Oya Irmak ŞahinYalova University · Chemical Engineering
Oya Irmak Şahin
Doctor of Engineering
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Microalgal Biotechnology,
Food Chemistry,
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November 2018 - present
Publications (39)
For the last decades, there is a significant increase of the discovery of metabolites from marine resources. In marine habitat, seaweed is a valuable source of biologically active compounds. The cell walls and intracellular of marine algae are rich in polysaccharides, like agar and carrageenan in red algae, fucoidan and alginate in brown algae and...
The effects of Spirulina platensis and Dunaliella salina biomass (1% and 2%) on formulated cookies were studied. Colour, hardness, moisture content, ash content, protein content, lipid content, total phenolic content and total antioxidant activity by CUPRAC were assessed, and a sensory evaluation of the cookies was performed. The results show that...
Microalgae can be regarded as an alternative and promising ingredient for food fortification or
enrichment. Due to their nutritional composition, especially protein-high composition, they
considered as a sustainable protein source for food. The aim of this work was to evaluate the
Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina) dry biomass which is knowns as the...
The presented study aimed to produce low-fat cookie (C) with substitution of Chlorella vulgaris biomass (0.5 % as CB1, 1.0 % as CB2, and 1.5 % as CB3) and to investigate the bioavailability of minerals, total phenolic content, and antioxidant capacities. Microalgae Chlorella sp. is known for their high phenolic content and antioxidant capacity as w...
This study aimed to enhance the oxygen barrier properties of polylactic acid (PLA) film, a biodegradable packaging material with high oxygen permeability (OP). Bi‐layer films were produced by coating thermoplastic starch (TPS) onto PLA films in various ratios while maintaining constant film thickness. The mechanical, optical, barrier, thermal, hydr...
The aim of the study is to reveal the effect of different drying methods (hot‐air drying [HAD] and freeze‐drying [FD]) on flowers of Prunus domestica—white, pink, and red, methanolic extracts and their effects on polyphenolic compounds. Drying kinetics, phytochemical and antioxidant activity were investigated, and compared with each other and also...
In recent years, there has been extensive research on valorization of food wastes and a growing interest in nano-liposomal systems for food applications. This paper discusses the case of phosphatidylcholine basednanophytosomes loaded with anthocyanins extracted from red onion (RNPs) to overcome the bio-stability during digestion. The characterizati...
Microalgae are an enormous biomass used for fortification in foods that represent a promising source of protein. Enrichment of baked foods with microalgae is a challenge for its textural and structural impacts. In this study, dough rheology, physical, textural and sensorial properties of low-fat cookies with Chlorella vulgaris at various concentrat...
Recently, packaging industry has turned to biodegradable packaging, and poly(lactic acid) has become the most remarkable polymer. However, the high oxygen permeability of PLA films significantly limits their use. Therefore, this study, it was aimed to improve the oxygen barrier properties of PLA films without adversely affecting the mechanical and...
“Boba balls” or pearls have recently gained popularity for beverages or food toppings. “Boba balls” could be developed into functional foods by the encapsulation of bioactive compounds. In this study, gelatin/sodium alginate composite “Boba balls” enriched with pomegranate peel extract (PPE) at different concentrations (0, 1, 2, and 3%) were prepar...
Nano-phytosomes (NP), lipid-based nano-carriers, were used to encapsulate the phycocyanin. Phycocyanin (Phy) is known for its important biological properties with low bioavailability and low stability. The aim of the study was to prepare phosphatidylcholine (PC) based Phy loaded NP to overcome the bioavailability and storage stability issues. The c...
Nano-phytosomes are lipid-based nano-carriers and rapidly growing technology for products containing phytochemicals. In this study, pomegranate peel extract (PPE) loaded nanophytosomes (NP) were prepared with phosphatidylcholine (PC) based on thin layer hydration method. The characterization of NP such as entrapment efficiency (EE), particle size,...
Spirulina is of the worldwide cultivated and consumed microalgae. It is generally used directly or as an additive in the food industry due to its high protein content. Besides the high protein content, Spirulina biomass contains important fatty acids, (e.g. GLA), vitamins, minerals and other bioactive compounds. These important compounds are affect...
Microalgae biomass addition to food has been studied for its nutritional fortification. The present work investigates the impact of microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris and Dunaliella salina) addition, in terms of quality characteristics, during a 28-day storage at 5°C. As much as 2.5% (w/v) of C. vulgaris and D. salina were separately added to fresh gre...
This study was carried out to determine the effects of fish meal or plant‐based diets with supplementation of dietary Spirulina (4%) on shelf life of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Rainbow trout (initial weight: ~135 g) were fed four experimental diets (fish meal‐based FM, plant meal‐based‐PM, Spirulina included at 4% of fish meal‐based‐FM/S o...
Yüzey ve/veya yer altı sularına başlıca evsel ve endüstriyel atıkla karışan organik azot sudaki bakterile-rin etkisiyle önce amonyağa (NH3), ardından diğer bir sınıf bakteri ve mantarın etkisiyle sudaki serbest oksijeni de kullanarak nitrite (NO2-) ve son olarak yine bakterilerin etkisiyle nitrata (NO3-) dönüşür. Sıcaklığın art-masıyla birlikte çöz...
Sanayi, tarım ve evsel atık sularının sahil sularına büyük miktarlarda boşaltılması önemli bir çevre sorunu olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Deniz sularındaki bu kirliliğin bileşenleri incelenerek, kirletici konsantrasyonları tayin edilmeye çalışılmaktadır. Teknolojinin gelişmesiyle birlikte ağır metal kullanımının artması ve böylelikle canlı yaşamı i...
Yalova ili, körfezin Marmara Denizine açıldığı noktada bulunması sebebiyle akıntıların sürüklediği sanayi ve tersane atıklarıyla kirlenmektedir. Ayrıca tarım alanlarından geçen Samanlı deresi ile şehrin içinden geçerek Marmara denizine açılan Safran deresi evsel ve zirai atıkları denize taşımaktadır. Çalışmada, derelerin denize açılma noktaları ola...
Özellikle dere sularında metal katyonlarının ve metaloidlerin kalitatif ve kantitatif tayini, gerek jeokimyasal açıdan yer altı cevher kaynaklarının belirlenmesinde gerekse deniz akıntılarının takip edilmesinde büyük önem taşır [1]. Oksoanyon oluşturabilen ağır metal katyonları, alkali ve oksijence zengin sularda oksoanyon formlarına dönüşerek stab...
Çalışmanın amacı,
farklı kurutma yöntemlerinin Spirulina
platensis mikroalginden elde edilen fikosiyanin üzerine etkilerinin
belirlenmesidir. Çalışmada, freeze-dry tekniği ve fırın kurutma olmak üzere iki
farklı yöntem denenmiştir. Freeze-dry tekniğinde fikosiyanin miktarı %27,3
olarak belirlenmiştir. Fırın kurutma yönteminde ise diğer gruba kıyasl...
In this study, the physicochemical and sensorial characteristics of green olive pastes from retail markets were analyzed. Physicochemical analysis showed that the titritable acidity, salt and pH values of the pastes varied between 0.58-1.78 gm 100 gm-1, 3.45–7.16 gm 100 gm-1 and 2.82–4.08, respectively. The major fermentation compounds were lactic...
The smoking process determines the characteristic flavour, odour, colour and texture of several cheese varieties. Some smoke compounds are known to have bacteriostatic and antioxidant effects, and may act as preservatives. Smoked cheese is appreciated by consumers due to its sensorial properties. However, with smoking process there is a risk of for...
The objective of this research was to determine some microbiological and chemical properties of pismaniye sweet. A total of 47 plain and with cacao pismaniye samples were purchased from retail markets in the Marmara region, Turkey. Mean moisture, ash, fat and total sugar contents were found as 3.16 to 3.31, 0.18 to 0.23, 11.67 to 11.87 and 37.10 to...
Biodegradability is defined as the capacity of to be broken down by the action of living things, such as bacteria and fungi being the main participants in the process of biodegradation in the natural world. The breakdown of materials provides them with precursors for cell components and energy for energy-requiring processes. Biodegradation is thus...
The purpose of this study was to determine the survival of two probiotic micro-organisms (Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and Bifidobacterium bifidum BB-12) in a rice pudding, the impact of these bacteria on hygienic quality, and to verify the perspectives of the product with regard to consumer sensorial acceptance. The products were monitored for t...
The purpose of this study was to determine the survival of two probiotic micro-organisms (Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and Bifidobacterium bifidum BB-12) in a rice pudding, the impact of these bacteria on hygienic quality, and to verify the perspectives of the product with regard to consumer sensorial acceptance. The products were monitored for t...