Ozren UzelacFaculty of Economics, Subotica, University of Novi Sad · Department of Management
Ozren Uzelac
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Commercial Law, Banking Law, Consumer Protection, Insurance Law...
Publications (60)
Muzičko preduzetništvo omogućava muzičarima nezavisnost i kontrolu nad svojim karijerama, ali nosi i rizik slabe uspešnosti ili neuspeha. Pored ostalih troškova, ono podrazumeva određene investicije u muzičke instrumente, studijsku opremu i nemuzičku pomoćnu opremu koja može biti ugrožena od različitih rizika oštećenja ili gubitka. Posebno muzičari...
This paper examines the impact of debt in the capital structure on agency costs and therefore on the performance of a company. The efficiency of companies was estimated using two parametric techniques: Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) methods and a Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). The estimated efficiency represents a measure of (inverse) agency cos...
Bodily activity has been one of the relevant phenomena of human society that significantly affects personal well-being and nurturing desirable social values. However, practicing a professional or amateur sport, inevitably leads to the injuries whose treatment requires certain costs that can be covered through insurance. The authors investigate the...
Music entrepreneurship allows musicians independence and control over their careers, but also carries the risk of poor success or failure. Among other costs, it implies specific investments in musical instruments, studio equipment and non-musical auxiliary equipment that can be endangered by diverse damage or loss. Musicians may be exposed to claim...
Achieving a sustainable development should be one of the top priorities for the whole society. However, achieving a sustainable development is a complex function of different economic, social, institutional, political and historical factors. By implementing the corporate social responsibility, companies contribute to a sustainable development of th...
Pravne norme grupisane u jednu ili više odredbi za- kona predstavljaju pravila u vezi sa određenim ponaša- njem ljudi ili drugim okolnostima ili svojstvima za koje se vezuje nastanak pravnih posledica. Stepen važnosti nekog aspekta pravnog odnosa određuje i nivo pravne zaštite koji će pravno-tehnički biti primenjen. Prav- na norma čini sadržinu odr...
Cooperatives represent relevant and significant economic subjects of associations that promote the interests of their members and work affirmatively to improve their position. Since the digital economy is developing expansively, and new forms of digital technology are changing economic and other interactions every day, cooperatives must keep up wit...
The status of gender diversity in corporate governance (i.e., women's right to be part of corporate bodies) is a very important issue worldwide, including in Serbia. The paper examines women's rights from a historical perspective to address the problem of their social under-representation, especially when it comes to their social role outside the f...
Subjective attitude towards tangible or intangible possessions is the driving force of the person's will to seek the means of their protection. In this paper, the institute of interest is generally analysed through the philosophy of enlightened self-interest and economics, while in in the field of law, "interest" is compared to the subjective right...
Solidarnost i uzajamnost su bili osnova udruživanja različitih skupina lica sa zajedničkim interesom za pokrićem od različitih rizika. U ovom radu se ukratko analizira značenje pojmova "solidarnost" i "uzaja-mnost" kao osnovama socijalnog osiguranja, a zatim nastanak socijalnog osiguranja i današnji ustavni okvir Republike Srbije i prava Evropske u...
The benefit of branding is especially significant for rural and insufficiently developed environment. The problems of rural environments are multidimensional, but revitalization and improvement of development leads to strengthening competitiveness of these areas. The higher price of products enables the increase of income of agricultural workers, a...
Exchange of the drought and precipitations due to climate changes is preventing higher agrarian output. Although modern technology and methods of farm production may be the answer to this question, these raise public concerns about employment and environment quality. Because of demographic and technological lagging, some countries face other proble...
In this paper, the authors discuss the decision-making method of the UK Financial Services Ombudsman enabling more favourable outcomes for an insured person in relation to the strict application of law. The authors delineate the manner in which the Ombudsman and the courts act and present specific examples in which the Ombudsman has recognized some...
By borrowing on the financial market, local self-government units in the Republic of Serbia can finance their own needs. It is up to the local self-governments to decide whether to opt for financing through credit borrowing or through the issue of municipal bonds. The subject of this paper is the analysis of the conditions and purpose for which cit...
Solidarnost i uzajamnost su bili osnova udruživanja različitih skupina lica sa zajedničkim interesom za pokrićem od različitih rizika. U ovom radu se ukratko analizira značenje pojmova „solidarnost” i „uzajamnost” kao osnovama socijalnog osiguranja, a zatim nastanak socijalnog osiguranja i današnji ustavni okvir Republike Srbije i prava Evropske un...
The challenges of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility are critically discussed through the current concept of unsustainable development of the economy and society, numerous manifestations of such development, as well as the causes and consequences of this phenomenon. Indicators of unsustainable development were analyzed, in...
There are various challenges regarding the integration and cooperation in the Western Balkan countries and in specific the possible path which can lead them towards the EU integration. With the recent establishment of the Mini Schengen agreement, although it is not fully implemented yet, the whole area of the Western Balkans got another perspective...
With this paper, we aim to examine the relationship between cognitive, social, and demographical factors, as well as national culture and its relationship with social entrepreneurial activity in Southeast Europe (SEE). The empirical research employs a binary logistic regression model, utilizing data obtained from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor...
Starting from the original purpose of clothes, to protect their user against weather conditions and help them meet the norms of social conduct, some clothes, over time, became a symbol of political and social status. Unique pieces of clothes and accessories serve to satisfy a particular need of a person and thus often become items of special affect...
Capital structure refers to the combination of debt and equity that the company uses to finance overall operations and growth. One of the most common problems of small enterprises is difficult access to various sources of financing, which is certainly reflected in their capital structure. Deciding on capital structure is one of the most important a...
Zarazne bolesti su bile i ostale nepoželjna pratnja u razvoju čovječanstva zbog svoje sposobnosti da neočekivano i naglo narušavaju zdravlje ljudi. Zaraza virusom COVID-19 prenosi se na sve ljude bez obzira na njihov društveni položaj, spol i godine proizvodeći teške društvene i ekonomske posljedice. Pravovremeno reagiranje i spremnost društva i zd...
Iako je Republika Srbija regulisala materiju stečaja i restrukturiranja, u mnogim delovima u skladu sa Direktivom EU o restrukturiranju i stečaju iz juna 2019. godine, oblast druge šanse za preduzetnika i mogućnost otpusta njegovih dugova nije uređena, pa će u tom delu biti neophodno prilagođavanje nacionalnih propisa o stečaju. U ovom radu autori...
Stanje zakonske neregulisanosti ugovora o reosiguranju zadržalo se sve do danas. Jedan od razloga za uzdržanost u zakonskom normiranju ugovora o reosiguranju leži u činjenici da reosiguranje predstavlja pravni posao između profesionalaca − dva pravna lica
koja poseduju adekvatno stručno znanje i kojima nije potreban poseban zakonski okvir kojim bi...
Growth of population and economic activity contribute to the increasing number of ecological incidents, which derive from different sources causing multiple types of pollution. Legal framework for selling this type of insurance was created by the introduction of the mandatory pollution liability insurance and the adoption of the insurance terms and...
Sustainability is a necessity in today’s business since long-term development cannot be achieved without embracing it. The fourth industrial revolution (i.e., Industry 4.0) that introduced the digital transformation of companies is pushing the industry towards sustainable development. Human resource management (HRM), as part of the Industry 4.0 con...
This article investigates the impact of institutional variables on economic activity (GDP) in 19 Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries, covering the period 1999–2016. We utilise Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to construct a hybrid measure of economic freedom, and the Random Effect model to estimate the causalities. The analysis shows that...
The author in this paper examines provisions of the Directive of 20 June 2019 on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union, purpose and measures of the EU before its submission to the European Parliament. This paper deals with the provisions of the said Directive on the Member States’ duties concerning the regulation of t...
Tradicionalne pravne ustanove predstavljaju zna-čajne pravne izvore današnjih, modernih instituta prava osiguranja. One su nastale i razvijale se u prvo doba kroz snažan uticaj nepisanih običaja i morala koji su oblikovali prve, rudimentarne oblike osiguranja. U ovom radu, autori istražuju preteče današnjih instituta pravnog posla i delatnosti osig...
Entrepreneur no longer exists as an individual in any mature corporation, but also in an
economic area, which can not be called for by the market, and where those same corporations are present - today multinational and global companies. Perhaps the paradoxical connotation has the following research question, but on the basis of existing theoretical...
Insurance distribution Directive of 2016 represents a piece of the EU legislation adopted with the aim to ensure equal conditions for all participants dealing with the sale of the insurance products and to strengthen policy holder protection. The most important novelty and one of the "most revolutionary" aspects in the insurance product distributio...
Economic transition is not a one-dimensional process but implies ownership, structural and management transformation. We can call the current circumstances of the economy of the Republic of Serbia post-transitional, for which the ownership transformation is largely due. The aforementioned process is the basis for the formation of a corporate sector...
The paper deals with the efficiency dynamics of the Croatian banking industry, covering the period from 2006 to 2015. We have implemented the intermediation approach, using interest and non-interest expenses and revenues as the input and output variables, respectively. The variable return to scale (BCC) Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) output-orient...
Economic transition is not a one-dimensional process but implies ownership, structural and management transformation. We can call the current circumstances of the economy of the Republic of Serbia post-transitional, for which the ownership transformation is largely due. The aforementioned process is the basis for the formation of a corporate sector...
Mediation is still one of the lesser known ways of resolving disputes in our country. The use of media-tion enables parties in the dispute to exercise their right to access to justice in a faster, more efficient and cheap-er way. Mediation reduces the number of court cases, relieving the judiciary, reducing time limits in judicial pro-cesses and in...
In this paper, the author analyzes the concept of unmanned aircraft, the purpose of submission and the initiatives that preceded the adoption of EU Regulation, no. 2018/1139 of 4 July 2018 on general rules in the field of civil aviation and on the establishment of the EU Aviation Safety Agency. In addition, the author investigates the manner in whi...
Rapid development, innovations and the blend of different technologies have brought about the development of new IT-communication products. Cloud computing, the Internet of things, mobile devices, telematics etc. are only some of the products of modern technology that provide swift and highly efficient data processing. The possibility of free acces...
Although the modern world uses common and simplified definition of energy security in the context of the availability of energy resources in sufficient quantities and at affordable prices, stability of supply, as well as physical safety of gas and oil pipelines, many countries and organisations interpret this concept in different ways, approaching...
The subject of the research, conducted by the authors of this paper was the legal aspect in the study of the correlation of termination of business entities and reduction of scope of business activities, on the one hand, and regulations, policies and activities carried out by the state to liquidate, restructure or reorganize the companies with diff...
U radu se razmatra pravni položaj korisnika usluge osiguranja, u smislu koja lica uživaju zaštitu prilikom pregovaranja i izvršavanja ugovora o osiguranju. Autor analizira defi niciju pojma „potrošač”, a posebno definiciju pojma „korisnik usluge osiguranja” prema opštim
propisima o zaštiti potrošača i propisima Republike Srbije koji regulišu delat...
In the last decade, we have been witnesses of increasing changes in agribusiness concerning the development of technology and human resources, as well as demographic and changes in climate and global economy. As a consequence, significant changes occurred in ownership structure of most organizations, while many organizations that stayed in state or...
The most recent changes in the economic and social sphere led to different perception of Serbian leaders, managers and employees about themselves and their market role. Serbia, as a country in development and due to the fact that it aspires to be a member of the EU, needs new cultural patterns and models that have to be adopted through the process...
In all developed countries, there are an increased number of women entering the business world. In addition to economic factors, it was mainly influenced by changes in attitudes toward women as employees, especially to working mothers, as well as the political and legal initiatives that have supported this trend. At the same time, the
number of wom...
ISI Document Delivery No.: BA7DO
Free-market competition represents the value which is an integral part of the recent economic movement in Serbia. The Constitution proclaims that the foundation of economic organisation lies in market economy, open and free market, freedom of entrepreneurship and equal legal position of all market participants.
Unfair competition occurs in market...
Fair Trade as an innovative trading model strives to achieve greater equality in the international trade, by offering equitably distribution of the gains between marginalized producers, traders and consumers.
In this way, it aims to improve producers incomes in some of the poorest countries in the world and help them to actively participate in the...
Dvadeseto stoljeće je označeno evolucionarnim i revolucionarnim promjenama, koje su zauvijek promijenile način djelovanja i funkcioniranja organizacija, ljudi i cjelokupnog društva. Ove promjene su dovele do sasvim novog i drugačijeg pristupa funkcioniranju orga-nizacija u vidu liderstva. Međutim, s pojavom liderstva, njegovim razvojem i implementa...
Republic of Serbia is one of the countries which are legal successors of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, created after the turbulent events during the nineties of last century. Republic of Serbia consists of two autonomous provinces (Vojvodina, Kosovo and Metohija), and has a very colourful structure of the population. Accordin...
Institucija ombudsmana predstavlja jednu relativno novu pojavu u
pravnom sisitemu Srbije. Sam pojam ombudsmana nastao je početkom XIX veka
u Švedskoj, da bi se danas proširio na celu Evropu. Suština institucije ombudsmana
ogleda se u jednoj vrsti nepristrasne, samostalne i stručne kontrole rada organa
uprave jedne zemlje. Kontrola rada uprave se ba...
Life insurance represents a special field of business that affects a country's social and economical structure up to a great extent. Due to its nature, life insurance differs from all other kinds of insurance. What is essential for all the businesses that are present in the insurance market is to present life insurance itself to an individual with...
Information technology today represents unavoidable factor and a highly developed part of social life. Without information technology and internet, today it is impossible to imagine any kind of serious business and connection with business partners. Advantages of this kind of business are enormous and mostly are concerning speed of taking actions,...
Life insurance is a special kind of activity which has a huge influence on social and economic structure of a country. Because of its nature, life insurance is different from all other insurances. Compared to other contracts, the contract of life insurance and the contract of warranty by its nature are most similar to the contract of loan insurance...