Pascale BourretAix-Marseille University | AMU · UMR SESSTIM
Pascale Bourret
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Publications (50)
Since the late 1980s, in France and in a number of other countries, cancer genetics testing has become a clinical reality, particularly for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. BRCA tests allowing for the assessment of an increased cancer risk among patients and their healthy relatives are now being routinely performed as part of clinical practice...
In recent years, genomic technologies have entered oncology. In particular, so-called tumor signatures are now commercially available for diagnosing breast cancer. These new diagnostic tools have expanded the content and meaning of diagnosis, by adding a distinctive prognostic (will the disease recur?) and predictive (how will the disease react to...
This article seeks to make a contribution on what clinical work consists in biomedicine. It draws on the comparison between two clinical practices: cancer genetics of breast/ovarian and colon cancers on one hand; psychiatry genetics of autism and its related syndromes on the other hand. We argue that the clinic does not reflect genetic reductionism...
The recent development of cancer precision medicine is associated with the
emergence of ‘molecular tumour boards’ (MTBs). Attended by a heterogenous set of practitioners, MTBs link genomic platforms to clinical practices by establishing ‘actionable’ connections between drugs and molecular alterations. Their activities rely on a number of evidential...
In recent years, oncology transitioned from its traditional, organ-based approach to ‘precision oncology’ centered on molecular alterations. As a result, it has become to a significant extent a ‘data-centric’ domain. Its practices increasingly rely on a sophisticated techno-scientific infrastructure that generates massive amounts of data in need of...
En ayant recours à des outils et méthodes de cartographie de réseau et d’analyse sémantique, cet article explore comment la revue Sciences Sociales et Santé s’inscrit dans l’espace des sciences sociales de la santé, et plus largement des sciences sociales. À partir d’un corpus d’articles publiés dans Sciences Sociales et Santé entre 1994 et 2021, l...
This paper presents a contribution to the study of bibliographic corpora through science mapping. From a graph representation of documents and their textual dimension, stochastic block models can provide a simultaneous clustering of documents and words that we call a domain-topic model. Previous work investigated the resulting topics, or word clust...
This Special Issue (SI) on “Organizing precision oncology” features a number of articles initially presented at an International Workshop on “Organizational and epistemic innovation in precision cancer medicine” that took place in November 2018 in Paris. The Workshop was convened to mark the conclusion of a project supported by the French National...
This Special Issue (SI) on “Organizing precision oncology” features a number of articles initially presented at an International Workshop on “Organizational and epistemic innovation in precision cancer medicine” that took place in November 2018 in Paris. The Workshop was convened to mark the conclusion of a project supported by the French National...
This article partakes in a number of recent attempts to map the reconfiguration of clinical work as part of the deployment of precision oncology. We focus on the platforms, in particular Molecular Tumor Boards, that act as a condition of possibility for implementing innovative experimental interventions, and which are part of the emergence, beyond...
In this paper we introduce a novel approach for the computational analysis of research activities and their dynamics. Named SASHIMI (Symmetrical And Sequential analysis from Hierarchical Inference of Multidimensional Information), our approach provides a multi-level description of the structure of scientific activities that offers numerous advantag...
The paper examines the development and marketing of five multi-gene tests, a.k.a. as tumor signatures, designed to aid clinicians and cancer patients in therapeutic decision-making, and, in particular, to avoid overtreatment. We build on a 2011 paper that investigated the emergence of this new domain by opening the ‘black box’ of two pioneering tes...
Historians and social scientists view the distinction between research and care as diachronically and synchronically contingent, rather than transcendental, as is often the case in bioethics. Comparing how the notion of total care was used in the 1950s with present-day use of that same term by genomically informed oncology programs, the paper argue...
Cambrosio A, Vignola-Gagné E, Nelson N, Bourret P and Keating P. 2017. Genomic platforms and clinical research. In Handbook of Genomics, Health and Society. Edited by Stephen Hilgartner, Sahra Gibbon, Barbara Prainsack and Janelle Lamoreaux. Routledge. Forthcoming
Building on previous work on “regulatory objectivity”, the paper examines recent translational research and cancer genomics to explore the bundle of scientific and regulatory activities that generate and manage the platforms at the core of clinical trials, the “gold standard” of clinical research and evidence-based medicine. In particular, the pape...
Vous trouverez ci-après le tirétiré`tiréà part de votre article au formatélectroniqueformat´formatélectronique (pdf) : Essais cliniques, production de la preuve et mutations de la biomédecine paru dans Sciences Sociales et Santé, 2014, Volume 32, Numéro 3 John Libbey Eurotext Ce tirétiré`tiréà part numérique vous est délivré pour votre propre usage...
Vous trouverez ci-après le tirétiré`tiréà part de votre article au formatélectroniqueformat´formatélectronique (pdf) : Essais cliniques, production de la preuve et mutations de la biomédecine paru dans Sciences Sociales et Santé, 2014, Volume 32, Numéro 3 John Libbey Eurotext Ce tirétiré`tiréà part numérique vous est délivré pour votre propre usage...
We presently witness a profound transformation of the configuration of biomedical practices, as characterized by an increasingly collective dimension, and by a growing reliance on disruptive technologies that generate large amounts of data. We also witness a proliferation of biomedical databases, often freely accessible on the Web, which can be eas...
In social studies of diagnosis, genomic approaches have often been conflated with risk-based genetic testing and discussed in the context of expectations about how they will transform healthy individuals into at-risk patients. The development of 'high-throughput technologies' in oncology, in particular of clinical sequencing programs, highlights a...
This paper examines the emergence and development of one of the key components of genomics, namely gene expression profiling. It does so by resorting to computer-based methods to analyze and visualize networks of scientific publications. Our results show the central role played by oncology in this domain, insofar as the initial proof-of-principle a...
The paper examines two large-scale, North American and European clinical trials designed to validate two commercially available genomic tumor signatures that predict a patient's risk of breast cancer recurrence and response to chemotherapy. The paper builds on empirical evidence from the two trials to explore the emergence of diverse regulatory-sci...
The introduction of genetics into medical fields has often been presented, by professionals, as giving clinical work an objective basis from which to reinforce itself. In the social sciences, this movement has largely been interpreted as a kind of genetic reductionism that is gradually overtaking medicine. This article proposes a different reading...
Medical judgment and medical decision-making in a high-uncertainty situation: when clinical practices meet genetics
The introduction of genetics into medical fields has often been presented, by professionals, as giving clinical work an objective basis from which to reinforce itself. In the social sciences, this movement has largely been interpreted...
La evolución de la medicina occidental desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial ha resultado en la emergencia de nuevas prácticas basadas en la interacción directa entre biología y medicina. El realineamiento de la biología y medicina de la posguerra ha sido acompañada de la emergencia de un nuevo tipo de objetividad, objetividad regulatoria, que ha sido su...
Collaborative forms of work such as extended networks, expert groups, and consortia increasingly structure biomedical activities. They are particularly prominent in the cancer field, where procedures such as multicenter clinical trials have been instrumental in establishing the specialty of oncology, and subfields such as cancer genetics, where bio...
The evolution of Western medicine since World War II has resulted in the emergence of new practices based on the direct interaction of biology and medicine. The post-war realignment of biology and medicine has been accompanied by the emergence of a new type of objectivity, regulatory objectivity, which is based on the systematic recourse to the col...
One example of the recent advances of scientific research on the human genome is the identification of two susceptibility genes to breast/ovarian cancer, BRCA1 and BRCA2, making possible the introduction in medical practices of genetic testing to detect patients with an increased risk of developing such cancers. In this context of diffusion, two su...
One example of the recent advances of scientific research on the human genome is the identification of two susceptibility genes to breast/ovarian cancer, BRCA1 and BRCA2, making possible the introduction in medical practices of genetic testing to detect patients with an increased risk of developing such cancers. In this context of diffusion, two su...
To conduct a survey in seven European cancer genetics centres to compare service provision, organisation and practices for familial breast and colon cancer consultations and testing. Information was obtained on aspects of services both nationally and locally.
A detailed survey questionnaire was adapted collaboratively to obtain the required informa...
L'avènement des tests génétiques va bouleverser les pratiques médicales actuelles. Avec l'ère post-génomique, leur usage, en effet, ne manquera pas de s'étendre. D'où l'intérêt d'analyser un exemple désormais assez bien connu, celui des gènes de susceptibilité aux cancers du sein et de l'ovaire.
Due to the technical difficulties involved in identifying BRCA1/2 genetic mutations, the affected patients have to be investigated before testing can be made available to all the relatives at risk. Here, we studied the attendance rates at cancer genetic clinics (CGC) and the uptake of genetic testing in first/second degree relatives after the first...
The on-going development of predictive tests for common cancers--as breast and colorectal cancers--is potentially introducing fundamental changes in medical practices, and, therefore, changes in the role and meaning of medicine in society. In this context, analysing the conditions of emergence and development of cancergenetics activities, and their...
The on-going development of predictive tests for common cancers - as breast and colorectal cancers - is potentially introducing fondamental changes in medical practices, and, therefore, changes in the role and meaning of medicine in society. In this context, analysing the conditions of emergence and development of cancer genetics activities, and th...
Parce qu'elle constitue l'archétype d'une innovation en train de se faire et que son extension aux facteurs de risque des principales pathologies de l'adulte n'obéit pas encore à une trajectoire claire, la génétique médicale constitue un objet de recherche privilégié pour une approche en sciences sociales visant à dépasser la dialectique méc...
The orientation of the medical activity toward preventive strategies knows currently an important development. This movement shows various logic, which are: on one hand a rational step, a strategic choice in favour of prevention, and on the other hand a choice by elimination, when the other forms of intervention establish insufficient efficiency. P...
L'article s'intéresse aux processus conjoints de production d'une activité nouvelle et de production des ressources correspondantes — connaissances, compétences, organisation. L'activité retenue est celle du diagnostic prénatal des anomalies génétiques, dont on suit l'émergence, le développement et les transformations dans sept centres spécialisés....
Le diagnostic prénatal, dont le développement s'est effectué au cours des quinze dernières années, tranche radicalement, par ses objectifs comme par les interventions auxquelles il s'articule, avec la pratique médicale traditionnelle. Il s'agit en effet d'une pratique à visée prédictive qui, ne pouvant en aucun cas, contrairement au diagnostic clas...