Orsolya SzigetiUniversity of Kaposvár · Faculty of Economics
Orsolya Szigeti
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (30)
Marketing religions have been studied frequently in the past decades, however, there are still areas less covered by the literature. Krishna-conscious communities are considered as one of the most successful new religious movements is terms of marketing in the past decades. This research studies the promotion tools applied by the Krishna-consciou...
Krishna Consciousness has made an impact in terms of marketing by creating a touristic product to promote their community and beliefs. Communities devoted to Krishna Consciousness have built up farming com- munities to introduce their religious organization to the wider public. This makes these entities not only touristic destinations but also part...
This study sort to establish the perceptions of the Hungarian citizens on the involvement of the Roma community in ecotourism. The study targeted domestic tourists through an online survey. A descriptive survey research design was adopted and sampled 247 domestic tourists who had visited tourist destinations in Somogy County and Baranya County in H...
The singularity of human resources and the complex interests in the world of work are a constant challenge for business executives and HR colleagues. While the difference between the performance of a motivated and an unmotivated employee can be up to twice as much at almost the same cost level, the motivation strategy is typically either absent fro...
Krishna Consciousness is regarded as one of the most successful new religious movements in terms of marketing in the Western World. The aim of this research was to identify and analyze the marketing strategy the members of the Krishna-conscious community apply in Europe via content analyses, field research observations and in-depth interviews. The...
One of the biggest challenges of recent years was labor shortage. The world was severely disrupted by the global pandemic, changing the centers of employment. In our study, we examined the dimensions of employee retention before the pandemic, when labor shortages where aggravated by increasing labor turnover. A well-structured employee retention st...
Az elmúlt évek egyik legnagyobb kihívását a munkaerőhiány jelentette. A világ nagyot fordult a koronavírus járvány hatására, a munkaerő foglalkoztatásának súlypontjai átalakultak. A szerzők tanulmányukban a munkaerő-megtartás dimenzióit vizsgálták a járvány megjelenése előtti időszakban. A hatékonyan felépített munkaerő-megtartási rendszerek a cége...
The aim of this paper is to analyze the marketing activities of Krishna Consciousness as a new religious movement in Hungary. Observations and in-depth interviews were carried out in different Krishna-conscious communities in Europe concerning the means they apply to gain followers. The three-year-long qualitative research phase has revealed two-ph...
The study’s aim was to investigate the consumers’ attitude to their preference of rabbit meat in eight countries depending on the production method and its purchase form. In Spain and China almost all factors got low scores. High scores (above 4 out of 5) for origin were found in Italy, France, Poland, Hungary and Brazil. The importance of feeding...
The lately renovated Esterhazy Palace is one of Europe’s biggest Baroque palaces. This paper examines the visitors’ opinion of this worldwide famous palace. This survey-based study was carried out in 2016/2017. The sample was of 800 people, using paper-based questionnaire. It emerged from the study that the visitors needed to be separated analyzed...
Számos tanulmány és kutatás szól a tejtermékek egészségvédő szerepéről, és hogy fogyasztásuk hozzátartozik a kiegyensúlyozott és egészséges táplálkozáshoz. Az említett pozitív élettani hatások miatt nem mindegy, hogy mennyit és milyen formában fogyasztunk ezekből a termékekből, ugyanakkor a mai (élelmiszer) fogyasztási szokások átalakulóban vannak...
In Hungary, organic food market has both demand and supply oriented aspects: several times not necessary products are distributed, while the selection and volume of certain products are not satisfactory. Thus, our aim was to develop a coordinated benchmark strategy to increase the trade of organic products. To get more details on the Hungarian orga...
Eredményeink szerint a fogyasztók érdeklődőek az ökoélelmiszerek iránt, de ez cselekvési szinten csak korlátozott mértékben valósul meg. Az öko- és a konvencionális gazdaságok egyaránt a legnagyobb problémának a hatékony stratégia hiányát tartják. Különösen kritikus terület az értékesítés helyi szervezése és a kommunikáció, amelyek kezelése mielőbb...
A kutatócsoport 1000 fős reprezentatív minta és 16 főt magába foglaló fókuszcsoportos interjú alapján azt a következtetést vonta le a probiotikus joghurtokkal kapcsolatban, hogy a piac e termék szempontjából nem telített. A fogyasztók igénylik és keresik ezt a termékkategóriát, de a termékkel kapcsolatos egészségvédő tulajdonságokat megfelelően kel...
The sheep sector is regarded to be a “black sheep” in Hungary, both in terms of economy and marketing. On one hand, the sector is not easily traceable as available relevant data are partial and infected by the effects of black market or underground economy; on the other hand, there are no clear, concrete statistical data or surveys on consumption e...
Understanding the customers' mind and integrating it into the enterprise everyday activities is becoming the key issue of surviving the competition of the market. The MARKOR (market orientation measure) (Kohli, Jaworsky and Kumar, 1993) and MKTOR (market orientation) (Narver and Slater, 1990) scales are the tools to describe the positions of the co...
Milk and dairy products are especially rich in bio-active components. Many consumers seem to have a sense that this is a true statement and this one situation where the scientific nutrition-biological judgement of food products coincides with consumers' perception. This fact inspired us to survey what Hungarian consumers think about the healthiness...
Despite their weli-known health and physiological benefits there are a lot of misbeliefs about dairy products among Hungarian consumers. The aim of the research was to find out more about the misbeliefs relating to the additive content of dairy products as well as the components of butter and margarine. The research was based on personal interviews...
The main objective of this survey is to reveal the relationship between lifestyle, health behavior, and the consumption of functional foods on the basis of Grunert's food-related lifestyle model. In order to achieve this objective, a nationwide representative questionnaire-based survey was launched with 1000 participants in Hungary. The results ind...
The research aims to examine the health conscious consumer behaviour on the market of functional foods. In the survey two focus groups with 8 participants from two Hungarian cities were involved. People, whose health behaviour has changed positively in the past few years, were chosen to take part in the focus groups. The respondents connected the c...
As a consortium partner the authors took part in a research project aiming at the development of high added value, healthy and environment friendly animal products. From among the products developed by the consortium (rabbit meat, omega3-fatty acid enriched beef, goose liver from non forcible feeding, selenium-, vitamin-E and natural color enriched...
The consumers' judgement on the traditional Hungarian dishes is introduced in this article relating to the mangalicza pig and the Hungarian grey cattle on the basis of two different research projects. The research revealed that expressions "Hungaricum" and the "traditional Hungarian dishes" are well known among the Hungarian consumers. The greatest...
It is getting a more and more important question that where are the break trough points for the small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) working in the food industry because of the strengthening market share of the import food products. We compare the SMEs marketing abilities to the consumer demands on high value added traditional Hungarian dishes...
In the last few decades the number of civilization diseases has surged and mortality rate caused by them has been responsible for most deaths for a long time. Researches found out that it is the new way of life of people that is responsible for it. Study outlines the reasons for the development of health-protective foods, then it makes the notion o...
Key point of the survey is represented by the fact that Hungarian agricultural products had to face turbulent market conditions, heavy concurrency and sharp import competition in the European Union. A possible way of keeping or strengthening market positions is to acquaint the values of native, traditional and region-specific products (Hungaricums)...
Natural capabilities of Hungary are particularly favourable for agricultural and food production. There are good possibilities both in cultivation of plants and in animal husbandry on plough- and grasslands. Hungary's share and its competitive position, however, decreased on European and world market in the past years. Therefore our research was fo...
Az élelmiszer-gazdaságban a piaci viszonyok előretörésével marketingcsatornák versenye folyik. Amennyiben az állami és piaci koordinációs mechanizmusok megfelelően érvényesülnek, a teljes csatorna optimuma valósulhat meg. A termékpálya szervezettsége tehát nagymértékben hozzájárul az ágazat versenyképességének javításához, valamint a gazdaság makro...
Az OTKA kutatás keretében a Magyar szürke szarvasmarha és a Mangalica sertés, valamint a belőlük készült termékek marketinglehetőségeinek elemzését tűztük ki célul a kínálati és a keresleti oldal összefüggéseinek feltárása révén. A kutatás során elsőként szekunder piackutatási módszereket alkalmaztunk, majd átfogó és több irányú primer piackutatás...