P. Amat

P. Amat

Doctor of Dental Surgery
DDS, MSc Orth, Former assistant professor Paris Cité University


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Publications (95)
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Un traitement orthodontique prolongé expose les patients à de potentiels effets iatrogènes tels qu’une déminéralisation de l’émail et des résorptions radiculaires ainsi qu’un risque de lassitude sur le plan psychologique et de diminution de l’observance thérapeutique.. Parmi les diverses approches proposées pour accélérer le mouvement dentaire...
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La rééducation myofonctionnelle orofaciale (RMOF) concerne la modification du schéma corporel gérant les praxies et les postures au niveau de la face. La RMOF est utilisée dans la prise en charge thérapeutique des dysfonctionnements orofaciaux chez des patients de tous âges et présentant un large éventail de troubles et de comorbidités. L'objectif...
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Le monoxyde d’azote (NO) est libéré par les cellules endothéliales, les cellules du foie, les neurones et les macrophages. Dans l’organisme, le monoxyde d’azote remplit plusieurs fonctions clés. Par exemple, il prévient et traite l’hypertension, maintient la souplesse des artères et réduit le risque de formation de caillots dans le sang. Ainsi, il...
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Les données publiées, même de niveaux de biais hétérogènes, concluent à la supériorité d’une rééducation myofonctionnelle oro-faciale (RMOF) combinée au port d’une gouttière de rééducation préfabriquée (GRP), comparée à la mise en œuvre d’une rééducation myofonctionnelle oro-faciale sans gouttière de rééducation préfabriquée sur l’amélioration de p...
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Le port d’une gouttière de rééducation préfabriquée (GRP), associé à la rééducation myofonctionnelle oro-faciale (RMOF) des musculatures labio-linguo-juguales, peut permettre aux muscles oro-faciaux de pleinement jouer leur rôle conformateur des arcades alvéolo-dentaires, et de corriger une malocclusion de classe III fonctionnelle. Un patient âgé d...
L’expression « Mort inattendue du nourrisson » (MIN) a été retenue par le groupe de travail de la Haute autorité de santé (HAS) pour désigner tout « décès survenant brutalement chez un nourrisson de moins de deux ans alors que rien, dans ses antécédents connus, ne pouvait le laisser prévoir ». Malgré un contexte de baisse générale, les taux de décè...
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La rééducation myofonctionnelle orofaciale (RMOF) est la rééducation des muscles, des fonctions et des postures de repos du complexe orofacial. Les données publiées, même de qualité méthodologique inégale, semblent montrer la supériorité d’une rééducation myofonctionnelle orofaciale associée au port d’une gouttière de rééducation préfabriquée (GRP)...
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Introduction: Orofacial myofunctional reeducation (OFMR) is the rehabilitation of the muscles, functions and resting postures of the orofacial complex. It is used in the therapeutic management of orofacial dysfunction in patients of all ages and with a wide range of disorders and comorbidities. Objective: The main objective of this article was t...
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Introduction: The prevalence of lingual dyspraxia is high but not all patients require management by a physical therapist. The aim of this article is to propose a decisional flow chart separating, via diagnostic criteria, patients who can be managed in office from patients requiring oromyofunctional rehabilitation by an oro-myo-functional rehabili...
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Introduction: Several cross-sectional studies have shown the association of a dysfunctional orofacial environment with a greater prevalence of malocclusions. Orofacial myofunctional reeducation (OFMR) is the rehabilitation of the muscles, functions and resting postures of the orofacial complex. It is used in the therapeutic management of orofacial...
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Introduction: In 85% of orthodontic patients, lingual dyspraxias are present and may justify orofacial myofunctional rehabilitation because of their morphogenetic potential. The objective of this literature review is to search for scientific arguments corroborating or not the relationships between dysmorphias and the static, dynamic labio-lingual-...
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Force est de constater que l’approche fondée sur les faits ou les preuves, véritable changement de paradigme, nous aide à trouver, et à évaluer, les informations dont nous avons besoin pour répondre au problème clinique de notre patient. Pour autant, il nous reste à résoudre une difficulté majeure. Comment, parmi le flux incessant des publications...
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Philippe Amat: The relationship between sleep medicine and orthodontics is a subject of constant interest for our disciplines, as shown by the programmes of their respective congresses and the many publications devoted to them over the last thirty years. We would like this interview to provide our readers with a summary of some of the key elements...
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Orofacial myofunctional therapy has been shown to be effective in the multidisciplinary management of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome in children, adolescents, and adults, and is prescribed at several stages of such management. However, given the lack of consistency in treatment protocols and outcome measures, the lack of research on the type, fr...
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Introduction : l’état actuel des données publiées en orthodontie s’accorde sur l’importance d’une prise en charge des dysfonctions orofaciales. Pour autant, aucune recommandation de bonne pratique n’a encore été proposée. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer les pratiques des orthodontistes en matière de rééducation myofoncti...
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La rééducation myofonctionnelle orofaciale (RMOF) a été montrée efficace dans le traitement multidisciplinaire des syndromes d’apnées obstructives du sommeil (SAOS) de l’enfant, de l’adolescent et de l’adulte et elle est prescrite à plusieurs étapes de ces prises en charge. La santé connectée fait appel à l’utilisation de messages électroniques, à...
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La rééducation myofonctionnelle orofaciale a été montrée efficace dans la prise en charge multidisciplinaire du syndrome d’apnées obstructives du sommeil chez l’enfant, l’adolescent et l’adulte, et elle est prescrite à plusieurs étapes de ces prises en charge. Cependant, compte tenu du manque d’homogénéité des protocoles de traitement et de mesures...
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La collaboration de l’orthodontiste, de l’occlusodontiste et du kinésithérapeute à la prise en charge des patients souffrant de dysfonctionnements temporomandibulaires (DTM) est essentielle. La rééducation myofonctionnelle orofaciale (RMOF) est une modalité thérapeutique conservatrice, simple et réversible. Son indication est justifiée par le large...
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Il semble naturel de s'interroger. « Cela fonctionne entre mes mains : que souhaiter de plus ? » À quoi bon dépenser tant d'énergie à souhaiter améliorer ce qui manifestement donne satisfaction ? Pourquoi vouloir sortir de notre zone de confort et surmonter notre résistance naturelle au changement ? Néanmoins, l'argument « cela fonctionne entre mes...
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Depuis sa première apparition en Chine continentale fin 2019, la Covid-19 a évolué en une pandémie aux profondes répercussions sanitaires, socioéconomiques et politiques. Le traitement médiatique de cette crise sanitaire majeure a vu et voit s'affronter sur les plateaux TV, dans la presse écrite ou en ligne, des experts reconnus ou autopro-clamés....
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Introduction: Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSA) is a widespread and under-diagnosed condition, making it a major public health and safety problem. Orofacial myofunctional reeducation (OMR) has been shown to be effective in the multidisciplinary treatment of OSA in children, adolescents and adults and is prescribed at several stages of OSA man...
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ABSTRACT – The contribution of orofacial myofunctional reeducation to the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSA): a systematic review of the literature. Introduction: Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSA) is a widespread and under-diagnosed condition, making it a major public health and safety problem. Orofacial myofunctional reeduc...
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Introduction : La recherche dans le domaine des apnées obstructives du sommeil (AOS) s’est organisée, transformant profondément la qualité de vie des apnéiques, conviant même les orthopédistes dento-faciaux à contribuer à leur traitement symptomatique. Mais, parmi les points restés dans l’ombre, la cause même des ronflements qui déstabilisent le ph...
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RÉSUMÉ – Introduction : Le syndrome d’apnées obstructives du sommeil (SAOS) est une affection très répandue et insuffisamment diagnostiquée, ce qui en fait un problème majeur de santé publique et de sécurité. Objectifs : Cet article avait pour objectif de préciser quelques éléments fondés de la prise de décision thérapeutique et de l’information dé...
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Research in the field of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) has been organized, and has profoundly transformed the quality of life of apneic patients, while even inviting dentofacial orthopedists to contribute to their symptomatic treatment. However, among the points still to be elucidated, the initial cause of the snoring that destabilizes the pharynx...
Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome is a widespread and under-diagnosed condition, making it a major public health and safety issue. The objective of this article was to clarify some of the evidence-based elements of therapeutic decision-making and the information provided to the patient and family on the benefit-cost-security ratio of several of his...
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Root resorption, or more precisely external apical root resorption (EARR), is defined as the progressive, partial or even total disappearance of dental root tissue. All orthodontic treatment is accompanied by a certain rate of root resorption, most often clinically insignificant. Ethics and law require the practitioner to adopt a therapeutic attitu...
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External apical root resorption (EARR) is a dreaded complication of multifactorial etiology and occur during almost all orthodontic treatment. This interview provides a synthesis of current data on this pathological process, the mechanisms of root resorption, its risk factors and the therapeutic attitudes to be favoured.
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Le Pr Ravindra Nanda a obtenu une licence et une maîtrise en dentisterie et en orthodontie du King George's Medical College, Lucknow University . En 1967, il a intégré l'Université Catholique de Nimègue, aux Pays-Bas, où il a obtenu un doctorat en philosophie en 1969. Il a rejoint la nouvelle école dentaire de Loyola à Chicago en 1970, après avoir...
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Introduction: The treatment of class II malocclusions is the core of our clinical activity. What elements can clinician rely on to offer their patients, whether children or adolescents, a treatment of their class II malocclusion that is not only effective but also the most appropriate for each individual case? Which schedule and what therapeutic d...
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Professor James A. McNamara, a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, studied dentistry and orthodontics at the University of California, San Francisco, and received his Ph.D. in anatomy from the University of Michigan. He is an active Thomas M. and Doris Graber Professor Emeritus in the Department of Pediatric Orthodontics and Dentist...
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The treatment of Class II malocclusions is the core of our clinical activity. On which elements can the clinician rely, in order to propose to his patient, child or adolescent, a treatment for his class II malocclusion, not only effective, but also the most appropriate for his individual case? What is the preferred treatment schedule and device? E...
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Introduction: Therapeutic decision-making is essentially the key to our clinical practice, and its most medical feature. The history of orthodontics is studded with multiple intellectual debates and stand-offs between conflicting treatment philosophies, the authors of which all aspire to a balance guaranteeing optimal treatment for their patients....
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Thanks to the details they incorporate at the time of diagnosis, to the use of cosmetic surgery procedures that they add to orthognathic surgery, Renato Cocconi and Mirco Raffaini have revolutionized the relationship between orthodontics and ortho-facial surgery, and redefined their contribution to the patients' faces. This interview offers a synt...
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Bjørn U. Zachrisson est Professeur Émérite au sein du Département d’Orthodontie de l’Université d’Oslo (Norvège). Il conserve à Oslo une pratique libérale consacrée aux traitements de l’adulte. Il a rédigé plus de 270 articles cliniques et scientifiques, publiés dans des revues internationales et dans des manuels d’orthodontie, de parodontologie, d...
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The decision to extract permanent teeth, or not, is probably the most debated aspect of orthodontic practice. For more than a century, clinicians have debated whether it is sometimes necessary to extract or whether it is always possible to develop the arches to avoid avulsions. Beyond the laudable concern to avoid trauma to our patients, the cost...
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The goal of this article is to present some evidence based facts in order to answer the following questions: 1) Is early treatment of class III malocclusions effective? 2) Which therapeutic device is the most effective? 3) Are the results lasting? The positions of Jean Delaire and the author regarding the usefulness of routine early treatment for t...
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After a first article [5] written to present the published evidence based facts concerning early treatment of class III malocclusions, the authors present, in this second article, their reasons why they think our routine early treatment of these dysmorphia is useful. When orthodontists clearly present all the elements involved in this therapeutic c...
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The present absence of evidence does not mean definitive proof of absence, the principle of Primum non nocere and simple common sense dictates that the orthodontist should enlighten his patient. An objective and well-founded presentation of the benefit-cost-safety ratio of the various treatment options, such as the reduced risk of root resorption w...
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Current evidence based data found in the scientific literature recommend that the therapeutic management of patients suffering from temporomandibular disorders (TMD) should be based initially on simple, conservative and reversible procedures including exercise therapy. The integration of this message into oral health instructions for patients makes...
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Dr. Olivier REVOL, a pediatric psychiatrist, is the chief of the Neuropsychiatric Service at Pierre-Wertheimer Neurological Hospital of Lyon. In practice for more than twenty years, Dr. Revol has been the director of a reference center for learning disorders for the last seven years. He has written two books14,15 and many articles devoted to precoc...
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The many therapeutic, functional and psychological benefits of treating Class II malocclusions in two phases, orthopaedic and then orthodontic, can sometimes be mitigated by difficulties in choosing the orthopaedic treatment method. The therapist may thus be confronted with one or more of the following constraints: alteration of phonation or large...
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Dr. Olivier REVOL, is a child psychiatrist and head of the Neuropsychiatry Department at the Pierre-Wertheimer Neurological Hospital in Lyon. He has been practicing for more than thirty years. For the past 17 years, he has directed a Reference Centre for Learning Disabilities. He is the author or co-author of thirteen books and numerous national an...
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The function of the anterior teeth to guide the mandibular movements in occlusion may be disturbed by the reverse occlusion of one or more teeth in the sector Incisivo-canin. In the absence of an associated skeletal imbalance, the correction of anterior reverse occlusions is easy and many therapeutic devices have been described. This article has to...
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The relationship between posture and occlusion has been a constant source of interest to health care professionals. However, a certain amount of confusion still beclouds in this connection because of the great variety of therapeutic approaches proposed for dealing with it as well as the lack of methodological rigor employed for most of the scientif...
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The relationship between occlusion and posture is a subject of constant interest for the whole health actors. There is still a certain amount of confusion surrounding them, fuelled by the diversity of the proposed therapeutic approaches and the low methodological value of most of the published scientific studies. This article discusses the multiple...
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The numerous therapeutic, psychological and functional benefits that derive from using a two-stage approach to the treatment of Class II malocclusions can sometimes be partially offset by difficulties stemming from the choice of technique: patients may be reluctant to wear cumbersome appliances which, when they are worn, can interfere with speech p...


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