Panagiotis KampylisItalian National Research Council - Institute for Educational Technology
Panagiotis Kampylis
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January 2012 - March 2016
October 2005 - August 2010
Publications (68)
Schools play a crucial role in preparing students for a technology‐driven world. Although schools incorporate technology for teaching and learning in promising ways, reviewing their organisational strategies would enhance their digital capacity—namely, the effective integration of technology in teaching and learning practices. This article presents...
This paper explores the relationship between students’ digital competence acquisition, teaching practices, and teacher professional learning activities. We analysed insights provided by 59,452 teachers through SELFIE, an online self-reflection tool for schools’ digital capacity. Using ordinary least squares regressions with school fixed effects, we...
Results from self-reflection tools for schools' digital capacity can lead to evidence-based decisions within the school community and/or the development of an action plan for a better integration of digital technologies. Thus, it is important that the information derived from self-reflection tools is complete, accurate, and relevant. However, usual...
This paper reports on interesting outcomes from the pilot initiative that deployed the SELFIE tool in a sample of 201 schools in Italy, involving a population of more than 31,000 school leaders, teachers and students. Developed by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, SELFIE is based on the conceptual framework for Digitally-Competent Ed...
This report aims to shed light on some of the key drivers which are worth taking into account when assessing the effect of new technologies on the future of work and skills. It combines a synthesis of the most recent and robust scientific evidence available with original JRC research on issues which have been often overlooked by existing studies. I...
This report offers policy-makers in digital education evidence on how, at the national or regional level, policies can be designed and implemented to foster digital-age learning. The presented findings are the result of a mixed methodological design comprising four parts: desk-research on digital education policy, the identification of national and...
In the past decade, Computational Thinking (CT) and related concepts (e.g. coding, programing, algorithmic thinking) have received increasing attention in the educational field. This has given rise to a large amount of academic and grey literature, and also numerous public and private implementation initiatives. Despite this widespread interest, su...
This paper summarises the first phase of the development of an evidence-based self-assessment tool (SAT) for the integration and effective use of digital technologies in schools across Europe, based on the European Framework for Digitally-Competent Educational Organisations (DigCompOrg, http://europa.eu/!dV98uF). In particular, the paper presents a...
Computational Thinking, which entails using analytic and algorithmic approaches to formulate, analyse and solve problems, has increasingly gained attention in the educational field in the past decade, giving rise to a large amount of academic and grey literature, as well as to numerous public and private initiatives to implement it. Despite such wi...
This paper reports on initial findings of a study on developing computational thinking (CT) as a 21st Century skill. Extensive desktop research collecting evidences from the (academic and grey) literature has been complemented with a survey on policy documents and several semi-structured interviews with policy makers, researchers and practitioners...
The development of the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens and organisations is one of the key policy objectives for the EU and Member States. Ten years ago, the European Commission identified sense of initiative and entrepreneurship as one of the 8 key competences necessary for a knowledge-based society. The EntreComp framework presented...
The development of the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens and organisations is one of the key policy objectives for the EU and Member States. Ten years ago, the European Commission identified sense of initiative and entrepreneurship as one of the 8 key competences necessary for a knowledge-based society. The EntreComp framework presented...
Digital technologies are being incorporated in exciting and promising ways at all levels of education.
To consolidate progress and to ensure scale and sustainability education institutions need to review
their organisational strategies in order to enhance their capacity for innovation and to exploit the full potential of digital technologies and c...
The aim of this research is to look at the key elements that help sustain and scale up a European-wide teacher network called eTwinning. eTwinning, which has more than 250,000 European teachers as members in April 2014, has become an incubator for pedagogical innovation in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for cross-border...
This chapter presents a meta-study of the implementation strategies of
seven cases of ICT-enabled learning innovations (ICT-ELIs), with a particular focus
on lessons learnt about their sustainability, scalability and systemic impact. Three of
the cases come from Europe ( eTwinning , 1:1 Learning and Hellerup School ) and
four from Asian countries (...
The NMC Horizon Project from the New Media Consortium is a long-term investigation launched in 2002 that identifies and describes emerging technologies likely to have a large impact over the coming five years in education around the globe. The NMC Horizon Report Europe: 2014 Schools Edition, the first of its kind for Europe, examines six key trends...
This booklet was published by the International Bureau of Education (UNESCO) in collaboration with the International Academy of Education (IAE), in the Educational Practices Series (no 25). The booklets published in Educational Practice Series describe in a simple language some eight to twelve universally applicable principles for a specific topic,...
Technologies for learning are considered as key enablers of educational innovation. However, their full potential is not being realised in formal education settings and major questions are being asked about the sustainability, systemic impact and mainstreaming of ICT-enabled learning innovations (ICT-ELI) in Europe. This report presents 60 recommen...
EU policies call for the strengthening of Europe’s innovative capacity and it is considered that the modernisation of Education and Training systems and technologies for learning will be a key enabler of educational innovation and change. This report brings evidence to the debate about the technologies that are expected to play a decisive role in s...
This report presents three cases of ICT-enabled innovation for learning from Europe (eTwinning, 1:1 Learning in Europe and Hellerup School in Denmark) and four cases from Asia (e-Learning Pilot Scheme in Hong Kong SAR, Knowledge Construction with Technology (CoREF) in Japan, Third Masterplan for ICT in Education (mp3) in Singapore and Digital Textb...
This report presents the analysis of 31 recent 1:1 learning initiatives, which equip students of a given school, class or age group with a portable computer device. Overall, the analysed initiatives involve approximately 47,000 schools and 17,480,000 students in primary and secondary education across 19 European countries. Based on desk research (a...
This article discusses 1:1 learning initiatives in Europe in the context of a mapping framework of ICT-enabled innovation for learning. The aim of the framework, visualised as a spider's web, is two-fold: (i) to provide a further understanding of the nature of ICT-enabled innovation for learning; and (ii) to depict the impact of existing and emergi...
The project “Overview and analysis of one-to-one computing initiatives for Education and Training in Europe” (1to1Learning) aimed to provide an overview of recent 1:1 learning initiatives in primary and secondary schools across European countries, and to identify major bottlenecks and barriers to the implementation of 1:1 learning in schools.
‘Creative Classrooms’ (CCR) are conceptualized as innovative
learning environments that fully embed the potential of ICT to innovate
learning and teaching practices in formal, non-formal and informal settings.
The proposed multi-dimensional concept for CCR consists of eight encom-
passing and interconnected key dimensions. In order to support exper...
Creative thinking in Environmental Education (EE) remains greatly under researched topic. Research on teachers' conceptions of creative thinking within EE context is also limited, although their role in facilitating creative thinking in students is well documented. The small-scale qualitative study presented here investigates Greek secondary teach-...
'Creative Classrooms' (CCR) are conceptualised as innovative learning environments that fully embed the potential of ICT to innovate learning and teaching practices. This report proposes a multi-dimensional concept for CCR intended to depict the systemic approach that is needed for the sustainable implementation of innovative and open learning envi...
This paper looks at how to innovate teaching and learning practices at system level. It describes the vision for ‘Creative Classrooms’ and makes a consolidated proposal for their implementation, clarifying their holistic and systemic nature, their intended learning outcomes, and their pedagogical, technological, and organisational dimensions for in...
The 17th INSPIRE conference, organized by the British Computer Society and the University of Tampere, addressed process improvement (PI) issues related to European and international teaching, training and research. JRC-IPTS presentation (and related article to be published in the conference proceedings) focused on the role of teachers' collaboratio...
This report is part of a larger study on “Up-scaling Creative Classrooms in Europe” (SCALE CCR) launched by the Information Society Unit at JRC-IPTS1 in December 2011 on behalf of the Directorate-General Education and Culture (DG EAC), to be completed in June 2013. The project aims to further define the concept of 'Creative Classrooms' (CCR) and to...
Background: The fostering of creative thinking has become a key target for Greek
primary education and for music education in particular. Creativity researchers have proposed
numerous recommendations concerning fostering creative thinking in the context of primary
education. However, there is limited research regarding creativity recommendations (C...
How holistically is human creativity defined, investigated, and understood? Until recently, most scientific research on creativity has focused on its positive side. However, creativity might not only be a desirable resource but also be a potential threat. In order to redefine creativity we need to analyze and understand definitions, collocations, a...
This paper presents (a) a theoretical investigation of the evolution of computer-based learning environments (CBLEs), (b) the correlations of CBLEs generations with learning theories and principles and (c) empirical data gathered from a survey of 542 Greek students from the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades. The data analysis reveals that the educational ut...
User Innovation Networks (UIN) has been considered the open innovation model for this century as it functions entirely independently
of manufacturers. This paper discusses two UIN cases, Daz3D, as well as Linux Dell and IBM cooperation as regards research
challenges about the community of practice and interface used. It concludes that current techn...
Teachers play a crucial role in the development of primary school students’ creative potential in either a positive or a negative way. This paper aims to draw attention to in-service and prospective teachers’ conceptions of creativity and answer three main research questions: “What are the teachers’ conceptions and implicit theories of creativity i...
This paper presents the research design of a case study aiming to enhance Greek environmental educators' competence in collaborative creativity through online training. The study, which is part of an on-going research project, entails the design of an e-learning course, the development and evaluation of a collaborative creativity framework called H...
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have transformed the ways we think and continue influencing our thinking. However, they do not support many ways and types of thinking. Perhaps ICT is not designed and/or realised so that could encourage and support many different ways of thinking. The authors of this work examine various types of thin...
Recent rapid technological advancement has influenced communication and information management. In addition, it has facilitated collaboration, an interactive process that engages participants who work together to achieve outcomes they could not accomplish independently. Using new technologies for remote collaboration from U.K., Finland, and Greece,...
In this paper, we report selected results of a survey on the use of ICT apparatus among Greek primary school students. The key findings reveal that personal computers play a significant role in students’ everyday lives and that a gap exists between computer use in and out of school.
Based on this data, we point out the recent demand for a more cre...
We are currently witnessing an increasing social demand for creativity in almost
every field of human activity. Primary education is striving to keep pace with these
new social needs and prepare creative future citizens. It is well accepted that teachers
play a key role, positively or negatively, in fostering students’ creative thinking,
but limite...
In this paper, we report selected results of a survey on the use of ICT apparatus among Greek primary school students. The key findings reveal that personal computers play a significant role in students’ everyday lives and that a gap exists between computer use in and out of school.
Based on this data, we point out the recent demand for a more cre...