Oscar Marino Mosquera-MartinezTechnological University of Pereira | UTP · Grupo de Investigación en Biotecnología - Productos Naturales
Oscar Marino Mosquera-Martinez
Professor of Organic Chemistry. Research in Natural Product and biotechnology.
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Publications (51)
Este estudio contribuye a la investigación de la diversidad fúngica endófita de Guadua angustifolia Kunth, una especie de bambú ampliamente distribuida en el Eje Cafetero colombiano. Mediante técnicas de aislamiento microbiológico y caracterización morfológica, se obtuvieron 23 morfoespecies fúngicas, con predominancia en la región apical del culmo...
Guadua angustifolia Kunth. es una especie de bambú leñosa, perteneciente a la familia Poaceae, que ha generado gran interés en la silvicultura, la tecnología de la construcción, las ciencias económicas y la biología. En el departamento de Risaralda, ubicado en el centro-oeste del país y parte del eje cafetero hay abundancia de esta materia prima; g...
Culmos de la especie de bambú guadua (Guadua angustifolia Kunth) obtenidos de bosques naturales dominados por esta especie y localizados en dos sitios con condiciones ecológicas diferentes, fueron evaluados para determinar cambios en propiedades fisicomecánicas y lignina. Las probetas evaluadas fueron tomadas de culmos en diferente estado madurez c...
The genus Alchornea compromises 55 accepted and other two unresolved species (Alchornea acerifera Croizat and Alchornea oblonga Müll. Arg.) which well various ecosystems over all the continents, with a special pantropical distribution. Numerous reports of ethnopharmacological uses of species belonging this genus exist mainly in Africa and Brazil, t...
The genus Alchornea compromises 55 accepted and other two unresolved species (Alchornea acerifera Croizat and Alchornea oblonga Müll. Arg.) which well various ecosystems over all the continents, with a special pantropical distribution. Numerous reports of ethnopharmacological uses of species belonging this genus exist mainly in Africa and Brazil, t...
The genus Alchornea compromises 55 accepted and other two unresolved species (Alchornea acerifera Croizat and Alchornea oblonga Müll. Arg.) which well various ecosystems over all the continents, with a special pantropical distribution. Numerous reports of ethnopharmacological uses of species belonging this genus exist mainly in Africa and Brazil, t...
The present study describes the in vitro antioxidant activity of methanol extracts of 34 plant species collected in the Colombian
coffee-growing eco-region belonging to Euphorbiaceae, Piperaceae and Solanaceae families. The antioxidant properties of extracts
were evaluated by determining radical scavenging power measured with a DPPH assay. The meth...
Given the toxicity of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the current importance of the phytocompounds, in this work were
evaluated 32 methanolic extracts obtained by passive maceration of the part area of the species belonging to the family
Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae and Piperaceae. These extracts were evaluated free of low thiol concentration, m...
The aims of this work were study the flavonoids from methanol Solanum ovalifolium extract by High Performance Chromatography
(HPLC-UV) , analyze the antioxidant activity by the free radical method 2,2-diphenyl -1-picrylhydrazyl hydrate (DPPH•) and the 2,2'-
azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS•+), quantify glutathione (GSH) and an...
An antioxidant flavonoid has been isolated from methanolic leaf extract of Alchornea coelophylla Pax & K. Hoffm. by means of different column chromatography steps with DIAION HP-20 resin and silica gel in combination with analytical high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). It was identified as Apigenin-8-C-(α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D-gluco...
El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la presencia de metabolitos secundarios presentes en los culmos de Guadua angustifolia Kunth (guadua), así como determinar la actividad antioxidante de los mismos. Se caracterizaron fitoquímicamente por cromatografía de capa delgada (CCD) extractos de polaridades crecientes de culmos de guadua colectados...
The aims of this study were determinate the antioxidant and antifungal activities of twelve plants belonging to
the Colombian Coffee Region (CCR). A phytochemical characterization was performed to the hexane,
dichloromethane and hexane-isopropanol (3:1) extracts. Also the antioxidant activities through
Diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH•) and 2,2′-Azino-...
The reactive oxygen (ROS), among other radicals can generate oxidative stress (EO), phenomenon which is attributed to be the main cause of neurodegenerative diseases that include of Parkinson disease (PD). Several investigations have shown that the phytocompounds can prevent or delay these neuronal pathologies . By which this study determined the s...
De la parte aérea de 29 especies de plantas recolectadas en la Ecorregión Cafetera Colombiana se obtuvieron por maceración pasiva los extractos de diclorometano y metanol a los cuales se les determinó la actividad antitopoisomerasa empleando cepas mutadas de Saccharomyces cerevisiae por el método de difusión en agar; adicionalmente, se les evaluó...
The alkaloids lycorine, 1-O-acetyllycorine and ismine were isolated from the basic dichloromethane-soluble fraction of Crinum x powellii "Albu m" bulbs. The alkaloid structures were established by physical and spectroscopic analyses, including 1D NMR techniques and GC-MS analysis. The three alkaloids are reported for the first time for this hybrid....
In the last years the bacterial drug resistance has been increasing considerably around the world, so the search of new antimicrobial compounds has been recognized as one of the main subjects of investigation in pharmacology, medicine, and chemistry, among others. To perform the screening of antibacterial activity in vitro of 34 methanolic plant ex...
On a global scale, people have used plants to treat diseases and infections, and this has raised interest on the plant biodiversity potencial in the search of antimicrobial principles. In this work, 75 crude n-hexanes, dichloromethane and methanol extracts from the aerial parts of 25 plants belonging to four botanical families (Asteraceae, Euphorbi...
Many plants have been used to treat some diseases and infections since time immemorial, and this potential has been exploited by the pharmaceutical industry in the search of new analgesic, anticarcinogenic and antimicrobial agents, among other active agents. In order to contribute with bioprospection studies on the Colombian flora, 35 extracts from...
In this work, 90 dichloromethane and methanol extracts obtained from 45 plants collected at the Natural Reserve Bremen – La Popa (Colombia) and at the Natural Regional Park Ucumarí (NRPU, Colombia) belonging to five botanical families were evaluated at 1000 mg/l, for their in vitro fungicide activity through the ascospore germ tube elongation and t...
In this paper, the influence of the altitude in the phenols and flavonoids contents and the antioxidant activity of the extracts of different polarities of Justicia pectoralis Jacq(Acanthaceae) was evaluated. There was found that the plants cultivated under the Ibagué-Tolima's climate and soil conditions, can be a source of antioxidant compounds, e...
In this paper, the influence of the altitude in the phenols and flavonoids contents and the antioxidant activity of the extracts of different polarities of Justicia pectoralis Jacq(Acanthaceae) was evaluated. There was found that the plants cultivated under the Ibagué-Tolima's climate and soil conditions, can be a source of antioxidant compounds, e...
Seventy five plant extracts from four botanical families were assessed for their cytotoxic activities through the DNA interaction and the brine shrimp lethality tests. The best results in the DNA interaction assay were shown by the dichloromethane extracts of the species Solanum brevifolium (41%, Solanaceae) and Clibadium funkize (31%, Asteraceae),...
The production of somatic embryos (SEs) was induced from friable callus obtained from internal corms at the basal part of the bulbs of Crinum x powellii "album" grown on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (1 mg/L) and kinetin (1.0 to 1.5 mg/L); the induction of SEs was optimized by using 0.4 mg/L 2,4-D and 0...
In this study 101 Guadua angustifolia samples of different ages and culm sections were evaluated. Samples were collected in three sites from the Colombian coffee ecorregion: Botanical Garden of the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Nápoles and Bambusal farms. By high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), the contents of carbohydrates (arabino...
In this study the antioxidant activity of forty-six methanol plant extracts, from the botanical families Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Melastomataceae, Rubiaceae and Solanaceae, collected at the Regional Natural Park Ucumarí (RNPU, Risaralda, Colombia), were established by using the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging assay. The pl...
The alkaloids demissidine, dihydrosolacongestidine, solasodine and tomatidine were isolated and identified by spectroscopic methods and by comparison with literature data, from the aerial part of Solanum leucocarpum Dunal (Solanaceae) collected at the Regional Natural Park Ucumarí (Colombia). In order to examine topoisomerase I and II activities, t...
The hexane, dichloromethane, and methanol extracts of 11 Solanaceae plants collected in Regional Natural Park Ucumarí (RNPU) Colombia were evaluated for their antibacterial and antifungal activities through the agar-well diffusion method and for cytotoxic activity by the brine shrimp lethality assay. In general, the methanol plant extracts were mor...
This study presents the results of DNA interaction of 52 methanol and 51 dichloromethane crude plant extracts with herring sperm DNA evaluated in terms of absorbance reduction of the peak, following the HPLC method described by Pezzuto and his colleagues. The 103 plant extracts belong to the Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Melastomataceae, Rubiaceae, an...
Abstract The antifungal activities of 65 extracts were evaluated through the agar well diffusion method in 22 plant samples from the Ucumari Natural Regional Park (UNRP). These samples belong to 20 plant species related to the following botanic families: Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Melastomataceae, Podocarpaceae, Rubiaceae and Solanaceae. The plant...
The antioxidant activity of the crude n-hexane, dichloromethane, and methanol extracts from 25 species belonging to the Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Rubiaceae, and Solanaceae families collected at natural reserves from the Eje Cafetero Ecorregión Colombia, were evaluated by using the spectrophotometric 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radica...
Este trabajo describe la evaluación por antibiosis de la actividad antibroca de 21 extractos metanólicos de las plantas recolectadas en la Reserva Natural Bremen-La Popa (Quindío). Los bioensayos se realizaron bajo condiciones controladas (23 ± 3 ºC; 75 ± 5 % H.R.), utilizando como unidad experimental (UE) un tubo eppendorf al interior del cual se...
As concentrações de diosgenina em uma coleção de tubérculo de Dioscorea polygonoides do Eje Cafetero (EC, Colombia) foram determinadas por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. Os teores obtidos variaram de 0,02 a 2,64%. A maior concentração de diosgenina (2,64%) foi obtida de um tubérculo coletado perto de Salento (Quindio). A média de recuper...
Este estudio presenta los resultados de la inhibición del ADN de 52 extractos metanólicos y 51 de diclorometano evaluados con el ADN del esperma de Herring mediante la reducción de la señal de absorción al ultravioleta a través del método de HPLC descrito por Pezzuto y colaboradores. Se evaluaron 103 extractos pertenecientes a plantas de las famili...
Los cultivos de plátano, banano y heliconias (Musaceae) son afectados por el hongo ascomiceto Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet agente causante de la enfermedad más destructiva de estos cultivos conocida como Sigatoka negra, generando perdidas económicas considerables tanto para los grandes como los pequeños cultivadores. En el control de esta enfer...
Ciento treinta y ocho extractos obtenidos de plantas pertenecientes a las familias botánicas Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Melastomataceae, Podocarpaceae, Rubiaceae y Solanaceae recolectadas en reservas naturales de la Ecorregión del Eje Cafetero (EEC) fueron evaluadas contra cepas de la levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae RS 322N, R52Y y RS 321 por el...
The methanol extracts from five different plant families (Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Melastomataceae, Rubiaceae, and Solanaceae) collected at Regional Natural Park Ucumarí (Colombia), were screened for their acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity through the modified Ellman's spectrophotometric method. The best inhibitory activities on this study...
Thirty crude extracts of eight plants belonging to Asteraceae and two to Rubiaceae families collected at different places from the Regional Natural Park Ucumari (RNPU), Colombia, were tested for their antibacterial activity against two Gram-positive and two Gram- negative bacteria and three fungi. Both the antibacterial and the antimycotic activiti...
Three new polyhydroxylated spirostanol saponins (1-3) were isolated from the tubers of Dioscorea polygonoides. The structures of these new compounds were determined on the basis of extensive spectroscopic analysis and the results of acid or enzymatic hydrolysis as (23S,24R,25S)-23,24-dihydroxyspirost-5-en-3beta-yl O-alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1-->2)-...
La familia Amaryllidaceae ha sido estudiada ampliamente por la importancia de sus alcaloides. En el género Crinum perteneciente a esta importante familia se destaca la licorina por su abundancia y marcada actividad citotóxica contra varias líneas celulares de tumores humanos. Para la realización de este trabajo se utilizaron bulbos de Crinum x powe...
La evaluación preliminar de la actividad antioxidante en extractos vegetales se realizó mediante el método de captura de radicales libres que utiliza el radical 1,1-difenil-2-picril-hidrazilo (DPPH). Con el fin de determinar las condiciones físicas, químicas y termodinámicas del ensayo fotométrico, se utilizaron los extractos metanólicos de plantas...
Sixty-five different extracts from 22 plants belonging to 6 of the most representative families in the Regional Natural Park Ucumarí (RNPU) were investigated for their in vitro antibacterial activity through the plate-well diffusion assay against the following bacteria: Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aerugin...
En la búsqueda de plantas como fuente potencial de fitocompuestos inhibidores de la enzima acetilcolinesterasa (AChE) se normalizó el método cromatográfico de Ellman, con extractos metanólicos y de diclorometano de 40 plantas recolectadas en el Parque Regional Natural Ucumarí (PRNU). La verdadera actividad inhibitoria sobre AChE fue observada en lo...
Chemical investigation of the tubers of Dioscorea polygonoides has resulted in the isolation of a novel polyoxygenated spirostanol saponin, named diospolysaponin A (1), along with a known spirostanol saponin (2). The structure of 1 was determined on the basis of spectroscopic analysis and by enzymatic hydrolysis followed by chromatographic and spec...
In this study, the quantification of scopolamine from Brugmansia candida normal roots is described. The roots were obtained and cultured in half salts strength Schenk and Hildebrandt (1/2 SH) liquid medium plus 30 g l-1 sucrose and supplemented with 3 mg l-1 of α-naphthaleneacetic acid. The quantitative determination of scopolamine was carried out...
Introduction The Guadua (Guadua angustifolia Kunth) is the most important woody bamboo species of tropical countries in South America. In the coffee region of Colombia, forests are highly fragmented and dominated by this bamboo species; however these forests represent an important alternative for farmers as a complement of agriculture or livestock...