P. M. AlsingUnited States Air Force Research Laboratory | WPAFBRL · Information Directorate
P. M. Alsing
PhD Physics
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Publications (297)
With the stability of integrated photonics at network nodes and the advantages of photons as flying qubits, photonic quantum information processing (PQIP) makes quantum networks increasingly scalable. However, scaling up PQIP requires the preparation of many identical single photons which is limited by the spectral distinguishability of integrated...
In recent works we have explored a multi-photon extension of the celebrated two-photon Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) effect in which the quantum amplitudes for a two-photon input to a lossless, balanced 50:50 beamsplitter (BS) undergoes complete destructive interference. In the extended Hong-Ou-Mandel (eHOM) effect the multi-photon scattering of photons fro...
The quantum interference effects of mixing the most non-classical states of light, number states, with the most classical-like of pure field states, the coherent state, are investigated. We demonstrate how the non-classicality of a single photon when mixed with a coherent field can transform the statistical properties of the output and further demo...
Initiated by the authors, this erratum is written concerning the discovery of a misplaced unitary within the software implementation of the Implementable Quantum Graph Neural Network (QGNN) of the original paper. Analyzing this mistake's impact on the results, it is shown to be negligible, meaning that the results, analysis, and conclusion of the o...
When quantum state amplitudes interfere, surprising non-classical features emerge which emphasis the roles of indistinguishability and discreteness in quantum mechanics. A famous example in quantum optics is the Hong Ou Mandel interference effect,a major ingredient in current quantum information processing using photonics. Traditionally the HOM fea...
Microwave-optical quantum transduction is a key enabling technology in quantum networking, but has been plagued by a formidable technical challenge. As most microwave-optical-transduction techniques rely on three-wave mixing processes, the processes consume photons from a driving telecom-band (pump) laser to convert input microwave photons into tel...
Verifying entanglement with experimental measurements requires that we take the limitations of experimental techniques into account, while still proving that the data obtained could not have been generated from a classical source. In the energy-time degree of freedom, this challenge is exacerbated because realistic high-resolution frequency measure...
Unification of gravity with quantum mechanics is still a terra incognita. Photon polarization measurements offer a unique window for probing the interaction between these two fundamental forces. We have revealed that non-reciprocity in the photon polarization angle can arise by tailoring the quantization axis, which corresponds to the direction of...
In the geometry of quantum-mechanical processes, the time-varying curvature coefficient of a quantum evolution is specified by the magnitude squared of the covariant derivative of the tangent vector to the state vector. In particular, the curvature coefficient measures the bending of the quantum curve traced out by a parallel-transported pure quant...
In optimal quantum-mechanical evolutions, motion can occur along non-predetermined paths of shortest length in an optimal time. Alternatively, optimal evolutions can happen along predefined paths with no waste of energy resources and 100% speed efficiency. Unfortunately, realistic physical scenarios typically result in less-than-ideal evolutions. I...
We study the complexity of both time-optimal and time sub-optimal quantum Hamiltonian evolutions connecting arbitrary source and a target states on the Bloch sphere equipped with the Fubini-Study metric. This investigation is performed in a number of steps. First, we describe each unitary Schr\"odinger quantum evolution by means of the path length,...
This invited essay belongs to a series considering highly influential articles published by the International Journal of Theoretical Physics.In this paper, we highlight the physical content and the profound consequences of Richard Feynman’s 1982 paper on “Simulating Physics with Computers”.
In this paper, we are focusing on entanglement control problem in a three-qubit system. We demonstrate that vector representation of entanglement, associated with SO(6) representation of SU(4) two-qubit group, can be used to solve various control problems analytically including (i) the transformation between a W-type states and GHZ state, and (ii)...
Unification of gravity with quantum mechanics is still a terra incognita. Photon polarization measurements shed light in this quest, offering a unique perspective on the coexistence of these fundamental forces. We have revealed that non-reciprocity in the photon polarization angle can arise by tailoring the quantization axis, which corresponds to t...
In this paper, we present a geometric perspective on how to quantify the bending and the twisting of quantum curves traced by state vectors evolving under nonstationary Hamiltonians. Specifically, relying on the existing geometric viewpoint for stationary Hamiltonians, we discuss the generalization of our theoretical construct to time-dependent qua...
It is known that the Frenet–Serret apparatus of a space curve in three-dimensional Euclidean space determines the local geometry of curves. In particular, the Frenet–Serret apparatus specifies important geometric invariants, including the curvature and the torsion of a curve. It is also acknowledged in quantum information science that low complexit...
When studying the geometry of quantum states, it is acknowledged that mixed states can be distinguished by infinitely many metrics. Unfortunately, this freedom causes metric-dependent interpretations of physically significant geometric quantities such as the complexity and volume of quantum states. In this paper, we present an insightful discussion...
It is remarkable that Heisenberg’s position-momentum uncertainty relation leads to the existence of a maximal acceleration for a physical particle in the context of a geometric reformulation of quantum mechanics. It is also known that the maximal acceleration of a quantum particle is related to the magnitude of the speed of transportation in projec...
We describe a minimal set of classical measurements for characterizing and calibrating optical multiport devices that leads to a direct element by element measurement of the device’s unitary transfer function matrix.
We investigate the use of amplitude amplification on the gate-based model of quantum computing as a means for solving combinatorial optimization problems. This study focuses primarily on quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problems, which are well-suited for qubit superposition states. Specifically, we demonstrate circuit designs whi...
In this paper we are focusing on entanglement control problem in a three-qubit system. We demonstrate that vector representation of entanglement, associated with SO(6) representation of SU(4) two-qubit group, can be used to solve various control problems analytically including (i) the transformation between a W-type states and GHZ state, and (ii) m...
We investigate the irreconcilability issue that arises when translating the search algorithm from the Continuous Time Quantum Walk (CTQW) framework to the Adiabatic Quantum Computing (AQC) framework. For the AQC formulation to evolve along the same path as the CTQW, it requires a constant energy gap in the Hamiltonian throughout the AQC schedule. T...
The interplay among differential geometry, statistical physics, and quantum information science has been increasingly gaining theoretical interest in recent years. In this paper, we present an explicit analysis of the Bures and Sjöqvist metrics over the manifolds of thermal states for specific spin qubit and the superconducting flux qubit Hamiltoni...
We use the mapping between two computation frameworks, Adiabatic Grover Search (AGS) and Adiabatic Quantum Computing (AQC), to translate the Grover search algorithm into the AQC regime. We then apply Trotterization on the schedule-dependent Hamiltonian of AGS to obtain the values of variational parameters in the Quantum Approximate Optimization Alg...
It is known that there are infinitely many distinguishability metrics for mixed quantum states. This freedom, in turn, leads to metric-dependent interpretations of physically meaningful geometric quantities such as complexity and volume of quantum states. In this paper, we first present an explicit and unabridged mathematical discussion on the rela...
We investigate the effect of backscattering on the Hong-Ou-Mandel manifold (HOMM) that manifests in double-bus mircoring resonators (MRRs). The HOMM represents higher-dimensional parameter solutions for the complete destructive interference of coincident detection in the HOM effect. To model the backscattering, we introduce a set of internal `beam...
We lay down a general scheme to quantify the amount of genuine tripartite entanglement present in the spatial and energy-time degrees of freedom of entangled photon triplets using a resource-based measure known as the tripartite entanglement of formation. Quantifying genuine tripartite entanglement relative to a number of maximally entangled three-...
In this paper, we construct the metric tensor and volume for the manifold of purifications associated with an arbitrary reduced density operator ρS. We also define a quantum coarse-graining (CG) to study the volume where macrostates are the manifolds of purifications, which we call surfaces of ignorance (SOI), and microstates are the purifications...
We present an exact analytic expression for the Hong-Ou-Mandel manifold (HOMM) for any number of identical microring resonators (MRRs) in a linear chain. The HOMM is the higher-dimensional manifold of solutions for which the HOM effect is obtained; for the types of MRR systems investigated in this work, it is a one-dimensional curve. We investigate...
In the geometry of quantum evolutions, a geodesic path is viewed as a path of minimal statistical length connecting two pure quantum states along which the maximal number of statistically distinguishable states is minimum. In this paper, we present an explicit geodesic analysis of the dynamical trajectories that emerge from the quantum evolution of...
We develop and implement two realizations of quantum graph neural networks (QGNN), applied to the task of particle interaction simulation. The first QGNN is a speculative quantum-classical hybrid learning model that relies on the ability to directly utilize superposition states as classical information to propagate information between particles. Th...
In this work, we prove that while all measures of mixedness can be used to witness entanglement, no measure of mixedness is more sensitive than the negativity of the partial transpose. However, computing either the negativity or differences between von Neumann entropies to witness entanglement requires complete knowledge of the joint density matrix...
We propose a photonics-based, continuous-variable (CV) form of remote entanglement utilizing strictly second-order nonlinear optical interactions that does not require the implementation of a state-projective measurement (i.e., remote entanglement without conditioning). This scheme makes use of two separate down-converters, wherein the correspondin...
The interplay among differential geometry, statistical physics, and quantum information science has been increasingly gaining theoretical interest in recent years. In this paper, we present an explicit analysis of the Bures and Sjoqvist metrics over the manifolds of thermal states for specific spin qubit and the superconducting flux qubit Hamiltoni...
It is known there are infinitely many distinguishability metrics for mixed quantum states. This freedom, in turn, leads to metric-dependent interpretations of physically meaningful geometric quantities such as complexity and volume of quantum states. In this paper, we first present an explicit and unabridged mathematical discussion on the relation...
We revisit a method for mapping arbitrary single-mode pure states into superpositions of N00N states using an asymmetric non-linear Mach–Zehnder interferometer (ANLMZI). This method would allow one to tailor-make superpositions of N00N states where each axis of the two-mode joint-photon number distribution is weighted by the statistics of any singl...
We investigate the use of amplitude amplification on the gate-based model of quantum computing as a means for solving combinatorial optimization problems. This study focuses primarily on QUBO (quadratic unconstrained binary optimization) problems, which are well-suited for qubit superposition states. Specifically, we demonstrate circuit designs whi...
We investigate entanglement in various photonic states interfering on a 50:50 BS and obtain some, at first sight, unexpected results, that we subsequently explain.
Macroscopic quantum phenomena, such as observed in superfluids and superconductors, have led to promising technological advancements and some of the most important tests of fundamental physics. At present, quantum detection of light is mostly relegated to the microscale, where avalanche photodiodes are very sensitive to distinguishing single-photon...
Uniformly sampling quantum density matrices has been demonstrated for a long time [Mezzadri, Notices AMS 54, 592 (2007), Życzkowski, J. Math. Phys. 52, 062201 (2011)] and is a valuable tool in the analysis and testing of quantum relations (e.g., the tightness of an uncertainty relation); in ranking the performance of various tools to witness entang...
It is known that mixed quantum states are highly entropic states of imperfect knowledge (i.e., incomplete information) about a quantum system, while pure quantum states are states of perfect knowledge (i.e., complete information) with vanishing von Neumann entropy. In this paper, we propose an information geometric theoretical construct to describe...
Geodesic paths incorporate relevant information about the curved space being characterized by a proper metric. In general relativity, for instance, geodesics extend the concept of straight lines to curved spacetime. In the geometry of quantum evolutions, instead, a geodesic path is viewed as a path of minimal statistical length connecting two pure...
We present an exact analytic expression for the Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) curve for any number of identical Micro-Ring Resonators (MRRs) in a linear chain. We investigate the extreme stability of this HOM curve, showing that the HOM effect in linear arrays of MRRs is highly robust. We further use this expression to derive three figures of merit for the...
It is known that mixed quantum states are highly entropic states of imperfect knowledge (i.e., incomplete information) about a quantum system, while pure quantum states are states of perfect knowledge (i.e., complete information) with vanishing von Neumann entropy. In this paper, we propose an information geometric theoretical construct to describe...
It has been established that the entanglement entropy functions as a thermal entropy for closed many-body systems. In this work, we introduce the entanglement coarse-graining (ECG) which is a quantum coarse-graining defined for the entanglement entropy. For the examples considered, we show that it reproduces two key features of the original Boltzma...
In this work, we provide a means to quantify genuine tripartite entanglement in arbitrary (pure and mixed) continuous-variable states as measured by the tripartite entanglement of formation—a resource-based measure quantifying genuine multipartite entanglement in units of elementary Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states called gebits. Furthermor...
It is recognized that Grover arrived at his original quantum search algorithm inspired by his comprehension of the interference of classical waves originating from an array of antennas. It is also known that quantum-mechanical characterization of electromagnetic radiation is isomorphic to the treatment of the orientation of a spin-1/2 particle. In...
We present marginal cumulative distribution functions (CDF) for density matrices $\rho$ of fixed purity $\tfrac{1}{N}\le\mu_N(\rho)=\textrm{Tr}[\rho^2]\le 1$ for arbitrary dimension $N$. We give closed form analytic formulas for the cases $N=2$ (trivial), $N=3$ and $N=4$, and present a prescription for CDFs of higher arbitrary dimensions. These for...
Macroscopic quantum phenomena, such as observed in superfluids and superconductors, have led to promising technological advancements and some of the most important tests of fundamental physics. At present, quantum detection of light is mostly relegated to the microscale, where avalanche photodiodes are very sensitive to distinguishing single-photon...
We investigate the irreconcilability issue that raises from translating the search algorithm from the Continuous-Time Quantum Walk (CTQW) framework to the Adiabatic Quantum Computing (AQC) framework. One major issue is the constant energy gap in the translated Hamiltonian throughout the AQC schedule. To resolve the issue in the initial investigatio...
We use the mapping between two computation frameworks , Adiabatic Grover Search (AGS) and Adiabatic Quantum Computing (AQC), to translate the Grover search algorithm into the AQC regime. We then apply Trotterization on the schedule-dependent Hamiltonian of AGS to obtain the values of variational parameters in the Quantum Approximate Optimization Al...
We present an information geometric characterization of quantum driving schemes specified by su(2;C) time-dependent Hamiltonians in terms of both complexity and efficiency concepts. Specifically, starting from pure output quantum states describing the evolution of a spin-1/2 particle in an external time-dependent magnetic field, we consider the pro...
The prototype quantum random number (random bit) generator (QRNG) consists of one photon at a time falling on a 50:50 beam splitter followed by random detection in one or the other output beams due to the irreducible probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics. Due to the difficulties in producing single photons on demand, in practice, pulses of weak...
We introduce a novel geometrical approach to characterize entanglement relations in large quantum systems. Our approach is inspired by Schumacher’s singlet state triangle inequality, which used an entropy-based distance to capture the strange properties of entanglement using geometry-based inequalities. Schumacher uses classical entropy and can onl...
We show that the parity (evenness or oddness) of a nonclassical state of light has a dominant influence on the interference effects at a balanced beam splitter, irrespective of the state initially occupying the other input mode. Specifically, the parity of the nonclassical state gives rise to destructive interference effects that result in deep val...
We show that any odd parity state entering one input port of a 50:50 beam splitter, with an arbitrary state entering the other input port, produces zero coincidence counts. This result extends the HOM effect.
It is recognized that Grover arrived at his original quantum search algorithm inspired by his comprehension of the interference of classical waves originating from an array of antennae. It is also known that quantum-mechanical characterization of electromagnetic radiation is isomorphic to the treatment of the orientation of a spin-1/2 particle. In...
Abstract We describe the quantum mechanical rotation of a photon state, the Wigner rotation—a quantum effect that couples a transformation of a reference frame to a particle’s spin, to investigate geometric phases induced by Earth’s gravitational field for observers in various orbits. We find a potentially measurable quantum phase of the Wigner rot...
In this paper we introduce a canonical quantum coarse-graining and use negentropy to connect ignorance as measured by quantum information entropy and ignorance related to quantum coarse-graining. For our procedure, macro-states are the set of purifications $\{|\bar{\Gamma}^{\rho}\rangle\}$ associated with density operator $\rho$ and micro-states ar...
We investigate the presence of spin- and planar-squeezing in generalized superpositions of atomic (or spin) coherent states. Spin-squeezing has been shown to be a useful tool in determining the presence of entanglement in multipartite systems, such as collections of two-level atoms, as well as being an indication of reduced projection noise and sub...
In this work, we provide a means to quantify genuine tripartite entanglement in arbitrary (pure and mixed) continuous-variable states as measured by the Tripartite Entanglement of formation -- a resource-based measure quantifying genuine multi-partite entanglement in units of elementary Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states called gebits. Furthe...
We show that the parity (evenness or oddness) of a nonclassical state of light has a dominant influence on the interference effects at a balanced beam splitter, irrespective of the state initially occupying the other input mode. Specifically, the parity of the nonclassical state gives rise to destructive interference effects that result in deep val...
The prototype quantum random number (random bit) generators (QRNG) consists of one photon at a time falling on a $50:50$ beam splitter followed by random detection in one or the other other output beams due to the irreducible probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics. Due to the difficulties in producing single photons on demand, in practice, pulse...
We present a simple proof of the fact that the minimum time TAB for quantum evolution between two arbitrary states A and B equals TAB=ℏcos−1A|B/ΔE with ΔE being the constant energy uncertainty of the system. This proof is performed in the absence of any geometrical arguments. Then, being in the geometric framework of quantum evolutions based upon t...
We present an information geometric characterization of quantum driving schemes specified by su(2;C) time-dependent Hamiltonians in terms of both complexity and efficiency concepts. By employing a minimum action principle, the optimum path connecting initial and final states on the manifold in finite-time is the geodesic path between the two states...
Tensor product operators on finite dimensional Hilbert spaces are studied. The focus is on bilinear tensor product operators. A tensor product operator on a pair of Hilbert spaces is a maximally general bilinear operator into a target Hilbert space. By 'maximally general' is meant every bilinear operator from the same pair of spaces to any Hilbert...
We present a simple proof of the minimum time for the quantum evolution between two arbitrary states. This proof is performed in the absence of any geometrical arguments. Then, being in the geometric framework of quantum evolutions based upon the geometry of the projective Hilbert space, we discuss the roles played by either minimum-time or maximum...
We investigate the presence of spin- and planar- squeezing in generalized superpositions of atomic (or spin) coherent states (ACS). Spin-squeezing has been shown to be a useful tool in determining the presence of entanglement in multipartite systems, such as collections of two-level atoms, as well as being an indication of reduced projection noise...
Quantum mechanics can produce correlations that are stronger than classically allowed. This stronger-than-classical correlation is the "fuel" for quantum computing. In 1991 Schumacher forwarded a beautiful geometric approach, analogous to the well-known result of Bell, to capture non-classicality of this correlation for a singlet state. He used wel...
Quantum mechanics can produce correlations that are stronger than classically allowed. This stronger–than–classical correlation is the “fuel” for quantum computing. In 1991 Schumacher forwarded a beautiful geometric approach, analogous to the well-known result of Bell, to capture non-classicality of this correlation for a singlet state. He used wel...
We present an information geometric analysis of both entropic speeds and entropy production rates arising from geodesic evolution on manifolds parametrized by pure quantum states. In particular, we employ pure states that emerge as outputs of suitably chosen [Formula: see text] time-dependent Hamiltonian operators that characterize analog quantum s...
In this paper, the authors review the use of parity as a detection observable in quantum metrology and introduce some original findings with regard to measurement resolution in Ramsey spectroscopy and quantum nondemolition measures of atomic parity. Parity was first introduced in the context of Ramsey spectroscopy as an alternative to atomic state...