Paola Spagnoli

Paola Spagnoli
Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" · Psychology



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I am interested in promoting wellbeing at work and healthy workplaces, workaholism, organizational socialization, entrepreneurship.
Additional affiliations
December 2010 - June 2016
University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"
  • Assistant Professor - Senior Researcher
September 2008 - September 2010
Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon
  • PostDoc Position


Publications (77)
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Among the most important outcomes related to workaholism for its implications for both organizations and employees is job performance. However, previous studies that have analyzed this relationship report inconsistent results. Drawing on achievement motivation theory and the work, non-work, and sleep model, the present study aims to understand why...
Nel corso degli ultimi anni è cresciuta l'attenzione intorno ai temi del benessere e della salute nel contesto accademico. Studi recenti suggeriscono che il personale docente e ricercatore è sottoposto a numerose pressioni sul lavoro provenienti da una varietà di fonti e questo determina importanti ricadute sui livelli di benessere. Nello specifico...
Purpose The evolving dynamics of the labour market make graduates’ future employability an important issue for higher education (HE) institutions, prompting universities to complement the conventional graduate skills approach with a wider focus on graduate forms of capital that may enhance their sense of employability. This study, adopting a capita...
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Introduction Based on the job demands-resources (JD-R) model, the present study aimed to validate “The Technical and Administrative Staff Quality of Life At Work” (TASQ@work), a new tool to assess the quality of life at work in academia focused on technical and administrative staff. Methods This tool was developed by the QoL@Work research team, a...
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Recently, Loscalzo and Giannini have proposed Studyholism as a possible new clinical condition, highlighting its potential antecedents and outcomes. The present study investigates the moderating role of Internet addiction in the relationship between Studyholism, academic exhaustion and insomnia. Three hundred and eighteen Italian university student...
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Workaholism is a current issue in modern organizations with well-characterized implications for individual health and well-being. Yet, the affective experience of workaholics at work and their emotional reactivity to job stressors have been poorly investigated, with the few available studies being cross-sectional or based on retrospective reports o...
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While university students have experienced increased stress, anxiety, and study obsession (studyholism) during the COVID-19 emergency, supportive university environments and academic self-efficacy (ASE) were found to be protective factors. However, the perception of overstudying could have impaired ASE’s protection against studyholism, akin to work...
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During the pandemic, the occurrence of extreme working conditions (e.g., the sudden shift to remote work, isolation, and the slowdown of the work processes) exacerbated several phenomena, such as increased workaholism and stress due to technological devices; that is, technostress. Literature on the onset of these phenomena during the pandemic highl...
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La preoccupazione per il benessere psicofisico della popolazione universitaria è sempre più al centro dell'at-tenzione degli Atenei, anche in virtù degli ultimi due anni di Pandemia che hanno esacerbato una situazione pregressa di malessere. Il presente studio si è, dunque, posto l'obiettivo di studiare alcune richieste e risorse contestuali e pers...
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Italian university students face an uncertain future characterised by a competitive neoliberal academic environment with high demands and a weak labour market that often cannot hire those who are best qualified. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated students’ uncertainty and negatively affected their well-being. The purpose of this study is to expl...
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The Burnout Assessment Tool proposed by Schaufeli, De Witte and Desart (2019) is a recent instrument for assessing the burnout syndrome. This study aims to investigate the psychometric characteristics of the Italian version of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) and to contribute to the validation of the BAT scale by testing measurement invariance ac...
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The increasing interest in work addiction is connected to recent changes in the work culture and work habits. Despite this interest, knowledge pertaining to this phenomenon and measures to assess it are still limited. This study aims to contribute by examining the psychometric features of the Italian version of the Bergen Work Addiction Scale, a un...
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Building on cognitive appraisal theory of stress, we examined the direct relationship between the emotional labor strategies of employees (i.e., surface and deep acting) and outcomes (i.e., psychological strain and creativity). In addition, we investigated the indirect relationship between emotional labor strategies and outcomes via job stressors (...
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Background: Workaholism is recognized as a dysfunctional form of heavy work investment, characterized by preoccupation and compulsion regarding one’s work, difficulties in disengaging from it, and the tendency to work for very long hours. Although it has been consistently associated with negative outcomes, most studies adopted between-individuals d...
Workaholism is a work-related addiction, and the study of its antecedents has a strong individual and social impact. Several studies reported high trait perfectionism in individuals exhibiting workaholism. Although the relationship between perfectionism and workaholism is quite consistent in the literature, it is not yet clear which biological unde...
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The present study provides evidence for a valid and reliable tool, the Academic Quality at Work Tool (AQ@workT), to investigate the quality of life at work in academics within the Italian university sector. The AQ@workT was developed by the QoL@Work research team, namely a group of expert academics in the field of work and organizational psychology...
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Background: Socialization practices support undergraduates' transitional processes when beginning their academic careers and afterwards. Anyhow, the absence of specific socialization measures for academic contexts does not allow Universities to assess it. Aims: The present study aimed to contribute to the socialization literature by proposing a...
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Studies on sleep during the Covid‐19 pandemic have mostly been conducted during the first wave of contagion (spring 2020). To follow up on two Italian studies addressing subjective sleep features during the second wave (autumn 2020), here we assess sleep during the third wave (spring 2021) in a sample of healthy adults from Campania (Southern Italy...
Research is needed to understand the effects that perfectionism may have in the occupational sector and whether its implications vary cross-nationally. In the current study the relationship of perfectionism on workaholism and work engagement was assessed through multiple groups structural equations models to compare strengths of association in the...
Most research on workaholism has been conducted at the between-person level and has considered mainly psychological outcomes of the phenomenon (e.g. burnout, job satisfaction). Building on the allostatic load model and on the idea that workaholic cognition and behaviour may show variation at the within-person level, we tested the hypothesis that fl...
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The ongoing epidemiological crisis has suddenly steered us towards a new futuristic work scenario in which most service sector employees work remotely, which could be a permanent reality for most service sector employees. This paper focuses on the strategic role that leadership could play in the radical change process that is taking place in work e...
Research on the relationship between perfectionism and heavy work investment is all cross-sectional. It mainly considers these constructs as unidimensional, neglecting to examine possible relationships among these constructs' sub-dimensions. Thus, there is a lack of evidence supporting the predictive role of different perfectionism dimensions (perf...
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The current study aims at examining the relationship between the perfectionism two-factor model (i.e., concerns and strivings) and burnout dimensions measured by using the BAT (Burnout Assessment Tool) through a longitudinal study. A two-wave cross-lagged study was conducted using path analysis in SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) of 191 workers....
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Drawing and adapting the Job Demands-Resources Model to the academic context, the study aimed at exploring how students manage academic study demands by seeking challenges and adopting their human (e.g. meta-competencies) and social capital (e.g. networking) to improve their academic performance. 152 undergraduate psychology students were asked to...
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Background and aims: We studied the quality of the job-related emotional experiences associated with work addiction. We hypothesized that work addiction would fuel both a higher level of daily job-related negative affect and a lower level of daily job-related positive affect and that such affective experiences would mediate the relationship betwee...
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Although remote working can involve positive outcomes both for employees and organizations, in the case of the sudden and forced remote working situation that came into place during the COVID-19 crisis there have also been reports of negative aspects, one of which is technostress. In this context of crisis, leadership is crucial in sustainably mana...
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Research on workaholism (also called work addiction by some scholars, especially in the clinical psychology field) has increased substantially in the last few years [...]
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Decision-making autonomy may have played a crucial role in protecting, or on the contrary, intensifying the onset of negative psychological outcomes for workers with roles with responsibilities during the lockdown due to the Covid-19 crisis. The present study analyzed the emotional dimension of workaholism in relation to emotional exhaustion, consi...
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The current study aimed to test how workload, via workaholism, impacts job performance along with the complex interplay of perfectionistic concerns and work engagement in this mediated relationship. A two-wave, first and second stage dual-moderated mediation model was tested in an SEM framework. Results based on a sample of 208 workers revealed a c...
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La Direttiva “Linee guida sulle modalità di funzionamento dei “Comitati Unici di Garanzia per le pari opportunità, la valorizzazione del benessere di chi lavora e contro le discriminazioni” [art. 21, legge 4 novembre 2010, n. 183] emanata dal Ministro per la Pubblica Amministrazione e l’Innovazione e dal Ministro per le Pari Opportunità nel 2011 st...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of organisational career growth (OCG) in the process linking organisational work–family support and work–family conflict. Design/methodology/approach Since previous contributions reported theoretical and empirical evidence of possible gender differences in this process, a moderated media...
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Recent contributions have reported sleep disorders as one of the health impairment outcomes of workaholism. A possible factor affecting the sleep-wake cycle might be the intensive use of smartphones. The current study aimed to explore the role of intensive smartphone use in the relationship between workaholism and the sleep-wake cycle. Two serial m...
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This study aimed to explore a possible process explaining the relationship between workaholism and sleep disorders, including two mediators: work–family conflict and emotional exhaustion. Moreover, since a possible buffering role of work engagement was recently proposed against the detrimental effects of workaholism, the aim was to examine the mode...
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Based on the theoretical approach of the psychology of sustainability and sustainable development and on the theoretical Job Demands-Resources model, this contribution aims to explore the mediating effect of seeking challenges on the relationship between workload and contextual performance and the moderating effects of individual adaptability and o...
The Newcomer Socialization Questionnaire (NSQ; Hauter, Hoff Macan, & Winter, 2003) is an interesting multi-level (organization, group, task) measure of the organizational socialization process. The present study is twofold. First, it aimed to extend previous findings on its validity by examining measurement invariance in two groups: newcomers and f...
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Although the interplay between workaholism and work engagement could explain several open questions regarding the Heavy Work Investment (HWI) phenomenon, few studies have addressed this issue. Thus, with the purpose of filling this literature gap, the present study aimed at examining a model where job-related negative affect mediates the relationsh...
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Background: In the last years, many changes have involved the labor context: new ways of working, more flexibility and uncertainty, new and more insecure job contracts. In this framework, perceived job insecurity, worker’s perception about potential involuntary job loss, has received renewed interest, also for those workers with a permanent contrac...
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The aim of this study is to analyze the role of individual characteristics and social norms as variables that explain early-stage entrepreneurial activity before and during the European crisis. We used the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Adult Population Survey data from Southern European countries (Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal) and Northern E...
Purpose Although Colquitt’s Organizational Justice Scale (COJS) is one of the most widely used organizational justice scales (OJS) worldwide, a rigorous adaptation and validation in Italy is still missing. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to examine the construct validity and reliability of the Italian translation of the scale. Design/met...
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Entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) seems to play a key role in the entrepreneurial career choice. The main goal of this study is to examine the reliability and validity of the ESE Scale proposed by McGee, Peterson, Mueller, and Sequeira both in Italy and Portugal. In particular, this study aims to strengthen and extend previous evidence of the Ita...
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Organizational Career Growth scale (OCG scale) is a measure of employee perceptions of their chances of development and advancement within an organization. Despite the growing interest of scholars in this field, research using the OCG scale is in its early infancy. The current study aims to contribute to the validation of the OCG scale by testing i...
The role of organizational change in the process leading to the development of bullying has received only little attention so far. The present longitudinal study aimed at filling this gap by examining a moderated mediation model through Structural Equation Modelling where the mediating effect of psychological strain in the relationship between work...
The current study aimed at examining a moderated mediation model based on the theoretical framework of organizational socialization. In particular, the mediating effect of organizational career growth (OCG) in the relationship between organiza tional socialization learning and work outcomes (job satisfaction and performance) was assessed th rough a...
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Although the Work-Family Culture Scale (Thompson, Beauvais, & Lyness, 1999) has been widely used in work-family research, its factor structure remains largely understudied and varies across countries. This study aims to examine both its construct validity by testing its measurement invariance through confirmatory factor analysis and its concurrent...
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The development of sound evidence-based entrepreneurial potential assessment tools is particularly recommended to foster entrepreneurship and to evaluate specific entrepreneurial training initiatives in schools and universities. The present study is aimed at examining construct, convergent and discriminant validity of the Attitude Toward Enterprise...
Purpose Organizational change eliciting negative outcomes might play a role in the development of workplace bullying. This study aims to examine the direct and the interaction effect of two particular negative outcomes of organizational change, such as high workload and job insecurity, on workplace bullying. Design/methodology/approach Participan...
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Questo studio si propone di esplorare lo sviluppo dell'identificazione organizzativa durante il processo di socializzazione organizzativa. L'obiettivo generale mira a indagare le relazioni tra tattiche di socializzazione organizzativa, "information-seeking", percezione di fit con l'organizzazione e identificazione organizzativa. In particolare, è s...
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Entrepreneurial career assessment tools appear to be essential for the promotion and development of entrepreneurship. The present study reports a contribution towards the validation of the Italian version of the Entrepreneurial Potential Assessment Inventory (EPAI) (Santos, Caetano & Curral, 2014). Construct, convergent and discriminant validity we...
Entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) is a key factor for the promotion of entrepreneurship. Literature emphasises the need for and, indeed, recommends a gender perspective in the study of ESE. The aim of this study is twofold: to begin analysing some of the psychometric properties of McGee, Peterson, Mueller and Sequeira (2009) ESE scale in the Ital...
Conference Paper
Alla luce della crescente imprevedibilità del mercato del lavoro, connotato da una sempre maggiore flessibilizzazione e discontinuità dei rapporti lavorativi, l’employability assurge a fattore cruciale in grado di predire il successo occupazionale individuale. Variabile tradizionalmente studiata in relazione ad un profilo di lavoratore dipendente e...
Conference Paper
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Nonostante più di trentanni di studi il ruolo dell’information-seeking nel processo di socializzazione organizzativa rimane ambiguo. A questo proposito l’obiettivo del presente lavoro di ricerca è di esaminare il ruolo di mediatore del comportamento di information-seeking durante il processo di socializzazione organizzativa. In particolare, ci si p...
Conference Paper
Nonostante più di trentanni di studi il ruolo dell’information-seeking nel processo di socializzazione organizzativa rimane ambiguo. A questo proposito l’obiettivo del presente lavoro di ricerca è di esaminare il ruolo di mediatore del comportamento di information-seeking durante il processo di socializzazione organizzativa. In particolare, ci si p...
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The Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS) constitutes an instrument for assessing subjective happiness. This study aims to present the validation of the SHS in a Portuguese adult population. A large representative sample (1,017 participants), from five different age groups was considered. Configurational invariance of the unidimensional structure of the...
Conference Paper
Introduzione Il presente lavoro si focalizza sul tema del potenziale imprenditoriale e della sua valutazione, effettuata attraverso la versione italiana dell’Inventario per la valutazione del Potenziale Imprenditoriale – IAPE (Correia Santos, Caetano, Curral, Spagnoli, 2010). Il modello teorico alla base dello strumento esprime la sintesi di un’ a...
Purpose This study aims to test the mediating role of work satisfaction aspects, such as satisfaction with the work itself and satisfaction with human resource practices, in the relationship between the Big Five and organisational commitment. Design/methodology/approach Data from 190 new police officers in a three‐wave longitudinal survey were ana...
Purpose – Despite more than three decades of studies, the role of information-seeking during organizational socialization remains ambiguous. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the mediating role played by information-seeking behaviour during the organizational socialization process. Design/methodology/approach – Two different information-s...
This study examines the evolution of job satisfaction in a service organization over a six-year period. The following aspects affecting job satisfaction were examined: management practices, rewards, work climate and the work itself. Data were collected from employees of the same service organization on three separate occasions (N2001 = 297; N2003 =...
Conference Paper
The Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS) constitutes an instrument for assessing subjective happiness. This study aims to present the validation of the SHS in a Portuguese adult population. A large representative sample (1.017 participants) from five different age groups was explored. Configurational invariance of the unidimensional structure of the sc...
Conference Paper
Abstract: Although research on job satisfaction has been developed over several decades, we still have little understanding about the relationship between overall job satisfaction and satisfaction with specific charac- teristics and on how this relationship evolves across time. The interest in specific aspects of job satisfac- tion has even wider s...
In the present study an evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Short Negative Acts Questionnaire (S-NAQ) was carried out by using data concerning an organizational sample (N = 692) and a clinical sample (N = 180). Results confirm that a three-factor structure (Work-related mobbing, Personal mobbing and Social isolation) is superior in ter...


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