Oscar UgartecheInstituto de Investigaciones Economicas UNAM · Global economics
Oscar Ugarteche
Doctor of Philosophy
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Publications (44)
The chapter evaluates whether PRoC investments are more bent on fossil fuels or renewable energies in Latin America and their role in changing the energy matrix. It revises whether these investments serve the aims of Sustainable Development Objectives (SDO) or not and to what degree. It looks into the investment projects developed with Chinese mone...
En el contexto de una sociedad internacional fragmentada,
una dinámica multipolar en conflicto y en el marco de una crisis de pandemia y bélica, es que se publica este libro. En una América Latina y el Caribe que es siempre territorio disputado en la nueva dinámica de este sistema mundial. Con una vulnerabilidad creciente,
teniendo en cuenta el de...
We assess the changes in Mexico's privately owned vehicle fleet and tax losses (fuel duty on gasoline) associated to the deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) through a diffusion model. Our projections for 2050 focus on a) electricity use of EVs, b) gasoline use and c) revenue for Mexico's treasury. The model uses population growth and vehicles sal...
China is leading the global change in the energy matrix and mainly Latin America. This change questions the position and leadership of the United States in general and particularly in Latin America. Evidence shows that the United States lags in energy change in technical and institutional terms and is anchored heavily in dirty energy. Evidence also...
Oscar Ugarteche Galarza es Investigador Titular C Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas UNAM. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores CONACYT, Nivel III. Coordinador del Observatorio Económico de América Latina OBELA. Licenciado en Finanzas; Universidad de Fordham, Nueva York. 1973; Maestría: Finanzas Internacionales; London Business Schoo...
En esta obra se presentan algunos elementos de la reforma de la arquitectura financiera internacional y la idea de regionalización económica en América del Sur proveniente de observar la dinámica europea, asiática y de los emiratos. Es la suma de contribuciones teóricas y técnicas a esa discusión entre 23077 y 2014 que propone una reforma a la arqu...
El socialismo real es conocido. El capitalismo real del siglo XXI es global y desconocido. La teoría económica dominante desde los años setenta del siglo pasado ha servido para concentrar el ingreso mundial de forma acelerada y ha encauzado a la humanidad hacia la peor crisis económica de la historia, en medio de otras crisis tan graves como la amb...
En el periodo del 2003 al 2017 fueron electos gobiernos progresistas con una agenda posneoliberal. Fatiga de reformas, exceso de ideología de mercado, poco respeto por las instituciones democráticas de parte de los gobiernos neoliberales, baja de los salarios, precarización laboral, incremento del empleo informal, desmantelamiento de los sindicatos...
Development strategies followed by many countries in the 20th century bestowed a relevant role to the State. During the 1970s, it all reversed, and free markets became paramount to efficiency. F. von Hayek and the Mount Pelerin Society led the way to eliminate the State as a significant economic player, while P.T. Bauer extended such ideas to devel...
Greece is a striking example of how politicians can mess up a simple and easy-to-solve problem, purporting to ‘rescue’ an insolvent sovereign and transforming a minor problem into outright catastrophe. Greece’s debt burden has increased substantially since ‘rescue’ started, her GDP has shrunk sizeably, avoidable damages have been inflicted on Greec...
Cambridge Core - International Trade Law - Sovereign Debt Crises - edited by Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky
Cambridge Core - International Trade Law - Sovereign Debt Crises - edited by Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky
Prior to the financial crisis of 2008 Ireland tended to run fiscal surpluses and have low government debt-to-GDP. But after the banking system blew up as a Minskyian property bubble unwound government debt skyrocketed as the government absorbed private sector debts. From a sectoral balances perspective what effectively occurred was that the governm...
Cambridge Core - International Trade Law - Sovereign Debt Crises - edited by Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky
Cambridge Core - International Trade Law - Sovereign Debt Crises - edited by Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky
Cambridge Core - International Trade Law - Sovereign Debt Crises - edited by Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky
Cambridge Core - International Trade Law - Sovereign Debt Crises - edited by Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky
Cambridge Core - International Trade Law - Sovereign Debt Crises - edited by Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky
Grenada is a small island developing state (SIDS) in the Eastern Caribbean which has been driven into over-indebtedness by a combination of structural weaknesses and external shocks. The small size of the island’s economy and its limited diversification met with the shocks of the cessation of the EU banana trade preferences and hurricane Ivan in 20...
Cambridge Core - International Trade Law - Sovereign Debt Crises - edited by Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky
Cambridge Core - International Trade Law - Sovereign Debt Crises - edited by Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky
Like countless countries grappling with the challenge of late development, South Korea has – since the 1960s – accumulated large volumes of foreign debt. And like so many others, Korea has subsequently suffered a series of debt crises, some prompting intervention by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Yet unlike other countries, Korea has tended...
This chapter is based on the country mission report the author presented to the UN Human Rights Council in March 2015. On the one hand, it assesses to what extent Iceland fulfilled its obligations to secure economic, social and cultural rights in the aftermath of its recent banking crisis. Though Iceland managed the crisis better than many other co...
Cambridge Core - International Trade Law - Sovereign Debt Crises - edited by Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky
This chapter shows in detail the remedies used by Malaysia during the East-Asian Crisis, which helped the economy to recover quickly, leading to a V-shaped recovery. Being part of the so-called East-Asian Miracle, Malaysia suffered from the outbreak of the East-Asian Crisis in 1997 and was hurt by sharp currency depreciations and massive capital ou...
Cambridge Core - International Trade Law - Sovereign Debt Crises - edited by Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky
The article analyzes the trend towards the privatization of global governance resulting from the crisis of multilateralism and the shift from the multilateral international system, based on nation States, to a global private market-based system with global private sector actors. The underlying question throughout it is if global public goods can be...
Regional financial cooperation (RFC) aims to secure the liquidity of central banks and build and maintain regional risk to be relatively homogenous. One aspect of RFC consists of the fiscal requirements to guarantee price stability and homogeneity among member countries. The regional accounts unit requires a stabilization fund and a debt bailout fu...
La cooperación financiera regional (cfr) busca asegurar liquidez a los bancos centrales, construir y mantener el riesgo regional relativamente homogéneo. Un aspecto de la cfr son los requisitos fiscales para asegurar la estabilidad y homogeneidad de precios de los países miembros. La unidad de cuentas regional requiere de un fondo de estabi...
En este trabajo se verá un aspecto de la financiarización, el triple arbitraje. Este se define como la suma de movimientos de capital de corto plazo en América latina entre 2001 y 2014, inducidos por el manejo de la tasa de interés negativa por el fed en la primera década y media del siglo xxi y su impacto sobre tipos de cambio y los precios de las...
La crisis del euro en 2011-2012 nos mostró que carecíamos de una teoría general de las áreas monetarias y, por lo tanto, de elementos que pudieran permitirnos determinar con certeza sus características como óptimas o no óptimas. Producto de esta ignorancia, en el Tratado de Maastricht se establecieron una serie reducida de requisitos de convergenci...
Un « nouveau Bretton-Woods » ne saurait émerger tant que le « Vieux G7 » de 1975 prétend garder la main. La réponse passe-t-elle par les coopérations régionales ?
El presente Breviario es, entre otros muchos trabajos, producto de años de investigación sobre este tema y comienza con el concepto mismo de lo que es el fondo de estabilización monetario tripartito en los años treinta; pasa revista al Acuerdo de Bretton Woods construido a partir de la preocupación del Tesoro estadounidense sobre la inestabilidad f...
The last quarter of the 20th century was marked by problems derived from the use of external credit to finance the fiscal and external deficits of Latin American economies. Nevertheless, after the Mexican crisis in 1992-1995 and the Asiatic one in 1998, there was an important change in the handling of the economies. The external surpluses together...
Between 1980 and 1990, Latin America’s foreign debt doubled solely because of the capitalization of interest.
Usando las mismas categorías de análisis que se han utilizado en el pasado para ver la propagación de la crisis cambiaria mexicana, o argentina o la de la bolsa y cambiaria tailandesa de 1997, ahora se puede bautizar al efecto de contagio que emerge de la crisis de bolsa estadounidense como el efecto jazz. Este fue el nombre que le puso la jefa de...