P. Amparo López-Jiménez

P. Amparo López-Jiménez
Polytechnic University of Valencia | UPV · Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Environment



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Publications (223)
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In 2030, the world population will exceed 8.5 billion, increasing the challenges to satisfy basic needs for food, shelter, water, and/or energy. Irrigation plays a vital role in productive and sustainable agriculture. In the current context, it is determined not only by water availability but also by optimal management. Several authors have attempt...
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Using pumps operating as turbines (PATs) offers the possibility of increasing the sustainability of water and energy systems by recovering the excess energy that would be otherwise lost in pressure-reducing valves or head loss chambers. Regarding on-grid applications, there have been many research works, and PATs have been implemented in several wa...
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Using pumps operating as turbines (PATs) offers the possibility of increasing the sustainability of water and energy systems by recovering the excess of energy that would be otherwise lost in pressure reducing valves or head loss chambers. In on-grid applications, there are many research works and implementations of PATs. However, there is still li...
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The world’s water infrastructures suffer from inefficiencies, such as high energy consumption and water losses due to inadequate management practices and feeble pressure regulation, leading to frequent water and energy losses. This strains vital water and energy resources, especially in the face of the worsening challenges of climate change and pop...
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The performance of stilling basins including a negative step was analyzed addressing its effect on the energy dissipation efficiency, dimensions and structural properties of the hydraulic jump, streambed pressures and pressure fluctuations. Six different cases were simulated, considering two possible relative heights for the step and three possible...
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The selection of pumps as turbines (PATs) for their respective use in energy optimisation systems is a complicated task, because manufacturers do not provide the characteristic curves. For this reason, some research has been carried out to predict them with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and mathematical models. The purpose of this study is to...
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pump as turbine (PAT); computational fluid dynamics; variable rotational nominal speed; OpenFoam.
The use of these new interaction tool implies the improvement of the awareness of the whole system and it lies in improving the sustainability and efficiency of the water systems with the integration of measurements. The research proposed a methodology, which enables improvement in the accuracy and reliability of data and it increases the performan...
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This research proposes a methodology with multi-objective optimization for the placement of Pumps operating As Turbines (PATs), energizing street lighting, devices for monitoring the water network, and charging stations for small electric vehicles such as bikes and scooters. This methodology helps to find the most profitable project for benefiting...
The search of the sustainability in the water system and the improvement of the different targets, which are included in the different sustainable development goals. It implies the water managers must define new strategies, which define the establishment of new investment and making-decision in this alignment. The new proposed approach proposes the...
The cities and townships should increase their sustainability to achieve the different targets, which are included in the sustainable development goals. The water distribution networks are present in urban areas. It implies the improvement of their management is key to reaching this sustainability. The water managers use different strategies to rea...
Conference Paper
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Incorporating energy recovery systems using renewable energies in water distribution systems is being analysed and implemented to improve sustainability, ensuring the SDG-7. Pumps working as turbines are an innovative technology, and a powerful tool to reach this energy improvement. This research develops a methodology that enables the development...
Conference Paper
The current economic, social, and technological development demands high quantities of good quality water, putting in more stress water resources. However, if water resources could be managed in a sustainable way, it will be possible to satisfy the present needs without compromising its long-term capacity. Given the situation, it has become a chall...
The inclusion of new strategies is crucial to achieve the different targets of the sustainable development goals for the guarantee of supply in the different cities and reduction the consumption of non-renewable resources. The development of these strategies implies the improvement of the sustainability indicators and green rating systems of the ci...
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Rapid urbanization contributes to the development of phenomena such as climate variability, especially in tropical countries, which negatively impact ecosystems and humans, factors that influence urban sustainability. Additionally, the increase of building construction prevents the flow of wind streams contributing to the retention of pollutants an...
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The constant growth of the population and the increase in the need for resources create challenges, and it is necessary to seek more sustainable solutions to manage them more adequately and efficiently. In recent years, the use of renewable energy systems has increased, in which water distribution networks are no exception. Pumps operating as turbi...
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Nowadays, in the management of water distribution networks (WDNs), particular attention is paid to digital transition and the improvement of the energy efficiency of these systems. New technologies have been developed in the recent years and their implementation can be crucial to achieve a sustainable level of water networks, namely, in water and e...
Water distribution networks have high values of energy consumption from the source to the distribution. The use of pumps working as turbines is an innovative technology for leverage the energy excess in consumption nodes. The research proposes a new methodology, which couples the energy generation with other energy-consumption systems. The main goa...
The use of pump working as turbine (PAT) instead of the traditional pressure regulation systems could allow for a recovery of the excess hydraulic energy to reduce the energy footprint of the water supply industry and at the same time control the water losses by an effective reduction in pressure induced by the turbine head drop. This research aims...
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Online version available here: https://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/4673 There has been a constant advance of the labour markets and permanent reorientation towards digital Industry 4.0. Yet, the environments for learning remain unchallenged when it comes to the provision of new professionals across the globe. Therefore, this has created a gap...
The use of pumps working as turbines is a new solution, which has been recently analysed to improve the water management in the different water systems. The improvement of sustainability involved with this use should be considered in these networks, and it focuses on the reduction of the consumption energy as well as the reduction of leakages. Both...
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Hydropower is a well-known technology, applied worldwide for electricity generation from renewable sources. Within the current framework, some studies have started to consider its application to existing urban water systems, to harness an excess of energy that otherwise would be wasted. This research sought to determine a methodology to assess the...
The use of pumps working as turbines (PATs) is a sustainable technical measure that contributes to the improvement of energy efficiency in water systems. However, its performance analysis in off-grid recovery systems is a complex task that must consider both hydraulic (PAT) and electrical machines (typically a self-excited induction generator-SEIG). A...
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The present research depicts an analysis of the implementation of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in the study of pumps such as turbines and PATs. To highlight the benefits of CFDs for PAT studies, results from both experimental tests have been compared to better understand the reproduction error phenomena. For this, data analysis used in succes...
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p class="JAREAbstract">The present paper focuses on the selection of parameters that maximize electrical energy production of a horizontal axis wind turbine using Python programming language. The study takes as reference turbines of Villonaco wind field in Ecuador. For this aim, the Blade Element Momentum (BEM) theory was implemented, to define rot...
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Water is one of the most valuable resources for humans. Worldwide, leakage levels in water distribution systems oscillate between 10% and 55%. This causes the need for constant repairs, economic losses, and risk to the health of users due to possible pathogenic intrusion. There are different methods for estimating the level of leakage in a network,...
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New technologies for water pressurized systems try to implement the introduction of strategies for the improvement of the sustainable indicators. One of these technologies is the implementation of pumps working as turbines. The use of these recovery machines was proposed some years ago, and the interest in this technology has increased over the las...
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In upcoming years, water demand is expected to boost worldwide, and with that, wastewater generation and the required energy for treatment. Provided that efficiency measures should be implemented at first instance, developments of renewable energy technologies are needed to improve sustainability at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Based on the...
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Sustainability and efficiency in irrigation are essential in the management of the water–energy–food nexus to reach the Sustainable Development Goals in 2030. In irrigation systems, the reduction of energy consumption is required to improve the system efficiency and consequently the sustainability indicators of the water network. The use of pumps w...
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The world is continuously searching for ways to improve how water is used for energy. As the population increases, so do the needs for natural resources and, in turn, the needs for energy. This research sought to show how the world has tried to achieve more sustainable forms of pressurized water distribution and to show the results that have been o...
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The improvement in energy saving aspects in water systems is currently a topic of major interest. The utilization of pumps working as turbines is a relevant strategy in water distribution networks consisting of pressurized pipes, using these machines to recover energy, generate green energy and reduce leakages in water systems. The need to develop...
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In Water Distribution Networks (WDN), the water quality could become vulnerable due to several operational and temporal factors. Epanet is a hydraulic and water quality simulation software, widely used, to preserve the control of chemical disinfectants in WDN among other capabilities. Several researchers have shown that the flow mixing at Cross-Jun...
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There has been a constant advance of the labour markets and permanent reorientation towards digital Industry 4.0. Yet, the environments for learning remain unchallenged when it comes to the provision of new professionals across the globe. Therefore, this has created a gap in transversal competences, which has compelled students of higher learning i...
A classical hydraulic jump with Froude number (Fr1=6) and Reynolds number (Re1=210,000) was characterized using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes OpenFOAM and FLOW-3D, whose performance was assessed. The results were compared with experimental data from a physical model designed for this purpose. The most relevant hydraulic jump characte...
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The use of pumps working as turbines (PATs) is a sustainable technical measure that contributes to the improvement of energy efficiency in water systems. However, its performance analysis in off-grid recovery systems is a complex task that must consider both hydraulic (PAT) and electrical machines (typically a self-excited induction generator-SEIG)...
Air quality has an effect on a population’s quality of life. As a dimension of sustainable urban development, governments have been concerned about this indicator. This is reflected in the references consulted that have demonstrated progress in forecasting pollution events to issue early warnings using conventional tools which, as a result of the n...
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p class="JAREAbstract">The wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) treat the water from domestic and industrial use so that its discharge, once it passes through them, is harmless to the environment. However, large amounts of energy are necessary to carry out this process. Therefore, energy and process optimization are a key issue within these type of p...
Conference Paper
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The current communication shows the experience that is developed between DIHMA-UPV and DIEC-IST professors. This project is focused on the development of bachelor’s and master's thesis focused on improving the Sustainable Development Goals in undevoloped areas, particularly in the case of energy access and its generation through renewable hybrid sy...
Thousands of deaths associated with air pollution each year could be prevented by forecasting the behavior of factors that pose risks to people’s health and their geographical distribution. Proximity to pollution sources, degree of urbanization, and population density are some of the factors whose spatial distribution enables the identification of...
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Sustainable development has been an idea raised in recent years. The results are related to the improvement and the use of new technologies to maximize efficiency in water management. However, energy consumption has been increasing as a consequence of new management and uses of water. Especially in pressurized water distribution systems, the use of...
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Subjects related to fluid mechanics for hydraulic engineers ought to be delivered in interesting and active modes. New methods should be introduced to improve the learning students’ abilities in the different courses of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree. Related to active learning methods, a continuous project-based learning experience is describe...
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A crescente crise energética e o consumo excessivo de recursos levantam a preocupação de encontrar novas fontes alternativas de energia, viabilizando novos métodos de produção e/ou tornando mais eficientes os que já existem. Pretende-se investigar a viabilidade do aproveitamento de energia em excesso em sistemas de abastecimento de água, de drenage...
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Different studies have been carried out to evaluate the progress made by countries and cities towards achieving sustainability to compare its evolution. However, the micro-territorial level, which encompasses a community perspective, has not been examined through a comprehensive forecasting method of sustainability categories with machine learning...
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In any water utility, a reliable assessment of the service life of the network pipes is a key piece within the big puzzle of assets management. This paper presents a new statistical model (basic pipes life assessment, BPLA) to assess the service life of pipes, to locate the pipes on the failures bath curve and to forecast the expected failures in f...
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The use of pumps working as turbines (PATs) to improve the energy efficiency of water networks has been studied in the last years. This recovery system is justified due to a low investment contrasting with the capacity to take advantage in certain points with low and medium recoverable heads. Analyses of water systems using simulation software and/...
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Water management towards smart cities is an issue increasingly appreciated under financial and environmental sustainability focus in any water sector. The main objective of this research is to disclose the technological breakthroughs associated with water and energy use. A methodology is proposed and applied in a case study to analyze the benefits...
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En el presente trabajo se obtiene la curva característica del funcionamiento de una bomba como turbina para calcular la energía que se puede generar en una conducción por gravedad desde dos presas hasta una planta de tratamiento de agua potable para abastecimiento de agua, la cual es suministrada con un caudal variable en función del consumo y se e...
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Currently, the management of water networks is key to increase their sustainability. This fact implies that water managers have to develop tools that ease the decision-making process in order to improve the efficiency of irrigation networks, as well as their exploitation costs. The present research proposes a mathematical programming model to optim...
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p>En el presente trabajo se plantea el doble objetivo de, por una parte, alcanzar unas estimaciones fiables para la vida útil de las tuberías que conforman la red de distribución de un abastecimiento y, por otra, hacerlo mediante un modelo de, relativamente, baja complejidad y con poca necesidad de datos históricos. Dicho modelo se ha basado en la...
Conference Paper
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Hydraulic structures often require to dissipate energy so that the flow can be smoothly restituted to the natural streambed. This is one of the key aspects of spillway and stilling basin design. In most practical cases, a hydraulic jump is chosen to deal with this energy surplus. Unfortunately, hydraulic jumps are highly turbulent, involving three-...
Water distribution networks and irrigation systems consume high energy quantities that need to be recovered if the water managers want to meet sustainable systems. A sustainability optimization is proposed in this research in order to replace the energy consumption in a golf-course system by renewable solutions joining energy recovery, sustainable...
The herein described research proposes the development of evaluation methodologies based on designed rubrics for developing a strategy to be applied as a guide to evaluate Hydraulic Engineering Projects. These projects are present in horizontal and vertical interactions in the field of Hydraulic Engineering studies. At the horizontal level, the imp...
Conference Paper
El presente documento analiza la presencia femenina en los estudios del ámbito industrial en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales (ETSII) de la Universitat Politècnica de València. Haciendo un repaso de los grandes números de presencia de mujeres en las titulaciones STEM, y presentando con más detalle los indicadores particulares...
Conference Paper
El desarrollo de seminarios dentro del Máster Universitario en Ingenieria Hidráulica y Medio Ambiente (MUIHMA contribuyen a una formación complementaria transversal a la especialidad que desarrolla el alumno. El carácter intensivo en cuanto a tiempo de formación hace que el profesor deba considerar metodologías activas de formación por parte de alu...
Conference Paper
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RESUMEN Este artículo tiene como finalidad realizar un énfasis hacia la problemática que representa la calidad del agua en los sistemas de agua potable en México, así como la conducta adquirida por causa de esta; Como respuesta a la sociedad ante la problemática de calidad y la conducta adquirida para su propia protección de salud, se propone valid...