Paloma López-Guerrero

Paloma López-Guerrero
Naturhistorisches Museum Wien · Department of Geology and Palaentology



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January 2009 - January 2015
Complutense University of Madrid
  • PhD Student
January 2009 - December 2012
Geosciences Institute
  • Predoctoral Researcher
January 2009 - December 2013
Complutense University of Madrid


Publications (78)
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We describe a new species of Rodentia (Mammalia), Argyromys cicigei sp. nov. from Toglorhoi (fossil bed TGW-A/2a) in Mongolia and Ulantatal (fossil beds UTL 1 and UTL 7) in China. Its tooth morphology differs from the type species Argyromys aralensis from Akespe in Kazakhstan by smaller size and simpler structures. Argyromys has been assigned in di...
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The Oligocene fossil deposits from Valley of Lakes in Central Mongolia have provided a wealth of rodent fossils. Among these, cricetids are a very important part. To date, only the Miocene genera have been described in detail. Here, we focus on the Oligocene genus Eucricetodon from this region. Eucricetodontinae are the most abundant fossils in the...
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The present publication reports new discoveries of Oligocene and early Miocene aplodontid rodents from the Taatsiin Gol area (Valley of Lakes) in Mongolia. The fossil aplodontids recovered in this area are mainly composed of dental remains, some fragmentary jaws plus one partially preserved skull. Aplodontid rodents have been found from the early O...
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Central Asia is a key area to study the impact of Cenozoic climate cooling on continental ecosystems. One of the best places to search for rather continuous paleontological records is the Valley of Lakes in Mongolia with its outstandingly fossil-rich Oligocene and Miocene terrestrial sediments. Here, we investigate the response by mammal communitie...
We present an updated taxonomy and faunal distribution of the micromammal fossil record from the Aragonian and Lower Vallesian of the Calatayud-Montalbán Basin. The analysed record includes the orders Rodentia, Eulipotyphla, and Lagomorpha. The pattern of species turnover shows seven major faunal events, which are correlated with major climate chan...
Two new species of ctenodactylid rodents, Prodistylomys taatsinius sp. nov. and Prodistylomys mongoliensis sp. nov., are described from the Valley of Lakes, Central Mongolia. They represent the first record of this genus in Mongolia. Prodistylomys is characterized by a simple dental pattern and high hypsodonty, reflecting an adaptation for tough ve...
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The collection of fossil Rodentia from the Miocene Tagay fauna comprises Aplodontidae, Mylagaulidae, Sciuridae, Gliridae, Castoridae, Eomyidae and Cricetodontinae. Represented by three taxa the Cricetodontinae dominate the rodent assemblage of the Tagay fauna. The fossils were collected by wet-screening of test samples along the section Tagay-1 at...
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El Cerro de los Batallones is one of the most important fossil sites of the Miocene. The quantity and preservation of its fossil remains have allowed us to describe many new mammal species. One of these is Hispanomys moralesi, a derived species of the Tribe Cricetodontini, a wide group of rodents with great importance in the faunal assemblage durin...
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El evento de enfriamiento global del Mioceno medio ha sido descrito, a escala local, en el centro de la Península Ibérica (Cuenca de Madrid). Algunos yacimientos paleontológicos como Somosaguas (14,1 Ma) y Cerro de los Batallones (9 Ma) han sido ampliamente estudiados. Además, otros yacimientos situados temporalmente entre ellos, como los yacimient...
Geometric morphometric allows characterizing complex morphologies in order to quantify the geometry of the structure and facilitate comparisons. It allows performing methods analysing differentiation pattern based on variance, such as the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). For that reason, it has been chosen as the method to analyse the mandibles...
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Modern death assemblages provide insights about the early stages of fossilization and useful ecological information about the species inhabiting the ecosystem. We present the results of taphonomic monitoring of modern vertebrate carcasses and bones from Doñana National Park, a Mediterranean coastal ecosystem in Andalusia, Spain. Ten different habit...
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Geometric morphometric analysis in fossil cricetids mandibles from the Miocene of Spain and Germany
Here, we describe new specimens of the cricetid Hispanomys moralesi López-Antoñanzas et al. 2010, found in Batallones 4 site, which belongs to Cerro de los Batallones assemblage (Upper Vallesian, Upper Miocene). Previously, metrical and morphological data of H. moralesi have been used to proof whether the different sites within the butte were fille...
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For the first time a very rich and diverse fossil assemblage was described from the Shine Us locality in south western Mongolia. The sample represents floodplain deposits of the Beger Fm., including aquatic and terrestrial fossils such as freshwater ostracods, fishes, gastropods, reptiles, birds, as well as thirty mammal species. The concentrations...
The cricetid genus Hispanomys has been recorded from many localities in the Iberian Peninsula, France, and central and western Europe; its stratigraphic distribution is restricted to the middle Miocene and the beginning of the late Miocene. Four species are found in the Spanish Calatayud–Daroca Basin: Hispanomys aguirrei (local biozone G3, late Ara...
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Cricetodon and Hispanomys are two extinct rodent genera belonging to the same tribe. Cricetodon presents generally a more primitive morphology than Hispanomys. However, they share some traits and some species present a combination of primitive and derived characters (called mosaic morphological pattern) that difficult assessing the evolutionary sta...
Conference Paper
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INTRODUCTION Cricetodon Lartet, 1851 and Hispanomys Mein and Freudenthal, 1971 are two extinct genera of rodents belonging to the Tribe Cricetodontini. The first record corresponds to Cricetodon and it is dated on the Early Miocene in Anatolia (Asia Minor) being Hispanomys present for the first time in the Middle Miocene, in France. Their first re...
Conference Paper
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INTRODUCTION The genera Cricetodon Lartet, 1851 and Hispanomys Mein & Freudenthal, 1971 (tribe Cricetodontini, Rodentia, Mammalia) include several species that display mosaic morphology, i.e. a combination of basal (not connected ectoloph, straight outline, presence of styles, anterior ectoloph absent, posterior ectoloph no completed, straight outl...
The tribe Cricetodontini is a common cricetid group found in several European basins from the Miocene. Here we present a study of the fossils of this group found in the Duero Basin. We updated the biostratigraphical assignation of some of the localities in which several species of Cricetodontini have been found. Cricetodontini remains from eight lo...
Distributions of the character states for the internal nodes. (DOCX)
Measurements of the molars of Argyromys cicigei sp. nov. (DOCX)
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Cenozoic sediments of the Taatsiin Gol and TaatsiinTsagaan Nuur area are rich in fossils that provide unique evidence of mammal evolution in Mongolia. The strata are intercalated with basalt flows. ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar data of the basalts frame the time of sediment deposition and mammal evolution and enable a composite age chronology for the studied area. We...
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We describe the remains of Aralocricetodon Bendukidze, 1993; Bagacricetodon Gomes Rodrigues et al., 2012; Eocricetodon Wang, 2007; Witenia de Bruijn et al., 2003 and Paracricetodon Schaub, 1925 (Cricetidae, Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Taatsiin Gol and Taatsiin Tsagaan Nuur areas (Mongolia). The studied material (comprising 128 teeth) stems from 9...
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The Taatsiin Gol Basin in Mongolia is a key area for understanding the evolution and dispersal of Central Asian mammal faunas during the Oligocene and early Miocene. After two decades of intense fieldwork, the area is extraordinarily well sampled and taxonomically well studied, yielding a large dataset of 19,042 specimens from 60 samples. The speci...
Conference Paper
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The tribe Cricetodontini is an extinct group of medium-sized cricetid rodents commonly found in Miocene basins in Europe, Asia and Asia Minor. This group has not been traditionally used for local biostratigraphy, but recent studies have shown its significance as biostratigraphic indicators in the Calatayud-Daroca and other European Miocene basins (...
Conference Paper
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The Pliocene site of Layna is a karst filling in the Iberian System (López Martínez, 1989) placed on the northern edge of the Tagus Basin. Its outstanding abundance of mandibles and maxillas makes Layna a good test-case locality to apply statistical methods in studies of fossil assemblages, minimizing the possible biases present in poorer sites. Th...
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The results of our study on the record of the tribe Cricetodontini (Cricetidae, Rodentia, Mammalia) from the European latest middle Miocene (Calatayud-Daroca and Vallès-Penedès basins from Spain, several fissure fillings from France and several basins and karstic sites from central and eastern Europe) is presented here. We have analysed the morphol...
Une mise à jour détaillée des distributions stratigraphiques des espèces de Cricetodontini présentes dans le bassin de Calatayud–Daroca est proposée. Les espèces Cricetodon sansaniensis (biozone locale F, MN6, Aragonien moyen) et Cricetodon jotae (biozones locales G1, G2 et G3, MN6-MN7/8, Aragonien moyen et supérieur) du Miocène moyen sont décrites...
The micromammal sequence of the Calatayud-Montalbán Basin in Northeast Central Spain is exceptional in terms of its faunal richness and dating accuracy. However, until now, several classical localities with ages close to the middle to late Miocene transition have never been directly tied to the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale. Here we present an up...
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A new species of Cricetodontini (Cricetidae, Rodentia, Mammalia), Cricetodon nievei sp. nov. from the Toril section (Toril 3A, Toril 3B, Toril 2) and Las Planas 5H is described. All this sites belong to the local biozone G3 (late Aragonian, late middle Miocene) from the Calatayud-Daroca Basin (Zaragoza, Spain). The new species displays a mosaic pat...
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In the present study we analyze the microwear of the species included in the lineage Armantomys aragonensis-A. tricristatus of two samples from two middle Miocene localities from the Madrid Basin (El Cañaveral and Casa Montero). The methodological part of the study compares light stereomicroscope photographs from resin casts and Environmental Scann...
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As a consequence of the growth of the Antarctic ice-sheet during the middle Miocene, a global decrease of temperatures and an associated increase in aridity provoked several environmental changes all around the world. Such environmental variations can be detected in the continental record of the mammalian prey community structure using a synecologi...
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One of the most important contributions of Nieves López Martínez in Palaeobiogeography is the study of the ‘centre of origin of species’ concept and the proposal of the ‘Asymmetric Time Model’ as an alternative to the ‘Symmetric Time Model’, a key concept in dispersalist Historical Biogeography. As a consequence of these ideas, she discussed the me...
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The oldest record of Cricetodon (Cricetidae, Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Aragonian type area (Calatayud-Daroca Basin, Zaragoza, Spain) is described. The remains from Las Umbrías (LUM) and Las Planas (LP) sections are attributed to Cricetodon soriae, described in the locality Somosaguas N (SOMN) from the Madrid Basin (biozone E, MN5). The studied m...
Vallesian (early Late Miocene) strata from the recently introduced Ca˜nada section (province of Zaragoza, east Central Spain) have yielded fairly large insectivore assemblages. These show that, after the generally dry Aragonian, the Vallesian gave rise to more humid conditions that were favourable to insectivores, both in number of taxa, and in ove...
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A new section including nine stratigraphically superposed microvertebrate fossil localities from the Calatayud-Montalbán basin (Spain) is presented. The Cañada localities and the small mammal assemblages are described, allowing a biostratigraphical correlation with the lower Vallesian from the nearby section of Nombrevilla. The results of this work...
Conference Paper
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El estudio de los eventos críticos de la historia de la Tierra se ha fundamentado principalmente en el análisis de súbitas pérdidas y/o ganancias de biodiversidad. Sin embargo, estas extinciones masivas y/o radiaciones no han de verse como la única manifestación de los grandes cambios evolutivos que se han producido en la Tierra a lo largo de s...
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New Cricetodontini material from the upper Aragonian locality of Nombrevilla 2 is described. Two species of the genus Hispanomys are recognized: Hispanomys aguirrei and Hispanomys lavocati. Morphometrical analyses are performed and the results are compared with those from other representatives of the tribe Cricetodontini. These two species of Hispa...
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The Cerro de los Batallones (Los Batallones Butte) is located in the central-northern area of the Madrid Basin, central Spain. Nine vertebrates localities containing a large variety of mammals of Upper Vallesian Age (Late Miocene) have been found associated with the sediments forming the butte. From bottom to top, these sediments consist of magnesi...
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New undescribed material of Megacricetodon from the early Aragonian locality of Artesilla is presented. On the basis of the composition of the fossil rodent association, with a peculiar combination of taxa, it represents the first record of the genus Megacricetodon in the Iberian Peninsula. Megacricetodon primitivus and M. collongensis have been co...
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This work gives preliminary information on the taxonomic determinations for the micromammal fossil material from the locality of exceptional preservation of Casa Montero (Madrid). The proposed taxonomic assignations have allowed the correlation of this fossil material with localities belonging to the biozone E (middle Aragonian, middle Miocene) of...
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This work gives preliminary information on the taxonomic determinations for the micromammal fossil material from the locality of exceptional preservation of Casa Montero (Madrid). The proposed taxonomic assignations have allowed the correlation of this fossil material with localities belonging to the biozone E (middle Aragonian, middle Miocene) of...
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Los yacimientos de vertebrados del Mioceno medio del Campus de Somosaguas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Pozuelo de Alarcón) han proporcionado numerosos restos pertenecientes a 23 especies de mamíferos datados en la zona local E (MN5, Aragoniense Medio). En este trabajo se presentan nuevas aportaciones a su estudio, que han permitido desc...
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The Middle Miocene vertebrate fossil sites from the Somosaguas Campus of the Complutensian University of Madrid (Pozuelo de Alarcón) have provided many fossils from 23 mammal species, dated in local zone E (MN5, Middle Aragonian). In this work we show new research results which allow recognizing a new species of rhinoceros for the Madrid Basin (Pro...
