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Publications (20)
The purpose of this paper is to test the main hypothesis that the endorsement of neoliberal ideology, comprising beliefs and values such as personal responsibility and hedonism, is negatively associated with the engagement in the Yellow Vest (YV) movement. In a first study (N = 489), analysis of qualitative data shows that most of the YV movement g...
Remembering one's past transgressions of a social norm is known as an effective paradigm for enhancing pro-social and ecological behaviours. Our study aimed to show that reminding norm transgressions can arise cognitive dissonance and can lead to behavioural change as induced hypocrisy does. In particular, we tested whether inconsistency between th...
Les effets de l’hypocrisie induite, paradigme de la dissonance cognitive, peuvent être imputés à l’inconsistance qui existe entre une attitude socialement et personnellement désirable et des comportements quotidiens qui vont à l’encontre de cette attitude. Ce paradigme s’avère efficace pour amener les personnes à agir de façon plus responsable ou c...
AimThe aim of this work is to study the link between locus of control and competitive anxiety. We hypothesized that subjects were anxious in performance tasks, had more beliefs in external control and less beliefs in internal control than subjects that were not anxious.Patients and methodOne hundred and fifty high level tennis players from six diff...
The studies presented in this paper investigated how our cognitions are influenced by values of liberal ideology. We primed liberal values via coaching and advertising in two experiments. The results confirmed our hypotheses. The first experiment showed that liberal priming is more conducive to individualist attitudes than to neutral ones. Similar...
This paper addresses how cognitive processes may be influenced by different values of liberal ideology. Adopting a priming paradigm, we used adver tising and coaching messages to prime liberal values such as autonomy, hedonism, inter-individual difference and freedom. Compared to neutral priming, liberal priming is more likely to facilitate the ado...
Cet article se propose de discuter de l’expérience du Jeu de la Mort (Nick, 2010) réalisée pour la télévision et répliquant la célèbre étude de Milgram (1963). Après avoir dans un premier temps présenté
les paramètres distinguant la présente reproduction de son illustre prédécesseur, les auteurs abordent les limites méthodologiques de cette expérie...
This article investigates how our cognitions are influenced by various values of liberal ideology. Two pre-tests were used to identify two ordinary and daily objects (advertising and coaching) as vectors of liberal ideology. We used these objects to prime liberal values in two experiments. The results confirmed our hypotheses. The first experiment...
Milgram from the lab to the TV show: Ethical, political and scientific issues
This article discusses about the experiment of the Game of the Death (Nick, 2010) produced for television and partially replicating the famous study of Milgram (1963). In a first part, the authors present the parameters distinguishing the present reproduction from the ini...
Résumé Fondé sur une étude menée simultanément en France et en Chine, cette communication cherche à répondre à la question suivante : est-il utile pour une université d’investir dans des technologies de l’information vertes ? Cette recherche nous apporte des informations sur la perception des individus de la labellisation « verte » d’un objet IT et...
Based upon a study carried out both in France and in China, this communication aims to answer the following question: Is it useful to invest in Green IT for Universities? This research provides information on the perception of individuals with respect to the label "green" placed on an IT object and also highlights the need to take into account the...
Les relations au savoir sont envisagées par le biais d’une approche psychologique et sociale. Nous examinons comment des stéréotypes peuvent affecter nos jugements, nos comportements et notre raisonnement, souvent de façon non consciente. Nous verrons que très souvent le rôle du contexte de réalisation des performances, notamment scolaires, a été s...
À travers un recensement des recherches en psychologie sociale qui se sont intéressées à la question des discriminations entre enfants, les auteurs cherchent à identifier les éléments discriminants réellement saillants dans l’univers de l’enfant. Sans vouloir nier l’existence de processus discriminants, il est en effet intéressant de relever que le...