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Olena Voloshkina

Olena Voloshkina
Kiev National University of construction and architecture


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Publications (52)
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Experimental experiments with white clay from three deposits of Mykolaiv and red clay from Cherkasy region regarding sorption properties in relation to Cu2+ ions confirmed the ability to use local natural materials in the processes of cleaning from pollution in the water environment. A comparative analysis of red and white clay samples showed that...
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Research contains assessing of the risk of heat stress and the improvement of the comfort of being outdoors for the urban population. The specialized TownScope program, banks of monitoring data of the Copernicus Climate Change Service and the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory were used for the calculations. Calculations were made for...
This research explores the application of quadratic polynomials in Python for advanced data analysis. The study demonstrates how quadratic models can effectively capture nonlinear relationships in complex datasets by leveraging Python libraries such as NumPy, Matplotlib, scikit-learn, and Pandas. The methodology involves fitting quadratic polynomia...
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Objectives This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the role of quadratic polynomials in data modeling and analysis, particularly in representing the curvature of natural phenomena. Methods We begin with a fundamental explanation of quadratic polynomials and describe their general forms and theoretical significance. We then explored...
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Rainwater drainage plays a pivotal role in ensuring road safety. Traditional drainage systems not only entail significant costs but also necessitate ongoing maintenance. Current stormwater inlets often lead to inconsistent water absorption, and factors like climate change and infrastructure wear highlight the pressing need for improvement across de...
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Military actions on the territory of Ukraine cause a negative impact on the quality of water resources due to the ingress of contaminated effluents into underground horizons due to the destruction and/or damage of treatment facilities. This work deals with the definition of theoretical approaches to the quantitative assessment of pollution entering...
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This study provides an assessment of the possible impact of climate change on increas-ing the temperature of water in the sources from which water is taken for open technical cooling systems. In recent years, there has been a decrease in the efficiency of nuclear reactors at Ukraine's nuclear power plants in the hot summer months of the year. Using...
Conference Paper
The paper provides research for applying the theoretical, system, and calculation bases for modeling pollutant and fertilizer migration processes in irrigation zones. Modern models and approaches currently used to solve practical problems of the zone of active water exchange are considered, and a discussion of strategies for their application and s...
Conference Paper
Rainwater drainage is one of the essential components of traffic safety. Rainwater drainage structures are costly, and it needs continuous maintenance. Existing separate stormwater inlets absorb water non-evenly. Climate changes and the wear of drainage infrastructure need to be improved in the systems, even in highly developed countries. Such prob...
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II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Green Construction" was conducted by the Department of Environment Protection Technologies and Labor Safety of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture. Representatives of higher and general educational institutions and private companies took part in the work of the conference....
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These researches concern the use of renewable sources of electricity during emergency shutdowns for uninterrupted operation of water management systems. The ability to purify drinking water during a power outage requires a backup power source. A mobile power plant, which is usually used as a backup power source during blackouts and emergencies, is...
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This work concerns the study of the influence of military actions on the development of global ecological processes, in particular, the fall of acid rain from individual single explosions. A mathematical model is proposed, which takes into account the emission of pollutants into the subcloud washout zone and the kinetics of the condensation process...
Conference Paper
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- Ecosystems and water resources. Engineering. Technologies - Water supply and drainage. Engineering. Technologies - Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning. Engineering. Technologies - Use of thermal energy. Non-traditional sources of energy - Fundamental and applied scientific research. Efficiency. The latest design and operation
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The article deals with the problem of clean water, as for Ukraine, which belongs to the states with a limited amount of water resources and a high level of their use. It has been substantiated that deviations from the standards of water quality, both surface and underground sources, reach 70-80%. Almost a third of the population of villages and tow...
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The purpose of this paper is to confirm for the conditions of Ukraine the hypothesis of a number of foreign authors on the relationship between the presence of air pollution by aerosol particles in urban areas and the number of patients with COVID-19. On the example of the main large cities of Ukraine the analysis between temperature factors, dust...
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The most important component of ecologically safe development of natural and socio-economic systems is the use of nature, which involves the organization of water resources, which ensures sustainable development and for a long time retains sufficient water potential. The ХХІ century is characterized by significant negative changes in the natural en...
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The energy efficiency of the transport system is one of the key issues in the concept of sustainable development of modern cities. Increasing energy efficiency in the transport sector implies increasing the efficiency of the entire transport sector: from modernizing vehicles to introducing energy-efficient comfortable stops for public transport int...
The threat to ecological balance can turn into a global problem, and we observe its deviations, which arise as a result of complex relationships between natural and social environments. Direct and indirect human impact on Earth's ecosystems together and interdependently form the planet's ecosystem, resulting in changes in the social environment of...
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The article substantiates the relationship between environmental safety and energy efficiency – as the main components on the way to sustainable development of society. The existing approaches to defining the essence of environmental safety are considered, its characteristic features are detailed, the basic practical principles of its provision are...
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The methodic of evaluation of the innerdrain hydraulic of the water flow along the length of the drains of the ranney drainage (water uptake) on summary inflow to them is developed. The methodic is based on the mathematical models which allow more fully to take into account the complex real flow character and the hydraulic conditions in the zone of...
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The article deals with the issues related to the environmental aspects of the development of economic production performance and their impact on the sustainability of production development. Reaching a certain level of technogenic safety and the ability to influence it through a number of organizational and technical measures are the factors for im...
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The comparison of complex epidemiological (cohort, case-control and ecological) studies of Radon influence on incidence of lung cancer among mining populations of world mines and residents of the city of Rivne was conducted. The calculation of additional relative risk for the residents of the city of Rivne by the method of epidemiological ecologica...
Conference Paper
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У збірнику наведені матеріали I Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Зелене будівництво» за напрямками: реалізація проектів зеленого будівництва в Україні; зелене будівництво в архітектурі та містобудуванні; енергоефективність будівельних проектів; передові інженерні системи та технології зеленого будівництва; екологічні стандарти будівельни...
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The study is devoted to the estimation of pollution deposit caused by vehicles into the city to-tal greenhouse gases emissions and to the forecast of the secondary air pollution with formal-dehyde. The present study contains mathematic model which allows getting the estimation of vehicles emission in the total amount of polluted atmospheric air. Th...
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The general methodic of forecasting the flow and moisture-salt transfer processes in saturated-unsaturated media on the base of the methods of mathematic modeling for case of the arbitrary vertical domains is proposed.The practical example of the solution the migration problem of pollutions at filtration from the irrigated channel to reservoir is d...
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Аналіз ступеня забруднення атмосферного повітря на урбанізованих територіях виявив його залежність від зростання кількості особистих автотранспортних засобів, які працюють на традиційному паливі. У роботі доведено можливість застосування теорії конвективної струмини для оцінки та прогнозу забруднення атмосферного повітря мегаполісів залежно від мет...
An analysis of the degree of atmospheric air pollution in urban areas showed its dependence on a growing number of personal vehicles operating on traditional fuels. This work proves the possibility of applying the theory of a convective jet for estimating and forecasting atmospheric air pollution in megacities, depending on weather conditions and t...
The analysis of the actual air condition in the city of Kyiv in the areas of big overpasses and crossroads shows that the average annual concentration of formaldehyde more than 3 times exceeds the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of this toxic substance. One of the most powerful sources of formaldehyde formation in the air of the city is mot...
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The problem of air pollution in the cities of Ukraine was described. The methodology of calculation of hydrocarbon emission on automobile overpasses and crossroads of Kyiv was suggested. By the number of bands, the number of cars was determined. The calculation has shown that at the same time near 300 cars can be on the overpass during peak hours....
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In the work, based on the mathematical model of the estimation of secondary contamination by formaldehyde from the emissions of road transport, proposed by the authors, the formula for determining the concentration of HFC in the atmospheric air over automobile overpasses is obtained. Conducted calculations of average monthly concentrations of forma...
This article deals with the analysis of existing models of smog situation formation over automobile overpasses and in places of substantial congestion of transport in large cities, for example, in Kyiv. A mathematical model consisting of two blocks – dynamic and kinetic, which allows determining the formation of the thermal dome of pollution and th...
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This article deals with the analysis of existing models of smog situation formation over automobile overpasses and in places of substantial congestion of transport in large cities, for example, in Kyiv. A mathematical model consisting of two blocks – dynamic and kinetic, which allows determining the formation of the thermal dome of pollution and th...
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The issues of improving the methodology for determining the risk of labor activity using the model of «ecological niche» are considered in the presence of a number of harmful and dangerous factors for human beings in the production environment. The possibility of using an ecological niche for mathematical modeling and industrial risk indicators has...
In this paper, an analysis of the influence of solar cycles on the seasonal change in rainfall and the possibility of a more accurate forecast of these changes were carried out. The territory of the Carpathian region of Ukraine was selected for research. The data collection, namely the numerical values of the amount of precipitation used, was carri...
They determined the way the dangerous factors caused by the processes of flooding influence on environment and living conditions, they are the following: they estimated water resources quality, violation of water balance conditions on the flooded territories (the loss of drainage capacity of rivers and underground drainage formation), the process o...
The contents of 11 elements (Al, Ca, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Si, Zn) in the fruit bodies of 9 myxomycetes species collected in the French and Italian Alps were analyzed. The comparison of the elements concentrations in Diderma alpinum, D. fallax, D. globosum, Lamproderma arcyrioides, L. echinosporum, L. pseudomaculatum, Physarum alpestre, Ph. v...


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