Otto BrinkkemperRijksdienst voor Cultureel Erfgoed · Landscape
Otto Brinkkemper
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January 1993 - December 1997
BIAX Consult
- Archaeobotanist
April 1994 - present
Rijksdienst voor Cultureel Erfgoed; Cultural Heritage Agency
- Senior Researcher Palaeo-ecology/Archaeobotany
March 1987 - January 1993
April 1987 - January 1993
September 1980 - March 1986
Publications (139)
We studied a Holocene peat fill of a small depression in Pleistocene coversand, in the western border zone of Het Gooi, to assess the early local and regional vegetation history in relation to sea-level rise, soil development and potential human impact. In the fourth millenium BC, a podzol which had formed in the depression became stagnative, leadi...
In the coastal area of the northwestern part of
the Netherlands, dozens of sites dating to the Single Grave
culture (or Corded Ware culture; 2850–2450 cal BC) have
been located. Some of the sites have been excavated in the
last decades of the 20th century. Within the framework of
the Odyssey project of the Netherlands Organisation for
Scientific Re...
An archaeobotanical sample from Rotterdam
(The Netherlands), dating to AD 1400–1425, yielded carbonized
split fruits of Smyrnium olusatrum. Just two other
archaeobotanical records of this species exist, both from
the UK. Based on written medieval sources, the species
must have been more common in medieval Europe than the
archaeobotanical record wou...
Call for papers now closed -- Call for papers for the 20th conference of the International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany (IWGP), which will take place in Groningen, the Netherlands in 2025. The prolonged deadline for abstract submission is 24.07.2024. Please see the document and the website https://archaeobotany.org/iwgp2025/ for further informat...
The earlier version of PALAEOASSOCIA involved a considerable input of manual labour in sorting species tables with association data to identify plant communities that could have been present. A large archaeobotanical dataset from the site of Best (The Netherlands) was used to judge whether this manual sorting results in subjective results. As these...
The drift sand area near Hilversum, the Netherlands, holds a geo-archive with multiple drift sand phases and intercalated palaeosols. We studied this area to test earlier theories on the development of podzols in such aeolian sands, the occurrence of sand drifting, and the contemporary vegetation development, and to gain insight into the early huma...
Archaeobotanical study of a villa from the Roman Period, including analysis of stable isotopes d13C and d15N. d15N indicates low levels of manuring during the hey-day of the spelt wheat producing villa.
Alkaline fens are important Natura 2000 habitats, which harbor many endangered plant species. Alkaline fens are formed in areas with groundwater discharge and usually developed in a natural way in the early Holocene. We radiocarbon dated the base of three peat deposits from spring fens along the flanks of the ice-pushed ridge near the village of Oo...
In the Netherlands, several proxies of climate change during the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition (LGIT) (c. 14,700 to 11,700 b2k) have been investigated in detail over the last few decades. The present paper presents two tree-ring chronologies LETR-A (n = 16, timespan 106 rings) and LETR-B (n = 24, timespan 201 rings) from in situ subfossil pi...
The Dutch archaeozoological and archaeobotanical databases BoneInfo and RADAR
contain a wealth of information suitable for big data analysis. In this contribution to honour Roel Lauwerier, one of the founders of BoneInfo, both databases are used to explore trends in biodiversity through time. These trends for both types of archaeobiological remains...
In this contribution to the liber amicorum for Roel Lauwerier, we present the occurrence of the mollusc Mercuria anatina (swollen spire snail) in the past and present. Its Dutch name getijdeslak (tidal snail) links to the natural distribution area of this species. Our snail is characteristic of freshwater tidal regions of rivers and geographically...
This article discusses the occupation of previously uninhabited wetlands in the Early
Iron Age (the period between 800 and 500 BC) in the Netherlands. The colonisation of such areas in this period is a supra-regional phenomenon.
It concerns (peat) areas in estuaries and salt marshes along the Dutch coast. For the history of these areas, the Early I...
De Bossenstrategie besteedt aandacht aan
het belang van het behoud van autochtone
genenbronnen: “Veel oorspronkelijke Nederlandse boomsoorten zijn zeldzaam geworden.
Genetische bronnen van deze soorten moeten worden beschermd.” Naar schatting heeft minder dan 3 procent van de bomen en struiken in Nederland een autochtone afkomst.
De helft van de on...
In deze Rapportage Archeologische Monumentenzorg (RAM) wordt verslag gedaan van een Inventariserend Veldonderzoek van een midden-paleolithische vindplaats tussen Esbeek en Diessen (gem. Hilvarenbeek). Het gaat om een van de rijkste en grootste oppervlaktevindplaatsen van stenen artefacten uit het tijdvak van de Neanderthalers in Nederland.
We studied twelve late Holocene organic deposits in West-Frisia, The Netherlands. Pollen, spores, non-pollen palynomorphs, mosses, other botanical macrofossils and insect remains were recorded for reconstructions of changing environmental conditions. Eastern West-Frisia was a cultivated landscape during the Bronze Age, but it became a freshwater we...
This paper presents a review of records of pollen and botanical macroremains of a selection of food plants from late and post-medieval cesspits (12th century-19th century ad) in the Netherlands and northern Belgium. The presented data demonstrate that several food plants remain largely invisible in the macrobotanical records. These are all plants f...
In the original publication, the caption of Fig. 1 is partly missing. It has been updated in this correction.
The apple is an iconic tree and a major fruit crop worldwide. It is also a model species for the study of the evolutionary processes and genomic basis underlying the domestication of clonally propagated perennial crops. Multidisciplinary approaches from across Eurasia have documented the pace and process of cultivation of this remarkable crop. Whil...
Groves in ‘Het Groene Hart’: an inventory
In the rural area in the middle of the heaviest urbanized area in the Netherlands, called Groene Hart (‘Green Heart’), a large number of small patches of woodland occur. These groves have been utilized by farmers during centuries for their wood supply. Based on the occurrence of wooded patches of land on hi...
In Europe, oil‐rich seeds and plant fibers were used by hunter‐gatherers from the Early Mesolithic period onwards along with fibers procured from tree bark. With the introduction of agriculture, the founder crop, flax, reached Europe from the Near East, with evidence for the use of its oil‐rich seeds as well as for fiber documented. Opium poppy was...
RATIONALE: Isotopic analysis of archaeological charred plant remains offers useful
archaeological information. However, adequate sample pre-treatment protocols may be
necessary to provide a contamination-free isotopic signal while limiting sample loss and
achieving a high throughput. Under these constraints research was undertaken to compare the
With the aim of providing ‘knowledge for informed choices’, a series of tools have been developed for archaeological heritage management in the Netherlands. They include maps, datasets, methods, guidelines, best practice and web-based applications to facilitate the effective and efficient selection of valuable archaeological remains. The products r...
Since 2007, virtually all local authorities in the Netherlands have used archaeological resource maps, predictive archaeological maps and policy maps to help them meet their responsibility for heritage management. The Cultural Heritage Agency gathered and systematically analysed the maps in use: a total of 1666 maps and 611 accompanying reports. Su...
Terrestrialization stages of mire vegetation are important to Dutch nature conservancy because of high biodiversity, particularly of base-rich fens. In recent turbaries, terrestrialization has however not shown development of such a stage, while existing rich fens show accelerated development towards species-poor Sphagnum-dominated vegetation, due...
Overview of the main recent developments in archaeobotany of Stone Age sites in the Netherlands (in Dutch). Chapter in a book that is written for archaeologists and other professionals and interested people dealing with archaeology.
Prehistorische raatakkers op de Hoorneboegse Heide bij Hilversum. Houtskoolbijdrage door M. Hondelink & O. Brinkkemper
URL: https://www.cultureelerfgoed.nl/domeinen/archeologie/publicaties/publicaties/2014/01/01/a-mosaic-of-habitation-at-zeewijk-the-netherlands
Castellum Fectio was one of the largest fortifications along the Limes, the northern border of the Roman Empire. The castellum, situated 5 km southeast of Utrecht, the Netherlands, was occupied from around the start of our Era to ca. a.d. 260. It was situated along a river bend of the Rhine that was cut off from the main stream during the occupatio...
Onlangs ontdekte econoom Ariëtte Dekker dat Anton Kröller zich anderhalf decennium intensief bezig heeft gehouden met het importeren van een bepaalde waterplant, Australisch zeegras. Dat schrijft zij in de biografie van deze puissant rijke zakenman, die in 2015 zal verschijnen. Australisch zeegras is bijzonder elastisch. Kröller investeerde miljoen...
A matter of life and death at Mienakker
The second excavation analysed in further detail
as part of the Odyssey ‘Unlocking Noord-
Holland's Late Neolithic Treasure Chest’ project
was that performed at the Mienakker site in
1990. Mienakker had an advantage over other as
yet unpublished Neolithic sites in the sense that
many of the material categorie...
In the last two decades, several large-scale excavations of Bronze Age sites have been conducted in the Netherlands, both in the central river area and in the northwestern part of the country (Western Frisia). Extensive physical-geographical and archaeobotanical research has been carried out on these sites, yielding new insights into the preferred...
Pleistocene sandy soils, long-term vegetation developments, spatial dynamics, open fields Analysis of a large number of pollen samples from pools and wells has led to a more detailed understanding of the vegetation development in INTRODUCTION the eastern Netherlands between c. 1100 B.C. and A.D. 1500. During the Neolithic and the Bronze It is certa...
Neoglaciation. Neoglacial cooling led to w10-20 km (?) of GIS advance, and a >35 km advance of Jakobshavn Isbrae. As these reconstructions are further developed, we move closer to quantifying aspects of the sensitivity of the western GIS to climate change.
Eggs of some intestinal parasites survive acetolysis and can therefore be found in pollen slides. Especially pol-len samples from medieval cesspits can yield large amounts of eggs of whipworm (Trichuris) and mawworm (Ascaris). Eggs of mawworm (also named giant roundworm) have never been assigned a type number in the large range of types published b...
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Eggs of some intestinal parasites survive acetolysis and can therefore be found in pollen slides. Especially pollen samples from medieval cesspits can yield large amounts of eggs of whipworm (Trichuris) and mawworm (Ascaris). Eggs of mawworm (also named giant roundworm) have never been assigned a type number in the large range of types published by...
Bewoningssporen en vondsten uit de Romeinse tijd en de prestedelijke periode (10 e -11 e eeuw); zes opeenvolgende huizen op terpophogingen in de nederzetting Rotta
Despite their name, the identification of seeds of Myosotis species (forget-me-not) has hitherto received
little attention from archaeobotanists. In an attempt to assemble a collection of reliable identification criteria,
digital image analysis was applied to photographs of Myosotis seeds by means of Fovea Pro 4.0. . This program computes 23 featur...
Excavation Roman villa and Merovingian cemetery at Maastricht – Borgharen, the Netherlands
Excavations of several settlements belonging to the Vlaardingen culture in the Netherlands have yielded
amongst other things animal bones and botanical remains. These remains yield information about the
subsistence of the Vlaardingen people, in terms of both primary and secondary products.
They provide evidence of husbandry, hunting, agriculture an...
The Noordoostpolder is an archaeologically rich area in the central Netherlands. A sediment profile, situated on a dune slope, was sampled near a Neolithic settlement site on the former island of Schokland. To reconstruct the local and regional vegetation around a Neolithic settlement, pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs and macrofossils were analyzed....
In dit artikel krijgt Elatine hydropiper verreweg de meeste aandacht, omdat over deze soort de rijkste historische documentatie beschikbaar is en omdat zij de grootste verscheidenheid in standplaats toont. Hoewel zij niet strikt tot het rivierengebied beperkt is, haar zwaartepunt gedurende het grootste deel van het Holoceen in de rivierdalen. Dit b...
The Heritage Review 2009 describes the latest situation as regards archaeology, monuments and historic buildings and the cultural landscape in the Netherlands. The heritage is not a neutral, unchanging thing: in its constantly changing forms it helps shape group identities and create a feeling of continuity down the generations.
(Extended summary i...
Our knowledge of the Late Neolithic Single Grave Culture in the Netherlands (SGC; approx. 2800–2400 BC; Lanting/van der Plicht 1999/2000, 35; 79) is largely based on information from flat graves and barrows. Because of their visibility barrows were a frequent object of interest to treasure hunters and amateur and professional archaeologists. Obviou...
Analysis of a large number of pollen samples from pools and wells has led to a more detailed understanding of the vegetation development in the eastern Netherlands between c. 1100 B.C. and A.D. 1500. During the Neolithic and the Bronze Age settlements were islands within a forest landscape, with natural clearings as the obvious starting points for...
The past and present occurrence of Elatine
hydropiper L. (eight-stamened waterwort), E. hexandra
(Lapierre) DC. (six-stamened waterwort) and E. triandra
Schkuhr (three-stamened waterwort) in the Netherlands is
discussed. It has proved possible to distinguish the slightly
curved seeds of E. hexandra and E. triandra in subfossil
material on morpholog...
The past and present occurrence of Elatine hydropiper L. (eight-stamened waterwort), E. hexandra (Lapierre) DC. (six-stamened waterwort) and E. triandra Schkuhr (three-stamened waterwort) in the Netherlands is discussed. It has proved possible to distinguish the slightly curved
seeds of E. hexandra and E. triandra in subfossil material on morpholog...