Olga NešporováInstitute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences · Dep. of Critical Heritage Studies
Olga Nešporová
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Critical Heritage Studies; Burial and Funeral Ceremonies; Cemeteries and Burial Grounds; Religious Studies; Sociology of Family; Parenthood, Intergenerational Relations; Combining Work and Care; Homelessness; Family and Social Policy
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September 2004 - December 2024
Publications (51)
Letošní rok byl pro českou etnologii a antropologii významný tím, že se v Brně konala doposud největší mezinárodní vědecká akce daných oborů na našem území, a sice 16. kongres Société Internationale d’Ethnologie et de Folklore (SIEF). Této prestižní bianuální konference se zúčastnilo téměř tisíc osob. Potkali se zde zkušení i začínající odborníci z...
The article focuses on the definition and description of basic forms of parenthood in homoparental families, i.e. families in which a child or children are raised by two parents of the same sex. The findings are based on the results of a qualitative phenomenological survey involving 37 in-depth interviews with same-sex parents. The research approac...
Článek popisuje historii sborů pro občanské záležitosti v české části bývalého Československa v 50. až 80. letech 20 století. Využity byly dva hlavní datové zdroje. Prvním byl hloubkové rozhovory s pohřebními profesionály, někdy zároveň členy sborů pro občanské záležitosti, kteří realizovali pohřební obřady ve sledovaném období. Druhým byly příručk...
The authors examine funeral reform in the second half of the 20th century in Central and Eastern Europe via the historical comparative analysis approach. Examining the case studies of Czechoslovakia and Hungary, the article argues that although the newly-developed civil (socialist) funeral ceremonies in the two countries followed a similar pattern,...
Zpráva o rodině 2020 volně navazuje na Zprávu o rodině 2017, aktualizuje ji a rozšiřuje o specifické téma "(ne)stabilita rodiny". Zpráva vychází z analýz administrativních a statistických datových zdrojů a je doplněna o výsledky sociologických výběrových šetření. Ke klíčovým závěrům těchto analýz patří v rámci vybraných oblastí následující: Demogra...
The article focuses on the use of childcare for preschool-age children in 13 European countries with different models of maternal employment. Employing a comparative approach it relates care arrangements to family policy measures. Childcare policies and practices in post-communist countries (the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia,...
Publikace přináší výsledky sčítání osob bez domova, které jsme realizovali na území České republiky v dubnu 2019. Sčítány byly osoby bez střechy nad hlavou a vybrané kategorie osob bez bytu podle mezinárodní typologie ETHOS. Kategorie bez střechy byla sečtena celá, tedy jak osoby spící venku, tak osoby v noclehárnách. Z kategorie bez bytu jsme sčít...
Kniha přináší analytický pohled na české rodiny a jejich proměny od počátku tisíciletí. Sleduje každodenní život rodin, jejich potřeby, problémy a faktory, které mohou fungování a soudržnost rodin ohrozit. Autorky věnují pozornost rovněž vztahům v rodině a plnění jejích výkonných funkcí v době proměnlivých společenských a ekonomických podmínek, jak...
Using longitudinal qualitative research, the study focuses on the transition to fatherhood and the life changes which fatherhood effects in men’s everyday lives. Comparative thematic analysis was used in the study of data provided by two waves of research focusing on 16 dual-earner Czech parental couples. The first wave of interviews took place dur...
The chapter draws on recent scientific findings on the participation of fathers in childcare, and the perception of the role of fathers by both men and women in the Czech Republic. We apply a mixed method approach, combining qualitative data from longitudinal research on transition to motherhood and fatherhood (TransPARENT), which traced 16 parenta...
It is common for European couples living fairly egalitarian lives to adopt a traditional division of labour at the transition to parenthood. Based on in-depth interviews with 334 parents-to-be in eight European countries, this book explores the implications of family policies and gender culture from the perspective of couples who are expecting thei...
This study provides an outline of plans and norms regarding the first years of fatherhood
and motherhood and focuses on the division of care and paid work between Czech parents. It is based
on 32 interviews conducted with expectant parents from dual-earner heterosexual couples. The ideals and
plans of the expectant parents embedded in real life opt...
The article provides a detailed insight into a critical stage in the life course of young women. It focuses on the transition to first-time motherhood among women with tertiary education in heterosexual dual-earner couples in the Czech Republic. The plans of pregnant women regarding their working lives following the birth of their first child are c...
Nutno konstatovat, že naše mater urbium není přes svoji nezpochybnitelnou přitažlivost i relativně snadnou dostupnost právě častým místem konání velkých mezinárodních vědeckých kongresů, konferencí či sympozií. Tím spíš je třeba se radovat, když občas podobná akce nastane, protože je jak svátkem pro českou vědu, tak – přihlédneme-li k celkovým nákl...
The article focuses on roadside memorials (RSMs) created for the victims of traffic accidents in the Czech Republic. It provides the results of longitudinal field research conducted in central and northern Bohemia in the periods 2005-2008 (first research wave) and 2011-2014 (second research wave). Attention is devoted particularly to the temporalit...
This article provides a comparison of roadside memorials in two European post-communist countries, namely the Czech Republic and Romania. The number of memorials, dedicated to the victims of sudden death, often resulting from traffic accidents, has seen a significant increase in both countries over the last two decades. As the phenomenon appears to...
The article investigates the relationship between parenthood and life satisfaction in the Czech Republic and in the European Union (EU 27). Erikson's concept of generativity, together with the goals theory, was taken as the basis for the authors' assumption that parenthood should increase life satisfaction. An analysis using data from the European...
The changes in funeral practices in Czech society which occurred during the 20th century were more significant than those that took place during the whole of the second millennium. Traditional Roman Catholic Christian funerals which were performed at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries are described as a starting point from which the focus move...
The institution of parenthood has undergone dramatic changes in the past decades, hand-in-hand with the other social changes taking place and mainly affecting socio-economic areas. It was about the 1970’s when women starting making a more distinctive impact on the public sphere and on the labour market, which disrupted the previous concept of priva...
Současné české pohřební obřady výrazným způsobem navazují na dobu vlády komunistického režimu, během kterého se celkem úspěšně podařilo nahradit velkou část náboženských pohřbů pohřby sekulárními. Na pozadí tohoto postupu studie popisuje a analyzuje současnou pohřební praxi, přičemž vychází ze dvou výzkumů, které se vzájemně doplňují. Obecné údaje...
Contemporary Czech last rites follow noticeably those from the Communist era, during which significant part of religious funerals was replaced by forcibly introduced secular funerals. The paper describes and analyzes contemporary funeral practices with background knowledge of this path dependency. Mixed method approach was applied, and two differen...
Religion forms society in a significant way and provides the basic norms of social behaviour. Even if in present-day Czech society almost two-thirds of the population does not belong to any religious denomination, one cannot deny that this society still relates to Christian normas and values. This can be distinctly observed in the family sphere, wh...
The Czech Republic is widely known as 'the least religious' country in the world and most Czechs are quite proud of that fact. The authors, however, challenge both of these characteristics. Czechs might better be considered unchurched than atheist, with various forms of modern New Age spirituality steadily gaining in popularity. Moreover, their rep...
The article overviews the spreading of faith in the afterlife in contemporary Czech society while using data from the international ISSP research focused on religion (1998 and 2008), complemented by qualitative research results on the character of ideas of the afterlife. In the European context, faith in the afterlife is not so common in the Czech...
Evropská populační konference byla v letošním roce výjimečnou událostí, protože jsme na ní zároveň měli možnost oslavit výroční čtvrtstoletí fungování Evropské asociace pro populační studia (EAPS – European Association for Population Studies), která konferenci s dvouletou periodicitou pořádá. Tentokrát ve spojení s Centre ďEstudis Demogràfics Unive...
Otevření veřejné diskuse o smrti a umírání není při v některých ohledech stále ještě platné tabuizaci smrti a kultu mládí v současné české společnosti právě lehkým úkolem. Ujala se jej Asociace poskytovatelů hospicové paliativní péče (APHPP), záštitu nad mezinárodní konferencí převzala Pražská onkologická společnost. Přestože byla konference přístu...
Roadside memorials can be seen more and more often along Czech roads. This way of coping with the death of friend or family member in a road accident spread markedly during the 1990s - twenty years after the number of road traffic fatalities reached its peak. Roadside memorials in the Czech Republic are not officially regulated by either local or t...
The article describes attitudes towards death and funeral rites in contemporary Czech society. It begins by revealing the attitudes to death held by the majority of the Czech population - non-believers. The customary secular funeral ceremony, held in a crematorium, is not entirely well suited to meeting the needs of the bereaved, and this is borne...
A review of the book by Douglas J. Davies.
Volyn Czechs compose a group that has been afforded significant attention by both scientific researchers, as well as by regular citizens. However, despite this interest the topic of religiosity has been mostly neglected and was totally sidetracked away from major interest of researchers who are interested in this group during the post-emigration pe...
A review of the book by Roy A. Rappaport.
A review of the book by Timothy Taylor.
1. vyd. Autorem kapitoly 1 a 2.1 je Zdeněk R. Nešpor