Ozlem Ozdemir

Ozlem Ozdemir
Middle East Technical University | METU · Department of Business Administration



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Working on papers on the topics: Decision making under risk and uncertainty, Entreprenuership, organic food consumption, food waste Methods: Experiments, surveys, semi-structured interviews
Additional affiliations
August 2005 - August 2006
Max-Planck-Institut für Ökonomik
  • Research Associate
September 2007 - present
Middle East Technical University
  • Professor (Full)


Publications (43)
This study investigated repeated organic food purchasing behavior among customers of a local farm. Differently from previous studies, which have mostly taken random individuals as their sample, this study had as its sample individuals who are already customers and who have purchased several times, or have at least demonstrated an intention to do so...
This study investigated repeated organic food purchasing behavior among customers of a local farm. Differently from previous studies, which have mostly taken random individuals as their sample, this study had as its sample individuals who are already customers and who have purchased several times, or have at least demonstrated an intention to do so...
Eliciting individuals' WTP estimates in food choice is being a growing appeal. Discrete choice experiments and experimental auctions which are the common examples of incentive-compatible techniques have been mainly utilized in several studies to obtain truthful estimations, however, there is an ongoing debate on which elicitation method is superior...
This study is the first attempt to elicit individual willingness to pay (WTP) for varying attributes of a specific food product, the organic egg, using three elicitation methods, namely, a real choice experiment (RCE), the Becker–DeGroot–Marschak (BDM) mechanism, and a RCE by using the BDM mechanism (RCE‐BDM). The experimental setting allows for a...
Merak uyandırıcı, iktisattaki ilginç ve nispeten yeni çalışmalara dikkat çeken, renkli bir derleme. N. Emrah Aydınonat ve Ü. Barış Urhan’ın hazırladıkları derlemede Emin Köksal, Şule Alan, Seda Ertaç, Serkan Küçükşenel, Emin Karagözoğlu, Mehmet Yiğit Gürdal, Tuna Çakar, Levent Neyse, Özlem Özdemir, Muhammed Emin Torunoğlu, Yasin Uzun, Hatice Şafak...
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This study investigates two risk-reduction mechanisms: self-insurance and market insurance. Specifically, it examines individuals' preferences and valuations for these mechanisms to mitigate the earthquake risk in Turkey. An experiment designed to test the expected utility theory and previous theoretical frameworks was conducted with 78 subjects. T...
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This study examines the reactions of individual investors that have invested in the stocks of companies that have been eventually delisted from the stock market due to banktrupcy and/or bad governance. Data to determine reaction styles of investors is collected through a well-established questionnaire to a sample of 67 investors of Borsa Istanbul....
This paper studies the role of affective self-affinity for a company in the stock investment decision by investigating the factors triggering it. Based on the social identity theory and the affect literature we hypothesize that three types of identifications, namely group related, company-people related and idea/ideal related, trigger affective sel...
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The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between income and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions in the context of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), which posits the existence of an inverted U-shape relationship between environmental degradation and economic development. For this purpose, two empirical models are examined. For both m...
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This experimental study examines and compares individual valuations of the two risk reduction mechanisms: self-insurance and self-protection in risky versus ambiguous outcome situations. Results confirm that individuals do not perceive these mechanisms differently under risk. Moreover, ambiguity in the outcome (i.e., size of loss) affects valuation...
This experimental study investigates insurance decisions in low-probability, high-loss risk situations. Results indicate that subjects consider the probability of loss (loss size) when they make buying decisions (paying decisions). Most individuals are risk averse with no specific threshold probability.
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The Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool (TCIP) is one of the best practices of public-private partnerships in an emerging market designed to reduce economic losses from disasters. This paper reviews the application of this compulsory mechanism along with data relating to the performance of the scheme following recent earthquakes in Turkey. We also c...
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This experimental study investigates insurance decisions in low-probability, high-loss risk situations. Results indicate that subjects consider the probability of loss (loss size) when they make buying decisions (paying decisions). Most individuals are risk averse with no specific threshold probability.
Working Paper
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This experimental study investigates insurance decisions in low-probability, high-loss risk situations. Results indicate that subjects consider the probability of loss (loss size) when they make buying decisions (paying decisions). Most individuals are risk averse with no specific threshold probability.
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Different from previous experiments that used three representations of uncertain information for probabilities: best estimate, interval and sets of probabilities, we use visual display to represent different levels of uncertainty through varying amount of probabilistic information provided to subjects. Results confirm that the individuals’ willingn...
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12 Haziran 2011 seçimlerinden sonra Türkiye’de seçmenlerin iktidar partisi AKP ve ana muhalefet partisi CHP etrafında giderek keskinleşen karşılıklı tercihlerle toplanma eğilimleri net olarak görülmektedir. Araştırmanın amacı, seçmenlerin AKP’den uzaklaşıp CHP’ye yaklaşmalarını ya da CHP’den uzaklaşıp AKP yönünde tercih geliştirmelerini belirleyen...
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The purpose of the study is to analyze the relation between infant mortality rates, fertility rates, and income in an emerging economy, namely Turkey. We use infant mortality, fertility rates, and per capita Gross Domestic Product data for utilizing Toda and Yamamoto procedure for an analysis different from previous studies. The fertility and infan...
This study aims to determine the liquidity risk structure of the Turkish insurance industry. For this purpose, we use "ratio analysis" method where each ratio that explains the liquidity structure is calculated by the authors. Throughout the analysis period, the liquidity risk faced by life insurance sector has increased, while the non-life insuran...
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This paper is the first attempt that computes Housing Affordability Index (HAI) for an emerging country’s housing market. The calculation is based on a method that takes into account the regional and income differences through putting income distribution and house price distribution simultaneously in the model. We use data for the biggest seven cit...
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This paper investigates the effects of earthquake risk perceptions and a number of socioeconomic variables on risk mitigation. The effects of perceived risk components (probability and severity) and perceived risk characteristics (dread, knowledge, controllability, and responsibility) are investigated jointly in a single model, together with degree...
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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Texas Tech University, 2000. Includes bibliographical references (p. 84-92) Photocopy s
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İktisat alanındaki çalışmalar deprem gibi oluşma olasılığı az ama olduğunda zararın çok yüksek olduğu risklere karşı bireylerin davranışlarını açıklamakta yetersiz kalmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı hane halkının farklı risk bölgelerinde depremi nasıl bir risk olarak algıladığını ortaya çıkarmak, deprem sonucu oluşan zararları azaltıcı önlemlerin ne ka...
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The aim of the current study is to explore the entrepreneurial activities in Turkey through determining some demographic characteristics, personal perceptions and motivations of Turkish entrepreneurs in addition to the environment for entrepreneurship, and to highlight Turkey's entrepreneurial position internationally.One of the key findings is tha...
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The purpose of this study is to explore the entrepreneurial activities in Turkey and determine Turkey's entrepreneurial position globally. Data is collected through the standard survey of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) project. The results indicate a low participation rate among women and young people in the entrepreneurial activities and a...
This experimental study, first, compares the individual valuations of two risk reduction mechanisms: self-insurance and self-protection. Second, it investigates these valuations when the loss amount is ambiguous, and compare these values with valuations when loss amounts are known. results confirm that there exists no "framing effect" due to the tw...
Working Paper
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The study investigates protective responses in low probability and high loss risk situations. Particularly, it (1) detects individual protection valuations to variations in probability versus to variations in loss for payment decisions and choice decisions, (2) elicits the threshold probability in individuals’ minds that make them consider having p...
The effect of price controls on competitive equilibrium is a standard topic in many undergraduate economics courses. This classroom experiment demonstrates the effect of rent control (price ceilings) on the market for apartments. As participants in the experiment, students experience the effect of a price ceiling as buyers (renters) and sellers (la...
Working Paper
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Different from previous studies that use a best estimate, interval, or sets of probabilities, we represent the degree of ambiguity through levels of information provided to subjects. The willingness to pay is higher when more amount of information is provided.
The authors investigate the effects of trust on the relational behaviors of firms in long-term channel dyads across different interdependence structures. Based on the long-term nature of the empirical setting, trust is posited to exert a positive effect on the emergence of relational behaviors in all interdependence conditions. This positive effect...
Bir ülke için çok önemli bir doğal kaynak olan orman arazilerinin nasıl ve ne amaçla kullanıldığını belirleyen temel içgörülerden biri sosyoekonomik çevredir. Dolayısıyla ormansızlaşmayı düzeltmeyi amaçlayan politikalarda teknik ekonomik ve tarımsal değerlerin yanında nüfus, gelir düzeyi ve diğer sosyoekonomik konuların da göz önüne alınması gerekm...
The purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts of a natural disaster on a developing country’s economy. In that sense, we look at the impact of August 1999 earthquake in Turkey on two important macroeconomic indicators of the Turkish economy (Real Output and Employment) with recovery policies followed by the government and international do...
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This paper explores the relationship between consumer credit clients’ payment performance i.e. credit default risk and some demographic and financial variables. Data to examine this relationship is obtained from the customer records of a private bank in Turkey. A logistic binary regression is used to evaluate the data. Financial variables rather th...
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The causal relationship between GDP and energy consumption is a well-studied topic for various countries. This paper utilizes Johansen-Juselius Cointegration Methodology and Vector Error Correction Modeling to analyze this relationship for Turkey. The results indicate a unidirectional causality running from energy consumption to GDP. Thus, energy c...
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Risk tolerance is widely used in the personal financial planning referring to an investor's attitude towards risk. It is the amount of uncertainty or investment return volatility that an investor is willing to accept when making a financial decision. Risk tolerance scores are used (1) to examine the relationship between demographic characteristics...


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