Pascal VerhoestVrije Universiteit Brussel | VUB · Department of Communication Studies
Pascal Verhoest
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I am researching perceptions and representations of climate change, in confuction with social inequality, reception of media messages; environmental science communication; political communication; always trying to bridge between sociology, psychology and communication studies; collaborating with natural scientists; developing research methods that combine qualitative and quantitative methods; prior experience in communication and innovation studies, policy advisor and policy maker
Publications (47)
Hoe communiceer je over hergebruik van water met verschillende doelgroepen? In dit advies presenteren we 6 handvatten voor communicatie over hergebruik van water.
Inoculation is a communication technique that uses threatening information to arouse recipients’ attention and to stimulate them to construct counterargument that will make them more resistant to future disinformation. Inoculation messages have been used to fight misinformation in different domains such as health care and climate change, quite ofte...
The looming threat posed by climate change-fueled droughts has triggered a slew of projects concernedwith the reuse of treated wastewater for agricultural purposes. Across the globe, there is also a growing interest in the direct consumption of treated wastewater. Whilst the requisite technology is well established and safety can be guaranteed, the...
L’image extrêmement négative de Bruxelles dans la presse, souvent citée comme un facteur expliquant le manque d’attrait de la ville en tant que lieu de vie, fait rarement l’objet de recherches. Cette étude porte sur la façon dont les journaux belges présentent la vie bruxelloise, ainsi que sur la façon dont ces représentations sont corrélées à des...
Brussels’ overwhelmingly negative depiction in the press is a frequently mentioned but little researched factor in explaining its lack of appeal as a place to live. This study examines how city life is framed in Belgian newspapers as well as how said frames resonate with broader cultural schemes that influence public perceptions. Using multiple cor...
De zeer negatieve afschildering van Brussel in de pers wordt vaak aangehaald als factor in de verklaring waarom de stad niet zo’n aantrekkelijke plek is om te wonen, maar is amper empirisch onderzocht. Deze studie onderzoekt hoe het stadsleven wordt beschreven in Belgische kranten en hoe de gehanteerde frames resoneren met bredere culturele schema’...
Studies that analyse people's perceptions of their living environment as an explanatory factor for residential mobility are scarce at best. The study presented in this article addresses this deficit by investigating how people's perceptions of cities as living environments influence their relocation behaviour within metropolitan areas. After gather...
Hoewel traditionele nieuwsmedia doorgaans op een zeer soortgelijke en homogene manier berichten over issues en gebeurtenissen, zien nieuwsconsumenten geregeld een vorm van ‘bias’ of vertekening in de nieuwsberichtgeving. Deze perceptie van vertekening, al dan niet gegrond, wordt vaak beïnvloed door vooringenomenheid bij de ontvanger of een verwacht...
One of the main functions of news media in democracies is informing the citizenry on day-to-day affairs. However, the way in which citizens gather news has changed as nowadays people have more opportunities than ever before to adapt their media consumption based on their preferences. One of the major game changers was the introduction of social med...
A weeklong diary study (N = 460) into the exposure to news of Belgian (Flemish) adult media users (aged 25–45) shows that their information consumption is currently relatively diverse. An explanation for the observed diversity is that news consumers in dutch-speaking Belgium have a wide array of internally balanced news titles and channels at their...
De diversiteit van de nieuwsconsumptie staat onder druk. Een op het eerste gezicht divers informatieaanbod maskeert een veel eenzijdiger gebruik. Daarom pleiten wij voor een nieuwe manier om het kritisch denken rond diversiteit in de nieuws- en informatiemedia te stimuleren. Dat in aanvulling op scherpere aandacht van het beleid voor de verregaande...
Brussels is struggling with a negative image as a living environment. This converges with an outward migration of economically better-off inhabitants, which has a negative effect on tax revenues. Improving the image of Brussels has thus become a policy priority. This paper investigates perceptions about Brussels within three subpopulations: Brussel...
A public sphere in which people can freely discuss worldly affairs is arguably an essential building block of deliberative democracies. As a theoretical and historical concept, however, the public sphere concept is far from unequivocal. This article reviews Habermasian public sphere theory and particularly his failure, according to critics, to esta...
Business strategies and policies that were successful in increasing internet penetration in the early days may no longer be appropriate. This is most probably so in countries where a bigger proportion of the population is already connected to the internet. As more people are online, it becomes more likely that the remaining fraction of non-users is...
Business strategies and policies which proved to be successful in increasing internet penetration in the early days may no longer be appropriate. This is likely to be highly probable in countries where the majority of people are already connected to the internet. As more people have the ability to be connected online, it becomes more likely that th...
Business strategies and policies that were successful in increasing internet penetration in the early days may no longer be appropriate. This is most probably so in countries where a majority of people are already connected to the internet. As more people are online, it becomes more likely that the remaining fraction of non-adopters is either hard...
Tourism has been identified as one of the priority sectors in the South African Government's Micro-Economic Reform Strategy (MERS) of 2002 and continues to be one of the sectors that has shown substantial growth in terms of job creation and its contribution to GDP. The South African tourism industry is however characterised by a predominance of SMM...
This contribution presents the results of a pilot project on ICT usage by South African SMMEs in the tourism industry. The
Electronic Business Survey (EBS) methodology which was tested for applicability in a developing country, in this case South Africa,
uses qualitative indicators and quantitative estimations to measure the impacts of e-business p...
This contribution presents the results of a pilot project on ICT usage by South African SMMEs in the tourism industry. The Electronic Business Survey (EBS) methodology, which was tested for applicability in a developing country, in this case South Africa, uses qualitative indicators and quantitative estimations to measure the impacts of e-business...
This paper proposes some ways forward in stimulating and structuring interdisciplinary research on business-to-business electronic commerce. A ‘commerce-centered’ perspective is proposed that is grounded in concepts of commerce as a complex socio-economic institution. On this basis, a conceptual framework is developed for assessing the dynamics and...
The MEDA Telecom Observatory was the on-line part of the regional project "New Approaches to Telecommunications Policy in Mediterranean Countries" funded by the European Commission and managed by ENCIP (European Network for Communication & Information Perspectives). The case study collection comprised 18 edited-case studies presented during MEDA Tr...
The liberalization of the telecommunications sector provoked renewed attention to the concept of universal service. This has led to popular misconceptions of the underlying historical rationale for universal service that blur academic discussions on the topic and are often misused by policy makers for ideological purposes. The hermeneutic approach...
In this paper we propose a generic model for policy with regard to convergence which allows for media specific regulations and procedures. First, we propose a political approach that is based on the well-acccepted notion of freedom of communication. From this notion free and equal access to communication systems is inferred as the main policy objec...
In this paper we propose a generic model for policy with regard to convergence which allows for media specific regulations and procedures. First, we propose a political approach that is based on the well-acccepted notion of freedom of communication. From this notion free and equal access to communication systems is inferred as the main policy objec...
Por the last decade, Belgian telecommunication policy has been characterised by a defensive, and sometimes even obstructive, attitude towards the liberalisation program of the European Commission. This paper analyses this policy on the basis of official governmental and administrative sources, corporate documents and insights gained through frequen...
CONVERGENCE: INTEGRATING MEDIA, INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION by Thomas F. Baldwin, D. Stevens McVoy, and Charles Steinfield (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1996—$48.00/$22.00, ISBN 0–8039–5904–4 hard, ISBN 0–8039–5905–2 paper, 430 pp., figures, notes, index)
TELECOM REFORM: PRINCIPLES, POLICIES AND REGULATORY PRACTICES by edited by William H. Melody (Lyngby, Denmark: Den private Ingeniørfond, Technical University of Denmark, 1997‐$39.00, paper, ISBN 7–7381–071–1, 557 pp., tables figures notes, index, glossary, appendix)
European liberalization of the telecommunications infrastructure means, among other things, that cable distribution firms can develop into fully fledged telecommunications organizations. Such developments are of particular significance in the Belgian case. The Flemish region announced the creation of a ‘national’ Flemish telecommunications operator...
Summary: State intervention in the Belgian telecommunication sector was the product of political, economic, social and geopolitical factors. During the three successive technological waves in this sector in the nineteenth century (the development of optical telegraphs* electric telegraphs and the telephone), the State's role evolved from mere 'poli...
Dans un contexte de libéralisation et de privatisation, un des principaux enjeux de la politique est la remise en question du rôle social et économique assuré par l'Etat. L'étude de la genèse et de l'évolution du service public offre plusieurs pistes de réflexion qui permettent d'éclairer la nature des changements actuellement à l'oeuvre au sein du...
The debate on the privatization of some public enterprises in Belgium has been reopened. Pros and cons seem to be inspired by ideological and political imperatives rather than by scientific considerations. The way in which similar debates were carried out during Belgian history, highlights some features of the actual debate. This paper traces back...
The state interference in Belgium in the telecommunication sector was formed by a political, economical, social and geopolitical context. During the three technological waves which succeeded each other in the XlXth century (optical telegraphs, electric telegraphs and the telephone), the state role developed from that of being a simple « guard » of...
Business strategies and policies that were successful in increasing internet penetration in the early days may no longer be appropriate. This is most probably so in countries where a larger part of the citizens is already connected to the internet. As more people are online, it becomes more likely that the remaining fraction of non-adopters is eith...