Pablo LealInstituto de Fomento Pesquero (IFOP) · Repoblación y Cultivo
Pablo Leal
Doctor of Philosophy
Working on physiology of seaweeds and bivalves in co-culture under climate change conditions.
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My research focuses on the effect of different abiotic drivers on the physiology of macroalgae and molluscs of importance for the Chilean economy. I am currently interested in how the interaction of climate change-related drivers (i.e. ocean acidification and ocean warming, trace metal bioavailability) are affecting the physiology of macroalgae and molluscs.
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January 2005 - September 2011
March 2012 - September 2016
March 2002 - July 2007
Publications (67)
Ocean acidification (OA) can impact aquaculture because reduced pH may negatively affect the calcification in bivalve species. Photosynthetic activity can naturally generate an OA buffering effect, favouring the calcification process by increasing the surrounding seawater pH. Therefore, the incorporation of macroalgae into bivalve farms may be a st...
Macrocystis pyrifera is a major habitat forming kelp in coastal ecosystems of temperate regions of the northern and southern hemispheres. We investigated the seasonal occurrence of adult sporophytes, morphological characteristics and reproductive phenology at two sites within a wave-protected harbour and two wave- exposed sites in southern New Zeal...
Epiphytism is a common phenomenon in macroalgal aquaculture worldwide. This problem can affect the productivity and quality of the farmed species which may have socioeconomic consequences for the human communities that depend on this activity. In southern Chile, the aquaculture of the red macroalga Agarophyton chilense in the area of Maullín River...
Ocean warming (OW), ocean acidification (OA) and their interaction with local drivers, e.g., copper pollution, may negatively affect macroalgae and their microscopic life stages. We evaluated meiospore development of the kelps Macrocystis pyrifera and Undaria pinnatifida exposed to a factorial combination of current and 2100-predicted temperature (...
The absorption of anthropogenic CO2 by the oceans is causing a reduction in the pH of the surface waters termed ocean acidification (OA). This could have substantial effects on marine coastal environments where fleshy (non-calcareous) macroalgae are dominant primary producers and ecosystem engineers. Few OA studies have focused on the early life st...
Restorative aquaculture (RA) refers to commercial or subsistence aquaculture that provides direct ecological benefits to the environment, generating net positive environmental outcomes. In Chile, small-scale aquaculture (SSA) has been promoted as an additional income-generating activity for coastal communities with the potential to be considered RA...
Macroalgae are essential for the functioning of marine ecosystems, providing habitats and food for a wide variety of organisms. Economically, they have productive value as a food source and as bioactive compounds for various industries. In Chile, the interest in macroalgae production has increased significantly in recent decades, resulting in the o...
Hatcheries are specialized laboratories in the controlled production of larvae of aquatic organisms, essential for supplying spats to small-scale aquaculture, and for the restocking, restoration, and stock enhancement of overexploited populations. Despite their importance, there is a deficit in the supply of spats from hatcheries. Therefore, the ob...
Las macroalgas desempeñan un papel crucial en el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas marinos, proporcionando hábitats y alimento para una amplia variedad de organismos marinos. A nivel económico, tienen un valor productivo como fuente directa o indirecta de alimento, así como aplicaciones farmacéuticas y medicinales. En Chile, el interés en la produc...
A través del tiempo, las Floraciones Algales Nocivas (FANs) han aumentado en frecuencia, intensidad y diversidad de especies. Este hecho ha provocado diversos eventos que afectaron en gran medida a la salmonicultura chilena. Dentro de las tres categorías de mitigación de las FANs, las intervenciones directas mediante controles físicos, químicos y b...
La acuicultura a pequeña escala (APE) de bivalvos y macroalgas tiene el potencial de cumplir roles beneficiosos para el ambiente y la sociedad. Primero, están los servicios ecosistémicos (SEs) de la APE monoespecífica, incluyendo la reducción de turbidez del agua de mar y el control de floraciones de microalgas nocivas debido a la filtración por bi...
Editorial: Sustainable seaweed aquaculture: Current advances and its environmental implications
Explicación breve del fenómeno de la acidificación oceánica y sus consecuencias en el medio ambiente.
Potenciales beneficios de los co-cultivos entre macroalgas y bivalvos en comparación a sus respectivos monocultivos.
La acidificación oceánica (AO) incluye el aumento de CO2, y la reducción del pH y estado de saturación de aragonita (Ωarg) en el agua de mar. Estos cambios afectan negativamente el crecimiento y calcificación en bivalvos, impactando la acuicultura de bivalvos en Chile. La incorporación de macroalgas a cultivos de bivalvos contrarrestaría estos efec...
El desarrollo de co-cultivos de especies nativas es una alternativa para la diversificación y aumento de producción en acuicultura a pequeña escala (APE), pero es necesario conocer las proporciones óptimas para obtener el crecimiento máximo de organismos co-cultivados. La metodología de series de remplazo De Wit permitiría identificar la mejor comb...
We report for the first time the occurrence of the Japanese kelp Saccharina japonica on the Pacific coast of southern Chile following an illegal introduction for aquaculture purposes. In November 2020, a citizen complaint indicated that the non-native kelp was being illegally farmed in Canal Caicaén. Specimens of the non-native kelp were collected...
Esta publicación presenta la configuración básica de sistemas de cultivo que podrían ser apropiados e implementados por mujeres y hombres de la pesca artesanal para el desarrollo de prácticas de acuicultura de pequeña escala.
Los cambios en el sistema de carbonato en el agua de mar debido a la acidificación oceánica (AO) incluyen la reducción de pH y el estado de saturación de aragonita (Ωarg). Estos cambios pueden afectar negativamente la generación y reparación de estructuras calcáreas en bivalvos, proceso llamado calcificación. En consecuencia, la AO podría tener efe...
Macrocystis pyrifera, es una macroalga parda que habita ecosistemas costeros con diferentes patrones de abundancia y reproducción dependiendo de su grado de exposición al oleaje. En el norte de Chile, M. pyrifera está presente durante todo el
año, con un patrón reproductivo en invierno, independiente del grado de exposición al oleaje. Pero en el su...
Changes in the seawater carbonate system due to ocean acidification (OA) such as reduced seawater pH and aragonite saturation state (Ωarg) can negatively affect the production and maintenance of bivalves ´shells (calcification). Thus, OA have the potential to adversely affect mussel aquaculture worldwide. Physiological process such as mussel respir...
The performance and survival of macroalgae is largely determined by their ability to adjust to varying environmental conditions. In this study, we investigated the short-term response of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera to varying temperatures (6, 17 and 24 °C) and low and high nitrate conditions (5 μM and 80 μM nitrate) on lipid and fatty acid...
Local and global changes associated with anthropogenic activities are impacting marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Macroalgae, especially habitat-forming species like kelp, play critical roles in temperate coastal ecosystems. However, their abundance and distribution patterns have been negatively affected by warming in many regions around the globe...
A complete summary of seaweed aquaculture in Chile including all commercial species, culturing techniques and important information for the development of aquaculture at small-scale.
With ongoing climate change, aquaculture faces environmental challenges similar to those of natural ecosystems. These include increasing stress for calcifying species, e.g. macroalgae and shellfish. In this context, ocean acidification (OA) has the potential to affect important socioeconomic activities, including shellfish aquaculture, due to chang...
Increased plant biomass is observed in terrestrial systems due to rising levels of atmospheric CO2, but responses of marine macroalgae to CO2 enrichment are unclear. The 200% increase in CO2 by 2100 is predicted to enhance the productivity of fleshy macroalgae that acquire inorganic carbon solely as CO2 (non‐carbon dioxide‐concentrating mechanism [...
Epiphytism is having negative consequences in the global production of seaweed aquaculture. Macroscopic epiphytes can negatively affect the basiphytes by producing shade, impeding nutrient and gas exchange and increasing thallus susceptibility to crack-propagation. In Chile, the green filamentous macroalgae, Rhizoclonium sp., is one of the most con...
Finfish aquaculture is an activity that has experienced an explosive global development, but presents several environmental risks, such as high nitrogen outputs with potential eutrophication consequences. Therefore, the integration of seaweed aquaculture with the aim of decreasing nitrogen emissions associated with intensive salmon farming has been...
The responses of macroalgae to ocean acidification could be altered by availability of macronutrients, such as ammonium (NH4⁺). This study determined how the opportunistic macroalga, Ulva australis responded to simultaneous changes in decreasing pH and NH4⁺ enrichment. This was investigated in a week-long growth experiment across a range of predict...
Seawater carbonate chemistry estimates.
Measurements of total pH (pHT) and total alkalinity (AT) are described in the methods. AT was measured as 2111.42 ± 18.33 (mean ± SEM) (n = 7). Salinity is assumed to be 35%. Temperature is assumed to be 16.5°C (the average temperature throughout the experiment) MFC = mass flow controller. DIC = dissolved ino...
Las macroalgas son complejos componentes productivos de las costas marinas, actuando como alimento, hábitat y semillero para múltiples organismos asociados. El calentamiento y acidificación oceánica (CAO) pueden afectar la fisiología de las macroalgas, produciendo cambios en su abundancia y distribución. Disminuciones de poblaciones de macroalgas n...
El calentamiento y acidificación oceánica (CAO) pueden influenciar los ecosistemas marinos impactando la fisiología de los organismos produciendo cambios en la abundancia y composición de especies. Se ha indicado que organismos calcificadores serán los más afectados por reducciones de pH, mientras que las macroalgas serían mayormente impactadas por...
Evaluating the relative effects of local (e.g. eutrophication) and global (e.g. ocean acidification, OA) environmental change is important to predict how marine macroalgae might respond to future oceanic conditions. In this study, the effects of nitrate supply, and hence tissue nitrogen status, and OA on the N metabolism, growth and photosynthetic...
Anthropogenic atmospheric emissions of CO2 are responsible for simultaneous ocean
warming (OW) and ocean acidification (OA). These global events can have important
impacts on marine fleshy macroalgae and coastal ecosystems. To understand the
effects of OW and OA on the early life history stages of native (Macrocystis pyrifera)
and invasive (Undaria...
Anthropogenic activities have increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations from pre-industrial concentrations of 280 ppm to current values of 400 ppm. These atmospheric emissions of CO2 are responsible for the ongoing increase in seawater temperature and the reduction of pH in the ocean’ surface, phenomena known as ocean warming (OW) and ocean acidific...
Copper is essential for cell metabolism but in high concentrations it becomes toxic to marine organisms, including to the macroalgal early life stages. Our aim was to evaluate the effects of copper on meiospore development of the native kelp M. pyrifera and the invasive U. pinnatifida. After settlement, meiospores were exposed to five nominal coppe...
Ocean acidification (OA), the ongoing decline in seawater pH, is predicted to have wide-ranging effects on marine organisms and ecosystems. For seaweeds, the pH at the thallus surface, within the diffusion boundary layer (DBL), is one of the factors controlling their response to OA. Surface pH is controlled by both the pH of the bulk seawater and b...
The production of accurate and reliable data on copper ecotoxicology of marine algae
depends on the use of trace metal clean techniques during experimentation. We reviewed the
methodologies used in the literature on copper ecotoxicology of marine macro- and
microalgae, specifically the use of trace metal clean procedures such as the labware used
Copper in low natural concentrations is essential for cell metabolism but in excess it becomes extremely toxic to aquatic life, including to the early life stages of marine macroalgae. This work determined the effects of copper exposure on meiospore development of two kelp species, the native Macrocystis pyrifera and invasive Undaria pinnatifida. A...
The production of accurate and reliable data on copper ecotoxicology of marine algae depends on the use of trace metal clean techniques during experimentation. We reviewed the methodologies used in the literature on copper ecotoxicology of marine macro- and microalgae, specifically the use of trace metal clean procedures such as the labware used (g...
Anthropogenic CO2 emissions are driving a temperature increase of 4°C and a pH reduction from 8.10 to 7.65 (ocean acidification, OA) in the ocean surface by 2100. The concentration of free toxic Cu2+ is also increasing due to OA. These changes may affect the physiology of macroalgae, especially their susceptible early life stages. Our objective was...
Anthropogenic CO2 emissions are driving a temperature increase of 3°C and a pH reduction from 8.10 to 7.65 (ocean acidification, OA) in the ocean surface by 2100. The concentration of free toxic Cu2+ is also increasing due to OA. These changes may affect the physiology of macroalgae, especially their susceptible early life stages. Our objective was...
Ocean uptake of anthropogenic CO2 is projected to decrease surface seawater pH (8.10) by 0.30 - 0.32 units by 2100, termed ocean acidification (OA). However, pH inside kelp canopies can naturally vary between 7.65 ‐ 8.86 daily, and pH near the benthos varies from 7.00 to 8.30. The giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera and the invasive kelp Undaria pinnat...
The combined effects of elevated CO2 (aq) and nitrate (NO3–) supply on the carbon and the nitrogen physiology of Macrocystis pyrifera (hereafter Macrocystis) were investigated. We hypothesized that: (1) NO3– assimilation, the size of the internal NO3– pool, and total tissue N content, will depend on NO3– supply and (2) a higher CO2 concentration wi...
Ocean uptake of anthropogenic CO2 is projected to decrease surface seawater pH (8.10) by 0.30-0.32 units by 2100, termed ocean acidification (OA). However, pH inside kelp canopies can naturally vary between 7.65-8.86 daily, and pH near the benthos varies from 7.00 to 8.30. The giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera and the invasive kelp Undaria pinnatifid...
Different lamina of Macrocystis pyrifera sporophytes, i.e., sporophylls, pneumatocyst-bearing blades, and apical scimitars, in a wave-sheltered site were found to be fertile. We quantified their sorus surface area, reproductive output (number of spores released) and the viability of released spores (germination rate). Sorus area was greatest on the...
The reproductive patterns of Macrocystis pyrifera are strikingly different in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. In California, USA, M. pyrifera reproduces throughout the year, irrespective of wave-exposure. In northern Chile, in both wave-sheltered and exposed locations, it has a seasonal reproductive pattern in winter; in southern Chile, wave...
The reproductive patterns of Macrocystis pyrifera are strikingly different in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. In California, USA, M. pyrifera reproduces throughout the year, irrespective of wave-exposure. In northern Chile, in both wave-sheltered and exposed locations, it has a seasonal reproductive pattern in winter; in southern Chile, wave...
The continuous increase in the global atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) since the industrial revolution is responsible for the global warming (GW) and ocean acidification (OA). An increase of 3°C and a decrease of 0.42 pH units are projected in year 2100. The reduction in the pH changes not only the seawater carbonate chemistry but...
We characterised the anti-Vibrio parahaemolyticus (anti-V. parahaemolyticus) marine bacteria DIT09, DIT44 and DIT46 isolated from the intertidal mussel Perumytilus purpuratus. The 16S rRNA gene sequences identify a Pseudoalteromonas sp. that form a clade with P. prydzensis and P. mariniglutinosa. The strains produced bacteriostatic anti-V. parahaem...
Coastal ecosystems currently face multiple environmental impacts, such as nutrient loading, chemical contamination and enhanced ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Large kelps dominate many rocky shores worldwide and their capacity to handle environmental stress could have major consequences for these systems. The impacts of the interaction of copper (150...
The distribution, abundance and diversity of modern dinoflagellate cyst assemblages were investigated in sediments from the inshore seas of southern Chile (438089–548559 S) at eight sites from April 2004 to Janu-ary 2005. A total of 24 cyst types were recorded, of which 12 and five were identified at the species and genus lev-els, respectively. Din...