Olga Shurekova

Olga Shurekova
A.P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute | VSEGEI · Stratigraphy and paleontology

Master of Research


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Scientific interests: Palynology (spores, pollen, dinoflagellates) Jurassic and Cretaceous: stratigraphy, paleogeography. Current research: Palynostratigraphy Jurassic-Cretaceous deposits of the Boreal region, Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous of the Crimean Mountains.
Additional affiliations
January 2007 - present
AO "Geologorazvedka"
  • Senior Researcher
March 1989 - December 2006
All-Russia Research Institute of Oil and Geological Prospecting (VNIGRI)
  • Researcher
September 1983 - May 1989
St Petersburg University
Field of study
  • Historical geology


Publications (60)
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This paper summarizes the state of knowledge of the Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Mountainous Crimea and selected biostratigraphic groups and magnetostratigraphy. The first part of the paper discusses the Early Cretaceous, its stratigraphy, selected fossil groups and magnetostratigraphy of the Mountainous Crimea. The data on the figured reference...
The results of the study of microfossils of the Strenoceras niortense Zone of the Upper Bajocian of Karachay-Cherkessian Republic are presented. The zone is represented mainly by dark gray silty-sandy clays, with nodules scattered in the stratum, often forming interbeds, and belongs to the lower part of the upper subformation of the Djangura Format...
Microfossils of the Strenoceras niortense Zone of the Upper Bajocian of the Karachay-Cherkessian Republic are studied. The zone is represented mainly by dark gray silty-sandy clays, with scattered nodules often arranged in interbeds, and belongs to the lower part of the upper subformation of the Djangura Formation. The taxonomic composition and di...
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A shallow well was drilled in the East Siberian Sea for the first time with the purpose of geological study of the suture zone of deep waters of the Arctic Ocean and marginal structures of the continental shelf. The works have been carried out at the initiative of the Federal Agency on Mineral Resources (Rosnedra) in August 2022. The well was drill...
Впервые с целью геологического изучения зоны сочленения глубоководных акваторий Северного Ледовитого океана и окраинных структур континентального шельфа по инициативе Фе- дерального агентства по недропользованию силами ФГБУ ВСЕГЕИ и АО “Росгеология” и при со- действии ПАО НК “Роснефть” в августе 2022 г. было выполнено бурение малоглубинной скважины...
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Rare ostracods and a rich dinocyst assemblage Cerbia tabulatа were found in the first studied section near the village of Izyumovka (Eastern Crimea). According to dinoflagellates, the age of the stud�ied section is Late Barremian – the Earliest Aptian
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The findings of ammonites in the Pavlovka outcrops of the Baydar depression indicate the Ja�cobi zone of the Berriasian. The assemblage of dinocysts from two outcrops is compared with those of the upper part of the Tithonian and the lower part of the Berriasian of the Crimea. Ostracods are mainly char�acteristic of the Tithonian – Valanginian of th...
Glendonites are carbonate pseudomorphs after ikaite are used as indicators of near-freezing temperatures. We describe the first glendonites of Middle–Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age from the Barents Shelf, including the first glendonites of Late Barremian–Early Aptian age ever discovered on Earth and provide the detailed mineralogical-geochem...
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The results of integrate biostratigraphic study of Upper Jurassic deposits of the clay pit near the village of Valy (Syzran district, Samara region) are presented. For the first time a bed-by-bed description was made and the subdivision of the section into zones, subzones and biohorizons by ammonites was established. Bauhini and Kitchini zones (Bay...
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The Article presents the first data on ostracods and dinocysts from the Hauterivian of the SouthWest Crimea. Two outcrops, near Golubinka Village (Belbek River basin) and near Vysokoe Village (Kacha River basin) were studied. 20 samples were analyzed. The samples were processed using common micropalaeontological preparation techniques. The distribu...
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Data on Mesozoic palynomorphs and ostracods of the Bodrak River Basin (Southwestern Crimea) are presented. The argillites of the tectonic melange zone contain Toarcian palynomorphs of the Lower Jurassic, redeposited Triassic spores and pollen; Early Jurassic ostracodes have been identified for the first time. In the argillite breccia from the base...
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Microfossils of the upper Bajocian Garantiana garantiana Zone of the Kyafar River (a tributary of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River, Karachay-Cherkess Republic) are studied. The zone is represented by dark gray claystone-like clay series with sporadically scattered nodules, often forming interlayers, and is recognized in the upper subformation of the Dja...
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Приведены результаты изучения микрофоссилий зоны Garantiana garantiana верхнего байоса р. Кяфар (приток р. Большой Зеленчук, Карачаево-Черкесия). Зона представлена глинами темно-серыми, аргиллитоподобными, с рассеянными в толще конкрециями, часто образующими прослои, и относится к верхней подсвите джангурской свиты. Установлены систематический сост...
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Microfossils of the upper Bajocian Garantiana garantiana Zone of the Kyafar River (a tributary of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River, Karachay-Cherkess Republic) are studied. The zone is represented by dark gray claystone-like clay series with sporadically scattered nodules, often forming interlayers, and is recognized in the upper subformation of the Dja...
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Рассмотрены аномальные разрезы баженовской и георгиевской свит Западной Сибири (верхняя юра – нижний мел), осложненные незакономерным присутствием в их строении алевро-глинисто-песчаных тел. С позиций корреляции и биостратиграфии приводится обоснование несинхронного, более позднего формирования последних по отношению к георгиевско-баженовским отлож...
Conference Paper
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This is the summary of bio- and magnetostratigraphic study results obtained for lower Cretaceous sequences of Koklyuk Mt. (the East Crimea). Eight dinocyst assemblages are established in compliance with the known events of the first and the last occurrence of the species. The results of magnetostratigraphic correlation show that the studied section...
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The paper presents the results of the micropaleontological study of the upper part of Sultanovka formation and Zelenogorsk formation (Berriasian) near Alekseevka village (Belogorsk area, Central Crimea). The representative assemblages of foraminifers and ostracods, as well as calpionellids and palynomorphs, are found in the Sultanovka formation. Th...
Conference Paper
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The core of wells: Sarmatskaya-3 and 4, Khvalynskaya-5 (Caspian Sea) has been comprehensively studied (sedimentology, micro-, macrofauna, palynology, stable isotopes, paleo- and petromagnetism). The sections were correlated on a Member-scale, and their age was determined: Lower-, Upper Tithonian, Berriasian (or their Boreal analogues: Middle-, Uppe...
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The two dinocysts assemblages has established in the Berriasian of the Northern Caucasus, Russia. They are correlated with coeval assemblages of the Crimean Mountains.
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This paper presents the results of palynological study of Barremian-Aptian strata of Russian Barents Sea. The sections are correlated both regionally and globally. The assemblages are compared to the zonations for northern latitudes and correspondent areas.
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This paper contains the results of a comprehensive study of the standard Rarecostites subarietis Subzone of the upper Bajocian Parkinsonia parkinsoni Zone in sections on the Kyafar River (a tributary of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River, Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia). The subzone is represented by shales with marl interbeds and sideritic concretions of th...
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Our data from studies over many years on upper Tithonian-Berriasian strata of the Crimean Mountains are summarised. Their zonal subdivision has been significantly refined using ammonites and foraminifera, as well as on the basis of calpionellid, ostracod and dinocyst distributions. We have been able to document the presence of all standard Tethyan...
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The results of a comprehensive study of the standard subzone Rarecostites subarietis of the Upper Bajocian Parkinsonia parkinsoni Zone in sections along the Kyafar River (a tributary of the Bolshoy Zelenchuk River, Karachay-Cherkessia) are presented. The subzone is represented by mudstones with interbeds of marl and siderite concretions belonging t...
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Euthymi, Crassicostatum and Callisto ammonite subzones, correlable with Paramimounum, Picteti, and Alpillensis subzones and probably with the Late Berriasian Otopeta Subzone of the Boissieri Standard Zone have been recognized in calcareous clays of the Berriasian-Valanginian boundary sequence in the Feodosiya district (eastern Crimea). The ammonite...
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Thorough study of foraminifers, ostracods and dinoflagellate remnants from the Zavodskaya Balka and Koklyuk sections helps to characterize the detailed biostratigraphic division of the Berriasian / Valanginian boundary sequence in the Feodosiya district of eastern Crimea. The foraminifer and dinocyst associations from the lower part of the sequence...
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The study of ammonites from the upper part of the Upper Bajocian and lower part of the Lower Bathonian in the sections of the basin of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk (Karachay-Cherkessia) allowed the recognition of Beds with Parkinsonia djanelidzei (approximate equivalent of the middle part of the Parkinsonia parkinsoni Chronozone) and Beds with Oraniceras...
Our data from studies over many years on upper Tithonian–Berriasian strata of the Crimean Mountains are summarised and commented upon. Their zonal subdivision has been significantly refined using ammonites and foraminifera, as well as on the basis of calpionellid, ostracod and dinocyst distributions. We have been able to document the presence of al...
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The results bio-, magnetostratigraphic, cyclostratigraphic, lithological and mineralogic studies of the upper part of Sultanovskaya formation and Zelenogorskaya formation near v. Alexeevka (Belogorskiy region of Crimea) were presented in current work. The results of lithological and mineralogic analysis argues for the stratigraphic break between “S...
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The results bio-, magnetostratigraphic, cyclostratigraphic, lithological and mineralogic studies of the upper part of Sultanovskaya formation and Zelenogorskaya formation near v. Alexeevka (Belogorskiy region of Crimea) were presented in current work. The results of lithological and mineralogic analysis argues for the stratigraphic break between “S...
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The results of bio- and magnetostratigraphic investigations in the uppermost part of Upper Berriasian “Zavodskaya Balka” section (Feodosiya, Crimea) are presented. For the fi rst time the representatives of Riasanites genus (Ammonoidea) have been found in this section. By biostratigraphic correlation, based on ammonites, the studied section is an a...
Conference Paper
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For the first time the dinocysts assemblage Ctenidodinium sellwoodii have been distinguished in the Crimea. The assemblage is analogue of the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) dinocysts assemblages from England, North Bulgaria, central Poland and Iran. Ammonites, ostracods and diagnosed foraminiferas are absent in the studied section. There are several f...
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The results of the integrated study of well-known Chigan Cape section (Primorsky Krai) provide a possibility to locate the position of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary. Paleomagnetic, palynological and micropaleontological (foraminifera) data together with ammonite characteristic were received for the first time for the Chigan Formation
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The results of the integrated study of the section located at the cape of Chigan (Primorsky Krai) bring a possibility to specify the position of the Jurassic / Cretaceous boundary. Paleomagnetic, palynological and micropaleontological (foraminiferal) data combined with ammonite characteristics were received for the Chigan Formation for the first ti...
Conference Paper
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The results of bio- and magnetostratigraphic investigations of the uppermost Upper Berriasian in Zavodskaya Balka section (Feodosiya, Crimea) are presented. The ammonites of the genus Riasanites (Ammonoidea) were found in this section for the first time. The studied section corresponds to Boissieri Zone (Crassicostatum Subzone) of standard Tethyan...
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Palynostratigraphy of Berriasian-Cenomanian sediments of Western Siberia, Russia.
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The most complete composite Berriasian bio- and magnetostratigraphic section of central Crimea is characterized for the first time with a description of the contact between the carbonate Bedenekyr and terrigenous Bechku formations. The section contains all the standard ammonite zones: jacobi, occitanica, and boissieri. The Malbosiceras chaperi Beds...
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The most complete composite Berriasian bio- and magnetostratigraphic section of central Crimea is characterized for the first time with a description of the contact between the carbonate Bedenekyr and terrigenous Bechku formations. The section contains all the standard ammonite zones: jacobi, occitanica, and boissieri. The Malbosiceras chaperi Beds...
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The most complete composite Berriasian bio- and magnetostratigraphic section of central Crimea is characterized for the first time with a description of the contact between the carbonate Bedenekyr and terrigenous Bechku formations. The section contains all the standard ammonite zones: jacobi, occitanica, and boissieri. The Malbosiceras chaperi Beds...
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The article presents the results of comprehensive detailed lithological and paleontological study of core Abalak and Bazhenov Formation on a number of wells the central part of Western Siberia. Describes the features of the propagation residues macro- and micro-biota in the sequence, their taxonomic associations and paleoecology (bivalves, brachiop...
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The results of bio-and magnetostratigraphic investigations in the uppermost part of Upper Berriasian "Zavodskaya Balka" section (Feodosiya, Crimea) are presented. For the first time the representatives of Riasanites genus (Ammonoidea) have been found in this section. By biostratigraphic correlation, based on ammonites, the studied section is an age...
Conference Paper
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Five subsequent dinocyst assemblages have been distinguished within stratigraphically undivided lower Cretaceous sedimentary sequence drilled out by wells on the northern shelf of the Caspian Sea. These assemblages permitted to date and correlate the productive Neokomian horizons. Analysis of palaeogeographic and stratigraphic distribution of the d...
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The Berriasian deposits of the central Crimea have been studied in order to compose a composite sequence of the stage with detailed palaeontological characterization. The Berriasian includes the Bedenekyrskaya Formation (packstones), Bechku Formation (silt-stones, sandstones) and Kuchkinskaya Formation (sponge packstones, clays, siltstones, and cor...
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The Article presents the first data on ostracods and dinocysts from the Hauterivian of the South-West Crimea. Two outcrops, near Golubinka Village (Belbek River basin) and near Vysokoe Village (Kacha River basin) were studied. 20 samples were analyzed. The samples were processed using common micropalaeontological preparation techniques. Distributio...
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The Berriasian deposits of the central Crimea have been studied in order to compose a composite sequence of the stage with detailed palaeontological characterization. The Berriasian includes the Bedenekyrskaya Formation (packstones), Bechku Formation (silt-stones, sandstones) and Kuchkinskaya Formation (sponge packstones, clays, siltstones, and cor...
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In the Jurassic and lower Cretaceous series of wells Shtokman area established six palynoassemblages, which for the first time in addition to spores and pollen showed dinoflagellates and freshwater algae. Most definitions of age made of cores Shtokmanovskaya-6 well which column is divided on sequences and is accompanied by the new definitions, incl...
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The monograph presents the results o f litho-, bio- and magnetostratigraphic study o f the M ountainous Crimea Berriasian. Characteristics o f main types o f the Berriasian sections are given; formational stratification o f the Berriasian deposits is substantiated. 80 ammonite species, 9 aptychi species, 45 bivalve mollusk species, 5 brachiopod spe...
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The monograph presents the results o f litho-, bio- and magnetostratigraphic study o f the Mountainous Crimea Berriasian. Characteristics o f main types o f the Berriasian sections are given; formational stratification o f the Berriasian deposits is substantiated. 80 ammonite species, 9 aptychi species, 45 bivalve mollusk species, 5 brachiopod spec...
Conference Paper
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Foraminifers, spores and pollen, dinocysts from Bajocian, Bathonian, Lower Callovian and Lower Barremian of Northern Caspian.
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To study natural polymorphism, pollen grains should be collected from ecologically clean sites. Taking the ecological conditions at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century as more favorable than the modern state, herbarium material (LE) was examined. In addition to typical (normally developed) pollen grains, we found tw...


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