P. Tommy Y. S. SuyasaTarumanagara University | UNTAR · Department of Psychology
P. Tommy Y. S. Suyasa
Dr., Psikolog
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Publications (125)
Kecemasan dalam bekerja dapat bervariasi, dimulai dari saat kita akan melamar pekerjaan, saat akan berangkat kerja, saat berada di perjalanan menuju tempat kerja, saat di tempat kerja, dan saat ketika kita berada di penghujung masa kerja kita. Kecemasan ada yang bersifat normal, namun ada juga yang bersifat tidak normal. Kecemasan yang normal bersi...
The purpose of this research is to understand the effectiveness of personal branding based on the concept of the bigfive personality traits, which act as predictors of self-image among vocational high school students. Personalbranding is the process of creating, positioning, and maintaining a positive self-image, which is increasingly relevantin to...
Pandemi telah menciptakan kondisi yang menantang terhadap cara kerja tradisional selama ini bahkan hingga saat ini selepas pandemi. Manajer menjadi harus beradaptasi secara cepat ke kondisi “tidak tahu yang tidak diketahui” sebagaimana mereka berusaha mendukung karyawan di lingkungan kerja untuk beradaptasi dengan perubahan. Karyawan yang pada umum...
There are various studies that have discussed the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). However, the author has not found any studies that summarize this impact as a whole. The aim of this research is to summarize the various psychological impacts of CSR practices. CSR is a form of obligation carried out by company (managers) in carrying...
At present, Indonesia's lack of a validated measure for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) presents a barrier to diagnostic and treatment processes. In the current study, the Indonesian Florida Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory (FOCI) was evaluated in terms of its reliability, validity, and optimal cut-off score in predicting OCD presence. Participan...
Zoomer Generation (Gen Z) is currently the center of attention in various public discussions, especially in the aspect of work life. From now until the next few years, Gen Z will occupy the largest proportion of the population/workforce. Gen Z, born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, has brought about significant changes in the way we think, le...
Insomnia dapat dialami oleh siapapun, termasuk oleh kita para pekerja/karyawan. Insomnia adalah gangguan tidur yang ditandai dengan kesulitan untuk tertidur, tetap tertidur, atau mendapatkan tidur yang berkualitas. Insomnia dapat menyebabkan suasana hati yang buruk, sensitif, mudah tersinggung oleh perkataan/perlakuan atasan/rekan kerja; hingga dap...
Social anxiety disorder or SAD is a condition of abnormal anxiety experienced by individuals when they are facing a social situation. People with SAD usually tend to avoid social situations because they are afraid or anxious of getting a negative evaluation from other people. The negative impact for people with SAD is important for the need for mea...
Tekanan (stress) terkait tugas/pekerjaan bagaimanapun akan selalu datang dan perlu kita hadapi. Fenomena tekanan terkait tugas/pekerjaan datang dari berbagai sumber (rekan kerja, atasan, bawahan, fasilitas peralatan, aturan, dll.). Hal yang menjadi kunci dalam mengatasi tekanan terkait tugas/pekerjaan, bukan pada usaha untuk membatasi sumber tekana...
Overthinking adalah kecenderungan untuk terlalu banyak memikirkan atau menganalisis sesuatu secara berlebihan. Overthinking terjadi ketika seseorang terus-menerus mengulang-ulang pikiran atau situasi dalam pikirannya tanpa mencapai pemecahan masalah atau kesimpulan yang memuaskan. Orang yang cenderung overthinking sering kali merasa terjebak dalam...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kekuatan karakter (character strengths) yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa yang berminat terhadap pertanian. Pertanian adalah kegiatan menanam (bercocok tanam), memelihara tanaman, hingga membuahkan hasil. Pertanian merupakan salah satu tujuan yang dicanangkan oleh PBB dalam rangka pelestarian kehidupan...
This study explores the challenges and strategies of Indonesian musicians in establishing sustainable careers from psychosocial experiences. The study utilizes Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) on six professional musicians with over ten years of experience. The findings reveal the importance of adaptation, personal growth, maintaining...
UWES-9 (Schaufeli et al., 2006) merupakan alat ukur popular yang sering dipergunakan untuk penelitian mengenai keasyikan kerja. UWES-9 memiliki jumlah butir yang sedikit, hingga dianggap efisien dalam melakukan administrasi pengukuran, namun tetap valid dalam mengukur konstruk yang akan diukur. Namun demikian, UWES-9 memiliki beberapa kritik, yaitu...
Hakikat Coaching, Sejarah Coaching, Jenis-jenis Coaching, Berbagai Teori yang mendasari Coaching, Coaching Model.
This study aims to maintain work enjoyment/enthusiasm (work engagement) which is characterized by contextual performance, even though there is a feeling of anxiety about the work atmosphere (job insecurity). This research is motivated by the condition of economic ties related to the widespread news of termination of employment due to the threat of...
Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) identik dengan perilaku positif dalam organisasi. Slide ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi beberapa faktor, hingga mengerucut pada faktor perceived organizational support dan faktor gender sebagai prediktor OCB. Terima kasih atas kesediaan Mba' Gio dan Pak Engkin untuk berdiskusi bersama dengan rekan-reka...
Psychological well-being is variable that's considered suitable to discuss happiness because psychological well-being belongs to the realm of positive psychology that requires the development of positive emotions to ensure individuals have optimal functions and experiences. This study aims to deeply understand the psychological capital and psycholo...
This community service activity aims to enhance knowledge, understanding, and inspiration among the members of ASAK St. Bernadet, Pinang. ASAK members are students who receive scholarships from the church. As students, they require information to assist them in preparing for their careers. Students face difficulties in obtaining career preparation...
This study aims to describe the understanding and expectations of parents towards children with Intellectual Disability (ID). Children with ID have advantages, they have the potential to win, even at the level of world championships, such as the Special Olympics. However, there are still parents of children with ID who do not know their child's pot...
Presentasi ini adalah mengenai langkah/tahapan/prosedur singkat dalam proses pembuatan alat ukur (kuesioner) untuk penelitian survey. Dalam penelitian pengembangan alat ukur, langkah/tahapan tersebut masih perlu ditambahkan prosedur lain untuk melakukan studi reliabilitas dan studi validitas (validation study); atau berbagai prosedur evaluasi lainn...
The purpose of this study was to conduct a construct validity test (convergent evidence) on the Indonesian version of the Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy Scale. CDSES-Indonesian version has 30 statement items that aim to measure the level of individual confidence in career decisions related to activities which are included in seven dimensions:...
Qualitative job insecurity is a threat to job features, including salary reduction that increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. We predict that qualitative job insecurity has a significant correlation with psychological well-being. This study examines the relationship between qualitative job insecurity and psychological well-being during a COVID-19...
Dampak dari pandemik COVID-19 menyebabkan banyak perusahaan harus melakukan perubahan terutama di elemen struktur organisasi. Perubahan tersebut menimbulkan tuntutan pekerjaan bagi karyawan. Tuntutan kerja merupakan karakteristik pekerjaan yang dapat menimbulkan ketegangan sehingga menjadi variabel yang menghambat peningkatan keterikatan kerja. Unt...
One of the internet facilities that help run social activities is social networking sites. The use of social networking sites is stable on an annual basis at a duration of 3.5 hours/day and is said to bring positive emotions to the users. However, excessive use that tends to lead to the formation of social networking sites addiction can be associat...
The COVID-19 pandemic that has lasted for three years had a negative psychological impact. Individuals feel depression, anxiety, restlessness, mental exhaustion, and feelings of worthlessness. The above condition is called psychological distress. This is felt by every individual, including emerging adulthood. In the developmental stage, early adult...
Pengertian, Dampak, dan Faktor Konsep dari Job Crafting. Job Crafting sebagai Strategi Memperasyik Pekerjaan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kepuasan kerja dan intensi keluar kerja. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode meta-analisis. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa artikel penelitian diambil dari website resmi APA, PsycINFO. Sebanyak 22 artikel berhasil dikumpulkan sebagai data penelitian dan dari artikel...
Teguran yang awalnya ditujukan untuk menghasilkan situasi atau kondisi atau kinerja yang lebih baik, boleh jadi justru menghasilkan situasi atau kondisi (perilaku) kerja yang tetap atau semakin buruk. Kondisi yang tetap atau semakin buruk tersebut terjadi oleh karena teguran seringkali menyisakan perasaan perasaan atau pengalaman negatif bagi si pe...
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, manusia dapat merasakan berbagai emosi dari peristiwa yang dialaminya. Emosi tersebut dapat berupa amarah, kesedihan, rasa takut, kenikmatan, cinta, terkejut, jengkel, dan rasa malu. Dengan adanya berbagai emosi, manusia perlu memiliki kemampuan untuk mengetahui dan mengelola emosi diri sendiri dan orang lain, serta mem...
Dalam slide presentasi ini, penulis memaparkan artikel-artikel awal yang membahas konsep digital stress. Sampai saat dipresentasikan dalam seminar Digital Stress and Work Engagement in the Digital Economics Era, pada tanggal 27 November 2021, artikel terpublikasi yang membahas "digital stress" masih sangat sedikit. Dari hasil pencarian melalui APA...
The Covid-19 pandemic has hit Indonesia since March 2020. To anticipate this, the government has implemented various policies, including pembatasan sosial berskala besar (PSBB) and pemberlakukan pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat (PPKM). This policy is expected to be one way to prevent community activities outside the home so as to avoid the transmissi...
To produce a best human resources in various sectors of work, of course, it is necessary to know for talents and interests from an early age of an individuals. It is known that when individuals enter their teens, in general they have started to have thoughts about the work, and what they want to do in the future. Education in Indonesia currently ha...
The Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) is one of the most widely used mindfulness measurement instruments due to the ability of the instrument to assess not only how the individual is at present, but also provides accurate conclusions about the impact of each mindfulness practice that has been practiced before. Unfortunately, the Facet Mindfuln...
Hakikat Mindfulness
Sharing Pengalaman Mindfulness
Beberapa Hasil Penelitian Mindfulness
Aspek Pengukuran Mindfulness
Self-perception of academic ability is outlook that students have about their abilities in terms of learning activities or in completing school assignments. One of the reasons for the importance of self-perception of academic ability is to be a factor that can motivate students in learning activities. This study aims to determine whether self-perce...
Work centrality is defined as the extent to which individuals believe that their work plays an important role in their life. This study aims to describe the work centrality of the private employment in Jakarta. Descriptive quantitative was used in this study. The data collection techniques in this study were using snowball sampling and convenience...
Suyasa, P. T. Y. S. (2018). Convergent evidence: Construct validation of an Indonesian version of interpersonal and organizational deviance scales. In Ariyanto et al. (Eds.), Diversity in Unity: Perspectives from Psychology and Behavioral Sciences (pp. 415 – 428). London: Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN 978-1-138-62665-2.
Suyasa, P. T. Y. S. (2018). Convergent evidence: Construct validation of an Indonesian version of interpersonal and organizational deviance scales. In Ariyanto et al. (Eds.), Diversity in Unity: Perspectives from Psychology and Behavioral Sciences (pp. 415 – 428). London: Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN 978-1-138-62665-2.
Dalam proses keputusan karir, keyakinan terhadap karir yang akan dipilih (career decision making self-efficacy [CDMSE]) merupakan konstruk yang penting dalam kesuksesan karir. Remaja, dalam hal ini sejak jenjang pendidikan SMA telah dituntut untuk memilih bidang peminatan yang merupakan awal proses keputusan karir di masa depan. Penting bagi remaja...
In the process of career decision making, being confidence in the chosen career (career decision making self-efficacy [CDMSE]) is the final stage also an important construct to be success in career. Since adolescents, especially in high school, students is required to choose a field of specialization which is the beginning of their future career de...
This study explores the role of self-efficacy as a mediator between job resources and work engagement among veterinarians. Self-efficacy is seen as the degree of confidence of the veterinarian in performing their duties. Job resources is an aspect of work that individuals can use to handle the demands and challenges of their work. Job resources in...
The teacher plays two main roles in his life, namely the role in work and in the family. The implementation of these two roles does not always cause conflict, but can improve the quality of life of teachers. Teacher job conflicts are closely related to job demand and job resources. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to see how the role of job...
According to the literature, employees who have vigor, dedication and absorp in their work are considered to have a high work engagement and are able to increase productivity. This research was conducted to see the role of transformational leadership and gender to work engagement. Participants are 208 IT sales that sell IT products. The instrument...
In teaching and learning activities, teachers are more likely to experience emotional exhaustion, that can lead to indifference feelings towards students, and lack of enthusiasm in teaching. These experiences are symptoms of burnout. Burnout could affect educational institutions in negative way, such as the decreasing of teachers' desire to remain...
Wisdom should be applied in society, so that community life becomes harmonious. Everyone can be wise, Indonesian is no exception. Indonesian have a national principle to guide behavior living in harmony, that is Pancasila. However, the implementation of Pancasila seems not implemented in social life. For example, at this time we encounter individua...
This research examines the role of humor style towards job satisfaction, with supervisor-subordinate relationship quality as the mediator. Job satisfaction is the staff's behavior or evaluation towards his/her job. The humor styles examined in this study are affiliat ive humor (hu mor sourced fro m someone else's positivity) and aggressive humor (h...
Nowadays, there are several phenomenons of suicide in-between university students whom are doing their thesis in Indonesia. One of the sources of suicide is emotional distress. Emotional distress is an uncomfortable state which can cause several lose, usually marked by depression and/or anxiety symptoms. There exist a few anti-stress variables to h...
Counterproductive work behavior occured in Indonesia, especially in companies. Companies that have many employees with counterproductive work behavior will have a negative impact on the productivity and business of the company. Counterproductive work behavior can be explained by psychological contracts held by each employee. Therefore, this study h...
This study aims to examine the role of flexible leadership as a moderator of job demand variables in predicting work engagement for employees at PT X Kab. Bogor. Job demands are referring to physical, psychological, social, or organizational aspects of a job that require continuous physical or psychological effort or ability and therefore are assoc...
Hospitality industry is one of those industry that need a maximum service for the consument, where as this kind of service can also be described as organizational citizenship behavior. One of the thing that can explain the act of organizational citizenship behavior is job satisfaction and the grouping in proximal withdrawal state. The aim of this s...
Banks play an important role in a country's economy. However, banks face various challenges in meeting their objectives. One of the challenges faced by some banks is a high employee turnover rate. In regards to turnover, there is a new concept of proximal withdrawal states proposed by Hom, Mitchell, Lee, and Griffeth (2012) as the closest and more...
Lecturers are considered important workforce for a university or in any highgrade education institutions. University X had experienced a decrease in educational manpower due to system changes which creates a significant problem towards the university management in fulfilling the needs and demands of lecturers that are needed to accommodate the larg...
This study aims to examine the role of psychological empowerment as a moderator variable between time pressure and work engagement. JD-R theory stated that job demands and job resources could predict work engagement. Work engagement is an essential thing that employees should have in every company because work engagement has a positive impact on em...
This study aims to examine the role of job crafting and psychological empowerment to work engagement in IT sales in Jakarta. Work engagement is important for employees in the company because work engagement can increase employee innovation in being more creative, productive, and willing to contribute further to their work. A questionnaire survey th...
This research was conducted to examine the effect of transformational leadership dan psychological empowerment toward work engagement of IT salesperson. The participants of this research are 208 salesperson. The instruments of study is examined with confirmatory factor analysis. The method is multiple regression. The result shows that transformatio...
This study aims to examine the role of job crafting and psychological empowerment to work engagement in IT sales in Jakarta. Work engagement is important for employees in the company because work engagement can increase employee innovation in being more creative, productive, and willing to contribute further to their work. A questionnaire survey th...
This study aims to look at the construct validity of the Indonesian version of HCL-33, namely (1) factor loading per dimension and overview of HCL-33 Mean (positive response) in Bipolar Disorder participants and MDD participants. In addition, this study (2) wanted to see the reliability (Alpha Cronbach), (3) the description of the recommended numbe...
This study aims to look at the construct validity of the Indonesian version of HCL-33, namely (1) factor loading per dimension and overview of HCL-33 Mean (positive response) in Bipolar Disorder participants and MDD participants. In addition, this study (2) wanted to see the reliability (Alpha Cronbach), (3) the description of the recommended numbe...
Contoh Bab III Tesis Pengembangan Alat Ukur Sdri. Felinda Stefika
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai hubungan modal psikologis, tuntutan kerja, sumber daya pekerjaan dan perilaku kerja inovatif pada widyaiswara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat variabel mana antara modal psikologis, tuntutan kerja, sumber daya pekerjaan, yang menjelaskan perilaku kerja inovatif. Partisipan pada penelitian ini adalah...
Semakin majunya teknologi telekomunikasi dan digital memungkinkan karyawan untuk dapat bekerja secara flextime. Pilihan ini disikapi secara pro dan kontra di banyak perusahaan karena studi tentang dampak dari bekerja secara flextime masih jarang ditemukan dan menjadi perdebatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melanjutkan penelitian sebelumnya tenta...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji peran orientasi kesadaran sosial sebagai moderator hubungan antara karakteristik umpan balik dan reaksi umpan balik. Umpan balik bagi karyawan menjadi salah satu hal yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja dan motivasi. Hasil penelitian mengenai umpan balik terdahulu menunjukkan bahwa reaksi karyawan terhadap umpan ba...
Berdasarkan faktor-faktor yang memprediksi, perilaku kerja kontraproduktif dijelaskan dengan istilah yang berbeda-beda. Berbagai istilah (term) yang digunakan misalnya: behavioral reactions to organizational frustration (Spector, 1975; Storms & Spector, 1987), deviant workplace behavior (Robinson & Bennett, 1995), organizational misbehavior (Vardi...
This study aims to determine relationship between supervisory support, neuroticism, and subordinate self-control capacity on organizational counterproductive work behavior (CWB-O). CWB-O is a deviant behavior that leads to organizations such as theft, property damage, misuse of facilities, late for work, use longer breaks, use of drugs, alcohol, wo...
Perawat yang sering memikirkan pekerjaan di luar jam kerja dapat menimbulkan rendahnya well-being. Hal tersebut dapat memicu tingkat job stress yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran psychological detachment dalam mengatur hubungan antara job stress dan well-being pada perawat. Subyek penelitian ini adalah perawat yang bekerja...
Kreativitas adalah kemampuan yang dibutuhkan dalam berbagai bidang pekerjaan. Salah satunya adalah bidang periklanan karena periklanan menuntut kemampuan untuk menciptakan iklan yang efektif, yaitu iklan yang berbeda dari iklan yang biasa-biasa saja. Sebagai calon tenaga profesional di bidang periklanan, mahasiswa jurusan periklanan pun sudah harus...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji peran abusive supervision sebagai mediator hubungan machiavellianism dengan perilaku kerja kontraproduktif (PKK). PKK merupakan perilaku yang dilakukan oleh individu secara sengaja yang bertentangan dengan tujuan, aturan, dan norma organisasi serta dapat memberikan efek negatif bagi organisasi dan anggota...
Perubahan adalah suatu hal yang tidak terelakkan. Perubahan yang terjadi dalam organisasi bahkan disebut dapat menjadi salah satu sumber stress pada karyawan. Adanya gejala stress yang dialami karyawan tampak dari rasa tidak aman mengenai masa depan ataupun kelanjutan pekerjaannya. Bahkan rasa tidak aman bekerja diprediksi dapat berpengaruh terhada...
Pembuatan alat ukur Kebijaksanaan berbasis Pancasila
Berbagai perilaku yang berpotensi merusak kinerja organisasi diistilahkan sebagai perilaku kerja kontraproduktif (counterproductive work behavior [CWB]). Salah satu alat ukur CWB yang umum digunakan adalah Interpersonal and Organizational Deviance Scales (Bennett & Robinson, 2000). Alat ukur tersebut terdiri dari dua dimensi, yaitu: interpersonal d...
The phenomenon of illegitimate and potentially damaging work behaviours by employees is prominent in the Indonesian workplace and can be categorised as Counterproductive Work Behaviour (CWB). Such employees potentially harm the organisation, members of the organisation, service users, and organisations as a whole. The Interpersonal and Organisation...
This study aimed to determine the role of the centrality/success and happiness dimensions of materialistic value, and credit card usage to predict compulsive clothing buying behavior of young adult women, and to determine which factor can be a better predictor. Multiple regression analysis was conducted utilising IBM SPSS 21 to analyse the statisti...
This study aimed to determine the role of the centrality/success and happiness dimensions of materialistic value, and credit card USAge to predict compulsive clothing buying behavior of young adult women, and to determine which factor can be a better predictor. Multiple
regression analysis was conducted utilising IBM SPSS 21 to analyse the statist...
This study aim to examine the relationships between job embeddedness, person-organization fit (POF), and turnover intention. Job embeddedness is a variety of conditions that make individuals feel attached to their job and organization. Person-organization fit is the compatibility between the characteristics of individuals and their organizations. T...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran dari conscientiousness sebagai moderator hubungan antara job resources dan work engagement yang ada pada PT. X khususnya pada unit kerja Information Technology (IT). Karyawan IT yang bekerja menunjukkan work engagement yang rendah, indikatornya adalah semangat, dedikasi dan kekhusyukan yang rendah terhad...
Source: Suyasa, P.T.Y.S. (June 26th-28th, 2008). The Measurement of Meaning in Life. Paper presented on 2ndConvention of Asian Psychological Association (ApsyA), Malaysia. Retrieved from Research Gate. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260750783_The_Measurement_of_Meaning_in_Life
Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) is work behavior that violates the rules/norms (written or unwritten) that could potentially harm an organization or members of an organization. This study aimed to explain CWB based on the condition of the quality of work life (QWL). CWB can be negative behavior towards co-workers/supervisors/subordinates in t...
The purpose of this research is to know further the role of quality of work life on turnover intention and organizational commitment of the employees of PT X, a media company. Participants were taken from all of 104 employees, both permanent and contract employees from three departments, business, editorial, and supporting. The company has offices...
To realize the vision and mission, each organization always make some improvements and business development. The ability of an organization to compete is not only from the market products or services produced, but also in terms of its human resources. The aims of this study is to determine the description of quality of work life, the description of...
This study aims to find out the description of the quality of work life (QWL), description of the type of work motivation, and which quality of work life dimensions are the most effective predictors of each work motivation on sales promotion girls in X Company. This study is a quantitative research with correlational research methods. Participants...
This study has explored the role of cultural intelligence as a mediator in the relationship between the openness to experience personality trait and job satisfaction among expatriates. Expatriates were required to fill up online questionnaires to measure all the three variables. This study used a regression and bootstrapping analysis to test the hy...
Alat Ukur Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja (Quality of Work Life Scale) untuk memeriksa 10 aspek terkait pekerjaan, yaitu: (a) apakah individu memiliki job characteristic (skill variety, task identity, task significant, autonomy, dan feedback from the job) yang mendukung; (b) apakah manajemen organisasi tempat kerja memiliki kepedulian (social relevance of...
Some behaviors such as arriving late, taking excessive breaks, leaving early, performing tasks not relevant to the interests of the organization during work hours, and performing poor quality work, are all examples of counterproductive work behaviors (CWB). The most common types of CWB are wasted work time (idle time) and making work-relevant mista...
Quality of Work Life Dimensions: 01. Job characteristic (skill variety, task identity, task significant, autonomy, dan feedback from the job). 03. Social integration in the work organization; 04. Opportunity to use and develop human capacities; 05. Adequate and fair pay; 06. Balance of work and family (non work-life); 07. Opportunity for career gro...
Creativity is very important in all fields, Architecture is one of them because architecture is the art and technique of designing the enclosure of space for human use. The architect must be creative and capable of thinking, feeling and convey spatial ideas. Therefore more important to measure their ability on creativity for applicant's architectur...