Osman Titrek

Osman Titrek
Sakarya University · Department of Educational Sciences

Prof. Dr.


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Prof.Dr. Osman Titrek currently study at the Department of Educational Sciences, Sakarya University. Prof.Titrek does research in Organizational Psychology, Leadership and School Management and Lifelong Education. Their current project is '10 th International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for ALL-ICLEL 2024 at Obuda University HUNGARY - www.iclel.com ICLEL has a partnership with SPRINGER NATURE and ICLEL 23 Conference Book published as a part of SPRNGER NATURE :)
Additional affiliations
August 2007 - August 2008
Western Michigan University
  • Visitor Scholar
December 1999 - present
Sakarya University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr.


Publications (100)
Conference Paper
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the revolutionary potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in digital education. Specifically, the text will concentrate on how AI is transforming educational experiences in conjunction with the Internet of Things (IoT) and improvements in information and computer technology (ICT). The manuscript offers...
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It is international congre and conference book will be published as a part of Springer Nature. Moreover you can have some publication options Scopus, ERIC HW. Wilson indexed journals. If you would like to publishe a paper pls visit www.iclel.com
Conference Paper
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This study investigated the opinions of school administrators working in primary (elementary) and secondary (high school) schools in İznik district, Bursa province, on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic process on their psychology, family life and work life. Twenty-one school administrators, six female and fifteen male, participated in the study....
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It is international Conference and its Conference Book published as a part of SPRINGER NATURE You can submit papers for ICLEL 24 from www.iclel.com
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It is an international conference will organize at OBUDA UNİVERSTY BUDAPEST / HUNGARY between 9-11 JULY 2024. Conference Proceeding Book accept to publish at Springer Nature Book Series
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Emotional abuse can cause severe effects on person`s emotional development, e.g., sense of worthlessness, wearing away confidence and self-esteem, anxiety, depression, etc. Psycho-emotional wellbeing becomes essential for the adolescent to become successful at school, which can be reached through emotional support, understanding and self-discovery....
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In this study, the creativity levels of preschool instructors employed in Denizli's central districts' public schools and institutions throughout the 2022–2023 academic year were examined. The study used a scanning model and was quantitatively conducted. Data from 324 preschool teachers were gathered using a convenience sampling technique. Preschoo...
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Both the external socioeconomic , safety and health conditions, as well as the changes implemented by the education sector (reforms of the curriculum content and approach, the shift of educational development strategy and organizational structure paradigm, technological changes, pandemic restrictions, shortage of teachers) are changing rapidly in t...
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Today's society requires competitive professionals who can respond operationally to ever-changing life situations, think creatively, focus their activities on achieving the goals set and this is why the new challenge of the 21st century education is to balance vocational and general education objectives to meet changing societal needs. One aspect t...
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The main purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between school principals' leadership styles and organisational happiness. İn this study, the relational survey model, one of the quantitative research methods, was used. The teachers participating in the research were selected by a cluster sampling method. In order to collect the dat...
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The purpose of this research is to examine teachers' attitudes towards distance education, which has a large place in our education system, as the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic that emerged in Wuhan province of China in November 2019 began to affect Turkey, and their levels before and after the pandemic. The universe of the research consists of 13,...
Conference Paper
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It is an international conference supported by European Union and focusess to publish high level publication at SSCI, Scopus and ERIC indexed journals. Moreover Conference Book will submit to Web of Science Conference Citation Index
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p style="text-align: justify;">The main aim of the present study is to investigate the emotional intelligence of faculty members based on their career stage and gender. In the study, a mixed method was employed to determine the emotional intelligence of faculty members and to reach generalizable findings. The convenience sampling method was used in...
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In this study, it was aimed to reveal the descriptive characteristics, methodical dimensions and general trends of the research articles on Effective School in Turkey published between 2000-2020. These studies have been systematically evaluated through content analysis. For this purpose, 23 articles scanned with the keyword ‘effective school’ and ‘...
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Bu araştırma Sakarya İlinde görev yapan öğretmenlerin teknolojiye uyumuna yönelik öz-yeterlilik algılarına ilişkin görüşlerini incelemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmaya 2020-2021 eğitim öğretim yılı güz yarıyılında Sakarya İlinde ilkokul, ortaokul ve lise düzeyinde görev yapan 480 öğretmen katılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın verileri, Wang, Ertme...
Conference Paper
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Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic is paving the way for a massive global challenge to higher education systems. In Turkey, higher education has transformed and moved online since March 2020. According to the Council of Higher Education’s (2021) report, there have been more than 8 million university students in Turkey. The report revealed that roughly...
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The aim of this study is to examine the dissertations thesis and articles published written in this the context in terms of the Lifelong Learning Tendencies (LLT) in terms of their structure, to provide on overview regarding LLT of the under for students, prospective teachers, and teachers. In this manner the survey model has been adopted and appli...
Conference Paper
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It is international congre and focuses on high level indexed publication options such as SSCI, Scopus and ERIC indexed journals. Conference Proceeding Book also will send Web of Science index. It will be organized as HYBRID methodology (Oral&online). It will be organized between 24-26 August 2021 at International University of Sarajevo in Bosnia He...
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In the study, it was aimed to present the perceptions of the teachers working at public and private schools located in Adapazarı, Serdivan and Erenler districts of Sakarya on causes of organizational dissent. The target population of the research consisted of 6277 teachers. As the sample of the study, 573 teachers who were chosen via stratified sam...
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Technological developments that have taken place in the 21st century have also affected higher education institutions. These changes have created an obligation to respond to the effects and needs of globalization. In response to these developments, the emphasis on lifelong learning and individuals who “learn how to learn” in higher education instit...
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Today, in line with the rapid changes and developments in the technological field, as in every field, school administrators holding an important place in the education sector, should keep up with technological developments. In this context, the aim of school administrators' use of social networks becomes prominent. In this study, it was aimed to ex...
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It is an international conference about education and leadership. This year will be held on Sarajevo between 13-16 JULY 2020. It present high level publication options such as SSCI, ERIC indexed journals. Moreover conference books have indexed in Web of Science Conference Citation Index until now on.
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The main aim of this study is the opinions of prospective academicians about the quality processes of the faculties. Based on this aim, we were investigated on 360 students who are studying in different faculties at Sakarya University. Service performance (Sevice Performance-SERVPERF) and service quality (Service Quality-SERVQUAL) were used as meas...
Conference Paper
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Abstract The school culture can feel as soon as you enter the school building and it is a place where you can learn more as long as you observe the students, teacher and other staff. We can get many information about the culture of the school from the physical structure of school, its orders, panels, the relationships between teachers and students...
Conference Paper
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The main purpose of the present research is to detect the exam anxiety of senior students of Sakarya University Faculty of Education" The Anxiety Scale of Central Exam of Teachers", was applied to Sakarya University Faculty of Education senior students and the relations between central exam anxiety and variables of gender, age, types of graduated h...
Conference Paper
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It is International Scientific Conference for Master Students in “Economics and Management” Majors Conference Proceeding Book and it's ISBN number is 978-605-66495-6-1. It was organized by ICLEL Conferences in BAKU Azerbaijan.
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It is 4 th International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for ALL-ICLEL 18 CPB
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It is an international conference He will be one of Keynote Speaker More info pls click www.iclel.com
Conference Paper
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It is International conference book indexed in WoS.
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The aim of this study was to examine the effect of the implementation of Turkish foreign policies and the government support as the key drivers of promoting international students to study in Turkey. As a way of internationalization of higher education, the study also reviewed the recent development of migration policies and the Grand Student Proje...
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ZET Bu araştırmada okul yöneticilerinin sosyal ağları kullanım amaçları ile bireysel yenilikçilik (inovasyon) düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma ilişkisel tarama modelinde bir çalışmadır. Araştırmanın evreni Sakarya ilindeki okul yöneticileridir. Evrenden yansızlık kuralına dayalı basit tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemi ile ö...
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Günümüzde her alanda yaşanan hızlı değişim ve gelişmeler doğrultusunda eğitim sektöründe önemli bir yer tutan okul yöneticilerinin teknolojik gelişmelere ayak uydurmaları ve kendilerini yenilemeleri gerekmektedir. Bu bağlamda okul yöneticilerinin sosyal ağları kullanım amaçları ile bireysel yenilikçilik düzeyleri ön plana çıkmaktadır. Bu araştırmad...
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The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between academic self-efficacy perception of prospective teachers and their academic motivation levels. The study was conducted on 322 prospective teachers (226 female and 96 male) who were in 3rd and 4th grades at Faculty of Education in Sakarya University during Spring term of 2017-2018 ac...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between Self-directed Learning readiness and Metacognitionof undergraduate students nurses and midwifery. The research is conducted in a public university in the city center of Amasya with 398 undergraduate nursing and midwifery students in 2017-2018 academic years. A descriptive correlation...
Conference Paper
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It is a peer reviwed and international conference book
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The purpose of this study was to find out school administrators' attitudes and the possible factors that might have influenced their attitudes toward the inclusion of students with disabilities in the regular education classrooms. A customized questionnaire entitled the Principals' Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education (PATIE) scale was used for the...
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Nowadays, due to the high development and good quality of education in Turkey the number of international students from different countries is increasing from year to year, despite the different challenges of being in a foreign environment away from their home countries. The purpose of this paper was to investigate challenges faced by international...
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The purpose of this study is to discover and describe the perceptions of teachers about their level of trust in principals and shared leadership skills in schools. The study group was 1,174 teachers from randomly selected schools in Istanbul, Kocaeli and Sakarya. The research was conducted on relational survey method. Data analyzed in a packet prog...
Conference Paper
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Conference Paper
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It is a International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for ALL- ICLEL 15 Conference Book has published by ICLEL Conferences and indexed in WoS.
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The purpose of this study is to determine which and how often conflict management strategies are used in case of any conflict situations by school principals attending primary schools. This study aims to identify to what extent the school administrators use the strategies of integration, reconciliation, compromise, domination and avoidance when han...
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It is well organized conference and supported by Liepaja University, Sakarya University and Liepaja Municipal mainly. ICLEL 2016 has lots of publication options for academicians as ICLEL 2015 (SSCI, Web of Science and other options). Prof.Dr. Rupert Maclean from Oxford University Director of Lifelong Eductaion Center and Prof.Dr. Stephen Hormon fro...
Conference Paper
Sakarya University, Palacky University and Moravska Vysoka Skola Olomouc are pleased to invite you to the “1 st International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for All-ICLEL 2015” to be held at Olomouc, Czech from October 29-31, 2015. The main aim of the congress is to bring scholars, researchers, educators, students, professionals a...
Conference Paper
International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for All-ICLEL 2015 (www.iclel.com) focusing to create an international platform where the recent trends in education can be discussed and presented in a peacefull academic atmosphere with the aim to learn from each other. The main topic of this conference is “Lifelong Education” and it...
Conference Paper
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Sakarya University, Palacky University and Moravska Vysoka Skola Olomouc are pleased to invite you to the “1 st International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for All-ICLEL 2015” to be held at Olomouc, Czech from October 29-31, 2015. Abstract : Submissions will be published in Abstract Proceeding Book and also as online proceedings b...
Conference Paper
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The purpose of this study to determine classroom justice perceptions of high school students in terms of their experiences in the classroom. Classroom is a learning environment in which a multi dimensional interaction takes place as well as the teaching procedures being held. The students are searching for justice in the classroom where they spend...
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This study, conducted using a correlational method, determines the relationship between school administrators' decision-making styles and teachers' job satisfaction levels. In total, 483 teachers and 167 administrators from primary schools in Sakarya Province, Turkey, were surveyed. The short form Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire and Decision-M...
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21 IInnt t eerrnnaat t iioonnaall JJoouurrnnaall oonn LLiif f eelloonngg EEdduuccaat t iioonn aanndd LLeeaaddeerrsshhiipp ((22001155)),, 11((11)) The Situation of Lifelong Education in Turkey* Alaattin GÜLMEZ 1 , Osman Tİ TREK 2, M. Ali ÖZKORKMAZ 3 1 School Principles in Hendek - alaattingulmaz77@hotmail.com 2 Assoc. Prof. - otitrek@sakarya.edu....
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I In nt te er rn na at ti io on na al l J Jo ou ur rn na al l o on n L Li if fe el lo on ng g E Ed du uc ca at ti io on n a an nd d L Le ea ad de er rs sh hi ip p ((2 20 01 15 5)), , 1 1((1 1)) Abstract The life of individual's after formal education, to acquire the knowledge and skills that our time require for the people who didn't get the formal...
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With this research, we aim determining effectiveness of Health Professions High School students’ internship at hospitals to increase knowledge, skill and experience with the name of “Skill Training” and making recommendations for possible problems. In this context, in Sakarya Province, in 2013 – 2014 Education year, students at Anatolian Health Pro...
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Creativity is one of the most important features of humans. Creativity is a phenomenon that has always fascinated lay people as well as scientists. In old times, creativity thought a feature of artists and musicians. However nowadays, we are hearing this word for all job issues. Creativity related cognitive, environmental and personal issues and al...
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The purpose of this paperis to determine the levels of innovation management attained by school principals' in Turkey. The participants were 1436 teachers from the cities of Istanbul, Kocaeli, and Sakarya. An 'Innovation Management Scale' was used. Its reliability level was. 97 and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value of the scale .96. The research was c...
Conference Paper
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Özet Bu çalışma ilköğretim okullarında öğrenci kılık-kıyafet serbestliğine ilişkin öğretmen görüşlerini belirleme ama-cı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Evrenini Sakarya ili merkez ilçelerindeki ilköğretim okullarında görev yapan öğret-menlerin oluşturduğu araştırmanın örneklemi amaçlı örnekleme yöntemine göre belirlenmiştir. Bu örnekleme yöntemine göre...
Conference Paper
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ÖZET Hızlı küreselleşen dünyada bireylerin bu değişime uygun insan yetiştirme sürecinde özellikle gittikçe farklılaşan yeterliklerini geliştirme ihtiyacı ortaya çıkmaya başlamıştır. İş yaşamında insanların sahip olması gereken teknik ve insancıl becerilerin yanı sıra kavramsal beceriler olarak tanımlanan becerileri de kazanması ve kendini sürekli o...
Conference Paper
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Aim of the research is to evaluate the importance to profession of teaching and modern teaching qualities given by the graduates getting undergraduate education in Faculty of Science and Arts and pedagogic training education in terms of different variants. The research was applied to 197 volunteer graduates getting pedagogic training education in U...
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One of the problems in improving process of the schools is " cynicism ". Cynicism is an attitude in which individual benefits are the foreground and is described as scepticism, negativism and being pessimistic about facts. In schools, what is expected from the school principals is to realize the change and mutation depending on the improvements. Le...
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This research aims to describe Turkish primary school principals' valuation of science with respect to other important areas of culture. This research was conducted on a descriptive model. This study sample consisted of 151 primary school principals from Adapazari. Valuation of science was measured using the Turkish version of The Thinking about Sc...
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Traditional notions in society are being eliminated; the idea that women can become leaders in society has gained acceptance. This study investigated women who participated in a Grundtvig project sponsored by the European Union (EU) entitled " Developing Women's Leadership Skills in Society. " A phenomenological model was used. Qualitative data wer...
Conference Paper
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Abstract Emotional Intelligence is to be aware of and direct one’s own feelings and emotions; and to impress others in ac-cordance with purposes. Attitude is a tendency which is attributed to an individual and which forms that individ-ual’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors about a psychological object on a regular basis. That pre-service teachers...
Conference Paper
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Abstract This research aims to suggest the relationship between primary school principals’ transformational leadership and entrepreneurship skills according to teachers’ perceptions. Therefore, Bağcılar and Bakırköy Districts of İstanbul Province are chosen as the population of the research, and 625 teachers worked for private and state schools in...
Conference Paper
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Abstract The aim of this research is determining the relations between the self-awareness of pre-service teachers and their decision-making styles. Self-awareness of especially people who will be a teacher has been emerging as an im-portant emotional competence nowadaysThis study was applied to 397 pre-service teachers chosen with simple random sam...
Conference Paper
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Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine the level of effectiveness of 3+1 Education Model with respect to student views introduced in all the programs for the first time at Sakarya University, Vocational High Schools in Turkey. Model consists of one period of practical study in an organization related to their field of study while studen...
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The aim of this study is to determine whether there is a significant difference in Islamic moral values of pre-service teachers in secondary schools according to their gender, educational departments, universities, parents’ educational level, parents’ economical level and region. Survey model is carried out in this study. The participants of the st...
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The aim of the study is to analyze correlations among EQ, OJ and OCB in schools. The participants consist of 255 teachers at primary schools in Karabuk. The data were collected by researchers through instruments of EQ (self-consciousness and emotion management), OCB, and OJ. For analysis, partial correlation was conducted for determining the level...
Conference Paper
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Sakarya University (TURKEY) “Analysis of School Administrators’ Attitudes towards Technology” by Helvacı (2008) was applied according to the views of formal primary school administrators. Regarding their attitudes to technology, the school administrators were found to have positive attitudes on the dimensions of “following technology”; “using inter...
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The process of modernization began in Turkey under the reform government of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881–1938). Turkey officially became a secular nation seeking to develop a modern economy with modern science and technology and political democracy. Turkey also has long been, and remains, a deeply religious society. Specifically, the practice of Isl...
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ZET Bu araştırmanın amacı, öğretmenlerin örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışlarına ilişkin görüşlerini belirlemektir. Ayrıca öğretmenlerin örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışlarına ilişkin görüşleri arasında çeşitli değişkenlere göre anlamlı fark olup olmadığı belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırma tarama modeli ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında Sa...
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ZET: Okul yöneticisi ve öretmenlerin görülerine göre, resmi ve özel ilköretim okullarnda, örgütsel zekâ düzeylerini belirlemek amacyla yaplan bu ara Sakarya il merkezindeki ilköretim okullarnda görev yapan 499 ilköretim okulu yöneticisi ve öretmen-resmi ilköretim okullarndan 380, özel ilköretim okullarndan 199-katlm Veriler, Albrecht (2002) tarafnd...
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The objective of this research was to determine to what extent organizational intelligence (OI) has been achieved within private and public schools according to the perceptions of principals and teachers. The research included 499 principals and teachers -380 principals and teachers employed by public primary schools and 119 principals and teachers...
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Problem Statement: Recently, OJ has started to be searched with cultural variables. Unfortunately, in Turkey, it has only been searched with demographic variables, but there are common perceptional effects of socio-cultural variables. Purpose of Study: The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of some socio-cultural variables on OJ, and...
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Justice is a concept that began to be dealed related with the distribution of the resources of payment, reward, encouragement etc. The organizational justice concept began to be searched especially according to school type recently, and it began to be claimed that there are significant differences. The aim of this research is to put forward the sit...
Conference Paper
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This symposium describes the development of an instrument designed to assess teachers' orientations toward inquiry science teaching. Assessment items are generated by experienced teachers to provide case-based and problem-based situations. Items present a realistic teaching scenario for a science topic, pose a question about teaching strategy, and...
Conference Paper
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This symposium describes the development of an instrument designed to assess teachers' orientations toward inquiry science teaching. Assessment items are generated by experienced teachers to provide case-based and problem-based situations. Items present a realistic teaching scenario for a science topic, pose a question about teaching strategy, and...
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The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of organizational justice in staff at Turkish schools, according to managers' and employees' perceptions. Participants were 104 school managers, 834 teachers and 78 other employees (1,016) who were selected from 7 city schools. To gather data, the Perceptions of Fair Interpersonal Treatment Scal...
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As in all sciences, interpersonal interactions develop new approaches. One of them is emotional intelligence (EQ), “observing and understanding capacity own and other’s emotion, definition of different type of emotion; and knowledge that you learned using to know other’s emotion and understanding. The purpose of this study is to determine EQ compet...
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zet Bu araştırmanın amacı, Türkiye'deki okullarda örgütsel adalet düzeyinin okul türü ve il değişkenleri açısından durumunu ortaya koymaktır. Bu nedenle, araştırma tarama modeli ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tarama modelindeki araştırmanın örneklemi Türkiye'deki yedi ilden seçilen 1016 okul çalışanından oluşmaktadır. Araştırmada Wasti (2001) tarafından...
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It is studied that to determine the school related factors which affects the students’ choices of the high school, according to the type of the schools. This is a survey study. The participants are 523 9 th grade students in 21 secondary schools in Adapazarı. SPSS is used for analyzing data. Kay-Kare Test is used to determine the demografic differe...
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zet Bu araştırma ile öğrencilerin orta öğretim kurumu tercihlerinde etkili olan okullarla ilgili faktörler incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla Adapazarı'nda 21 ortaöğretim kurumundaki 9. sınıf öğrencilerinden 523 kişi ile anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Veriler SPSS paket programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Okul türüne göre demografik farklılıkları belirlemek için i...
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The aim of this study is to analyze and investigate the predicaments that are categorized by the investigators according to education and life conditions of postgraduate international students in Sakarya University. Qualitative research method has conducted in this research and standardized and tightly structured interview form was used to address...


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