Oriol Costa Garrido

Oriol Costa Garrido
Oriol verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Oriol verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Jožef Stefan Institute | IJS · Reactor Engineering

Ph.D. in nuclear engineering


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Additional affiliations
April 2019 - October 2019
Jožef Stefan Institute
  • Research Assistant
April 2018 - March 2019
Paul Scherrer Institute
  • PostDoc Position
December 2009 - March 2018
Jožef Stefan Institute
  • Research Assistant
October 2010 - July 2016
University of Ljubljana
Field of study
  • Physics, Nuclear Engineering
September 1999 - March 2006


Publications (38)
Technical Report
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Summary report of WP4 - Probabilistic margin assessment - of APAL (Advanced PTS Analysis for LTO) project funded by the EU within HORIZON 2020 programme (grant agreement No 945253).
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An overview is presented of the progress since 2021 in the construction and scientific programme preparation of the Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT) facility. Licensing for building construction has been granted at the end of 2021. Licensing for Cat. A radiologic source has been also granted in 2022. The construction of the toroidal field magnet system...
Technical Report
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Summary report of WP3 - Deterministic margin assessment of APAL (Advanced PTS Analysis for LTO) project funded by the EU within HORIZON 2020 programme (grant agreement No 945253).
A new Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT) facility is currently being built in Italy to investigate different divertor configurations under different plasma scenarios. The divertor and in particular its target, consisting of Plasma Facing Units (PFUs), is exposed to high heat loads due to plasma fluence. In this paper, the structural integrity of the PFU i...
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Thermal stratification is one of the major phenomena in thermal-mixing pipe-flow, when flow streams with a large temperature difference are mixed. A new phenomenon named as tangential oscillation of thermal stratification has been found in previous investigations, which can create a regular temperature change on the pipe wall and lead to material d...
Conference Paper
The APAL (Advanced Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS) Analysis for Long-Term Operation (LTO)) project was launched in October 2020 for four years with funding from the European Union’s HORIZON 2020 program. Within APAL, an extensive literature review was performed and experience with defining the state-of-the-art of the Warm Pre-Stress (WPS) effect, w...
As the pools in nuclear power plants are reaching their full capacity, the use of dry cask systems to store the spent fuel is growing. This leads to an increasing need of a better understanding of nuclear spent fuel behavior during its storage phase in dry casks, ultimately, ensuring that the safety limits are not compromised. Previous computationa...
A conceptual design of the calorimeter for the Neutral Beam Injector (NBI) of the Divertor Tokamak Test facility (DTT, a new tokamak whose construction is starting in Frascati, Italy) has been developed. The DTT NBI calorimeter features two beam stopping panels made of CuCrZr cooled by pressurized water flowing through deep drilled cooling channels...
Thermal and structural responses of a new diagnostic probe inside the AUG (ASDEX Upgrade) tokamak has been analysed numerically. This new reciprocating probe has been developed as a multi-diagnostic device for measuring several plasma parameters simultaneously. It is constructed as a universal probe that can be used in different tokamaks by applyin...
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This paper presents the integrity analyses of a model reactor pressure vessel (RPV) subjected to pressurized thermal shocks (PTS). The analyses are performed with a one-way multi-step strategy that includes the thermo-hydraulics, thermo-mechanical and fracture mechanics analyses to simulate three hypothetical loss of coolant accidents (LOCA). The t...
Conference Paper
In this paper, an integrity assessment of a reference Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) under Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS) is performed. The assessment is based on a multi-step simulation scheme, which includes the thermo-hydraulic, thermo-mechanical and fracture mechanics analyses. The proposed strategy uses a three dimensional (3D) finite element...
Conference Paper
Integrity assessment of reactor pressure vessels (RPVs) can be performed either by deterministic fracture mechanics (DFM) or/and by probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) analyses. In European countries and Switzerland, only DFM analyses are required. However, in order to establish the probabilistic approach in Switzerland, the advantages and short...
This paper describes the first study on the DEMO upper port duct bellows. It aims at establishing the basis for their pre-conceptual design through available standardized analytical procedures and identify the bellows features where the analytical procedures fail and the detailed finite element (FE) analyses are required. The available analytical p...
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Thermal analysis of integrated DEMO cold systems is performed with two main objectives: first to evaluate the static heat loads on the superconducting magnets and thermal shields and second to estimate the optimal working temperature of the thermal shields in order to minimize the total refrigeration power. Thermal radiation and heat conduction loa...
Conference Paper
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The influence of the power spectral density (PSD) profile of fluid temperature fluctuations on thermal fatigue predictions of pipes is analysed in this paper. The fatigue assessment employs the improved spectral method for the generation of synthetic temperature histories, simplified one-dimensional pipe model and codified rules for fatigue design...
Conference Paper
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The turbulent mixing of fluids at different temperatures in T-junctions may be the cause of thermal fatigue damage in the surrounding pipes. In the nuclear industry, primary water leakages have occurred in the safety related piping due to this fluid phenomenon and, currently, there are no generally accepted design rules to avoid the thermal fatigue...
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Large sets of fluid temperature histories and a recently proposed thermal fatigue assessment procedure are employed in this paper to deliver more accurate statistics of predicted lives of pipes and their uncertainties under turbulent fluid mixing circumstances. The wide variety of synthetic fluid temperatures, generated with an improved spectral me...
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Thermal radiation analysis of the DEMO tokamak based on the 2015 baseline CAD design model was performed. For the purpose of analysis, Vacuum Vessel Thermal Shield (VVTS) and Cryostat Thermal Shield (CTS) were designed on a conceptual level to complement the baseline DEMO CAD model. The Finite Element (FE) code ABAQUS was used to perform numerical...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents a thermal fatigue assessment of pipes under turbulent fluid mixing using an improved spectral loading method for the generation of fluid temperatures at affordable computational costs. The wide variety of synthetic fluid temperature histories results in a set of estimated fatigue lives which are further analysed to quantify the...
Conference Paper
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The turbulent mixing of fluids at different temperatures is a well-recognized source of thermal fatigue in the safety related piping of nuclear power plants. The fluid temperature fluctuations at the fluid-wall interface, caused by the turbulent mixing, induce stress fluctuations in the pipe, which may lead, in some circumstances, to fatigue and su...
Conference Paper
This paper presents a recently proposed analysis of the uncertainties involved in the thermal fatigue assessment of pipes under turbulent fluid mixing. The assumed overriding contributor to the uncertainty of the predicted fatigue life is the variability inherent in the temperature histories of the turbulently mixing fluids, which intrinsically dep...
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This paper proposes improved thermal fatigue assessment of pipes subjected to turbulent fluid mixing using an improved spectral loading approach. The fluid temperature histories are generated synthetically from the spatially incomplete experimental or very expensive computational data, preserving consistency with the first two statistical moments a...
Thermal fatigue assessment of pipes due to turbulent fluid mixing in T-junctions is a rather difficult task because of the existing uncertainties and variability of induced thermal stresses. In these cases, thermal stresses arise on three-dimensional pipe structures due to complex thermal loads, known as thermal striping, acting at the fluid-wall i...
There is a need to perform three-dimensional mechanical analyses of pipes, subjected to complex thermo-mechanical loadings such as the ones evolving from turbulent fluid mixing in a T-junction. A novel approach is proposed in this paper for fast and reliable generation of random thermal loads at the pipe surface. The resultant continuous and time-d...
In this work a model, based on a X-ray diffraction contrast tomography data of a stainless steel wire with a diameter of 0.4 mm is presented. As measured 3D grain geometry and crystallographic orientation of individual grains are directly transferred into a finite element model. Anisotropic elasticity and crystal plasticity constitutive laws are us...
Thermal fatigue is a structural damage of materials induced by the cyclic thermal loads that are frequently generated by the changes of fluid temperature inside of pipes. Among the thermal fatigue assessment methods we find the one-dimensional (1D) approach. Thermal, mechanical and fatigue analyses are performed for the pipe wall assuming that the...
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The subcooled decompression under temperature gradient experiment performed by Takeda and Toda in 1979 has been reproduced using the in-house code WAHA version 3. The sudden blowdown of a pressurized water pipe under temperature gradient generates a travelling pressure wave that changes from decompression to compression, and vice versa, every time...
The extension of operational licenses of second generation pressurized water reactor (PWR) nuclear power plants depends to a large extent on the analyses of fatigue usage of the reactor coolant pressure boundary. The reliable estimation of the fatigue usage requires detailed thermal and stress analyses of the affected components. Analyses, based up...
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This work deals with a general procedure for optimizing operational diagrams of electric energy production units that use alternative energy sources. The goal of optimization is to supply given load at minimal use of conventional energy sources. In order to perform the optimization, simplified mathematical models of different production units that...


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