Pablo Prystupa

Pablo Prystupa
University of Buenos Aires | UBA · Department of Agriculture Engineering and Land Use


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Publications (39)
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Context Sulfur deficiency is a limiting factor of cereal crops, causing significant crop losses associated with a decrease in the number of grains. In barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) crops, grain number (and grain yield) is associated with spike biomass at anthesis, which is related to crop growth rate during the period preceding anthesis (i.e. the ‘cr...
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The malt industry has specific requirements for malting barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grain protein concentration (from 9.5 to 13%) and size (>85%), which could be affected by nitrogen (N) fertilization. We aimed to (a) define and explain the economic optimum nitrogen rate (EONR) for grain yield in feed (EONRf) and malting barley (EONRm), and (b) ana...
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Context In the malting industry, the low protein content of barley grains is a major issue. A useful strategy to overcome this problem is to complement the initial fertilisation with a foliar application of nitrogen (N) near anthesis. Aims This study aimed to advance knowledge of the metabolic adjustments displayed by plants grown under common man...
Nitrogen fertilisation at heading is a practice for increasing grain protein content in malting barley. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of fertilisation on grain protein, the content and composition of hordeins, and relationship to malt quality. In 25 field experiments in the Argentine Pampas, the effect of foliar nitrogen fer...
Nutrient uptake per unit grain yield (i.e. the ratio between nutrient uptake and grain yield) is an index of the amount of nutrient available for partitioning to the grain. It can be divided into two components: grain nutrient concentration and nutrient harvest index. The aim of the present study was to analyze and compare the relationships between...
The objectives were to calibrate the Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) and Green Seeker (GS) as tools to determine the differential of the economic optimum nitrogen rate (dEONR) at different growth stages of barley and to evaluate if a single SPAD or GS calibration model can be used for two cereal crops: barley and spring wheat. Fourteen field...
It has been proposed that the composition of hordeins, besides grain protein content and grain size, is a determining factor of the malt extract, one of the most important criterions of barley malt quality. Six field experiments were conducted in the Pampean region in order to evaluate the effects of sulphur fertilization under different levels of...
Twenty-five single-year field experiments were established in order to assess the effects of nitrogen fertilization on grain yield, size, and protein concentration, and to explain its response to fertilization with soil, climate, and crop management variables easy to collect. While grain yield in control treatments was positively related to rainfal...
Balanced nutrition is necessary to reduce yield gaps in maize. Simultaneous phosphorus (P) and sulfur (S) deficiencies may be present in soils, so a P × S interaction is expected. In maize, yield is closely related to grain number (GN); thus, nutrient deficiencies impacting crop growth during GN formation can consequently impact yields. Grain nutri...
The commercial quality of malting barley is dependent on the content and composition of grain proteins which are subjected to nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) control. In nutrient deficient soils, grain protein content is mainly a consequence of the remobilization efficiency. In order to evaluate the effect of N and S soil availability on phloem amino a...
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The negative relationship between grain size (percentage >2.5 mm) and protein content usually observed in barley grain samples is attributed to the presence of thin grains. The objective of this study was to determine whether, in grain samples from a given environment, thin grains had a different protein content than plump grains. Grain samples fro...
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En diversas regiones del mundo se han observado incrementos en el rendimiento de cereales de invierno por efectos de la fertilización con cobre (Cu), pero son raros los reportes de efectos sobre el contenido proteico de los granos. En cultivos extensivos de la Región Pampeana no existen antecedentes de deficiencias de este micronutriente. El objeti...
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Symptoms of copper (Cu) deficiencies in wheat and barley crops have been observed in the areas around Junin, Province of Buenos Aires. Yield responses to Cu fertilization in wheat and barley crops have been observed in different regions of the world, but increases in grain protein content as an effect of Cu fertilization have not been frequently ob...
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Sulfur (S) deficiencies in grain and forage crops have been detected in many agricultural regions of the world, but soil tests are not commonly used as the basis for sulfur fertilizer recommendation programs. Errors of measurements of soil sulfate were determined to assess whether the variation among and within soil testing laboratories could be a...
Sulfur (S) fertilization has increasingly become an important issue in crop management. In Argentina S deficiencies have been reported, but there has been no success in finding soil tests for predicting soybean response to S fertilization. The objectives of this study were to: (i) evaluate seed S and N:S ratio as a tool for identifying S deficient...
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One of the expected benefits of no-tillage systems is a higher rate of soil C sequestration. However, higher C retention in soil is not always apparent when notillage is applied, due e.g., to substantial differences in soil type and initial C content. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of no-tillage management to increase...
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Improved topsoil structural quality is expected under no-till farming, but soil physical constraints can develop under continuous no-till. Our objectives were: to evaluate the properties of loam, silty loam, and silty clay loam soils under various management practices on a regional scale; to clarify the relationship between soil organic matter pool...
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Decreasing P buffer capacity of the soil surface in no-tilled soils has been attributed to enrichment of both P and OM (OM). As soil surface enrichment with P and OM usually occurs simultaneously in no-tilled soils, it is not clearly established whether the increase of soil OM affects the capacity of soils to retain P. A study was conducted to asse...
The knowledge of nitrogen (N) losses in direct‐drilling agrosystems is essential to develop strategies to increase fertilizer efficiency and to minimize environmental damage. The objectives were i) to quantify the magnitude of N volatilization and leaching simultaneously as affected by different urea fertilization rates and ii) to evaluate the capa...
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In soybean, seed number and yield is largely determined by the environmental conditions between initial bloom and the beginning of seed filling. Four field experiments were conducted to determine the effects of two sources of sulfur (S) on crop growth during the critical period of seed number determination and yield. Ammonium sulfate and gypsum wer...
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We investigated the responses of drought preconditioning in three provenances of Eucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostata (Maiden, Blakely and J.Simm) J.B. Kirkp. seedlings and assessed their effects after transplanting. After one-month moderate drought conditioning treatment, seedlings evidenced osmotic adjustment. reduction in size, leaf area, shoot/...
The aim of this work was to study the effects of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deficiencies and their interaction on spike N, P and biomass around flowering in barley (Hordeum vulgare spp. distichum L.) and its relationship with grain number and grain yield. Two experiments were carried out with microcrops grown in 200 l containers using malting...
Shoot water relations and morphological responses to drought preconditioning were studied by subjecting 5-month-old seedlings of three provenances of Eucalyptus globulus to different water regimes for 36 days in a greenhouse pot study. Moderately stressed plants were watered every 6days and severely stressed plants were watered every 9days. Control...
The aim of this work was to study the effects of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deficiencies and their interaction on the appearance of leaves and tillers of barley (Hordeum vulgare spp. distichum L.) by analyzing the rate and duration of the appearance period. Three microcrops experiments were carried out in 200 L containers using malting barley...
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SummaryEucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., considered as a drought tolerant species, was examined in relation to some mechanisms linked to drought tolerance (cell-wall elastic adjustment and osmotic adjustment) and to the intraspecific variation related to those features. Rooted cuttings of five clones obtained from three different provenances from Au...
The effects of water stress around anthesis on proline accumulation and translocation from leaves of two maize cultivars (DA 4F37 and DA XL636) were studied. Water stress increased leaf proline content only in DA 4F37, while proline in leaf exudates was detected only in DA XL636 water-stressed plants. Proline translocation was not associated with i...
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The Rolling Pampa is the most important cropping region of Argentina, and its soils are subjected to degradation. No-tillage has been proposed to replace the use of the moldboard plow to reduce soil C losses. The effects of no-tillage and plow tillage with and without N fertilization (0 or 90 kg N ha-1) on C inputs and outputs of a Typic Argiudoll...
The effect of a mild water stress around anthesis on the root system of two maize hybrids grown on a Typic Argiudoll was studied. Between the 0.5 and 1.4 m depth, root length and biomass densities increased under water stress for both hybrids, while between 0 and 0.5 m, root length density increased as an effect of drought only in one of the hybrid...


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