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March 2010 - August 2014
March 2004 - December 2007
March 1999 - June 2003
Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
Field of study
- Forestry and Wildlife Management
Publications (31)
The study determined the abundance and distribution of phytoplankton flora of an impoundment in the Agricultural Teaching and Research Farm of ObafemiAwolowo University (O.A.U), Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria. The study was carried out over an annual cycle from September 2006- August 2007, Phytoplankton and water samples were collected monthly from t...
Biodiversity has been identified as key solution to improving food security and sustainability in the areas of food and agriculture. The global food crisis in 2008 has brought about the demand to increase food production that will feed the populations of the world which leads to utilization of other food sources other than agricultural food produce...
Saving endangered species presents a critical and increasingly pressing challenge for conservation and sustainability movements, and is also matter of survival and livelihoods for the world's poorest and vulnerable communities. In 1973, a global Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) was adopted to stem the extinction of ma...
Diversity indices of tree species in tropical rainforest have been studied, but less effort has been devoted to the ground flora studies especially in sacred groves of tropical rainforest, Nigeria, as it plays a critical role in nutrient cycling and energy flow within the forest ecosystem. This study was carried out to determine the ground flora sp...
An investigation on the structural characteristics of the riparian forest in Omo Biosphere Reserve was carried out. The structure was analyzed through diameter class distribution, basal area and breast height. Riparian forest showed a major characteristic in the physiognomy of forests along major river, streams and Upland vegetation and the Core, B...
This study examined the growth yield and the nutrient status of two prominent tree species in Ogun State Forestry Plantation Project Area, Pinus carribaea stands established in 1991, 1992 and 1996 and Nauclea diderrichii in 1974, 1975, and 1976. Growth data and composite soil samples from 2 depths (0-15 and 15-30cm) were collected from five plots (...
The population and structure of trees in Omo Biosphere Reserve (OBR) were assessed. Systematic cluster sampling technique was used to select eight 50 m × 50 m temporary sample plots. All trees encountered were identified and classified to species level. Total height and diameter at breast height (DBH) of all identified trees were measured. Data wer...
This paper summarises the current state of knowledge on the landscape of protected areas in Nigeria and elucidates on the status, drivers, effects and solutions to host communities’ dependence on the protected areas towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 15.9 and Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 in Nigeria. The present land coverage (15.15%...
OVERVIEW: Green Economy in Biosphere Reserve (GEBR)
The FRIN GEBR project sponsored by Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) between 2013 and 2017 proposes people-centred solutions towards a more sustainable development whilst highlighting the crucial role people...
Studies have shown that forest has undergone different levels of disturbance due to anthropogenic activities which impacted tree diversity, abundance and species composition. Therefore, this study examined and assessed tree diversity and abundance in five selected forest reserves in Osun State, Nigeria with a view to ascertaining the present specie...
Soil seed banks play an important role in tropical rainforest regeneration. Regeneration potentials of 5 sacred groves (Igbo-Ile, Igbo-Oba, Igbo-Olua, Igbo Olodumare, Igbo-Gbopo) in the three states of southwestern Nigeria were purposively selected and assessed. On each site, a representative 50m x 50m plot labeled with pegs, where viable seeds ban...
Forest degradation and deforestation disrupts the structure and functions of the ecosystem withnegative impacts on biodiversity and natural regeneration of the forests. In Nigeria, forests are lostthrough burning, shifting cultivation and logging of trees, thus reducing the potential of the forest tonaturally regenerate and perform ecosystem functi...
Chima, U.D.; Ola-Adams, B.A.; Adedire, M.O.; Oyelowo, O.J. (2009): Impact of landuse changes on soil quality of a biosphere reserve in Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment. 1 (1): 120-131.
This study was conducted to assess the socioeconomic contribution of sacred groves in south western Nigeria. The sacred groves are: Igbo-Ile, Igbo-Oba, Igbo-Olua, Igbo-Olodumare and Igbo-Gbopo. 150 copies of questionnaire were administered randomly to custodians (16), community heads (40) and residents (94) in the 5 communities for information on s...
The floristic composition of Igbo-Olua sacred grove of Igbara-Oke, Ondo State, Nigeria was assessed. The sacred grove regarded as cluster was divided into two with a line transect that ran North-South of the forest. At the midpoint along the transect line, a plot of 50m x 50m was laid at the right side. All living trees with diameter at breast heig...
Many primary forests in the tropical regions of the world have been converted into degraded secondary or intensively used agricultural areas. Using the Spatial Analogue technique of studying ecosystem dynamics, soil impact of deforestation and conversion was evaluated by comparing soil properties under the natural forest, secondary regrowth of a lo...
The present study is focused on the assessment on environmental awareness among secondary school teacher in some selected schools in Ibadan. Simple random sampling technique was used for the selection of sample. The investigators developed a questionnaire on assessment of environmental awareness. Statistical techniques like percentage analysis and...
The species composition, density, and distribution of soil seed banks have been the subject of investigations to designate the viable seed reservoir present in a soil. The study assessed the seed bank dynamic in view to regenerating tropical rainforest ecosystem in SouthWestern Nigeria. The study area is located in the International Institute of Tr...
The species composition, density, and distribution of soil seed banks have been the subject of investigations to designate the viable seed reservoir present in a soil. The study assessed the seed bank dynamic in view to regenerating tropical rainforest ecosystem in SouthWestern Nigeria. The study area is located in the International Institute of Tr...
The species composition, density, and distribution of soil seed banks have been the subject of investigations to designate the viable seed reservoir present in a soil. The study assessed the seed bank dynamic in view to regenerating tropical rainforest ecosystem in SouthWestern Nigeria. The study area is located in the International Institute of Tr...
The anthropogenic factors which drive land use change are primarily population pressure on land (i.e. mean population per unit area) which has resulted in undue depletion and degradation of most forest land in Nigeria. Deforestation, reduction in biodiversity, depletion of stratospheric ozone, increases in greenhouse gases, and changes in sea level...
Pulverized plant materials of Eugenia aromatica (Baill) (seeds), Aristolochia ringes (Varl) (roots), Zanthoxylum xanthoxyloides (Lam.) Waterman (roots) and Azadirachta indica A. Juss (stem bark) were evaluated for their insecticidal activities against the warehouse moth, Ephestia cautella (Walker) reared on cocoa beans. The materials were applied a...
Inspite of the strong aversion shown to Entomophagy (consumption of edible insects) due to 176 civilization, insects have played an important part in the history of human nutrition in Africa, Australia, Asia and the Americas. Hundreds of species have been used as human food. Globally, about 14 insect orders contain one or more species of edible ins...
The physico-chemical and trace metal analyses of International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) main lake in Ibadan were determined in other to assess the current status of pollution. The physico-chemical parameters determined were; dissolved oxygen (DO) by Winkler's titrimetric method; pH with pH meter (Metrohm Hersau E 520) and temperatur...
This paper examines the place of environmental education and awareness in biodiversity conservation in Nigeria. Depletion of biodiversity in Nigeria is a major environmental problem and a serious threat to livelihood and the quality of life. It is very important that future development programmes aggressively develop environment and sustainable dev...
The tropical forest ecosystem is one of the most important ecosystems of the world, because it contains a large proportion of the world’s biodiversity and provides many environmental functions. Local communities have successfully conserved these resources that are of interest to them through laws and taboos. These range from fetish forests, burial-...