Olivier Averbuch

Olivier Averbuch
University of Lille · Department of Earth Sciences

Doctor of Philosophy
Assistant Professor in Structural Geology


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Publications (90)
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Deux journées d’excursion sur le terrain ont été organisées les jeudi 20 et vendredi 21 octobre 2022 sur le territoire des dépar- tements du Nord et du Pas-de-Calais, afin de discuter au sein du groupe « FACT-NORD » de Résif-EPOS-France de segments de failles potentiellement actives. Cinq failles ont pu être visitées : 1) la faille de Lille-Hazebro...
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A new structural model is presented for the Permo‐Carboniferous Lorraine Basin (NE France), a major intramountain basin that developed during the latest stages of the Variscan orogeny (ca. 315–270 Ma). Digitalized well logs and reprocessed seismic data were used to decipher the kinematic evolution of this basin located along the Rhenohercynian orog...
U-Pb dating of single detrital zircon grains by laser ablation−inductively coupled plasma−mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) paired with Hf and O isotopic and trace-element analyses provide first-order indicators of the Late Cretaceous−Cenozoic evolution of the southern Ecuadorian magmatic arc. Detrital zircon U-Pb ages define significant clusters that...
Cette étude met l’accent sur le patrimoine géologique et paléontologique particulièrement riche et diversifié du Boulonnais. Les terrains dévoniens ont notamment donné lieu à de très nombreuses études grâce au développement de nombreuses carrières et au creusement de tranchées de voies ferrées. Malheureusement les affleurements sont de plus en plus...
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La dynamique d’un front de chaîne de montagnes résulte d’interactions entre les processus de déformation (la tectonique) qui initient les reliefs et les processus de surface (l’érosion, la sédimentation, le climat) qui les détruisent. Souvent étudiée à partir d’exemples naturels récents, cette thématique est peu abordée sur des chaînes de montagnes...
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In NW Europe, the late Carboniferous Variscan collision between the Laurussia and the Armorica‐Gondwana continental blocks led to the development of a crustal‐scale north‐verging thrust system along the southern Laurussian margin. In northern France, the 3‐D geometry and kinematics of the Variscan deformation front have been investigated on the bas...
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To provide a better picture of the active geodynamics along the Variscan suture zones during the late collisional stage (particularly regarding the evolution of the orogenic system towards HT conditions), we focused here on vaugnerites, which consist of mafic ultra-potassic magmatic rocks, intrusive into the granite-gneiss sequences of the Variscan...
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La Manche orientale a été affectée et façonnée depuis le Mésozoïque par des évènements tectoniques localisés le long de limites de plaques (ouverture de l’Océan Atlantique Nord, orogenèses pyrénéenne et alpine). Actuellement, le Bassin de Dieppe-Hampshire correspond à un synclinal NW-SE traversant la Manche dans sa partie orientale. Les états de co...
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The WATER project (Western Aegean Tectonic Evolution and Reactivations) focuses on the study of a tectonically active domain of the northwestern Aegean Sea (Greece): the Oreoi Channel and the North Evia Gulf. This Oreoi Channel-North Evia Gulf domain, including the onshore Sperchios basin, is a key area located at the junction between the extension...
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Les mécanismes de l’inversion tectonique négative, c’est à dire la reprise en extension de structures compressives héritées, sont peu étudiés par rapport à ceux de l’inversion tectonique positive qui correspond à la reprise en compression d’anciennes structures extensives. Il s’agit cependant d’un processus géologique courant durant les dernières p...
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L'étude du front de déformation varisque septentrional revêt un intérêt particulier puisqu'il permet de contraindre la dynamique tardive de la collision, à la fin du Carbonifère, alors que les domaines internes, préalablement structurés dès le Dévonien supérieur, tendent à s'affaisser au coeur du système orogénique. Au cours des 20 dernières années...
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La structure du « Dôme du Mélantois » est un anticlinal E-W à fort rayon de courbure situé au SE de la métropole de Lille. Né de la réactivation tertiaire de failles profondes enracinées dans le socle varisque, il fait affleurer la craie du Sénonien de part et d’autre des bassins tertiaires de Flandres au Nord et d’Orchies au Sud. Les rares possibi...
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La dynamique d’un front de chaîne de montagnes résulte d’interactions entre les processus de déformation (la tectonique) qui initient les reliefs et les processus de surface (l’érosion, la sédimentation, le climat) qui les détruisent. Souvent étudiée à partir d’exemples naturels récents, cette thématique est peu abordée sur des chaînes de montagnes...
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The mechanisms of negative tectonic inversion, i.e. the reactivation in extension of inherited compressional structures, have received little attention compared with those of positive tectonic inversion in which old extensional structures have been reactivated in shortening. However, these are quite common during the late tectonic phases of the evo...
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The Eastern English Channel has been shaped since Mesozoic times by distant tectonic events along European plate boundaries (opening of the North Atlantic Ocean, Pyrenean and Alpine orogeneses). Currently, the Dieppe-Hampshire Basin corresponds regionally to a NW-SE oriented syncline crossing the English Channel with the terminations of the basin o...
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The Dieppe-Hampshire Basin, located in the Eastern English Channel and part of the Anglo-Paris Basin, developed during the Paleogene coeval with an overall tectonic inversion of Western European basins, in response to the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean and Pyrenean-Alpine deformation episodes. Former studies provided a first outlook of the str...
The organic-rich deposits of Late Devonian age are the second most important petroleum source rocks in the Ghadames Basin (Libya). From available stratigraphy, the peak of organic matter deposition, corresponding to a level of radioactive shales easily recognized in gamma ray logs, occurred at the Frasnian-Famennian transition. The present study wa...
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La dynamique d'un front de chaîne de montagnes résulte d'interactions entre les processus de déformation (la tectonique) qui initient les reliefs et les processus de surface (l'érosion, la sédimentation, le climat) qui les détruisent. Souvent étudiée à partir d'exemples naturels récents, cette thématique est peu abordée sur des chaînes de montagnes...
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We studied a potential petroleum source rock deposited in a clastic-dominated ramp environment: the Argiles de Châtillon Formation (Kimmeridgian-Tithonian, Boulonnais area, northern France). The formation was deposited along a proximal-distal gradient on this ramp affected by synsedimentary fault movements. A sedimentological, mineralogical and geo...
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The Dieppe-Hampshire Basin, located in the eastern English Channel, between SE of England and the French Coast, developed within the Anglo-Paris Basin during the Cenozoic, a period of overall tectonic inversion, in response to the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean and Pyrenean-Alpine deformation episodes. Former studies have given a first idea of...
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The Dieppe-Hampshire Basin is a Cenozoic basin crossing the eastern English Channel. This basin and its borders developed during the Cenozoic, a period of overall tectonic inversion, in response to the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean and Pyrenean-alpine deformation episodes. Both extensional and subsequent compressional deformations within this...
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The Dieppe-Hampshire Basin is a Cenozoic basin crossing the eastern English Channel, between SE of England and the French coast. This basin and its borders developed during the Cenozoic, a period of overall tectonic inversion, in response to the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean and Pyrenean-alpine deformation episodes. Both extensional and subse...
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Présentation à l’occasion de l’Assemblée Générale de la Société Géologique du Nord
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scaled lateral variations of an organic-rich formation in a ramp-type depositional environment (the Late Jurassic of the Boulonnais, France): impact of the clastic supply. – Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 188, n° thématique (sous presse). Abstract We studied a potential petroleum source rock deposited in a clastic-dominated ramp envir...
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Le Bassin de Dieppe-Hampshire est un bassin tertiaire situé en Manche orientale qui s’étend du Sud-Est de l’Angleterre jusqu’au littoral fran¸cais des régions Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Picardie et Haute-Normandie. Ce domaine se met en place dans un contexte d’inversion des bassins mésozoïques bordiers, en réponse à l’ouverture de l’Atlantique Nord et aux...
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Le projet “ TREMOR ” (Tectonique REcente en Manche ORientale) s’inscrit dans une problé- matique générale visant à mieux identifier et caractériser les systèmes fracturés qui se développent sur le plateau continental de la Manche, dans la continuité des structures tectoniques reconnues à terre dans le bassin anglo-parisien en Haute-Normandie, Picar...
The Upper Paleozoic geodynamic evolution is discussed at the scale of a wide part of Gondwana from North Africa to Arabia. With the aim of giving an integrated tectonic scenario for the study domain, we revisit six key areas, namely, the Anti-Atlas Belt (Morocco), the Bechar Basin (west Algeria), the Hassi R’Mel High (central Algeria), the Talemeza...
The Late Jurassic deposits of the Boulonnais area (N-France) represent the proximal lateral-equivalent of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation; they accumulated on a clastic-dominated ramp subject to synsedimentary faulting as a result of the Atlantic Ocean rifting. In the Gris-Nez Cape area, i.e., close to the northern border fault zone of the Jurassic b...
The Paris basin (northern France) is a Late Paleozoic-Mesozoic intracratonic basin that settled upon the collapsed Variscan collisional belt. The lithospheric roots of the Variscan orogenic system, below the Paris basin, have been investigated using a European-scale P-wave velocity tomographic model. Tomography points out the existence of a signifi...
The latest Jurassic of the Boulonnais cliffs (N-France, Strait of Dover) corresponds to a homoclinal ramp-type depositional environment, where sedimentation was clastic-dominated (marlstones-sandstones). The Tithonian marlstone formations exhibit two or three carbonate beds in the vicinity of Wimereux city (3 beds at Wimereux-North and 2 beds at Wi...
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A synthesis of existing borehole data and seismic profiles has been conducted in the Artois area (northern France), along the northern border of the Paris basin, in order to explore the possible control exerted at depth by the Upper Carboniferous Variscan thrust front on the distribution of Late Paleozoic-Mesozoic depositional centers and their sub...
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To provide a new insight into the diagenetic versus detrital origin of the magnetic susceptibility variations in ancient carbonate sequences, a study was conducted within four Frasnian–Famennian platform carbonate sections from Germany, France and Morocco. The study includes along-section magnetic susceptibility and carbonate content measurements c...
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The causes of the well-known Late Ordovician-Hirnantian glaciation remain largely debated. This global cooling event is generally attributed to a severe decrease of atmospheric pCO2 during a time of general greenhouse climate but its duration is not fully determined. The climate perturbation is synchronous with one of the biggest biotic crisis of t...
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The Ordovician is known as a period with high temperatures and high sea levels and a cooling event at the end of the period, leading to the Hirnantian glaciation and the first of the ‘big five’ mass extinctions of marine life. The cause of this cooling event remains unclear. Several authors correlate it with a drop in atmospheric pCO2 to a threshol...
Conference Paper
Zircon crystals were examined in order to assess the volcanic origin of three Kbentonites of late Frasnian age. The levels L3 and L6 were sampled in the Lion quarry (Frasnes-lez-Couvin, Belgium). They belong to the lower rhenana conodont zone. The SS layer, from the Steinbruch Schmidt quarry (Germany), belongs to the upper rhenana conodont zone. Th...
Rock magnetic (magnetic susceptibility and hysteresis parameters) and geochemical analyses (major and trace elements) were carried out on whole rock samples of two Frasnian– Famennian boundary sections, Anajdam and Bou-Ounebdou in the Central Morocco (Western Meseta). During the Frasnian, the decreasing trend of the magnetic susceptibility signal,...
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Rock magnetic (magnetic susceptibility and hysteresis parameters) and geochemical analyses (major and trace elements) were carried out on whole rock samples of two Frasnian–Famennian boundary sections, Anajdam and Bou-Ounebdou in the Central Morocco (Western Meseta). During the Frasnian, the decreasing trend of the magnetic susceptibility signal, m...
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In the Harz Mountains (Germany), three Late Devonian sections, Aeketal, Hühnertal and Kellwassertal, were analyzed for major- and trace-element concentration. The inorganic geochemical data were used to determine the environmental conditions, associated with the deposition of the two Late Frasnian black Kellwasser horizons in a submarine-rise envir...
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The Ardennes fold-and-thrust belt (N France-S Belgium) is part of the western European Variscan belt. It represents the eastern tip of the Northern France Variscan arcuate thrust front and consists of fold-thrust structures showing a general ENE-WSW trend (about N060E) developed in a sequence of top-to the NNW thrusting. Along localized corridors,...
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The Late Devonian Frasnian-Famennian (F-F) mass extinction event coincides in many places with the depositionof Corg-rich “Kellwasser” facies. Four F-F boundary sections representative of platform and basin environments from widely separated locations (Morocco, Germany, and France) were analysed for inorganic geochemistry, especially trace elements...
The Late Devonian Frasnian-Famennian (F-F) mass extinction event coincides in many places with the depositionof Corg-rich “Kellwasser” facies. Four F-F boundary sections representative of platform and basin environments from widely separated locations (Morocco, Germany, and France) were analysed for inorganic geochemistry, especially trace elements...
The 3D kinematics of the fold–thrust structures within the Meuse Valley Recess (MVR) (Ardennes Variscan thrust belt, N France–S Belgium) have been investigated using an integrated approach combining geological mapping, cross-section analyses and studies of magnetic fabrics and paleomagnetic data at a total of 52 sites distributed within the study a...
The Late Devonian was a period of drastic environmental changes, as exemplified by a major biotic crisis at the Frasnian–Famennian boundary (FFB) and the onset in Famennian times of glaciations across southern Gondwana. Worldwide evidence for the coeval development of the major Acadian–Eovariscan belt led us to propose a model relating the Late Fra...
This study is based on an analysis of seismic, gravimetric and magnetic data to model the structure of the Dover Straits area. The Dover Straits are set in a transitional position within the Brabant para-autochthon, which lies between the Ardennes allochthon to the south and the Brabant Massif to the north. The seismic profiles show that this area...
The Frasnian–Famennian (F-F) transition is well exposed in the basinal setting of La Serre (Montagne Noire, France), where oxygen-deficient conditions prevailed in bottom environments. In this paper, we study the F-F transition using inorganic geochemistry (notably, major elements, redox-sensitive and/or sulphide-forming trace metals, and productiv...
Recent structural data obtained within the Boulonnais thrust belt along the Northern Variscan thrust front provide a new insight into the deformation history of the Variscan belt. The zone under study recorded the latest increments of inversion of the Rheno-hercynian basin in Late Westphalian—Early Stephanian times (ca 305 Ma). Thrusting within the...
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De nouvelles données paléomagnétiques ont été acquises dans le massif des Ardennes (N France-S de la Belgique), au front septentrional de la chaîne varisque, afin d’établir des contraintes temporelles sur les déformations plissées- faillées et mettre en évidence d’éventuelles rotations autour d’axes horizontaux associées à l’existence de virgations...
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The geometry and dynamics of the Mesozoic basins of the Weald–Boulonnais area have been controlled by the distribution of preexisting Variscan structures. The emergent Variscan frontal thrust faults are predominantly E–W oriented in southern England while in northern France they have a largely NW–SE orientation.Extension related to Tethyan and Atla...
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We present a dataset including clay mineralogy, gamma-ray spectrometry, organic matter content and magnetic susceptibility of the Hettangian to lowest Sinemurian successions of Dorset and Somerset, southern UK (Blue Lias Formation, Bristol Channel and Wessex basins). In both areas, the clay assemblages comprise predominantly detrital illite, kaolin...
Late Devonian time (Famennian, 376--362 Ma BP) is a period of both intense orogenic activity and drastic climatic variations with the onset of a major glaciation event upon parts of the Gondwanian Southern America and Africa situated in high southern latitudes. This global cooling event is coeval with a significant fall in the atmospheric CO_2 cont...
The structure of the Variscan thrust front (N France, S Belgium) has been investigated with a special emphasis on the lateral discontinuities affecting the thrust wedge and associated structural strike deviations. We focused on the geometry and kinematics of the Dinant virgation zone (DVZ) using structural, magnetic fabric and palaeomagnetic data....
Palaeomagnetic investigations were carried out in Devonian–early Carboniferous rocks of the Variscan foreland chain of Northern France–Southern Belgium in order to reveal the origin of its arcuate shape. The Brabant Parautochthon was sampled in the Boulonnais (near Calais) and near Tournai, while the Ardenne Allochthon was sampled near Maubeuge and...
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The present study was carried out in the Holy Cross Mountains (HCM) of south-central Poland and includes computation of palaeostresses following Angelier's method and field structural analysis. The Palaeozoic basement of the HCM comprises two tectonic units separated by the major WNW–ESE-striking Holy Cross Fault (HCF). Fold analysis indicates a N–...
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Calcite and sedimentary fills in fractures cutting the Upper Devonian carbonates in the Holy Cross Mountains (HCM) and Boulonnais (B) were dated palaeomagnetically by comparison with the Apparent Polar Wander Path (APWP) for Baltica in order to constrain age of faults. Here we present results obtained from calcite and sedimentary fills of two selec...
This paper presents new results of a petrofabric study from Cambrian slates cropping out within the anchi–epimetamorphic core of the Rocroi massif (Ardennes Variscan fold-thrust belt of northern France and southern Belgium). This study includes measurements of the Anisotropy of the Isothermal Remanent Magnetisation (AIRM) and the phyllosilicate pre...
Clay mineral, grain-size and magnetic susceptibility measurements have been performed on a high resolution sampling of Pleistocene clayey silts and silty clays drilled at ODP Site 902 (Hole D) located on the upper slope off New Jersey (NW Atlantic). The combination of data from different techniques, and their comparison with δ18O and Gamma-Ray Atte...
The thrust-sheets outcropping in the ‘Basse-Normandie’ quarry (near the Hydrequent village, Boulonnais, N France) represents an exceptionally well exposed section of the NW European Variscan thrust front. These structures, developed in the footwall of the main Hydrequent thrust, have been often described as a classic example of a duplex structure....
This paper presents some new results of Anisotropy of Isothermal Remanent Magnetization (AIRM) of some Cambrian sites from the core of the Rocroi Massif (Belgian-French Ardenne). These data complete the former results of magnetic fabric using the anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) and of magnetic mineralogy which was undertaken in 47 sites...
This paper presents new results concerning kinematics of folding of Upper Paleozoic rocks from the Ardenne allochthonous units near Givet. The study is based on a precise geometric characterization of two decametric fold structures (the Montigny and Heer folds) and the definition of the related strain markers (cleavage, veins and microfaults). Thes...