de delitos por sus dirigentes y mandos intermedios. Tras analizar los cambios de opinión del legislador respecto de la posibilidad de exigir responsabilidad penal a los partidos, se estudian con detalle los presupuestos de aplicación y...
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Having English as a global language that is used in international relations, for global communications and by the majority of the media represents an enormous advantage. Notwithstanding this, this paper argues that there is a dramatic and hitherto largely underestimated language effect in the bibliometric, citation-based measurements of research pe...
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Dos hechos aparentemente independientes en la evolución de la producción científica socio-jurídica están vinculados, sin responder a un plan consciente: la expansión del inglés y las evaluaciones bibliométricas. El esfuerzo de “traducción” que supone la conversión de la investigación en estas ciencias a un idioma no nativo no remite solo a la dific...
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Taking into account the gender dimension of trafficking in human beings is essential to ensure adequate support for the female victims as well as effective prevention and the prosecution of traffickers. Directive 2011/36/EU of 5 April 2011 on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims from a gender perspective r...
Money is the most frequently means used in the legal system to punish and regulate. Monetary penalties outnumber all other sanctions delivered by criminal justice in many jurisdictions, imprisonment included. More people pay fines than go to prison and in some jurisdictions many of those in prison are there because of failure to pay their fines. Th...
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The paper analyses the features of the Spanish criminal justice system from the perspective of the late-democratization condition of the Spanish polity. The text sees almost uninterrupted expansionism and a relatively high level of severity as basic traits of the evolution of the Spanish criminal justice system. Consequently, the paper examines tho...
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La reforma penal de 2010 ha introducido en el Codigo penal espanol los delitos de organizacion y grupo criminal, dejando subsistentes los de asociacion ilicita. En este trabajo se procede a la delimitacion de los conceptos de organizacion delictiva o criminal y asociacion ilicita, con el fin de determinar si es posible distinguirlos o, por el contr...
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Both the Spanish Penal Code of 1995 and the subsequent reforms pay a great deal of attention to cybercrime. The legislatura has adopted three strategies when it comes to tackling the dangers linked to ICT. Firstly, it has established legal models parallel to the classic models, which cover conduct equivalent to traditional behaviour using new techn...
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The Organic Law on the General Electoral System sets forth that if any electoral offence is committed the penalty of loss of the right to register as a candidate will be applied. Such a penalty involves the disqualification of exercising a basic right in any representative democracy. This paper analyses in detail the historical development that has...
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Important changes in the legal regulation of the fine culminated in the implementation of the day-fine system in many European countries during the twentieth century. These changes resulted from various late nineteenth century rationalities that considered the fine a justifiable punishment. Therefore, they supported extending its application by mak...
Over the last few years, the international community as well as States have committed themselves to improving mechanisms for preventing and repressing money-laundering and for confiscation, in particular in the context of organised crime. In spite of this standardising effort, in several national systems the level of application of the offence of m...
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Este trabajo analiza el delito de establecimiento de depósitos o vertederos de residuos peligrosos, contenido en el artículo 328 del Código penal de 1995. Además de un estudio doctrinal de los diversos elementos típicos, desde el bien jurídico protegido y los sujetos pasivo y activo hasta los concursos, pasando por la conducta típica, el tipo subje...
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Este trabajo analiza el delito de establecimiento de depósitos o vertederos de residuos peligrosos, contenido en el artículo 328 del Código penal de 1995. Además de un estudio doctrinal de los diversos elementos típicos, desde el bien jurídico protegido y los sujetos pasivo y activo hasta los concursos, pasando por la conducta típica, el tipo subje...
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Purpose This paper aims to analyse the Spanish confiscation regulation considering the specialised literature as well as the relevant case law. Design/methodology/approach The Spanish confiscation regulation and the practical application is discussed in this paper. Findings The paper shows the shortfalls in the regulation with regards to Spain's...
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This work aims to analyse the offence of smuggling protected species of wild flora and fauna classified in article 2.1 f) of Organic Law 12/1995, of 12th December, on the repression of smuggling. For this study the relevant doctrine as well as the case law that is being applied to the legal principles in question have both been considered. The prin...
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Resumen: En este trabajo se pretenden analizar las diferentes fun-ciones que cumplen las prohibiciones de aproximación y comunica-ción con la víctima u otras personas en el Derecho penal juvenil, donde son medidas cautelares y educativo-sancionadoras, pero tam-bién reglas de conducta durante la libertad vigilada. También es ob-jeto de análisis su r...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse those obligations to share information and deliver assistance which flow from the legislation intended to prevent the money laundering as contained in the Law 19/2003 of the 4 July, which transposes into Spanish law the provisions of Directive 2001/97/EC, which provisions set out the obligations of no...
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Parmi les infractions contre le patrimoine commises à travers les systèmes informatiques ressort l�escroquerie informatique, de l�article 248.2 CP, dont l�élément central est la manipulation informatique, concept qui doit être considéré au sens large. Or, la tendance dans la pratique à l�interprétation restrictive de cet article a suscité la nécess...
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RESUMEN: La autora estudia el empleo que se ha hecho en la Ciencia penal de la fórmula de RADBRUCH para fundamentar una nueva forma de autoría de creación doctrinal, la autoría mediata con aparatos organizados de poder, que permite considerar autor media-to, y no simplemente inductor o cómplice, al dirigente de una estructura organizada jerárquicam...


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