Omar TananeUniversité Hassan II Casablanca | FSAC · chemistry
Omar Tanane
Looking for collaborative research projects sustainable energy and materials, innovation and entrepreneurship
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I have a Ph.D in electrochemistry and Sciences Materials from Hassan II University of Casablanca Morocco, and a management degree from the Business School ISCAE in Casablanca.
I am a professor at Hassan II University; My research interest covers Corrosion, inhibitors, natural insulation materials, Chemical Engineering, Electrochemistry, Environmental Chemistry, patents and innovation.
In 2013 I received the best paper AWARD from the Journal of applied nano-science
Additional affiliations
January 1992 - present
Université Hassan II Casablanca
- Lecturer
Publications (102)
The adsorption of methylene blue onto Mytilus Edulis shells and corn stalks was studied under various conditions such as concentration of adsorbate, adsorbent dosage and granulometry. Batch adsorption experiments were conducted and the result showed that the adsorption was dependent to granulometry and adsorbate concentration, but was partly depend...
The effect of extract of brown alga Bifurcaria bifurcata (Bb) on the corrosion of steel in 1 M HCl solution was studied using weight loss, potentiodynamic, and polarization resistance measurements. Experimental data revealed that Bb extract acted as an inhibitor in the acid environment. The extract was a mixed-type inhibitor, predominating as an an...
Recently, biosynthesis of nanoparticles has attracted scientists’ attention because of the necessity to develop new clean, cost-effective and efficient synthesis techniques. In particular, metal oxide nanoparticles are receiving increasing attention in a large variety of applications. However, up to now, the reports on the biopreparation and charac...
Purpose of the Study: The purpose of the study is to study the impact of the Conversation Map kit tool on collaborative learning to improve the autonomous management of patients as well as social interactions between diabetics and healthcare professionals. Methodology: The recommended research is designed to compare education based on diabetes conv...
Le livre "Cours Entrepreneuriat & Recueil des Examens Corrigés" offre une introduction complète aux principes de l'entrepreneuriat, couvrant des sujets tels que la création d'entreprise, la gestion des risques et l'innovation. Il inclut également des études de cas pratiques et des exemples réels pour illustrer les concepts théoriques. En outre, le...
The pollution of aquatic ecosystems by heavy metals poses a significant and immediate environmental threat worldwide. Industrial operations often result in the direct discharge of effluents into rivers, lakes, and ponds, leading to the contamination of these water bodies. Subsequently, these pollutants can percolate into groundwater systems through...
Electrocoagulation has demonstrated its efficacy in treating industrial effluents by effectively removing pollutants, particularly metallic contaminants. The electrochemical processes occurring at aluminum electrodes have shown excellent performance in this regard. In this study, electrocoagulation experiments were conducted on an industrial efflue...
- Electrocoagulation has demonstrated its efficacy in treating industrial effluents by
effectively removing pollutants, particularly metallic contaminants. The electrochemical
processes occurring at aluminum electrodes have shown excellent performance in this regard.
In this study, electrocoagulation experiments were conducted on an industrial e...
Atelier pour L’inscription aux Formations WIPO sera organisé à distance, Le Jeudi 22 août 2024 à 10H
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Formation sur l’entrepreneuriat organisée par ENACTUS et la Faculté des Sciences Ben M’Sick pourrait offrir une expérience enrichissante pour les étudiants et les jeunes entrepreneurs
Director of the Publication of the Journal REINNOVA omar.tanane@univh2c.ma +212 6 64 22 68 15 Below we present an Analytical and critical reading of the article entitled High-performance geopolymer from brick wastes and metakaolin: Alkali treatment optimization, phase transformation, and property analysis Abstract This study presents a cost-effecti...
L’innovation et la qualité dans les procédés de fonderie sont essentielles pour produire des pièces de haute performance. Voici quelques éléments clés à considérer :
1. Conception optimisée : La qualité commence dès la conception. Il est crucial de concevoir des pièces adaptées au procédé de moulage, en tenant compte des contraintes liées à la fond...
recherches innovantes et multidisciplinaires qui abordent des
problématiques essentielles pour le développement socio-économique
et la santé publique.
Entrepreneuriat social au Maroc : L’article de BOULKHIR et al.
Souligne l’importance de l’entrepreneuriat social comme levier
de développement local et d’autonomisation économique dans
les régions...
L’éditorial du numéro 22 de la revue REINNOVA met en lumière des
recherches innovantes et multidisciplinaires qui abordent des
problématiques essentielles pour le développement socio-économique
et la santé publique.
This study presents a cost‐effective and eco‐friendly method to produce aluminosilicate materials using red brick waste (RBW) and metakaolin (MK) as silica and alumina precursors. RBW was subjected to alkaline fusion to increase its dissolution for geopolymerization reaction. Response surface methodology was used to investigate the effect of NaOH c...
La microscopie électronique de transmission (MET) est une technique avancée utilisée en science et en recherche pour examiner des échantillons à une échelle microscopique. Voici quelques-uns des intérêts, de l'utilité et de l'importance de la MET :
1. Résolution élevée : La MET offre une résolution beaucoup plus élevée que les autres méthodes de m...
During the acid pickling process, the corrosion of cast steel in acidic solutions is difficult to avoid. Thus, the utilization of inhibitors has emerged as an effective strategy for reducing the corrosion rate of cast steel. However, the conventional use of both organic and inorganic corrosion inhibitors raises environmental concerns due to their h...
Water pollution caused by industrial effluents is a pressing issue in many countries, posing a threat to the environment. To combat this problem, scientists employ various methods, including physico-chemical processes like adsorption, to purify effluents. The present study focuses on the application of a naturally biodegradable adsorbent derived fr...
The quality of treating people equally or in a way that is right or reasonable: He had a real sense of fairness and hated injustice.
Taking turns, sharing, and listening to what others have to say.
I show fairness when I take only my share.
Sometimes when people mess up at work, they dodge accountability and shift the responsibility to someone e...
Sous la présidence de son Excellence M. André Azoulay, le Conseiller de Sa Majesté le Roi, le Centre International de Recherche et de Renforcement des Capacités (CI2RC), affilié à l’université Cadi Ayyad en collaboration avec la Fondation Friedrich Naumann, l’Association ENERGIES-2050 et Fondation AAA, organiseront cette édition du Congrès, sous un...
L’amélioration des propriétés mécaniques des matériaux composites unidirectionnels à fibres naturelles de chanvre et de lin. L’étude vise à minimiser la disparité des propriétés mécaniques observée généralement dans ces matériaux en introduisant une ou deux couches de papier dans le processus de fabrication des plaques composites. Les résultats obt...
L'innovation et le développement sont au cœur de toutes les entreprises prospères de notre société moderne. Notre revue REINNOVA est une plateforme de recherche et de développement qui se concentre sur l'entrepreneuriat, la transformation digitale, la gestion de projet et les pratiques de gouvernance d'entreprise.
Le premier article pu...
The construction sector is a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, resource depletion, and environmental degradation. Therefore, sustainable development in the construction sector is essential to reduce its environmental impact. Geopolymer materials have attracted particular attention offering technical properties similar to t...
Des nombreuses recherches récentes sur les éco-matériaux et leur utilisation dans différents domaines ont été effectués. Parmi celles-ci, on trouve l'utilisation des éco�matériaux comme adsorbant pour traiter les eaux usées contaminées par des métaux lourds.
Dans ce contexte, ce travail est une étude comparative entre deux articles dans lesquels le...
Couverture du Numéro 18 Vol. V de la Revue REINNOVA Special Edition International Conference on Research and Innovation ICRI'23
Dans ce N° 18 Vol. V nous publions des communications orales de L'International Conference on Research and Innovation ICRI’23
Ce congrès est axé sur les domaines des matériaux, des énergies renouvelables, de l’hydrogène vert et de l’intelligence artificielle.
Cet évènement regroupera des experts internationaux et nationaux qui partageront leurs con...
Nous sommes à notre 17ème numéro et le 5ème Volume de notre édition REINNOVA. Entre 2016 année de parution de notre 1er Numéro et aujourd’hui beaucoup choses ont évolué dans l’enseignement de l’entrepreneuriat et de l’innovation, nous sommes fières d’avoir participé à cette transformation et cette évolution positive du paysage scientifi...
The Editorial Committee of REINNOVA is pleased to announce the Call for Contributions for its Number 18 Volume V. Although we accept submissions all year round, we would like to advise authors to take note of the following deadline: 30 March 2023 For publication in N° 18 Vol. V Authors are advised to consult the editorial guidelines available at th...
In the present work, coconut shell powder (CSP) is explored as a pore-forming agent in the
manufacturing of fired clay bricks. The bricks were produced by varying the amount of CSP (0, 10,
20, and 30 wt.%), and fired at different temperatures (900, 1000, and 1100 °C). Mineralogical,
physical, mechanical, and thermal conductivity tests were perfo...
Cast steel is used in several industrial applications, including building, vehicle body parts, structures that must be cleaned, and acid pickling. Its usage over time exposes it to corrosion.
This work aimed to understand the metallurgical characterisation of a cast steel type GE240+N elaborated on a Moroccan foundry before studying its corrosion b...
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the face of the world and transformed our lives
forever. Technology has not failed in the face of this transformation.
The pandemic has stimulated technological innovation and we have witnessed the
production of an anthology of effective technical solutions deployed to deal with the
Patent information ser...
La Revue de l’Innovation et de l’Entrepreneuriat REINNOVA , est une nouvelle édition scientifique qui
se veut un espace de la production scientifique et technologique, et qui accepte pour publication des
articles de qualité scientifique reconnue dans les domaines de l’Innovation et de l’Entrepreneuriat.
Nous l’avons ventilé selon 2 grands axes :...
A nationwide collection and identification campaign since February 2018, which includes 58 collection stations and 12 identification foci in order to map and count scorpion species in Morocco. Scorpion fauna includes nine gender and twenty-nine species of Buthidae, spread throughout the kingdom. Also, one gender and three species of Scorpionidae wi...
Dans ce poster, on s’intéresse à la fabrication des pièces métalliques par le procédé de la fonderie, la caractérisation de la fonte à graphite sphéroïdal utilisé dans la fabrication des pièces mécaniques et l’influence des éléments d’addition sur la structure et les propriétés mécaniques de l’alliage.
The potential therapeutic value of different scorpion venom compounds is being increasingly investigated, as these compounds may represent promising leads for the development of new pharmaceuticals. Numerous methods of collecting venom from scorpions have been described. The venom can be obtained by different methods such as manual extraction, elec...
REINNOVA, est un espace de la production scientifique, qui publie des articles de qualité scientifique reconnue dans les domaines de l’Innovation et de l’Entrepreneuriat.
Les objectifs de la Revue REINNOVA.
Interroger de façon critique les innovations et toute sorte de solutions technologique ou brevets déposés par les chercheurs universitaires ou...
REINNOVA, est un espace de la production scientifique, qui publie des articles de qualité scientifique reconnue dans les domaines de l’Innovation et de l’Entrepreneuriat.
Le Guide des scorpions au Maroc, avec une première cartographie selon le degré de venimosité.
Are you a student or researcher? Do you want to document yourself?
Are you interested in wildlife and would you like to know more about a few species, among 2567 identified in the world, those that have chosen to live... in Morocco?
SCORPIO... This may be...
Muntuk Village is located in Dlingo District, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Muntuk Village is located in the east of Bantul City. Meanwhile, most of the residents of Dusun Muntuk work as day laborers, farmers, gardeners, wood and bamboo craftsmen. The majority of the population of Muntuk Hamlet work as wood craftsmen (furniture) and...
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic throughout the world has had a
tremendous impact on people's lives. Not only the health sector, but the
economic sector is also paralyzed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, one of the
affected countries is Indonesia. This pandemic has greatly affected the
economic activities of the community. As a result, many types of...
The present invention relates to a robotic system for scorpions immobilization the extraction and collection of their venom, with a serie of conveyors
automated and a central to extract the venom by providing electric shocks
adapted to each species of scorpion. A pneumatic and vibratory system facilitates
the recovery of droplets of venom which fal...
Vous êtes étudiant ou chercheur ? Vous souhaitez vous documenter ? La faune vous intéresse et vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur quelques espèces, parmi 2567 identifiées dans le monde, celles qui ont choisi de vivre... au Maroc ? SCORPION... C'est peut-être votre signe zodiacal. Mais... Point de ciel ici, car c'est le terrestre que vous fait découvr...
In Boyolali, there is one home industry called Rambak Onion and Karak Rice
"Acha", precisely in Gumukrejo, Teras District, Boyolali Regency.
Hazardous materials such as borax are not used in the ingredients for making
karak and rambak which are sold in this home industry. The rambak and karak
business is run by Mrs. Sunarni who is the owner who...
Une introduction aux notions d’invention, d’innovation, des Brevets. Expliquer aux apprenants les critères de Brevetabilité d’une invention, les Exceptions à la brevetabilité.
Procédures de la demande de brevet, L’utilité de La documentation-brevets, Intérêt et rôle du système des Brevets.
Introduction Générale
Définition d’un Brevet
Brevet ou Arti...
This paper is devoted to study the electrochemical behaviour of the 316L stainless steel in hypochlorite sodium bleaching process. Experimental investigations can provide the following:-in the corrosion neighbourhood, standard electrochemical and impedance measurements evidenced a mass transfer, charge transfer process limitations at the electrode-...
Procédé de Fabrication d'un inhibiteur de Corrosion no toxique à base du bois du palmier dattier
Earthquake is a vibration that occur on the
surface of the earth, earthquakes are usually caused by the
movement of the earth's crust (earth's plates). Earthquakes are
also used to indicate the area from which the earthquake
occurred. Even though our earth is solid, it always moves and
earthquakes occur when the pressure caused by that movemen...
A firefighter is a task given by someone or a team to extinguish a fire that occurs when building a building. The officer took the danger of fighting the fire with a fire engine equipped with a water sprayer. Because of these dangers, a robot was made to help put out the fire. This research aimed to design a fire extinguisher robot using AT89S52 mi...
X-Ray viewer is a tool for observing the
results of X-Ray films using ray lighting. It aims to get
clearer readings of X-Ray films by radiographers and
doctors. X-Ray viewers in hospitals generally cannot be
carried anywhere because they use fluorescent lamps as a
source of radiation and use 220 Volt AC voltage directly.
So that its use is le...
In this paper we have worked on a number of documents and articles published to find a relationship between patents and the economic growth of countries. We have found that patents and their applications are important for economic growth. The patent is not always a global indicator of all the technological knowledge produced, since a considerable n...
Measuring the height of a liquid using analog is
very difficult, and its accuracy is very low. It is more accurate to
measure liquid level using digital technology. Measurements of
the correct fuel level are needed to measure fuel purchases at
fuel stations or fuel retailers. The study aimed to design
laboratory-level fuel level measurements b...
A firefighter is a task given by someone or a team to extinguish a fire that occurs when building a building. The officer took the danger of fighting the fire with a fire engine equipped with a water sprayer. Because of these dangers, a robot was made to help put out the fire. This research aimed to design a fire extinguisher robot using AT89S52 mi...
The purpose of this study was to design an X-ray
microcontroller-based ATmega328P microcontroller exposure
time measurement device. That can be done by integrating an
X-ray detection circuit, analog signal conditioner, ATmega328P
microcontroller and Bluetooth module HC-05 to display and
control the measurement results on mobile phones Android. The...
Research on the design of fuel measuring device
for vendors using Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller and
positive displacement flow meter sensor was conducted to design
and create a prototype of a fuel measuring device for retail
traders and find error values on the device. The research began
with searching for reference books, making hardware...
Aromatherapy is an alternative treatment
method that uses essential oil vapors from various plants inhaled
for health therapy. It affects mood, reduces fatigue and anxiety,
and stimulates relaxation. Relaxation is the process of relieving
anxiety or stress. It is interpreted as a calm state with a normal
pulse. When someone is stressful and an...
Food self-sufficiency is a government program that has been being actively promoted so that Indonesia to reach food independence. Indonesia is a maritime and agricultural country with rainy and dry seasons. In the rainy season, food plants usually do not need to be watered, while in the dry season, the plants must be watered regularly according to...
Editorial de La Revue de l’Innovation et de l’Entrepreneuriat REINNOVA
Numéro 8 Volume II
Décembre 2019
Directeur de la Publication
Et Coordonnateur du Centre d’Appui à l’Innovation Technologique
The purpose behind the study of neuro-educational strategies advocated by SNEs by doctors in the process of accompaniment of diabetic patients is to set up a training device aimed at changing the behavior of patients "Habitus health" Mérand R. and Dhellemmes, R. (1988). [1] and creating the basics of a Patient Centered Approach (PCA) to share decis...
CFIMA 2020 welcomes researchers, engineers, scientists and industry professionals to an open forum where advances in the field of Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation can be shared and examined.
I participate as a Technical Committee
I invite those who wish to participate to contact me by message on linkedin or email address o.tanane@gmail.com...
Dans ce numéro 7 du Volume II, beaucoup de questions ont été posées, et un certains nombre de problématiques ont été traitées. La Revue REINNOVA et selon sa ligne éditoriale a subdivisé ce numéro selon deux grands axes : Innovations et solutions technologiques Entrepreneuriat, management et solutions informatiques innovantes Dans le Premier axe...
Editorial Dans ce numéro 7 du Volume II, beaucoup de questions ont été posées, et un certains nombre de problématiques ont été traitées. La Revue REINNOVA et selon sa ligne éditoriale a subdivisé ce numéro selon deux grands axes : Innovations et solutions technologiques Entrepreneuriat, management et solutions informatiques innovantes Dans le P...
The aim of the present work pointed out the introduction of natural alkalised alpha fibres as reinforcement in the preparation
of partially biodegradable green insulation material composite. Thermal conductivity, mechanical properties and
acoustical performances of composites were investigated as a function of fibre content. We found that 10% of al...
In this paper, the effect of chemical treatments on date palm fibers (DPFs) properties was studied; DPFs were first treated with a 5 wt% NaOH aqueous solution for 1 h and then modified using two types of silane coupling agents (3-Mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane and 3-Aminopropyltrimethoxysilane) with various concentrations (0.1, 0.5, 1 and 2 wt%) to...
La Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation REINNOVA, est un espace de la production scientifique, qui publie des articles de qualité scientifique reconnue dans les domaines de l’Innovation et de l’Entrepreneuriat. Ses Objectifs sont : Interroger de façon critique les innovations et toute sorte de solutions technologique ou brevets déposés par...
La Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation REINNOVA, est un espace de la production scientifique, qui publie des articles de qualité scientifique reconnue dans les domaines de l’Innovation et de l’Entrepreneuriat. Ses Objectifs sont : Interroger de façon critique les innovations et toute sorte de solutions technologique ou brevets déposés par...
La présente invention concerne un dispositif automatique d'extraction du venin de scorpion destiné à accueillir le scorpion pour y subir une décharge inoffensive avec des paramètres électriques adaptés à chaque espèce scorpionique. Ce dispositif est muni d'une unité électrique qui permet de produire la décharge nécessaire à stimuler les glandes du...
The aim of the present work is to introduce natural hemp fiber as reinforcement in the preparation of partially biodegradable green composites. Composite of rigid polyurethane (PU) and hemp fiber (H.F) were prepared at different loading rates in (H.F) (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%). Water absorption, thermal conductivity, and mechanical propertie...
The study focuses on the effect of alkaline and silane treatment of hemp fibers on mechanical and thermal conductivity. Hemp fibers were treated with sodium hydroxide solutions at different concentration, and then analysed by infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy, the X-ray diffraction, mechanical tensile test; and a scanning electron microscope....
Ce livre est une contribution à l’étude de la corrosion de
l’acier inoxydable 316L dans les bains de blanchiment et de son
inhibition par les silicates de sodium. Nous avons associés les approches
électrochimiques (Tracés des courbes courant-tension en utilisant une
électrode à disque tournant, la spectroscopie d’impédance
électrochimique), analyti...
In this research we have develop a device relied upon to extract scorpion venom by using electric stimulus across the muscles of the venom gland then droplets of venom are secreted from the aculeus. The automatic extractor of scorpion venom VES4 is specifically used for this purpose; it can be used in laboratory or in the field. This article descri...
The rigid polyurethane (PU) with apparent density about 40 Kg/m3 was prepared using commercial polyols and polyisocyanate. This reference petrochemical formulation was modified with natural and renewable components such as date palm particles (DPP). The goal of this investigation was to reduce the environmental impacts, and reduce the cost of the p...
This paper focuses on investigating the effect of alkali treatments on the bond characteristics of date palm fibers (DPFs) in a polyurethane (PU) matrix, including the bond strength, pullout energy. This kind of fiber treatment is generally used to improve the mechanical behavior of composites. Raw DPFs underwent a surface modification method by al...
La Revue de l’Innovation et de l’Entrepreneuriat REINNOVA , est une nouvelle édition scientifique qui
se veut un espace de la production scientifique et technologique, et qui accepte pour publication des
articles de qualité scientifique reconnue dans les domaines de l’Innovation et de l’Entrepreneuriat.
Nous l’avons ventilé selon 2 grands axes :
The present work relates to the use of silicates as corrosion inhibitor1 of the stainless steel 316L bleaching process by the hypochlorite of sodium. The aggressiveness of alkaline solutions toward metals is essentially due to the instability of passive films which very often protect the metal of the surrounding environment. Silicates act as an inh...
We have developed a fast and eco-friendly green microwave-assisted synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) from silver nitrate solution using aqueous Phoenix Dactylifera L. leaf extract. Influence of reaction conditions such as extract solution concentration, Ag+ concentration, pH and duration of microwaves treatment were investigated. Phytosynth...
In this paper, we present a study of a new prototype solar mobile refrigeration for the preservation of food, the subject has a capacity of 1m3 and can carry 400 kg. Mounted on scooter, the fridge runs on solar energy through photovoltaic panels installed on its walls, and has a capacity of 16 hours autonomy. The insulation of the fridge is provide...
Ce travail décrit les résultats d'une étude visant à comparer le pouvoir isolant d'un matériau préparé à partir des déchets de palmier dattier avec d'autres matériaux d'origine naturelle (liège) et synthétique (polyuréthane et polystyrène). L'analyse des matériaux a été effectuée par la mesure de la conductivité thermique à différentes températures...
Les Mots-clés seront utilisés pour un repérage facile du manuscrit à l'aide des moteurs de recherche. Ils comprennent au moins cinq mots-clés séparés par des virgules. Nous mettons à votre disposition une template. Ce document est un modèle. Nous vous demandons de reproduire votre manuscrit en respectant la mise en forme de ce modèle. La meilleure...