Olga AlexandrouSociety for the Protection of Prespa · Conservation and Research Sector
Olga Alexandrou
Forester - Ornithologist PhD
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Publications (28)
Background/Objectives: In 2022, an outbreak of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) killed 60% of the largest breeding colony of Dalmatian pelicans (DPs) in the world at Mikri Prespa Lake (Greece), prompting a multidisciplinary study on HPAI and other pathogens. This study determines the antimicrobial resistance rates of cloacal enterococc...
In 2022, an outbreak of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) killed 60% of the largest breeding colony of Dalmatian pelican (DP) in the world, at Mikri Prespa Lake (Greece), prompting a multidisciplinary study on HPAI and other pathogens. This study determines the antimicrobial resistance rates of cloacal enterococci and Escherichia coli i...
Greece holds the third largest breeding population of Dalmatian pelican in the world. We present data about the establishment and growth, breeding performance and conservation status for all current six colonies of the species in Greece for the last 40 years. Colony surveys were carried out with various methods, adapted to the particularities of ea...
Time-lapse cameras have been widely used in wildlife research in recent years to assist in data collection. Seven time-lapse cameras were installed on four Dalmatian pelican Pelecanus crispus and Great white pelican P. onocrotalus nesting islets at the Lake Lesser Prespa colony, NW Greece, during the 2015-2016 breeding period. The objectives were t...
The results of the study show that lower mandible lengths of less than 46 cm, denote a 93,3% probability that the individual is female, while for lengths over 47 cm, a 88,2% probability for male. For the interval between 46-47 cm, uncertainty is high. Regarding weight, below 9,5 kg, it is 100% certain that the individual is female, while for over 1...
Proper conservation of large carnivores always entails a robust understanding of their ecology. The
diet is one of the fundamental elements that needs to be well assessed before proposing sound management
measures. The brown bear population in Prespa is shared among three countries – Albania, Greece and
North Macedonia – that considerably vary in h...
Delineating an animal’s home range is crucial for understanding its spatial ecological requirements and vital for management and conservation decisions. We applied a dynamic Brownian Bridge Movement Model to investigate the movements, annual home range (HR) and core area (CA) size of eleven Dalmatian pelicans Pelecanus crispus fitted with satellite...
H παρούσα αναφορά χρησιμοποιεί τα στίγματα παρουσίας πελεκάνων που διαθέτει η ΕΠΠ για την περίοδο 2012-2020 ώστε να προσδιορίσει, χαρτογραφήσει και οριοθετήσει με τον καλύτερο δυνατό τρόπο τις ζώνες τακτικής διάβασης πελεκάνων και να προτείνει τα σημεία και τις περιοχές στις οποίες δεν θα πρέπει να λειτουργήσουν ΑΣΠΗΕ διότι θα θέσουν σε κίνδυνο την...
The Prespa trout Salmo peristericus is an endemic taxon confined to four streams within the trans-boundary Prespa basin (North Macedonia-Albania-Greece). The research, monitoring and conservation project for the Prespa trout Salmo peristericus started in 1998.
The project goal had been to contribute to the conservation of the Prespa trout, which wa...
In waterbirds, formation of mixed-species aggregations has been attributed to
social facilitation and might also allow birds to exploit the ability of other species
to make prey more accessible, to reduce their own time or effort spent in
foraging and correspondingly increase foraging efficiency. However, some
participants in mixed-species flocks m...
Results of the simultaneous one day census carried out in 2016-2018 in SE European countries in May for the two species of EurAsian pelicans
Kerkini Reservoir is the most important wintering wetland for Dalmatian Pelicans in Greece. Since the mid-1980s, Dalmatian pelicans started to increasingly exploit fish discarded in winter by professional fishermen. Later, in the 1990s, increasing numbers of nature photographers visited Kerkini to photograph pelicans at close range, also offering f...
Animal movement is an important determinant of individual survival, population dynamics and ecosystem structure and function. Nonetheless, it is still unclear how local movements are related to resource availability and the spatial arrangement of resources. Using resident bird species and migratory bird species outside the migratory period, we...
Animals typically adjust their behaviour to their changing environment throughout the annual cycle, modulating key processes such as the timing of breeding and the onset of migration. Such behavioural changes are commonly manifested in the movements and the energetic balance of individuals in relation to their species-specific physiological charact...
Ecologists use various data mining techniques to make predictions and estimations, to identify patterns in datasets and relationships between qualitative and quantitative variables, or to classify variables. The aim of this study was to investigate if the application of data mining could be used to study geographical variation in the morphometry, c...
The first SE European pelican census was carried out in seven countries on 7 May 2016 in collaboration with 14 Management Αgencies of protected areas, 3 research institutions and 8 environmental NGOs of which 4 are Birdlife partners. The census involved the Dalmatian pelican (DP), a globally endangered species, and the great white pelican (GWP). It...
Recent changes in the geogrpahical distribution and numbers of great white pelicans in Greece and their possible causes.
The only known breeding colony of the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo in Macedonia is found on the island of Golem Grad, at Lake Prespa. Its size has not been estimated since 1979. To overcome this situation, a nest count was carried out after the breeding season of 2016, covering the entire island. Five teams of two people tried to locate all...
Breeding densities and the breeding biology of the black stork Ciconia nigra were studied in Dadia – Lefkimi – Soufli Forest National Park, north-eastern Greece, during 2006–2008. One hundred and one breeding attempts were monitored during the 3-year study period. In total 271 fledglings were successfully raised during that period. Black storks arr...
Results of the first three simultaneous pelican census in Greece, organised by the Society for the Protection of Prespa, the Hellenic Ornithological Society and 12 management bodies of protected areas hosting pelicans. Main aim was to estimate the numbers of non-breeders present in the country.
Results of the first three simultaneous pelican census in Greece, organised by the Society for the Prrotection of Prespa , the Hellenic Ornithological Society and 12 maanagement boddies of protected areas hosting pelicans. Main aim was to estimate the numbers of non-breeders present in the country.
A b s t r a c t . Nest site preference of black stork nesting in the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli National Park, northeastern Greece was studied through the 2003 - 2004 field seasons. Seventeen nest- trees and their surroundings (0.1 ha circular plot centered at nest-tree) were described and compared to the characteristics of the same number of paired, ran...
Goshawk Accipiter gentilis preferences in terms of nest tree and nest stand (0.2 ha circle centred at nest tree) were studied at 23 nests in north-eastern Greece. Nest-tree and nest-stand characteristics were compared to those measured at paired, randomly selected plots. Goshawks usually nested in Calabrian pines Pinus brutia that were always domin...