Pablo AcebesAutonomous University of Madrid | UAM · Department of Ecology
Pablo Acebes
PhD in Ecology
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Publications (60)
The species is classified as Least Concern given its wide range of distribution, population size, the increasing trend, and its occurrence in several protected areas, agreeing with the last assessment in 2008. However, it is important to note that improved conservation programs and tighter control at local, national and international levels are nec...
Under the current global biodiversity crisis, there is a need for automated and non-invasive monitoring techniques that are able to gather large amounts of information cost-effectively at large scales. One such technique is passive acoustic monitoring, which is commonly coupled with automatic identification of animal species based on their sound. A...
Pastoral practices remain a widespread economic activity across European mountain regions. However, the viability of this activity may be threatened by the recovery of large wild vertebrates associated with passive rewilding, leading to the so‐called human–wildlife conflicts. Reconciling the return of large wild vertebrates and pastoral practices i...
Partiendo de las pioneras reflexiones de González Bernáldez a finales de los años 1980 sobre las consecuencias ambientales de la intensificación y el abandono agrarios, revisamos los cambios que la agricultura española ha experimentado hasta el presente en materia ambiental e identificamos algunos de los desafíos futuros. En primer lugar, repasamos...
Agricultural intensification is a persistent and growing threat to biodiversity worldwide. Olive groves cover extensive areas in the Mediterranean basin and play a fundamental role as refuge and wintering quarters for many bird species, but the effects of their current intensification on bird communities remain unclear. This study aims to evaluate...
In simplified agricultural landscapes, some rodent species such as the common vole (Microtus arvalis) can reach high abundances and become agricultural pests. Crop field margins are a key structural element and, therefore, expected to play a key role in vole abundance, even within the demographic cycles that govern vole population dynamics. Here, w...
Following a drastic population decline of guanaco populations throughout the 1970s in Argentina and the Chilean Patagonia, the Chilean government, in collaboration with national and international researchers, accrued increased scientific knowledge of the species. These efforts contributed to meaningful protection and conservation measures, initiall...
Sarcoptic mange is considered an emerging disease causing countless epizootics and significantly affecting wild mammals worldwide. The vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) is a medium‐sized South American wild camelid inhabiting Andean ecosystems, where several populations are live‐sheared by Andean peasant communities as a way of providing an economic income...
European traditional cultural landscapes are increasingly modified by rural abandonment and urban growth processes. Acknowledged as of High Nature Value for providing multiple ecosystem services while contributing to human well-being, the future of these social-ecological systems is uncertain. Here we aim to (1) explore dominant land use and cover...
Global biodiversity is threatened by unprecedented and increasing anthropogenic pressures, including habitat loss and fragmentation. LiDAR can become a decisive technology by providing accurate information about the linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem structure. Here, we review the current use of LiDAR metrics in ecological studies regardin...
Seed predation is an antagonistic interaction that negatively affects the performance of individual plants and can limit plant population dynamics. In animal-dispersed plants, crop size is an important determinant of plant reproductive success through its effect on seed dispersers and predators. Seed traits, such as size or chemical composition, ca...
Recognizing the imperative to evaluate species recovery and conservation impact, in 2012 the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) called for development of a “Green List of Species” (now the IUCN Green Status of Species). A draft Green Status framework for assessing species’ progress toward recovery, published in 2018, proposed 2 s...
Recognizing the imperative to evaluate species recovery and conservation impact, in 2012 the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) called for development of a "Green List of Species" (now the IUCN Green Status of Species). A draft Green Status framework for assessing species' progress toward recovery, published in 2018, proposed 2 s...
Recognizing the imperative to evaluate species recovery and conservation impact, in 2012 the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) called for development of a "Green List of Species" (now the IUCN Green Status of Species). A draft Green Status framework for assessing species' progress toward recovery, published in 2018, proposed 2 s...
Recognizing the imperative to evaluate species recovery and conservation impact, in 2012 the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) called for development of a “Green List of Species” (now the IUCN Green Status of Species). A draft Green Status framework for assessing species’ progress toward recovery, published in 2018, proposed 2 s...
Increasing food security and preventing further loss of biodiversity are two of humanity’s most pressing challenges. Yet, efforts to address these challenges often lead to situations of conflict between the interests of agricultural production and those of biodiversity conservation. Here, we focus on conflicts between livestock production and the c...
El Estado Verde de Especies de la UICN (en las primeras etapas conocido como la Lista Verde de Especies) representa un paso más allá en la evaluación del éxito de conservación de las especies. En lugar de evaluar el riesgo de extinción, como lo hace la Lista Roja de Especies Amenazadas, el Estado Verde mide el progreso hacia la completa recuperació...
Social prey species respond to predation risk by modifying habitat selection and grouping behaviour. These responses may depend on both actual predation risk (predator probability of occurrence) and/or on perceived predation risk associated with habitat structure. Other factors like food availability and co‐occurrence with other species may also af...
Ant–aphid mutualisms can generate cascade effects on the host plants, but these impacts depend on the ecological context. We studied the consequences of ant–aphid interactions on the reproductive performance of a Mediterranean leafless shrub (Retama sphaerocarpa), through direct and indirect effects on the arthropod community. By manipulating the p...
La vicuña es una especie asociada a las culturas andinas desde hace unos 11.000 años, sin embargo, estuvo al borde de la extinción en la década del '60 debido a la caza iniciada desde la conquista para obtener su piel. Desde hace unas décadas, se ha recuperado en gran parte de su área de distribución. En Argentina luego de estrictas medidas de cons...
Si bien hubo una drástica reducción poblacional del guanaco en Argentina, estimada entre el 90 y 97% desde la colonización europea, la tendencia de los últimos 30 años fue en aumento (González & Acebes 2016). Actualmente, la población total estimada para Argentina es de un poco menos de un millón de guanacos (González & Acebes 2016) y la amplitud e...
Los herbívoros sociales responden al riesgo de depredación modificando su selección de hábitat y la estructura y cohesión de los grupos. Estas respuestas pueden depender del riesgo real de depredación (presencia de depredador) y del percibido (asociado con la estructura del hábitat y la presencia de otras especies), así como de la disponibilidad de...
In the past, Vicuña has been listed in different categories within the IUCN Red List, which has changed in parallel to its recovery. Currently, the species is listed as Least Concern due to the total population size estimated in 500.494 animals, an increasing population trend, a wide area of occupancy, and its occurrence in many protected areas. In...
Grouping behavior of social ungulates may depend on both predator occurrence and perceived predation risk associated with habitat structure, reproductive state, and density of conspecifics. Over 3 years, we studied grouping behavior of guanaco (Lama guanicoe) families in Chilean Patagonia during the birthing season and determined their response to...
Growth of wild ungulate populations within protected areas can cause an expansion towards surrounding non-protected areas and lead to conflicts with human activities. The spatial and demographic structure of colonizing populations inform about their state and potential trends, since the initial colonization by dispersing individuals precedes the es...
La comadreja Mustela nivalis es un pequeño carnívoro especializado en el consumo de micromamíferos. En la Península Ibérica hay muy poca información sobre esta especie, siendo especialmente interesante el estudio de su papel en la regulación de la dinámica poblacional de los micromamíferos. Algunas especies alcanzan eventualmente elevadas densidade...
La comadreja Mustela nivalis es el más pequeño de los carnívoros Ibéricos y uno de los más desconocidos. Pese a mostrar una amplia distribución según el Atlas y Libro Rojo de Mamíferos Terrestres de España (SECEM, 2007), se desconoce si la ausencia de registros en algunas áreas del país podría deberse a su dificultad de detección más que a una ause...
LiDAR technology has firmly contributed to strengthen the knowledge of habitat structure-wildlife relationships, though there is an evident bias towards flying vertebrates. To bridge this gap, we investigated and compared the performance of LiDAR and field data to model habitat preferences of wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) in a Mediterranean high...
Analysis file for wood mouse abundance in the Valsaín forest.
Aunque las interacciones entre hormigas y áfidos son comúnmente conocidas y extendidas, sus efectos sobre otras especies de artrópodos y la planta hospedadora han sido menos estudiados y, en ocasiones, se han obtenido resultados contradictorios. Se estudió la interacción entre los áfidos Aphis craccivora y Aphis cytisorum (Hemiptera, Aphididae) y l...
Increased nutrient enrichment in Mediterranean standing waters has enhanced the risk of being affected by cyanobacterial blooms. Because phosphorus abatement is shaped as a crucial strategy for controlling eutrophication, this study introduces a structural thinking, experiential learning laboratory with animation dynamic model elaborated for Cazale...
Recientemente el guanaco ha sido clasificado como
de Preocupación Menor en la Lista Roja de la UICN.
Tanto el tamaño poblacional global, calculado entre
1.000.000 y 1.500.000 de individuos adultos, como
la tendencia numérica creciente, justifican esta
clasificación. No obstante, diferencias notorias en
las abundancias de cada país, ya que el 81 – 8...
La interacción entre áfidos y hormigas ha sido tradicionalmente considerada como mutualista, aunque puede variar espacial y temporalmente dependiendo de las condiciones ambientales. Estas variaciones no solo influyen en ambos grupos, sino que también tiene consecuencias sobre la eficacia biológica de la planta hospedadora y las especies de artrópod...
There is growing concern about the effect of livestock on wild ungulate populations, particularly in arid ecosystems, where waterholes are an extremely scarce resource, around which animals tend to gather, primarily in the dry season. This situation is worrying in South American deserts, where guanaco is the native species that often shares trophic...
Iberian dehesa and montado are paradigmatic
high nature value (HNV) agroforestry systems
in Europe. Nevertheless their conservation status is
uncertain as a consequence of their typological
variety, different intensity of management practices
on the ground, and other ongoing processes challenging
their long-term sustainability. The existing broad
2014 was the celebration of the 50th anniversary of
the IUCN Red List. Over this period of time, the
Red List has played a key role in the assessment
of the conservation status of endangered species at
global scale. Similarly, since its inception in 1971,
the GECS has contributed to the conservation and
recovery of guanacos and vicunas. Among the
Competition arises when two co-occuring species share a limiting resource. Potential for competition is higher when species have coexisted for a short time, as it is the case for herbivores and livestock introduced in natural systems. Sheep, introduced in the late 19(th) century in Patagonia, bear a great resemblance in size and diet to the guanaco...
Tourist-induced behavioural changes in large vertebrates are of concern for protected area management as they trigger a trade-off: large vertebrates attract visitors, but induced behavioral changes can reduce animal fitness and cause animals to avoid tourist-frequented zones. Behavioural response of animals to tourists is often studied to ensure in...
Analyzing coexistence of exotic and native
ungulates in arid areas is important from both a theoretical
and a species conservation perspective. We assess the
habitat use patterns and possible interference between
guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and feral livestock (donkey and
cattle) in arid environments of South America. To determine
habitat use and niche...
Defining plant communities in desert zones is difficult due to large scale homogeneity and small scale heterogeneity, thus making provision of systematic information for conservation decisions problematic. We analysed plant communities of the most arid sector of Monte Desert for structure, plant composition and environmental variables. Small-scale...
The first density estimates of a peripheral guanaco population
and its habitat use at different spatial scales are presented
for a protected area of Monte desert, Argentina. Transects
were surveyed in the wet and dry seasons of 2005. All guanaco
herds observed during systematic surveys using roads
and tracks were GPS located and their habitat use w...
Habitat selection in deserts is mainly modulated by the availability of resources. The basic hypotheses regarding coexistence of species in arid environments offer two possibilities: 1) coexisting species partition available resources (each species acting as a specialist) and 2) generalists coexist with specialists because the former use habitats w...
Se presentan los principales resultados obtenidos
en la tesis doctoral «Ecología del guanaco (Lama
guanicoe) en el Monte hiperárido argentino: uso
del espacio, selección de hábitat e interacciones
con ungulados exóticos y turistas». La población
de guanacos del Parque Provincial Ischigualasto es
pequeña, y su densidad se encuentra dentro del rango...
Defining plant communities in desert zones is difficult due to large scale homogeneity and small scale heterogeneity, thus making provision of systematic information for conservation decisions problematic. We analysed plant communities of the most arid sector of Monte Desert for structure, plant composition and environmental variables. Small-scale...
Currently, aquifers are considered to be ecosystems that interchange materials and energy with other systems located in their surroundings. The aquifer system of DoA +/- ana (southwest Spain) has been studied over recent decades from a hydrogeological point of view, although nothing is known about its biological or ecological aspects. In order to d...
First estimations on guanaco population and habitat selection are presented for an area of Monte desert. In the wet and dry seasos 2005 transects were carried out throughout the Ischigualasto Provincial Park (San Juan Argentina). In parallel during systematic survey through the area all guanaco obse rvations were GPS located and the habitat occupie...