Oliver Stickel

Oliver Stickel

M.Sc. in Human Computer Interaction


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Additional affiliations
January 2014 - January 2018
Birzeit University
  • Visiting Researcher
  • Field research, consultations and development of joint project proposals in/with collaborators from the Middle East
March 2015 - October 2019
University of Siegen
  • Research Associate, Fab Lab manager, project coordinator
  • After graduating, I stayed at Uni Siegen as a researcher to continue building Fab Lab Siegen into a sustainable infrastructure. Apart from leading the Lab, I worked on/in in different projects, wrote a lot of grant proposals, published and did a lot of teaching.


Publications (33)
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10 years ago, Castellani et al. (Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work, vol. 18, no. 2–3, 2009, pp. 199–227, 2009) showed that using just an audio channel for remote troubleshooting can lead to a range of problems and already envisioned a future in which augmented reality (AR) could solve many of these issues. In the meantime, AR technolog...
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D-Drucker, Lasercutter, Mikrocontroller: Start-ups, Maker*innen und andere Kreative verwirklichen mit diesen Werkzeugen der digitalen Fabrikation heute eigene Produktideen. Fab Labs sind Offene Werkstätten, die erklären, wie diese Tools funktionieren. Inzwischen gibt es über 2000 Fab Labs, und ihre Zahl verdoppelt sich alle zwei Jahre, seit ein MIT...
Conference Paper
Fab Labs and "Maker" practices have been recognized in research and practice as contexts that facilitate creativity, knowledge sharing and collaboration [4], [10]. Personal digital fabrication is getting increasing attention from various fields like education, engineering, innovation, design, humanitarian aid or regional development [6], [1], [7],...
Conference Paper
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This contribution describes the current state of the ongoing German federal research project 'FAB101' which explores Fab Labs and their role in German academia for three years by way of a real-world, action-oriented research infrastructure of four existing (Fab) Labs at universities. Currently, the results point to infrastructure, collaboration asp...
Conference Paper
This contribution summarizes the agenda and some first results of a three-year research project on the integration of Fab Labs in German universities and academic practices.
Conference Paper
Based on a 2014 case study on 3D-printing in Palestinian refugee camps in the West Bank, we reflect on more general issues regarding research activities in ›developmental‹ contexts. To this end, we draw upon discussions about and critique of our own work as well as critical discourses from the field of Information and Communication Technologies/Hum...
Conference Paper
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3D printing has become an area of intense interest in a variety of disciplines ranging from industry through education, humanitarian and innovation contexts on a research and practice level. At the same time, technologies, materials, usages and appropriation are in constant flux. 3D printing is, however just one of the many facet of digital fabrica...
Conference Paper
3D printing has 1 become an area of intense interest in many disciplines ranging from industry through education, humanitarian and innovation contexts to research. At the same time, technologies, materials, usages and appropriation are in constant flux. 3D printing is but one of the many facet of digital fabrication, the digitalization of more sect...
Do it! Yourself? - Selbermachen ist eine Praxis mit wechselnden Konjunkturen und Slogans. Dieser Band zielt auf die kritische Revision des Phänomens und liegt damit quer zu (markt-)gängigen Texten, die sich vielfach im Lob und in Anleitungen erschöpfen. Die Autor_innen befassen sich empirisch fundiert mit dem Wechselspiel zwischen Diskursen und Pra...
HCI and CSCW research as well as practice has strongly indicated the value of integrating (end) users in software development processes. Such integration can help address actual needs and wants, to avoid undesirable developments and to strengthen the User Experience of a product. A user-focused approach to software development has some conceptual o...
Conference Paper
We try to provide an insight into digital fabrication from the point of view of infrastructuring as a holisitc research and practice lens from Computer Supported Collaborative Work. Our position paper serves as a discussion contribution for the workshop "Additive Fabrication/3D Printing – Technology, Impact and Chances" at Informatik 2016
Conference Paper
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We work with a multinational network of computer clubs for families and children called come IN. In two such clubs (located in Palestinian refugee camps in the West Bank), we worked with children on playful approaches concerning 3D modeling and 3D printing within a five-week, qualitative field study. Based on this study, we report on the achievemen...
Conference Paper
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Die Vorteile, Nutzer aktiv, früh und langfristig in Entwicklungsprozesse zu integrieren, um Fehlentwicklungen zu vermeiden und Nutzerbedürfnisse zu adressieren, sind nicht nur in der akademischen Forschung bekannt. Prozesse und Strukturen in Unternehmen der IKT-Branche sind bereits häufig agil implementiert. Dennoch schaffen es kleine und mittlere...
Conference Paper
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Fragebögen sind ein beliebtes und bewährtes Mittel in Usability-Studien. Sie werden oft im Rahmen von Usability-Tests verwendet. Solche Tests stellen jedoch oft künstliche Situationen dar. Data logging, also das automatische Sammeln von Nutzungsdaten, kann hingegen Einblicke in die Nutzung von Applikationen im echten Nutzungskontext geben. Diese Me...
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This thesis covers Making@Palestine, a project in which my colleague Dominik Hornung and myself introduced marginalized Palestinian children in two refugee camps in the West Bank to playful 3D modeling and 3D printing. The goal was to investigate into the potential of Making and digital fabrication in the framing of the research project come_IN whi...
Conference Paper
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In this contribution, we detail Making@Palestine, a five-week qualitative field study in which we introduced Palestinian refugee children in the West Bank to playful 3D modelling and 3D printing. We analyse 3D printing on a technology as well as an artifact level and identify its potential for participation and empowerment in developmental contexts...
Conference Paper
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Digital fabrication technologies have a great potential for empowering consumers to produce their own creations. However, despite the growing availability of digital fabrication technologies in shared machine shops such as FabLabs or University Labs, they are often perceived as difficult to use, especially by users with limited technological aptitu...
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In diesem Beitrag thematisieren wir Bottom-Up- oder Graswurzel-Bewegungen im Raum Siegen, die durch die Umnutzung und Transformation bestehender Ressourcen, Artefakte oder Räume charakterisiert sind. Nach einer allgemeinen Einführung beschreiben wir drei Siegener Bottom-Up-Bewegungen näher: den Siegener Hackspace, den Greenspace (Urbaner Garten) so...
Conference Paper
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In this contribution, we address issues relating to the area of tension between User Centered Design (UCD) and agile software development. It reflects on a case study in a Ger-man software development company that focused on how this company integrates customer feedback and UCD into their agile practices. We identified aspects crucial for UCD as in...
Conference Paper
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Come_IN computer clubs are well established and long-running constructionist facilities in Germany and Palestine in which children and adults can learn, play and collaborate on projects using ICT. We are currently expanding the clubs into the realms of making, tinkering and digital fabrication. This paper outlines the clubs, their educational backg...
Conference Paper
In diesem Beitrag stellen wir die Ergebnisse einer empirischen Feldstudie bei einem bekannten deut-schen Softwareunternehmen vor. Das Ziel war es, den dort durchgeführten Entwicklungsprozess unter Einbeziehung der Nutzer besser zu verstehen, um von einem erfolgreichen Beispiel zu lernen. Inner-halb dieser Arbeit betrachten wir Benutzerbeteiligung a...
Conference Paper
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Cheaper and more prevalent 3D printing technology offers new and emerging opportunities for non-experts to make and produce their very own physical items and products. However, most 3D modeling software is still geared towards experts and not as inclusive as the printing technology itself. At the same time, tools are usually limited in their possib...
Conference Paper
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Come_IN computer clubs are a well-established approach to foster learning, social networks and integration in German neighborhoods with a high percentage of migrant population. We have transferred this concept to a different part of the world: a Palestinian refugee camp. Similar to the German neighborhoods we deal with, refugee camps are also the r...
Conference Paper
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Over the last years, digital fabrication technologies such as 3D printers have become more and more common at universities and small businesses as well as in communities of hobbyist makers. The high complexity of such technologies, the rapid technological progress and the close link between hardware and software in this field poses challenges for u...
Conference Paper
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In this working paper, we present first results from ethnographic research into common issues faced by Urban Gardening groups such as coordination or awareness problems. Based on our preliminary analysis, we then propose first design mockups for supportive ICT systems consisting of stationary, solar powered and radio connected devices in the Garden...
Conference Paper
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Third Places are informal gathering places in which people gather between home and work. Based on findings of our empirical study we uncover that most of the characteristics of Third Places also fit in 3D printer communities. With this paper we want to discuss the question if and how 3D printers and/or other maker machinery might act as potential b...


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