Oyvind KasteNorwegian Institute for Water Research | NIVA
Oyvind Kaste
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Publications (14)
I forbindelse med ekstremværet «Hans» som rammet store deler av Østlandet i august 2023, ble det tatt ekstra vannprøver i Glomma, Drammenselva samt gjennomført ekstra undersøkelser i Indre og Ytre Oslofjord. Flomprøvene fra elvene viste ingen ekstremt høye konsentrasjoner av partikler, organisk stoff eller næringssalter, men på grunn av de store va...
Five decades of monitoring data (1974–2022) at the acidified forested catchment of Langtjern in southern Norway document strong chemical recovery and browning of surface water, related to changes in sulfur (S) deposition. Further recovery is likely to be impacted by future air quality and climate, through catchment processes sensitive to climate ch...
Rising organic charge in northern freshwaters is attributed to increasing levels of dissolved natural organic matter (DNOM) and changes in water chemistry. Organic charge concentration may be determined through charge balance calculations (Org.−) or modelled (OAN−) using the Oliver and Hruška conceptual models, which are based on the density of wea...
For 40 years, Model of Acidification of Groundwater In Catchments (MAGIC) has been used to simulate the acidification of soils and waters due to acid deposition. The original model (MAGIC v8) has now been updated and re‐implemented in the C++ Mobius platform and is available as open source. MAGIC‐Forest includes new modules describing hydrology, fo...
Det mangler per i dag vannkjemiske grenseverdier for suspenderte partikler og organisk materiale i klassifiseringssystemet for vann. Begge elementene var inkludert i klassifiseringsveilederen fra 1997, men i dag brukes parameterne kun til å bestemme vanntype. Forvaltningen ønsker derfor en ny vurdering av om parametere for partikler og organisk mat...
Mariussen MS, Strøm V, Valseth ÅA, Vennemo K, Bjorbækmo MFM, Chen W, Furuseth IS, Bekkby T, Berg PR, Saesin P, Staalstrøm A, Walday MG, Kaste Ø, Ruus A, Hess-Erga O-K, Langaas S. 2023. Mulighetskartlegging for kystbaserte næringer i Viken – Indre Oslofjord og Drammensfjorden. Vista Analyse Report 2023/11. ISBN 978-82-8126-623-0. https://www.vista-a...
Declining atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition, through reduction in the direct input of inorganic N, may result in less inorganic N being leached from soils to freshwaters (dissolved inorganic N = DIN). Declining sulphur deposition, through reducing the ionic strength in soil water, increases the solubility and mobility of organic soil compounds an...
Coastal ecosystems are of high ecological and socioeconomic importance and are strongly influenced by processes from land, sea, and human activities. In this study, we present physical, chemical, and biological observations over two consecutive years from three study regions along the Norwegian coast that represent a broad latitudinal gradient in c...
World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation, Second Edition, Volume One: Europe, The Americas and West Africa provides a comprehensive review of the environmental condition of the seas of Europe, the Americas and West Africa. Each chapter is written by experts in the field who provide historical overviews in environmental terms, current environmental s...
The Aust-Agder and Vest-Agder counties include municipalities along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast, from Risør in the east to Flekkefjord in the west. Through the “Partnership for blue growth”, the coastal municipalities aim to facilitate blue growth in the region, and there is a need for science-based knowledge on which opportunities the ocean prov...